Tofu cheese is good and harm. Tofu recipes - dishes with a full -fledged meat substitute

Tofu cheese is good and harm. Tofu recipes - dishes with a full -fledged meat substitute

Tofu cheese has gained extraordinary popularity in the eastern countries. This product is in demand by many cuisines of the world for its versatility and saturation with useful trace elements.

What is tofu cheese?

Europe learned about the existence of this cheese only in the twentieth century. Tofu has been used for several centuries in Asian cuisine. For an unknown person, this is an exotic and fairly unusual product, but at the same time it is very popular among most gourmets.

From light curdled cheese mass, unusual delicious dishes are more and more prepared, added as an ingredient that emphasizes the main taste of the dish. Soybeans from which the cheese are created are the main source for obtaining this amazing cheese. Tofu cheese is obtained by turning vegetable protein. The curdled mass is pressed and kept under a vacuum.

Soy cheese tofu
Soy cheese tofu

It is possible to store the cheese in the refrigerator for a long time - if you change the water twice a day, in which it is in the package and not put strongly smelling products next to it. The cheese tofu like a sponge absorbs any smell.

The benefits of tofu cheese

Tofu is of great benefit, as it is rich in important substances for the human body. Useful properties of Tofu are able to maintain health. The cheese also differs in the presence of 9 of the most important amino acids. Cheese is a great source of calcium. The composition of the Tofu includes food dietary fiber, capable of maintaining a figure sitting on diets. Often this cheese is added to low -calorie dishes.

Tofu cheese - low -calorie product
Tofu cheese - low -calorie product

The Japanese even make baby food from Tofu. It perfectly removes dioxin from the human body. The unique properties of cheese are able to lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. Tofu is saturated with trace elements and important vitamins of group B.

Unique cheese components prevent even cancer cells and are able to save a person from heart disease.

The nutritional value of the cheese is justified by the content of a small amount of sugar and fats. As already mentioned, cheese is made from beans. The cooked and interpreted beans let “milk”, which must be turned. Previously, the resulting cheese was even called the “square egg” and the Ewls because the protein content in it is large, however, in comparison with the present, it is completely absent in it.

Tofu is useful for its trace elements that are part of the cheese
Tofu is useful for its trace elements that are part of the cheese

Tofu is shown to those people who suffer from lactose intolerance and who excludes dairy products in their diet.

Harm from tofu cheese

Among all positive qualities, it should be noted that Tofu brings not only benefits, but also certain harm. All due to phytic acid, which specialists are asked to pay attention to. Fitinic acid can connect minerals:

  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • iron

This is threatening men with a decrease in sperm concentration. People with endocrine diseases should avoid the use of tofu. The cheese factor is also important: if soy is grown in adverse conditions, it may make a poor -quality product, that is, the tofu will be bad for eating.

A dish with a tofu
A dish with a tofu

Tofu cheese is not recommended to eat pregnant and newborn, the harm that can be done cannot be avoided.

What is the tofu eat with?

Tofu is the most popular product in Japan and China. This cheese is not rare called “meat without bones” for the abundance of useful properties in it. Simply put, Tofu is a Japanese cottage cheese to which sea salt or magnesia is added.

Tofu happens:

  • soft
  • solid
  • very hard
Soft and hard tofu
Soft and hard tofu

The soft tofu is called “silk” and with its consistency it is more reminiscent of custard. Such cream cheese is served in cremes or saucers filled with water.

How to store tofu cheese?

Unfortunately, this product is quite perishable. It must be stored at a temperature of -7 ° C. Fresh tofu has a sweet taste. Tofu with sourness needs boiling for 10 minutes.

Tofu cheese in packaging
Tofu cheese in packaging

Cooking will help him to swell and become porous. Freezing also makes Tofi porous, but the cheese becomes much harder.

They eat tofu in:

  • cheese
  • fried
  • pickled
  • smoked

What tofu taste?

TOF has virtually no taste. This allows you to combine it with many sauces. The structure of the cheese can succumb to a variety of temperature treatment.

Fried tofu
Fried tofu

Tofu goes well with:

  • beans
  • asparagus
  • sesame seeds
  • wheat
  • oats
  • peanuts
  • rice
  • barley
  • coconut

Tofu is incredibly popular for adherents of a vegetarian power of food around the world, as it is very nutritious and satisfying. Cheese lends itself to frying, cooking, deep fruit and baking in the oven. Tofu can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and not paying attention to the black spots that occur on the surface. Marking cheese will help get rid of an unpleasant odor.

How to cook tofu is delicious?

There are several winning uses with various ingredients:

  • with eggs
  • vegetables
  • rice
  • tofu in salads
  • fried in batter
Tofu in Chinese cuisine
Tofu in Chinese cuisine

The fresh taste of Tofu is able to absorb other tastes well and complement them. When preparing dishes with tofu, the use of different spices and sauces - be sure!

Omlet with tofu

To prepare a delicious omelet with tofu cheese, it is necessary to chop it finely and slightly let the cheese in sunflower or olive oil. Next, beat the eggs in a separate bowl and add them to the cheese. The omelet should be fried until the eggs “grab”. Season the omelet to taste:

  • salt
  • a mixture of peppers
  • greenery
Omlet with tofu
Omlet with tofu

Like any omelet, this species is perfectly combined with mushrooms and any other vegetables.

Rice with tofu

First, you need to save some vegetables in a pan, in sunflower or olive oil. Give preference:

  • luke
  • carrots
  • pepper
Rice with vegetables and tofu
Rice with vegetables and tofu

When the onion becomes golden, add to the tofu and semi -coasted rice. The dish is stewed over low heat until the rice becomes a little golden. After that, a small amount of water is added and the dish is stewed until rice is ready. A few minutes before the end, the rice is seasoned with spices. It is recommended to add a certain amount of soy sauce.

Stewed vegetables with tofu

Preference can be given to your favorite vegetables:

  • tsukini
  • eggplant
  • carrot
  • onion
  • pepper
  • broccoli
  • asparagus
  • beans
  • celery
Vegetables with tofu
Vegetables with tofu

In stewed vegetables, add gluing tofu, three tablespoons of soy sauce and one teaspoon of honey. The dish is incredibly tasty and fragrant.

Salads with tofu cheese - recipes

Incredibly tasty and at the same time dietary salads using tofu are obtained. You can even take a well -known “Greek” salad and replace Fet with Tofu. It is necessary to add balsamic vinegar to the salad and season with any oil.

Greek salad with tofu
Greek salad with tofu

Korean carrots, combined with chilled tofu, have good taste. You can also add fried mushrooms and beans to the salad. In the salad you need to use only fried tofu.

Korean carrot and tofu salad
Korean carrot and tofu salad

An original salad can be prepared from seaweed, soy sauce, fried tofu and sesame seeds. Some variations include Chinese mushroom with a shitaka, which is easy to replace with a pickled oyster mushroom.

Algae salad and tofu
Algae salad and tofu

Tofu in batter

Tofu in batter is tasty and interesting. For a bat, you can use such variations as:

  • milk and flour
  • eggs and crackers
  • beer and eggs
  • beer and flour
Tofu in batter
Tofu in batter

The main rule is to first marin the tofu and add spices to the batter for saturated taste.

Soup with tofu cheese

Tofu soup can be prepared both on the chicken broth and on the vegetable. Flooded and crushed vegetables pass on oils with a covered tofu. There are: onions of tears, onions, onions, carrots, pepper. If desired, you can add spinach and garlic. The finished fry is added to the broth, a potato sliced \u200b\u200bby cubes is added.

Tofu soup
Tofu soup

The soup is cooked until the potatoes are ready. You can add sesame seeds for aroma, as well as soy sauce for taste and color.

Video: Tofu cheese. Greetings from China


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