Hollywood diet: shortcomings, recommendations, prohibited products, menu, exit

Hollywood diet: shortcomings, recommendations, prohibited products, menu, exit

The Hollywood diet is extremely strict, but effective. Let's look at its rules and menu in more detail.

Each person has moments when it is extremely necessary to do something in order to lose extra pounds, and in a short period come into shape. Among the many diets, there are diets that help to achieve the desired effect in a short time. This diet is popular among the stars of Hollywood, from where the name came - Hollywood.

The disadvantages of the Hollywood diet

Important: the Hollywood diet, although it fights with extra pounds quickly enough, does enormous harm to the body. The decrease in calories consumed is so significant that the weight is lost quickly enough and can reach up to - 14 kg in two weeks.

The name of the diet came from the fact that most of the stars of Hollywood addresses it quite often. To play a role in any blockbuster, you should come into shape over the shorter term, and they go on a diet.

The diet is based on a decrease in the caloric content of dishes up to 550-800 kcal as well as consumption of minimalthe amount of carbohydrates. Although the weight will go quickly enough, the harm to the body will be significant.

The diet of stars
The diet of stars
  1. Reducing the calorie content of food leads to a decrease in performance, deterioration in health, and dizziness. For 2 weeks it is worth abandoning an active lifestyle, visiting training, not to worry.
  2. The constant use of the same products can affect the functioning of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. At the slightest sensations of discomfort in the internal organs, you should immediately consult your doctor.
  3. Do not resort to this diet to hypertension. Since the basis of the diet is caffeine in large quantities and eggs. Caffeine raises the pressure even more.
  4. Even before entering hollywood diet It is worth undergoing a medical examination and discuss food with a doctor. Diet is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases, especially diabetics suffering from gastritis and ulcer.
  5. The maximum deadline for a diet is 14 days. It is worth considering that more than 4 times a year you should not resort to it.
  6. Also the basis of the diet food without salt. Due to getting rid of fluid, a person loses weight, and the fat layer remains in place. After a diet, if you do not lead an active lifestyle and eat right, then the lost kilograms return and possibly even more.

Recommendations for the use of the Hollywood diet

The only plus of a diet is that in a short time you can lose weight. But before resorting to this diet, it is worthwhile to thoroughly approach the question: “Do you need this this way?”

  1. Food is based on the refusal of breakfastwhich is the main meal for people who work. They just need to have breakfast vital. Do not resort to a diet in the working period, transfer the process of losing weight for the vacation season so that you have the opportunity to relax much more, and also not to overstrain.
  2. Water is simply necessary for people who are on a diet. It should be at least 2.5 liters per day. Tea also refers to water, but only green, as well as unsweetened coffee. With the help of tea, the body will get rid of toxins and food residues.
  3. A rather meager diet does not give the body the necessary vitamins and trace elements that are so necessary for human life. It is worth consuming vitamins in tablets.
  4. Within 2 weeks, it is worth avoiding stressful situations, motor activity, so as not to spend energy. The food that the diet suggests is not able to make up for losses. Healthy sleep, walking in the fresh air is extremely necessary for good well -being for this period.
  5. Meat and fish products should be bought not frozen so that all useful trace elements are preserved in them. The preparation method should be selected exclusively for a couple. So the body will receive more useful substances, and everything will fully learn.

Hollywood diet: Forbidden products

Hollywood diet Quite strict and implies strict control of the products used. It is categorically impossible to eat and drink:

  • Salt - Its use slows down the output of the liquid, and therefore the weight loss process will be delayed and will not be so effective.
  • Alcohol - It is able to increase appetite and at any time a person can break.
  • Food cooked in oilas well as fat.
  • Groups and pasta.
  • Bakeryas well as confectionery, any sweeteners and sugar.
  • Canned products.
  • Fruitwhich contain a large number sahara, for example, bananas.

Hollywood diet: menu, tips

The basis of the diet includes the use of fresh gifts of the sea and juicy pineapples. Such products can afford only Hollywood stars, since they are quite expensive, but excellent quality, which can not be said about our products.

Not every person can buy oysters or even find ripe fruits. And the price is high, and the quality leaves much to be desired. But experienced nutritionists got out of this difficult situation and picked up products, guided by the exclusively material position of the domestic consumer. All products are selected with a similar content of both proteins and carbohydrates, but for an affordable price.

The basis of the diet involves an increase in protein food and minimizing carbohydrate. Breakfast consists exclusively of a cup of good ugly coffee. At the slightest increase in blood pressure, it is worth replacing it with good green tea, also without additives and sugar.


For seven days

The menu, which is designed for seven days, is not strict. A person can drop a maximum of 7 kg and at the same time practically not harm the body. If you do not like any products or could not get there the opportunity to replace them with similar proteins and carbohydrates. Water consumption is required, do not forget about it. Exclude Breakfast in general, and use only coffee or green tea.


  • Dinner. 2 boiled eggs, 1 tomato, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner. 1 boiled egg, fresh salad leaves, 1 citrus (orange, grapefruit).


  • Dinner. 1 boiled egg, can be replaced with five quail, 1 small grapefruit, good coffee, extremely green and without sugar.
  • Dinner. Low -fat beef steam without adding spices and especially salt, 1 fresh cucumber, unsweetened coffee.


  • Dinner. Peking cabbage salad with the addition of celery, 1 small grapefruit, unsweetened coffee, tea.
  • Dinner. 1 egg, cottage cheese with low fat, allowed spinach, coffee.


  • Dinner. 1 egg, boiled boiled, Beijing cabbage stewed in a pan, coffee.
  • Dinner. Low -fat veal steam without spices, 1 small tomato, coffee.


  • Dinner. 1 egg, celery and Beijing cabbage stewed in a pan, coffee.
  • Dinner. Fish for steam without adding spices, green salad, coffee.


  • Dinner. Soup soup, steamed chicken fillet, coffee.
  • Dinner. 1 egg, cottage cheese with low fat, 1 small grapefruit, coffee.


  • Dinner. Steam fish, stewed spinach in a pan, unsweetened tea, good natural coffee.
  • Dinner. 1 egg, salad leaves, 1 citrus, coffee.

For fourteen days

If you want to continue the diet or you have not achieved the desired result, it is worth continuing the food on the same menu, which was designed for 7 days. The same should be done, you should also exclude breakfasts.

If the first week was quite difficult for you, it is worth changing the dishes:

  • Chicken eggs can be removed and quail boil instead. Cottage cheese can be replaced with low fat cheese.
  • Change the chicken fillet for low -fat beef, veal or even rabbit.
  • Garnish can also be alternated.
  • To make a salad from any green vegetables, but without refueling.
  • Drinking can also be changed. But both tea and coffee should be unsweetened.
  • Grapefruit can be changed to ripe pineapple, but it is worth considering that it has much more sugar.
Instead of a grant
Instead of a grant

Product tips:

  1. In order not to sit on some boiled eggs from them, you can make an egg, but prepared in an oven, without any additives and salt.
  2. The fish should be extremely ineffective. An alternative to fish will be fresh seafood.
  3. Meat and fish dishes should be steamed, so all useful trace elements, and even natural salt, persist in them.
  4. Cheese should also be chosen with a low fat content. Brynza, although this is low -fat cheese, should be excluded at all, since during its preparation, salt is added in large quantities.
  5. It is better not to replace spinach at all, but to use it in any form.
It is worth choosing low -fat
It is worth choosing low -fat

On 18 and 21 days

Those who, after 2 weeks of diet, are still dissatisfied with the result try to continue to eat on the same principle. However, the consequences of such a monotonous nutrition will be deplorable for the body:

  • The absence of carbohydrates negatively affects the functioning of the body in normal mode. A constant lack of energy can lead to weakness and a feeling of fatigue, and even fainting.
  • A high level of protein in products leads to severe chronic diseases and often this renal failure.
  • The constant use of coffee, and also on an empty stomach, leads to constipation or, conversely, to dysbiosis. The blood pressure will constantly be high.
In the morning it may be harmful
In the morning it may be harmful

In order for the body to function normally, the nutrition should be varied and exceed several times the calorie content of the Hollywood diet. The diet of the Hollywood diet does not exceed 600 kcal. That's why it is not particularly desirable to be on it longer than 14 days. If you do not stop in time, you can bring yourself to exhaustion, and it is possible that to anorexia.

Exit from the Hollywood diet

From any diet you should leave gradually. A sharp exit from the diet will overload the digestive system. Throughout the week, new products should be gradually introduced:

  • The first thing to add is breakfast and even a afternoon snack. Which will consist of fresh fruits, an hour before bedtime, you should drink low -fat kefir.
  • Macarone products must also be administered smoothly. It should be borne in mind that they should be from solid varieties. You can eat oatmeal, cook soups on low -fat meat.
  • The same salads that you ate during the diet should be seasoned with vegetable oil with the addition of lemon juice.
  • Salt is also consumed in small quantities.
  • Return to training, but their format should be easy, and gradually increase the load.
The output is gradual
The output is gradual

The body weight decreases already in the first couple of days due to the lack of salt, which blocked the withdrawal of fluid from the body. Salt in food will return the lost kilograms to you at once. If you want to save the result, actively play sports, eat correctly.

Video: Hollywood diet

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