Diet 1000 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for dishes for 1000 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight for a month on a diet of 1000 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

Diet 1000 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for dishes for 1000 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight for a month on a diet of 1000 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

Dietary menu, in which you use no more than 1000 calories per day.

Which girl does not want to look good? And a wonderful diet that is designed for 1000 calories per day will help in this. It will be discussed in the article.

Fractional power plan for a balanced diet for 1000 calories per day

The energy value of products, that is, their calorie content, is measured in calories. In this case, the amount of energy received by the body from food is implied with its complete absorption.

There is a basic daily minimum of calories that a person should receive to ensure normal mental and physical activity. In each person, the need for energy is different and depends on the age, gender, lifestyle, and physiological characteristics.

Often with food, we get calories much more than our body requires, and this entails a set of extra pounds. Limiting the number of calories consumed is the basis of any diet to reduce weight.

Recently, an express diet per 1000 calories, the main requirements of which are: have become especially popular:

  • the total number of calories of the entire daily diet should not be more than 1000 calories
  • plant food (vegetables, greens, fruits) is consumed daily)
  • mandatory inclusion of animal protein foods
  • the diet is quite balanced and includes fats, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral-vitamin components

It is very important to consider not only the volume and indicators of the calorie content of the consumed food, but also how it is used. The usual three -time nutrition for us is not the best option for this diet, since:

  • the longer the gaps between meals, the lower the blood level in the blood, and cortisol (stress hormone) is higher. And he, in turn, changes metabolic processes in the body.
  • with a three -time nutrition, our body manages to learn all the energy from the food received, and a new portion is not foreseen soon. This leads to the fact that the body begins to lay off substances “in reserve” in the form of fat deposits.
  • the stronger the hunger, the stronger our desire to eat a large amount of food.

With fractional diet, food comes at equal small intervals. Therefore, there is no laying of fat "on a rainy day." In addition, small portions are digested faster, which contributes to the absorption of nutrients in full.

Divide calories correctly
Divide calories correctly

Fractional nutrition for a diet for 1000 calories involves such meals:

  • the first breakfast is “slow carbohydrates” (cereals, cereals, bread) and low -fat proteins (cottage cheese, eggs). These products are absorbed for a long time, ensuring the supply of energy for the whole day. Therefore, you will not experience hunger for a long time.
  • second breakfast (lunch) - fruits or juice, nuts.
  • lunch - soups (vegetables, on a weak fish or chicken broth), stewed vegetables, lean meat.
  • snack - nuts, fruits, dairy products.
  • dinner - vegetables, a small piece of fish, meat, seafood is allowed.
  • evening snack-dairy products (with a strong desire for something sweet-dried fruits or spoonful of honey).

The distribution of calories with this diet is recommended as follows:

  • breakfast with lunch - 300 kcal
  • intermediate meals-50-100 kcal
  • dinner-200-250 kcal

Basic rules of this type of diet:

  • intermediate meals should be less than the main ones by 2 times.
  • breakfast is better to make the most energetically nutrition.
  • the break between food is not exceeding 3.5 hours.
  • the last snack - no later than 1.5 hours before bedtime.
  • dinner should not be the main meal.
  • the daily norm of water is not less than 1.5-2 liters.
  • drink water no later than 30 minutes before meals and no earlier than an hour after it.
  • it is necessary to eat strictly according to the routine.
  • if one of the meals is missed, this portion cannot be added to the next technique.
  • eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly - the products are then better absorbed, and the brain receives a saturation signal faster.
  • it is not necessary to count calories in drinking tea or coffee, the amount of milk and sugar added to the drinks is calculated.
  • avoid excessive physical exertion, give preference to yoga or Pilates.
  • use small dishes - a decrease in portions will not be striking.
  • buy electronic kitchen scales to weigh a portion of food and count how many calories are contained in it.
Calculation calculation
Calculation calculation

We draw your attention to the fact that the amount of 1000 calories is much less than the average adult is required during the day. Therefore, you can switch to food with a consumption of less than 1200 calories only after consulting a doctor.

Set of low -calorie products for a diet of 1000 calories per day: List

In this diet, products that have a low glycemic index should be the main ones. These are most vegetables (in cheese or stewed form), fruits and berries (except for grapes, melons and bananas).

In addition, it is necessary to consume low -fat varieties of meat in boiled or baked form without adding fat:

  • chicken
  • turkey
  • veal
  • a rabbit

It is recommended to eat fish more often:

  • cod
  • perch
  • navaga
  • tuna
  • mintay
A set of low -calorie products
A set of low -calorie products

Be sure to include eggs in small quantities and low -fat dairy products in the diet:

  • kefir
  • cottage cheese
  • serum
  • yogurt

In addition, be sure to use porridge:

  • oatmeal
  • buckwheat
  • barley
  • corn
  • brown, wild rice

Season food with spices that help accelerate metabolism:

  • sharp red pepper
  • camin
  • cinnamon
  • dry ginger
Low -calorie is also tasty
Low -calorie is also tasty

In addition to purified water during the day, you can drink from drinks:

  • juice (diluted)
  • tea (better green)
  • a little coffee
  • cocoa in small quantities

What products cannot be eaten on a diet of 1000 calories per day: List

As with any diet aimed at reducing weight, you should abandon high -calorie products:

  • bakery products made of senior flour (replace products from rye, oatmeal and whole-grain flour)
    Fried food, since fat is used for frying.
  • mayonnaise sauces, ketchup (season dishes with vegetable oil or low -fat yogurt).
  • fatty meat, fish and dairy products.
  • jam and jam (use natural honey).
  • sweet carbonated drinks (replace with green tea or diluted juices).
  • sweets (it is better to replace them with a piece of bitter chocolate).
  • alcohol (a glass of wine or beer may contain half of the daily calorie norm).
  • fast food.
  • smoked meats, sausages (due to increased salt and fat).
Forbidden products
Forbidden products

In addition, it is recommended to limit consumption:

  • not polished cereals
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, beets, legumes)
  • very sweet fruits (grapes, figs, dates, persimmons)
  • coffee (no more than 2 cups)
  • butter oil (no more than 20 g)

The correct diet and an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss on a diet of 1000 calories per day

A diet based on 1000 -day calories will benefit only with the correct compilation of the menu - necessarily diverse and balanced. In addition, take into account that foods are absorbed by the human body at different speeds: meat with fish is longer, and plant food requires less time. Therefore, in the afternoon, your food should be easier.

It should be noted that it is very difficult to calculate the exact number of calories contained in the products, since their calorie content can change under the influence of various factors:

  • preparations
  • method of growing
  • storage

Therefore, the error in the calculations can be up to 200 kcal. For the correct calculation, use the calorie content tables. In addition, on packages, as a rule, the content of calories in 100 g of the product is indicated.

Before the start of the diet, think through your daily diet, calculate calories using the tables, and purchase the necessary products. We offer an approximate weekly menu, made in such a way that this diet does not cause a deficiency of trace elements necessary for a person and does not harm your body.

Day 1:

  • breakfast I - 100 g of low -fat cottage cheese, a slice of bread (rye or dietary), smeared with oil
  • breakfast II - fruits at your discretion (apple, orange, peach, pear, apricots or plums (2 pcs.))
  • lunch - a plate of vegetable soup, 120 g of baked (boiled) poultry, 120 g of cabbage (sheet) salad
  • afternoon snack - 25 g of nuts
  • dinner - 2 sardines (in their own juice), 250 g stewed of any necraneous vegetables
  • evening snack - a glass of low -fat kefir

Day 2:

  • breakfast I - 120 g of buckwheat, egg, grapefruit
  • breakfast II - 70 g of low -fat yogurt
  • lunch - a portion of mushroom soup, 120 g of veal boiled or baked, 1 tomato
  • afternoon snack - 120 fresh berries (raspberries, blueberries, currants, cherries, strawberries)
  • dinner - Greek salad
  • evening snack - 50 g of legged yogurt
Separate food for each meal
Separate food for each meal

Day 3:

  • breakfast I - 130 g of oatmeal cooked on skim milk with a teaspoon of honey and fresh or frozen berries
  • breakfast II - boiled soft egg, 1 carrot with a teaspoon of vegetable oil
  • lunch - bean soup, 150 g of broccoli or colored cabbage, 150 g of steam fish
  • afternoon snack - 100 g of salad of different fruits
  • dinner - 100 g of brown rice, 70 g of chicken chicken, 100 g of radishes
  • evening snack - a glass of low -fat kefir

Day 4:

  • breakfast I - 2 eggs omelet, boiled asparagus beans, dietary grain bread with a thin layer of butter oil
  • breakfast II - yogurt (with cereals), 1 fruit (any)
  • lunch - 100 g of pasta with tomatoes, 150 g of baked sea fish, 100 g of cucumbers with a drop of olive oil
  • afternoon snack - baked apple with cinnamon and honey
  • dinner - 220 g of cabbage darns, 150 g of Bulgarian pepper
  • evening snack - 50 g of fat -fat cottage cheese

Day 5:

  • breakfast I - 130 g of cottage cheese casserole, 120 g of any fruit
  • breakfast II - a glass of carrot juice, 1 grain bread
  • lunch - 250 g of low -fat soup, 100 g of stewed turkey, 150 g of raw vegetable salad
  • afternoon snack - grapefruit, 2 nuts
  • dinner - 120 g of protein omelet, 1 sardine, 130 g of salad from arugula, celery and green onion, seasoned 1 tsp. lemon juice
  • evening snack - 1 cup of kefir

Day 6:

  • breakfast I - 100 brown rice, 1 boiled egg, 100 cucumbers
  • breakfast II - glass of banana milk cocktail
  • lunch - 200 g of vegetable soup, 100 g of boiled chicken, 100 g of green peas
  • afternoon snack - 70 g of yogurt with berries
  • dinner - 100 g of rabbit, stewed with eggplant or zucchini, 1 tomato
  • evening snack - 1 slice of dietary bread from 1 tbsp. skim cottage cheese
Eat more vegetables
Eat more vegetables

Day 7:

  • breakfast I - 200 g of fruit salad seasoned with low -fat yogurt and sprinkled with chopped almonds
  • breakfast II - rye bread with a slicer of solid cheese
  • lunch - 120 g of baked potatoes, 100 g of fish, 150 g of stewed vegetables
  • afternoon snack - 2 - 3 pcs. dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes, figs)
  • dinner - 150 g of boiled veal, 200 g of raw vegetable salad
  • evening snack - 1 cup of skim kefir

You can adjust the proposed daily set of products, focusing on your taste preferences and daily routine: to transfer the most satisfying meal from lunch for dinner or change the first and second breakfast, if you are not used to eating in the morning.

What can be eaten for 1000 calories per day: List of dishes

A diet, designed to take 1000 calories per day, is good in that there is no need to limit yourself too much in nutrition and abandon the usual and favorite products. The main thing to know how many calories a portion of a particular dish contains.
We offer a list of dishes that you can include in your daily diet:

For breakfast (250-300 kcal):

  • omlet of 2 eggs with vegetables
  • cottage cheese casserole (120 g)
  • a portion of potato mashed potatoes without oil
  • paul plate of milk rice porridge
  • pancake with cottage cheese (2 pcs.)
  • fruit salad of banana, persimmons, kiwi, etc. with a spoon of yogurt
  • oat porridge on water with dried apricots and prunes (200 g)
Light breakfast
Light breakfast

For lunch (300 kcal):

  • a small plate of meat salad
  • path
  • hepatic paste (120 g)
  • baked fish under sour cream sauce (150 g)
  • meat meatballs (2 pcs.)
  • chicken cigarettes (2 pcs.)
  • beef goulash (150 g)
  • pizza with seafood, olives and herbs (100 g)
A hearty lunch
A hearty lunch

For dinner (200-300 kcal):

  • cabbage rolls without sauce (2 pcs.)
  • the vinaigrette
  • fish casserole with vegetables (150 g)
  • eggplant caviar (150g)
  • chicken burn in low -fat sauce (1 pc.)
  • greek salad with low -fat cottage cheese
  • pumpkin puree soup (200 g)
  • a small plate of risotto with mushrooms
  • trout baked with tomatoes (200 g)
Dietary dinner
Dietary dinner

Simple recipes for 1,000 calories for weight loss

Dietary dishes can be not only healthy, but also tasty. Even if you use no more than 1000 calories per day. We offer a few simple recipes for this diet:

Tunets salad (200 g contain 150 kcal):

  • mix the packaging of salad mix with a can of canned tuna
  • add chopped tomato and 1 tbsp. l. sunflower seeds
  • season 2 tbsp. lemon juice

Porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley, corn) with mushroom sauce:

  • boil crumbly porridge
  • 200 g of fresh mushrooms chill coarsely
  • Cut 1 onion in half rings
  • fry onions with mushrooms in 2 tsp. vegetable oil for about 10 minutes
  • put 1 tsp. Crouping flour
  • add 200 ml of skim milk
  • season with fragrant pepper and a little salt
  • cook to thickening
  • pour 150 g of finished porridge 100 g of sauce (about 250 kcal)
Porridge with mushroom sauce
Porridge with mushroom sauce

Baked apples with cottage cheese (200 g equal to 300 kcal):

  • from 250 g of apples, cut the core
  • Rigen 150 g of low -fat cottage cheese with 1 yolk and 1 tsp. honey
  • add 15 g of washed raisins
  • put the apples with cottage cheese mixture
  • sprinkle with cut nuts
  • lay in a heat -resistant shape
  • pour a little water
  • bake at 180 degrees 15 - 20 minutes

BEFSTROGANOV liver (200 g - about 220 kcal):

  • 130 g of the liver (chicken or beef) cut into strips
  • take a little flour
  • fry in a spoonful of vegetable oil
  • add the chopped onion
  • season with spices and salt
  • pour 250 g of milk
  • stew on low heat for about 5 - 7 minutes

Macarons with meat (200 g - 300 kcal):

  • fry 200 g of chicken fillet cut into small pieces
  • cut carrots, celery, onions and bell pepper cubes.
  • combine with meat
  • salt and pepper
  • after 7 minutes, add chopped tomato, garlic teeth and 1 tbsp. Parsley greenery
  • stew 15-20 minutes
  • boil 120 g pasta
  • combine with meat and vegetables
Vegetable soup
Vegetable soup

Vegetable soup (300 ml are 70 kcal):

  • boil 2 l of water
  • add 1 carrot and 1 celery root chopped with a cube
  • after 5 minutes, add colored cabbage (100 g) and zucchini (100 g)
  • season with spices
  • throw the chopped greens and crushed garlic
  • cut the boiled egg in circles and put in a plate
  • pour soup

Omlet with vegetables (150 g are 200 kcal):

  • beat 2 eggs from 2 tbsp. milk
  • give the chopped vegetables (asparagus, patch beans, broccoli, colored cabbage, zucchini)
  • pour the egg mixture
  • cover with foil
  • bake in the oven for about 7 minutes

SHNNILEL KURINGINE (150 g - 250 kcal):

  • soak chicken breast in kefir
  • run in corn flour
  • fry in 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
Chicken Schitzel
Chicken Schitzel

Sea fish casserole (200 g contain about 200 kcal):

  • disassemble the color cabbage on the inflorescences
  • put in shape
  • in the center, place frozen fish fillet
  • season with spices
  • put the tomato sliced \u200b\u200baround circles around
  • put the onions on top
  • bake for 20-30 minutes
  • sprinkle with herbs

How to burn 1000 calories per day?

According to dietetologists of 1000 calories - this is the equivalent of 111 grams of fat deposits in our body. Is it possible to get rid of them in a day?

Fitness trainers say that it is almost impossible to spend 1000 calories for one training session. The loss of 600 kcal is already a great success. The effectiveness of sports for weight loss depends on many factors:

  • human training
  • regularity of classes
  • individual characteristics of the body
  • diet and diet
  • emotional mood

According to experts, the usual morning exercise, performed at a very fast pace, helps to burn a large number of calories. We offer this option:

I circle:

  • jumping with breeding arms and legs to the sides - 100 times
  • squats - 100 times
  • twisting - 75 times
  • push -ups - 20 times
  • berpi - 10 times
Do physical exercises
Do physical exercises

II Circle:

  • jumping with breeding arms and legs to the sides - 50 times
  • twisting - 45 times
  • squats - 50 times
  • "Planck" - 45 s

The most effective calories are the following types of training:

  • cycling - 600 kcal/h
  • cLASS - 700 kcal/h
  • jumping with a rope - 650 kcal/h
  • combat sports - 700 kcal/h
  • running at an average pace - 600 kcal/h
  • tennis - 800 kcal/h
  • swimming at a moderate pace - 600 kcal/h
  • hulahup - 400 kcal/h
  • step aerobics, rhythmic dances, belly dance-350 kcal/h
Tennis helps to burn calories
Tennis helps to burn calories

Given the listed indicators, you can determine for yourself the necessary physical activity in order to burn 1000 calories in a day:

  • start a day with a 30-minute morning run
  • engage in intensive physical training at least 1.5 hours a day
  • if possible, get to work on foot at an intensive pace (so you can burn 150 kcal in half an hour)
  • in the evening, when viewing a TV show, twist a hulahup
Drink tea with ginger
Drink tea with ginger

In addition, adhere to such simple recommendations:

  • drink a glass of warm water with a teaspoon of lemon juice every morning - this will help start the metabolism process
  • laugh more - It is proved that 15 minutes of laughter burn calories in an amount equal to the one contained in the tile of chocolate
  • add ginger root to the tea, and season food with Kayenic pepper - this will accelerate the process of digesting food
    more often select in the apartment - the general cleaning burns about 300 kcal within an hour
  • play with children - active walks will help burn up to 400 kcal per hour
  • avoid excessive “wrapping” - in the cold, the body spends more calories. That is why it is recommended to sleep naked

How much can you lose weight in a month on a diet of 1000 calories per day?

Subject to a diet in 1000 calories, on average, is lost about 0.5-2 kg per week. In the early days, extra pounds go faster. Then this process slows down. Thus, in a month you can lose 3-8 kg.

However, as we have already mentioned, food on the principle of “1000 calories per day” is the method of “emergency” weight loss. Nutritionists insist that you can use such a diet for no more than a week. The maximum time in extreme cases, when you need to lose weight quickly, is 3 weeks.

You can lose weight by 3-8 kg
You can lose weight by 3-8 kg

Exceeding the recommended period can lead to negative consequences:

  • slowing down the processes of metabolism
  • depletion of the body
  • hair loss
  • disorders of the digestive, nervous, heart systems

In addition, do not forget that, as with any other diet, you need to return to the usual nutrition gradually, adding to the diet an additional 100-150 kcal per day. Otherwise, after the end of the diet, you can quickly gain kilograms with such difficulty again. It is recommended to adhere to fractional nutrition in the future and limit the consumption of high -calorie products.

Diet 1000 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

Olga, 27 years old:

“I sat on a diet for 2 weeks, lost 4 kg. In general, I am satisfied with the result. I was not hungry, there was enough food. Sometimes she could even indulge in candy, but in this case I had to refuse dinner. The result has been held for 4 months. ”

Elena, 21 years:

“The diet is excellent, I dropped 9 kg in 3 weeks. I know that you can’t sit on it for more than a week, but I really want to lose weight by summer. I don’t know if the previous volumes will return after the diet. I hope no. I will try to continue to limit myself. ”

Galina, 40 years:

“After the week of the diet, she dropped only 500 g, which very quickly returned over the next 2 days of ordinary power. I understand that you just need to eat correctly and exclude sweets and flour, but it is so difficult ... ”

Anna, 38 years old:

“I sat on a diet for 2 weeks. It turned out to be 4 kg to lose weight, of which 2 kg “returned”. But there is still a positive result. In addition, during this period the body is used to consuming less, and saturation comes faster than before. And I adhere to the rules of fractional nutrition now. ”

Video: We keep a food diary, we follow the calories

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Comments K. article

  1. This is too little, even nutritionists say that less than 1200-1300 is impossible. I myself, after childbirth and the transition to IV, began to eat according to the Slender Mom power system Belousova, the recipes are super, you can also find on the model form forms. And it helps well

  2. This is sooo little, I would at least add a couple of bars sport expert Bar protein and a couple of fruits to this diet. You can not eat for such a low calorie content, the body only harm from this

  3. Great norm! If your height is 152 cm and weight 52, then by 1300-1500 kcal, never lose weight !!

  4. If you want a weight of 43-45 kg with a growth of 155 good menu

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