Very severe abdominal pain with menstruation. How to reduce menstrual pains: tablets, drugs and folk remedies for pain in menstruation

Very severe abdominal pain with menstruation. How to reduce menstrual pains: tablets, drugs and folk remedies for pain in menstruation

The abdominal pain during menstruation in just a couple of hours bring some women to complete incapacity. However, a comprehensive view of the problem today can help most of them.

How to get rid of pain with menstruation? This issue excites more than 40% of all women of childbearing age. One - just drink a few glasses of delicious juice. Others have to be treated for a long time and hard. But what can we do?

Menstrual pain symptoms

Unpleasant sensations in the peritoneum can begin already 5-8 days before the output of the inner shell of the uterus. Initially, the infrequent weak “sipping” in the ovary area is felt, to which sharply twitching pains over the entire height of the uterus are added over time.

The stomach hurts only on certain days!

Directly menstrual pain symptoms:

  • cramping and twisting uterine cramps
  • feeling of a foreign body in the stomach
  • pulling, squeezing pain in the uterus, switches to the intestines and into the lower back, intestinal cramps
  • shooting pain in the ovaries, kidneys, along the entire length of the spine, in the head

The cause of pain in menstruation

The main "culprit" of pain during menstruation is hormone -like substances prostaglandins. They irritate the nerve endings of tissues in which they have developed, which cause uterine abbreviations and endometrial outlets with secrets and blood.

It hurts for a reason!

Another common the cause of pain in menstruation - Endometriosis. Those same uterine endometrial cells that should come out during menstruation germinate into the surrounding tissues of the peritoneum or rise into the ovaries. The active synthesis of prostaglandins makes them exfoliate, swell and collapse simultaneously with everyone else.

Why is there severe pains with menstruation in adolescents?

Some teenage girls physiologically do not have time to fully form before the first menstruation. This applies to both the structure of the body and the balance of hormones responsible for the cycle.

Teenagers suffer no less than adults!

Why is there severe pains with menstruation in adolescents?

Yes, just underdeveloped or incorrectly located uterus does not give free menstrual blood. Going up, it literally presses on the surrounding organs and annoys trillions of highly sensitive pain receptors. A teenage estrogen-progery background "Pours oils into the fire."

Why does the lower back hurt a lot with menstruation?

Most often, unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region during menstruation are caused by swelling and excessive overstrain, as well as giving out (irradiating) pain.

The processes of the vertebrae dig into the swollen back muscles and injure them. And the reflex mechanisms for the spread of nerve impulses make mee menstrual pain literally throughout the body.

A source of pain is in the stomach!

Why does the lower back hurt a lot with menstruation?

Existing ailments can also contribute to this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • fibroma
  • devplasia of the cervix
  • endometriosis
  • polycystic ovary

Why does the back hurt a lot with menstruation?

The uterus of the child who has taken out the child, although it returns to normal, still acquires somewhat other sizes. During the menstruation of this “extra” volume, there is enough to infringe on the nerve endings of the pelvis, squeezing blood vessels and deterioration of blood microcirculation in the lower back.

Childbirth does not always stop menstrual pain!

Why does the back hurt a lot with menstruation?
The female uterus can increase in size not only during pregnancy, but also under the influence of the progression of non -specific postpartum diseases:

  • fibroids
  • hyperplasia of endometrium
  • passing the pelvic organs

Important: all such gynecological shortcomings affect the back with radiological (reflected) pain.

How to relieve pain with menstruation?

Significantly reduce painful manifestations before or during menstruation help:

  1. Food enriched with potassium and calcium. The lack of these elements significantly enhance the frequency and strength of uterine contractions
  2. Surgery or special gynecological treatment of functional problems of the uterus
  3. Comprehensive hormonal treatment to restore the required balance of biologically active substances acting on the uterus
  4. Medications and supporting pharmacy drugs
  5. Traditional medicine and physical exercises

You need to choose the most suitable option for getting rid of pain!

How to relieve pain with menstruation?

You must definitely monitor your health and eat right. Pharmacies and simple body movements will help to cope with the remaining problems.

Tablets and preparations for pain during menstruation

To get rid of unpleasant sensations, doctors recommend antispasmodics, complex analgesics and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. Among the others are most in demand:

  • no-shpa
  • papaverine
  • tempalgin
  • spasmalgon
  • baralgin
  • ibuprofen

The choice of saving drugs is great!

If the above tablets and preparations for pain during menstruation They are not suitable (they give unacceptable side effects), then paracetamol can be used. To achieve high-quality anesthesia, it must be taken at a dose of 3-4 tablets every 6-8 hours. However, the official instruction for the medicine indicates a possible danger of such self -medication.

What helps with severe pain with menstruation?

In some women, menstruation is extremely painful: the sensations when reducing the uterus are comparable with birth fights. At the same time, spasm also “moves” to the intestines, which causes painful three -day diarrhea.

In such situations, Ketanov and Tamipul rescue (2 tablets every 12 hours). The first, however, is sold according to the recipe. Both drugs are very soft on organs and practically do not cause side effects.

With unbearable pain, it is better to go to the gynecologist!

What helps with severe pain with menstruation yet? In extreme cases, you can use analgin and Solpadein.
However, it is quite difficult to predict the strength and scale of the side effects of these drugs on the nervous system. Even with third and subsequent tricks.

Folk remedies for menstrual pain

In addition to herbal decoctions from horsetails, tansy, tanks and oregano, sweet pepper is considered an extremely effective remedy for pain during menstruation. At the same time, it is used as a salad base or freshly squeezed juice.

And without potent drugs you can heal!
And without potent drugs you can heal!

Other folk menstrual pains:

  • asparkam in tablets (usually used for other purposes)
  • dried and fresh apricots, grapes, bananas
  • pumpkin, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds
  • wheat bran and sprouted wheat

Treatment of severe pain during menstruation

Not many exercises are able to alleviate pain in the abdomen during menstruation, but they really exist! For example:

  • it is necessary, sitting on fitball / widely spreading the legs and crouching, make circular movements of the pelvis in both directions alternately
  • it is necessary for the maximum possible time to take the pose “Mom washes the floor” from the position of standing, in the slope with your hands it is advisable to touch the feet
  • it is required to sit or lie with a “kalachik” in different positions-razors alternately

This is one of the most convenient poses for menstrual pain!

This is one of the most convenient poses for menstrual pain!

Treatment of severe pain with menstruation physical exertion Another kind is contraindicated in view of the possibility of heavy bleeding. By the way, they will help to resolve the finished tincture of water pepper.

How to relieve menstrual pains: tips and reviews

REVIEW: I suffer terribly in the first three days after the start of menstruation. I am saved by Sedalgin or Ibuprofen. It seems to me that nothing but pills or injections will be able to calm this terrible pain !!!

REVIEWGod forbid to be treated with analgin! Now I know how drug addicts feel like a high. Maybe. The gynecologist said that he acts on many. Girls! Be careful!

REVIEW: I once brought me a whole bucket of sweet pepper from a summer house. I in salads for a week and was crucified. Monthly went in a week. And I did not feel the moment of their onset at all. Since then I have been eating pepper at the first opportunity. What I recommend to you.

REVIEW: My severe pains with menstruation removes it. The girlfriend advised. And the gynecologist insists on taking hormonal contraceptives. So far I refuse. I am afraid of various side effects.

REVIEW: And I was advised by indomethacin candles. Helped well. But now the stomach hurts, and it cannot be cured by anything. I'm going to go to the doctor the other day.

REVIEW: The first day of menstruation begins with the injection of an analgin, papaverine and dimedrol. Otherwise, I lose the climb or consciousness on the wall.

I have been doing yoga for two years. After four months of training, she began to notice that the intensity of monthly pain gradually decreases. Today I almost do not use medicines. This despite the fact that before Ketanov did not do without injections.

How to relieve menstrual pains: Tips and reviews It is shown that "in high esteem" drug self -medication. First, we drink drugs, and then we consult with specialists. After all, you need to start from the other end!

Video: Painful menstruation (Desmenorrhea)

Video: everything that is important to know about menstruation

Video: Painful menstruation. Female diseases

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  1. Hello! I offer various massage oils that will heal from many diseases !!! Who in the city of Kostroma will hold a massage session !!! Find me just I am in classmates Nikolai Gorkov City of Kostroma !!!

  2. The doctor to me about my complaints about pain at M said that I personally have a hormonal disorder, because the examination has no deviations, in the sense of inflammation or neoplasms, the adhesions, so I advised me to drink a time factor so that the extract of the root of the Dudannik They reduced spasms, and with them pains, well, in general, there is a lot of useful things for female health.

  3. I take no-shpu if the stomach hurts with menstruation.

  4. I agree about the time factor, I also drank it. The components are good in it, thanks to them, PMS and pain have become at least not so strong. And it’s good to just lie down these days and read a good book, relax in general.

  5. Painkillers no longer help the pain to remove

  6. Olga, addiction to painkillers begins - this is primarily, and secondly, they do not affect the stomach very well. I am like girls higher, I accept a time factor, since it contains in addition to the extract of the root of ginger and the root of the Dudnik, the sacred vitex, which is also a natural antispasmodic, and does not poorly reduce pain. And in general, I like the composition of these capsules, vitamins, substances, all necessary to soften the symptoms of the PMS are collected. After all, the symptoms of PMS are not limited to pain.

  7. I am very tormented by the first day or more precisely the first 12 hours the pain is so terrible that sometimes I want to die. Spasmalgon helps about 4 tablets I drink during this time. Before that, she used Ketanov, but it no longer helps, most likely addiction. By the way, the pose for a stitch also helps and something warm to the stomach to attach until the tablet does not work.

  8. After giving birth, I began to hurt a strong lower abdomen in the first days of menstruation. Therefore, I accept painkillers, or more precisely, I take a dialrapid, since No-Shpa and Analgin do not help me at all in this regard.

  9. Intimate simulators help me! From my youth, my stomach was ill with menstruation, but decided to take a course of intimate gymnastics intimate coach from secret fitness, everything has become many times better! Monthly did not so abundant steel, the cycle normalized, and the pain became so moderate that I even forget about it. In general, it seems to me here is the case in the muscles of the pelvic floor, which, by virtue of our lifestyle, are weakened, and gymnastics arranges everything in its place!

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