The best diets for weight loss in 3 days. Diet menu for 3 days: banana, kefir, chocolate, apple, drinking, cottage cheese, egg, chicken

The best diets for weight loss in 3 days. Diet menu for 3 days: banana, kefir, chocolate, apple, drinking, cottage cheese, egg, chicken

How to quickly lose weight and hold the weight is a question that excites many people. The article will help you figure it out.

Too often people began to ask questions like: “How to lose weight quickly? Ka lose weight in a week and not gain weight? ” The answers to them are obvious - nothing.

Any irrational weight loss will one way or another will lead to weight gain. Short diets, unfortunately, are just such weight loss. But even from such diets there is a benefit if they approach their choice wisely.

Losing weight and transformation
Losing weight and transformation

The best diet for weight loss in 3 days

Dramatically lose weight in 3 days is unrealistic. The maximum plumb line will be no more than three kilograms. Sometimes a plumb line may not be at all.

No matter how hard you try if your original weight is not too large, three -day diets will not bring much benefit to you. But on them you can significantly unload your body, cleanse the stomach and intestines.

If you need to urgently throw a couple of kilograms to some important event-choose short and hard diets, for example: buckwheat, rice, egg and others. Below are the menu of such diets.

Fire diet for 3 days on buckwheat: menu

The unloading diet on buckwheat is one of the most popular. The buckwheat is not expensive, it is available to everyone, it does not need to be cooked, but just pour water or kefir at night.

In addition, buckwheat is very nutritious and useful. Group contains only 320 to 360 kcal per 100 grams, which proves its low -calorie content. 100 g of buckwheat in dry form after cooking turn into a good portion.

So, what products are allowed on a unloading diet on buckwheat for 3 days:

  • Buckwheat grain
  • Kefir
  • Milk
  • Nekrahravy vegetables (mainly cucumbers, pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, onions, greens)
  • Apples
Buckwheat diet
Buckwheat diet

How to make a menu?

It is very simple to make a menu for a buckwheat: the more a kilogram you need to throw off, the less products you need to include in the diet. The most difficult option is one buckwheat for three days.

Buckwheat-kefir diet for 3 days.

At night, steam buckwheat with water. To do this, 1-1.5 cups of dry buckwheat should be poured with boiling water and left under the lid until morning. In the morning you can start a meal. This recipe is the same for any bunch diet for 3 days.

Next, you need to drink 1.5 liters of fresh kefir during each day (fat content is about 2%, you can eat less steamed buckwheat. This is difficult, but for lovers of hard restrictions, this diet is suitable.

It is also suitable for those who urgently need to lose a couple of kilograms to get into their favorite dress in front of an important event. Kefir can be replaced with low -fat milk (3.2%).

Buckwheat-kefir diet
Buckwheat-kefir diet

On a note! If you do not like milk or kefir at all, you can drink buckwheat with water, unsweetened tea or coffee. But a portion of buckwheat should be 1.5 times more. That is, for example, not a glass of buckwheat, but 1.5 cups. Not 1.5 cups, but 2.

Another version of the unloading diet on buckwheat for 3 days is buckwheat-vegetable diet.

In addition to the buckwheat, waned at night, you can eat any necra -sailed vegetables raw. For example, cut 2 tomatoes into finished buckwheat and mix.

Many people like this combination. Or make a vegetable salad for yourself, season it with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or other non -calorie dressing.

The number of vegetables is usually not limited, but still there is a recommended norm - no more than 500 g of vegetables per day. You will receive a lot of vitamins and fiber.

The latter cleans the intestines very well. Kefir is not recommended to drink, but if hunger does not allow you to exist normally, you can drink 1-2 cups of skim kefir during the day.

Buckwheat-veil diet
Buckwheat-veil diet

Another option is to add apples to buckwheat. If you are one of those people who do not like fruits, take a closer look at the buckwheat-veil unloading diet for 3 days. The plumb line on them will be approximately the same: from 0.5 to 2 kg in 3 days.

Fire diet for 3 days in rice, menu

For a three -day diet, you will need about the same set of products and their combinations as for buckwheat diet. Only instead of buckwheat take rice. You can leave vegetables, kefir and even apples.

However, it should be noted that rice must be cooked without salt, milk, sugar and oil. Ideally, you need steamed or brown rice, but not round or polished.

In the first there are a lot of vitamins and dietary fibers (fiber). In addition, they retain a feeling of satiety longer, because they do not contain quick carbohydrates.

Rice diet
Rice diet

Note! For a three -day diet, take a glass of rice cereal, boil it without salt, rinse. This is your diet for a day if you do not plan to add vegetables and fruits.

Banana diet for 3 days

Another option for a quick diet. But this time you will not have to choke on porridge, because almost everyone loves bananas. Can it be otherwise? A delicious sweet fruit that even children love. It is believed that bananas can even allergy sufferers.

The banana diet is easily tolerated. Banans quickly give a feeling of satiety. During the day, you can eat up to 7 bananas (depending on the size). This is about 750-800 kcal. For an unloading day, a good result.

Banana diet
Banana diet

Important! If you really love fruits and cannot live without them, a banana diet is your salvation.

Otherwise, you may not like the idea to eat for three days alone bananas. In this regard, consider the following options for a banana diet for 3 days:

  1. 3-4 bananas, pack of cottage cheese (200 g) 1.8%
  2. 3-4 bananas and 3 medium green apples (they have less sugar)
  3. 4 bananas and glasses of low -fat milk or kefir (you can make cocktails and smoothies!)
  4. 4 bananas and 2 good bundles of greenery (parsley, spinach, basil, mint, lemon balm). From this set you can make beautiful cocktails if you add water and beat in a blender
Banana diet cocktails
Banana diet cocktails

You can easily alternate the proposed options. For example, one day there are bananas with apples, the other is bananas with greens. It will also be boring.

Kefir diet for 3 days

Kefir three -day diet fights in first place in popularity with buckwheat diet. But it is worth saying that a kefir diet is transferred for 3 days is much more complicated than the same buckwheat.

Drinking one kefir for three days is very difficult. Especially if you are accustomed to breakfast, dinner and dinner before that before that.

Kefir diet for 3 days
Kefir diet for 3 days

Fortunately for you, there are other options for a three -day kefir diet, which are much easier to transfer:

  1. 1 liter of kefir and a pack of cottage cheese (up to 1.8%). To make it more pleasant to eat cottage cheese and kefir, a half pack of cottage cheese and a glass of kefir beat in a blender. You can even add a teaspoon of honey for sweetness. Now it’s not so disgusting to drink, even very tasty
  2. 1 liter of skim kefir and 1 liter of skim milk. You can again make cocktails, or you can alternate kefir and milk during the day
  3. 2 bananas and 500 ml of low -fat kefir
  4. 2 apples and 500 ml of low -fat kefir
  5. A kilogram of cucumbers (or 300 g of tomato and 700 g of cucumbers) and 1 liter of low -fat kefir
Kefir-vegetable diet for 3 days
Kefir-vegetable diet for 3 days

Interesting! Kefir is very useful for our intestinal microflora, it soothes nerves, normalizes digestion. But no matter how you like kefir, do not get carried away with a kefir diet for a very long time. Three days is a decent time to test your willpower.

Curd diet for 3 days, menu

This is where there is an opportunity to walk around is on a curd diet. Cottage cheese, of course, is not a fruit, not everyone loves it, but for the sake of a beautiful and slender figure, sometimes you have to tolerate.

How much cottage cheese should I eat on a curd diet? If we take into account that the recommended calorie content of cottage cheese is 5%so as not to lose fatty fats for the female body, then 500 g of cottage cheese per day will be enough. Do not forget that the calorie content of the five percent cottage cheese is 120 kcal.

Curd diet for 3 days for weight loss
Curd diet for 3 days for weight loss

Remember! Do not get carried away with low -fat cottage cheese! Despite the fact that its calorie content is less (which means you can eat it more), it does not contain the required amount of fats, so your body will suffer much on such a diet!

Another pleasant part on the cottage cheese diet: fruits and berries! This is a great addition for a three -day cottage cheese diet. Options:

  1. 2 bananas and 300 g of cottage cheese
  2. 500 ml of low -fat kefir (2 cups) and 300 g of cottage cheese 5%
  3. 2-3 peaches and 300 g of cottage cheese
  4. 2 red or green apples and 350 g of cottage cheese
  5. Teaspoon of honey, 400 g of cottage cheese
  6. Teaspoon of honey, banana, 300 g of cottage cheese

Important! From these combinations, make up a suitable menu. Do not forget that each option under the number is a set of products for one day.

Curd diet for 3 days
Curd diet for 3 days

The most daring can eat 500 g of cottage cheese daily for three days. This is much more complicated. If you have decided to take such a step for various reasons, follow the water rate (1.5 liters per day), take daily walks, refuse coffee, replace it with herbal tea without sugar. Then the results of the diet will please you.

Chocolate diet for 3 days, menu

One of the sweetest and most delicious diets is chocolate. Everyone dreams of losing weight, eating sweets? The chocolate diet contributes to this! A good mood on this diet is provided to you.

It is worth noting that not every chocolate is suitable for a chocolate diet. A strict taboo is applied to some types of chocolate.

Chocolate for chocolate diet
Chocolate for chocolate diet

Chocolate diet rules:

  • Porous, milk, dark chocolate is banned. Only Gorky is welcome
  • You can choose chocolate with nuts. It is tastier and more nutritious
  • Cocoa content should not be below 70%
  • 1 chocolate tile per day (100 g)
  • Limit the consumption of coffee and tea for a time of chocolate diet. Chocolate itself has an exciting effect

Attention! If you suffer from increased, or low pressure, insomnia, diabetes, nervous disorders - abandon the chocolate diet! Otherwise, you will aggravate your condition.

If you are not enough for one chocolate during the day, you can drink a glass of kefir of small fat content in the evening. Kefir is well soothing, and after a whole day on chocolate, this is simply necessary.

Chocolate diet
Chocolate diet

Warning! Do not get carried away with a chocolate diet. 3 days are the best time for a chocolate diet.

Apple diet for 3 days, menu

Diet on apples is no less effective in previous diets. The apples contain iron, vitamins C, B, E. They contain few calories) about 50 per 100 grams, so they are the best suited for a three -day diet, and the entire dietary balanced diet as a whole.

What should be the menu of a three -day diet on apples?For quick weight loss, select the hardest option. To cleanse the body, it is enough in addition to apples to eat vegetables and cottage cheese.

Apple diet
Apple diet

Three -day diet on apples, strict options:

  1. 1.5 kg of apples during the day. From drinking water, tea, coffee
  2. 1 kg of apples and 0.5 liters of low -fat kefir

Three -day diet on apples, non -thorough options:

  1. 0.7 kg of apples, 2 bananas
  2. 700 g of apples, a pack of cottage cheese of low -fat or low -fat (200 grams)
  3. 1 kg of apples, 1 egg, 100 g of cottage cheese
  4. 1 kg of apples, 500 g of cucumbers, 200 g of tomatoes
  5. 1 kg of apples, 2 fryed toast from whole-grain or rye bread (each piece of 25-30 g)
  6. 700 g of apples, teaspoon of honey, 2 cups kefir

Important! If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer), give up an apple diet.

Apple diet for weight loss for 3 days
Apple diet for weight loss for 3 days

Egg diet for 3 days, menu

Egg diets are suitable for those who like to eat deliciously and satisfying. Eggs give a feeling of satiety for a long time, despite the fact that they really contain a lot of vitamins, protein.

The yolk contains fats useful to our body. Therefore, if you decide to sit on an egg diet, eat the entire eggs without separating the protein from the yolk.

Fortunately, you do not have to have only eggs for three days. You can do omelets, casseroles, fried eggs.

Important! Refuse an egg diet if you have diabetes, or problems with a chair.

Egg diet for 3 days
Egg diet for 3 days

Diet options for 3 days from eggs:

  1. 3 eggs, 200 g of tomato and 100 g of milk. You can make an omelet from this set, or you can just eat separately
  2. 3 eggs, a piece of whole grain or rye bread (25 g) and cucumbers. Cucumbers can be eaten up to 1 kg
  3. 3 eggs and 3 cups kefir
  4. 3 eggs and 2 boiled potatoes
  5. 2 eggs, 1 protein, a bunch of greens, 2 cups of milk

The most strict option involves the use of 4 eggs every day for three days. This is 12 eggs in 3 days. While doctors recommend eating no more than 5 eggs per week. Of course, this is your choice, but remember the state of your health.

Loss of weight on this diet can reach three kilograms! This is due to the fact that the eggs are a protein product, respectively, during the diet, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet is greatly reduced. This is the key factor in losing weight.

Attention! Repeat such a diet more than once a month is extremely not recommended!

Spring Salad of Cabbage and Radishes

Chicken diet for 3 days, menu

Another high -protein diet is chicken. Chicken breast for many has become an integral source of protein in the diet. How many people owe her their ideal figure simply not to count.

It is not sacred that there is a diet for weight loss based on chicken breast. Why exactly on the breast, and not on the lower leg? Because the breast contains the least amount of fat.

Note! The diet on is suitable for those who have problems with liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines.

The menu with a strict chicken for 3 days includes the use of 500 grams of chicken breast daily. Very tough and effective.

The only thing that can be added to such a diet is a few cucumbers and a glass of kefir. The option is suitable for the most persistent and experienced losing weight. If you are a beginner, choose another, easier option.

Chicken diet for 3 days
Chicken diet for 3 days

Light options for chicken for 3 days. Under each number - the menu of one day:

  1. 300 grams of chicken breast, a pack of low -fat cottage cheese (200 grams), unlimited cucumbers, salad leaves and cabbage leaves
  2. 300 grams of chicken breast, 2 cups of kefir or milk (low -fat), egg, cucumbers or cabbage
  3. 250 grams of chicken breast, 2 pieces of rye or whole grain bread
  4. 250 g of chicken, a piece of low -fat cheese (30 grams), a piece of bread, as in the previous version (only 1 piece), you can drink a glass of kefir at night if severe hunger
  5. 300 grams of chicken, vegetables from the list (cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian sweet pepper, cabbage), greens. Vegetables no more than 1 kg

As you can see, the chicken diet is not very hungry. It is not necessary to have a boiled breast for three whole days. It can be marked in kefir and baked with spices and vegetables in the oven, you can put it out in water, milk or kefir. You can even make chicken cutlets. Show the fantasy that the diet is not torture for you.

Important! In any version, the chicken of the diet is allowed greens in any quantity (spinach, arugula, salad, parsley, dill, cins, basil)

Chicken diet for 3 days
Chicken diet for 3 days

Drinking diet for 3 days, menu

From the name it is clear that a drinking diet implies plentiful drink and lack of solid food. Sometimes it is recommended for ulcer patients. But as a means for losing weight, a drinking diet is not the safest option.

The principles of drinking diet:

  • The total calorie content per day should not exceed 700 kcal
  • You can drink almost everything, with the exception of alcoholic beverages
  • Solid food in the diet should not be present

What can you drink on a drinking diet:

  • Low -fat broth
  • Milk
  • Kefir
  • Ryazhenka
  • Yogurt
  • Snowball
  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Water
  • Juice
  • Smoothies
  • Compote
Drinking diet
Drinking diet

Losing weight on a drinking diet occurs rapidly by reducing the contents of the intestine. Usually on a drinking person on average loses 1 kg per day. If you never sat on diets, your weight loss can be up to 1 kg 300 grams.

Do not forget that a drinking diet is an emergency measure and is not suitable for everyone. From a drinking diet you need to go smoothly so as not to harm the body.

From each diet you need to smoothly, gradually leave, so as not to type all the kilograms dropped back. This is especially true for diets above. Do not increase calorie content immediately, then you will maintain the result.

Simple recommendations for a three -day diet: video

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, the diets are really good. But on the only diet, it is quite difficult to keep yourself in shape. Physical activity is required. From the diet, for example, the priest will not become elastic!))
    With the help of a complex of exercises for the press and buttocks, I made myself just a model from the cover- nothing superfluous, everything is elastic and fit. It's nice to see in the mirror.

  2. Oh, they will not help me for three days. I generally decided to buy myself capsules of model form forms 18 plus. A familiar nutritionist in general advised them. Natural composition. And they speak well on the Internet)

  3. I think that diets are the most terrible thing that could be. Why rob yourself? It is better to eat right and balanced. For example, I chose fractional nutrition-3 basic meals and 2 percuses (usually turboslim bars). Now, by the way, on TNT the competition is held, you can win a whole basket of such bars, and this is good savings)

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