Prostatitis: symptoms and causes. How to treat prostatitis?

Prostatitis: symptoms and causes. How to treat prostatitis?

The article presents information about the symptoms, methods of treatment and the causes of prostatitis.

Prostatitis is the most common male disease of our century.

  • Regardless of social status, this disease develops in 60% of people after 40 years. However, prostatitis can occur at an earlier age, starting from 25 years
  • This disease is noteworthy in that it is very difficult to identify in the early stages. And it develops quite actively
  • There can be many causes of prostatitis, both external and internal
  • The essence of the disease is inflammation of the gland of prostate adenoma, which leads to problems in sexual life and with urination

The main causes of prostatitis in men

  • Obesity and sedentary lifestyle worsen blood circulation in the entire body, but especially in the pelvic zone. Stagnant processes are a common cause of prostatitis
  • Infectious diseases. It can be both sexually transmitted diseases and infections such as tuberculosis that affect several organs
  • Injury to the area of \u200b\u200bthe groin
  • Hypothermia also becomes a common cause of inflammation of the prostate gland
  • A variety of intestinal diseases that are transferred to the reproductive system (bacterial and infectious)
  • Inflammatory processes of neighboring tissues and organs
Causes of prostatitis
Causes of prostatitis

How prostatitis manifests itself in men, symptoms

  • With the active development of inflammation in a man, the temperature rises, weakness and dizziness are felt
  • Pain in the groin, especially with active walking or physical exertion, are felt
  • A man experiences a sharp pain when urinating, frequent urge to the toilet are planned that is difficult to satisfy
  • With neglected prostatitis along with urine from the urethra, pus can be released
  • A man's potency worsens, sexual intercourse can bring pain
  • With inflammation of the prostate, the urinary channel is narrowed, due to which the pressure of urine is very weak and urination causes pain
  • Pain can occur when going to the toilet "by large"
Healthy and inflamed prostate iron
Healthy and inflamed prostate iron

Types of prostatitis

  • Acute prostatitis. This disease is caused, as a rule, an infection. The disease develops very quickly, it is difficult not to notice. At the same time, it causes strong pain and can give complications to neighboring organs
  • Chronic prostatitis. Sometimes the prostate is very exposed to infections. In this case, prostatitis can begin suddenly, as a complication of any disease (for example, colds). This is due to weakened immunity or not treated disease in the past
  • Not bacterial prostatitis. This form of prostatitis occurs due to factors that have nothing to do with infection (for example, hypothermia). This form of the disease is softer and it is difficult to recognize at the initial stage

Chlamydia prostatitis

  • This type of disease belongs to the acute type of prostatitis. Its pathogen is a chlamydia infection
  • Chlamydia is transmitted sexually. That is why this disease is often found in young men practicing unprotected sex
  • Prostatitis itself does not begin immediately, but after some time after the infection enters the body
  • It is dangerous in that it can have a complication to other internal organs
  • Symptoms with chlamydial prostatitis are the same as with other forms of acute prostatitis: sharp pains in the groin and urethra during urination, fever, weakening of immunity
Diagnosis of prostatitis
Diagnosis of prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis

  • Chronic prostatitis is constantly renewing the disease
  • In the absence of proper treatment, such prostatitis has a wave -like nature. Its symptoms are intensifying or temporarily disappearing
  • Even if the symptoms of prostatitis do not appear often, the disease is still necessary to heal
  • Chronic prostatitis is observed with frequent hypothermia, frequent infectious diseases, weakened immunity, a sedentary lifestyle
  • Most often, chronic prostatitis occurs in old age. Due to the age characteristics of the body, it will often get rid of it.

What drugs to treat prostatitis?

  • If you have found symptoms of prostatitis, you must definitely consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment
  • The doctor will attribute a number of tests: urine and blood tests, the secretion of the prostate gland. Ultrasound may also be prescribed
  • If the doctor has doubts, tests for prostate cancer will be taken. The symptoms of prostatitis and cancer of the prostate gland are similar
  • The doctor will write a number of drugs, among which there will be anti -inflammatory, antibiotics, as well as drugs increasing immunity
  • Auxiliary means can be recommended: massage, exercises, folk remedies

Preparations for prostatitis

  • Oksacillin. This is an antibacterial agent that successfully destroys staphylococci and statescocks
  • Prostamol. This is an extremely popular drug that has an anti -inflammatory effect, relieves swelling and facilitates urination. It must be used in combination with other medicines
  • Prostalen. This medicine is in the form of capsules or injections. Its main purpose is to remove swelling and pain
  • Also, such types of antibiotics are used: Norfoxacin, ampicillin, levofloxacin and others

How to treat prostatitis with massage?

  • It is better if the first massage procedures are conducted by an experienced urologist. In the future, you can ask him about the technique of massage at home on your own
  • Prostate massage is done manually or using special devices. Which method is better, the doctor will advise
  • Prostate massage is done with a full bladder. Therefore, 30 minutes before the start of the procedure, it is recommended to drink 500 ml of fluid
  • When preparing the massage, hygiene must be observed
  • In order not to break the delicate intestinal tissues, the fingers need to be lubricated with vaseline
  • Prostate massage is carried out through the anus, it must be carried out in gloves
  • Usually the procedure does not cause pain. Pain can occur with exacerbation of the disease or with incorrect massage
Prostate massage
Prostate massage

Prostatitis massage in men at home

  • It is best to massage the prostate in a relaxed position-lying on the stomach or in the knee-elbow pose
  • The essence of the massage is the tactile effect on the prostate gland. Where it is shown in the diagram
  • Basic movements for massage - stroking and slight pressure
  • The prostate massage should not be performed for long - about 1 minute, but daily for 10 days
  • Massage can only be carried out after consulting with a urologist. This procedure has a number of contraindications: acute prostatitis, prostate cancer, intestinal diseases and others

What to do for the prevention of prostatitis?

  • Be sure to protect yourself during sexual intercourse with a constant partner
  • Follow the rules of personal hygiene
  • Do not allow long and intensive hypothermia
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat fully
  • Lead an active lifestyle. If you have a sedentary job try to walk in your free time. In breaks, make a small complex of physical exercises that blood circulation
  • Avoid constipation and other diseases of the digestive system
Prevention - the best treatment
Prevention - the best treatment

How to get rid of prostatitis medication: tips and reviews

  • An independent choice of drugs only temporarily relieves the symptoms of the disease. Prostatitis with this approach goes into the chronic stage
  • Only a urologist can advise drugs. If you have allergic reactions or contraindications, a doctor needs to be warned about this
  • Drug treatment of prostatitis is comprehensive, drugs are prescribed that relieve symptoms and treat the causes. You need to use all the prescribed funds strictly according to the instructions
  • Do not neglect additional procedures, if one was allowed by the doctor (massage, exercises and folk remedies)

Video: Exercises for prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Gymnastics for prostatitis

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon.
    I am 41 years old, 5 years old suffered by chronic prostatitis. During this time, my whole life turned into a nightmare. I'm used to talking honestly. Over the years, I have passed a bunch of hospitals and doctors, spent dozens
    thousands of rubles, all my salary went to the treatment of this disease (you know that on average all procedures and medicines cost an average of 10,000-15,000 thousand rubles per course). Frankly, there is little chance in the hospital in the hospital, they will simply “milk” with money and that’s all. Believe me, we are not there
    Patients, we are customers and while we are sick, doctors live well. After a bunch of money spent, they became interested in traditional medicine, etc.
    And I realized that you can fight this ailment much better than in hospitals.
    Ready to help everyone who is tormented.

  2. +++

  3. Denis, something you spoke a lot))) I had an exacerbation in the spring of this year, so the doctor prescribed me complex therapy, namely the antibiotic, prostate massage and licoprofit. By the way, this is a plant complex, which includes substances contributing to a decrease in inflammation and pain, even vitamins for strengthening our male health in the composition are available, so take a note.

  4. When there were problems with prostatitis, I used a detector to increase potency so that my wife would not be sunk. And the Urotrin, which my attending physician wrote to me, drank it quietly. As a result, he kept his “secret” a secret for a couple of months and cured.

  5. Strange .. Why hide it from the wife? Mine knows that I have chronic prostatitis, only exacerbation, I immediately begin treatment. I also have a licoprofit in parallel with the antibiotic, we really have the components of this complex with anti -inflammatory, decongestant and general strengthening properties. I don't understand your "secret" from a loved one, really. Sorry.

  6. Prostatitis must be treated, as it can affect fertility and there will be problems with conception. Read about it write about it

  7. I will share for free personal experience in the treatment of chronic prostatitis, prostate adenomas with herbal tinctures and medical training at home.

  8. The husband at work was very fast. The result is inflammation of the prostate. I did not hide. Yes, and how can you dig? Treatment helped quickly. But there were problems with potency. He tried to hide it, joked, invented various excuses ... The effect of herbs, vitamins and amino acids for male health helped, it is very nice to feel desired again.

  9. my husband had prostatitis, and already in a rather neglected stage, I learned about it only when I dragged him to tests in order to start a child, and he turns out that he would not feel pain and that the nickname was standing, Viagra drank. Well, I found out about it and She began to treat him, since he himself was unable to understand, he drank business and tincture of lilacs, after a while everything came back to normal, but now the prevention and tests and analyzes every half a year

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