"Hormonal" diet: Principles and stages - a new way of losing weight

The diet associated with the calculation of points is called hormonal. Let's take a closer look at the conditions of this diet.

Nowadays, where do not look, everywhere you will meet people with overweight. Excess weight is poorly reflected not only in the health and well -being of a person, but also does not allow him to exist normally. Those who really want to drop extra pounds take desperate steps on the path to weight loss.

Hormonal diet It was specially created for the female half of humanity to help cope with overweight, the cause of which was hormonal imbalance.

The principles on which the hormonal diet is based

The studies conducted by scientists in this area concluded that a person’s weight directly depends on the level of some hormones. The consequence of weight gain is a huge amount of insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, estrogen that produces the ovaries. A specially designed nutritional power system allows you to reduce the level of these hormones. At the same time, use adrenaline, testosterone and other hormones that help burn excess fat.

What are the reasons for increasing estrogen, as well as insulin:

  • Contraceptives based on hormones.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Klimax.
  • Treatment associated with a violation of the hormonal background.

Any violations or natural processes that are associated with these reasons can affect weight changes, craving for food, and swelling. When the imbalance of hormones is caused by serious diseases, no diets will help here. Only medical care will settle the hormonal background. If the changes are natural and temporary, then this diet will help keep the hormone level normally.


An excessive amount of hormones affects the place in which excess fat will be deposited and how quickly:

  • Estrogen - Affects fat in the buttocks. To adjust the hormone balance, you need to use fiber.
  • Insulin - Excess fat is deposited at the waist. You can fight it with the help of meat and fish dishes and a huge number of fresh vegetables.
  • Stress hormone, it is also called cortisol - settles on the stomach. Useful fats are fighting with it, which are part of fish oil, whole grain products, as well as legumes.
  • Testosterone - Hands are overgrown with fat. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein products, abandon trans fats, which are part of pastries and confectionery with oil creams.
  • A growth hormone - His imbalance leads to the formation of fat on ankles and in the ICR area. At a minimum, use fast carbohydrates and emphasis on protein foods.

Hormonal diet It does not imply the use of any special products or special cooking. The main thing that should be taken into account is the variety of nutrition and all products should be easily digestible. Try to use salt, pepper, spices in a minimum amount, all that can cause swelling and fluid retention.

Each product has its own score, which is in the range from 0 to 4. These points will help you understand in which quantity and what exactly is postponed when you eat this product. If the product has a score - 0, then it does not transform into fat at all, but helps to burn it on the contrary.


Ball table for each product with a hormonal diet:

  • «0» - Seas gifts, fish, chicken eggs, chicken fillets, turkey, stained rabbit meat, fresh vegetables, all types of mushrooms, citrus fruits, any greens, dairy products (not higher than 2 %), fresh or frozen peas.
  • "one" - Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables, beans, any berries.
  • "2" - Chicken meat (with the exception of fillet), veal, any nuts, low -fat varieties of soft cheese, black and green olives, cereals, dairy products (not higher than 4 %), vegetable oil.
  • "3" - Boiled potatoes, millet and wheat porridge, hard cheeses, dark chocolate, freshly squeezed fruit juices, boiled corn, low -calorie yogurt without additives and sweeteners, muesli.
  • "four" - Fatty varieties of meat, confectionery, honey, fatty ice cream, semolina, dairy chocolate, high -fat dairy products, all types of sauces, store mayonnaise and all other products that contain a lot of calories.

The nutritionist will help the best way to deal with balls and diet.

The time of eating is strictly regulated and it must be adhere to.

  • Breakfast - 10:00
  • Lunch - 12:00
  • Lunch - 15:00
  • Snack 18:00
  • Dinner 20:00
Losing weight
Losing weight

It should be borne in mind that if you lie down and get up early, then everything should be adjusted, guided by this example. The latest meal should not be later than 3 hours before going to bed.

At a time you can eat no more than 300 g. If it is a liquid product, then 250 ml. The break between meals should not be more than 3 hours. Water must be drunk per day of about 2 liters.

Three main stages of hormonal diet

Stage 1

It involves with maximum speed to remove fat. The duration of the first stage is up to 2 weeks. The most difficult in the whole diet. All products that are used at this stage in the table belong to the zero score. In the morning, drink a spoonful of vegetable oil on an empty stomach.

The basis of the diet is proteins that relate to the lightest, fresh vegetables, the lowest -calorie.

An example of a stage menu 1 hormonal diet:

  • Breakfast. Boiled eggs - 2 pcs., Fresh salad of vegetables.
  • Lunch. Low -fat cottage cheese with unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner. Lenten broth welded on fish, a light salad.
  • Afternoon snack. Loof fish stewed, with a side dish of blanched green peas.
  • Dinner. File turkey or chicken cooked in the oven, fresh vegetables.

During this period, kilograms are simply melting before our eyes, and the hormonal background is gradually being rebuilt. Such sharp changes can lead to dizziness, fatigue. So that the condition does not worsen even more, as you can quickly drink tea with a lot of sugar and lie down to rest for some time. If after all these procedures in a couple of hours the symptoms do not pass, you need to seek help from a doctor.

The score of points
The score of points

It is these symptoms that indicate the transition to the next stage, but if they were temporary. When a person who sits on a diet has health problems or he cannot abandon many products, you can immediately start from the second stage. You, of course, will not see the result at once, but it will be noticeable later.

Stage 2

The second stage does not have a certain duration. Its main task is to gradually start the process of burning fat. Its duration depends on your desire, and what result you want to achieve. It can be two days and several months. Extra centimeters will go very slowly. Eating should be five -rat. Dinner implies a minimum number of calories.

The scheme to adhere to:

  • Breakfast - 4 points.
  • Lunch - 2 points.
  • The main meal is 2 points.
  • Snack - 1 point.
  • Dinner - 0 points.

If for some reason you missed the meal, then you do not need to eat a double amount in the next trick.


Example menu of stage 2:

  1. Boiled rice - 100 g, steamed chicken fillet, 250 ml of milk with low fat.
  2. Any nuts with natural yogurt (can be replaced with kefir).
  3. Mushroom soup - 100 ml, turkey fillets in the oven - 100 g, light salad of vegetables.
  4. Oatmeal in milk (exclusively ineffable).
  5. Steam -cooked fish.

Stage 3 (consolidation of the result)

When you came to the conclusion that you have achieved what you wanted, you must necessarily try to fix the result and support it constantly. To do this, add 1 point to one of the meals. In this case, the weight must be constantly monitored. Within three days, a decrease should still be reduced. Next, add 1 point again - to another meal. We perform this procedure until you see that the weight is not reduced. It is this scheme that will be the main one for constant nutrition.

It should be borne in mind that there is no need to add points to the evening meal. You need to eat five times a day and is varied. Drink also a lot in the intervals between meals. Water helps the work of metabolism.

All products can be summarized:

  • The product, which is assigned 4 balls, is equal to several products with a zero ball.
  • If the product is 2 balls, then you can eat two.
  • The product with 3 balls is equated with one product with 1 ball and several products for zero balls.

If you want to get the result faster the number of points for breakfast can be reduced.

We plan a menu
We plan a menu

All doctors unanimously repeat that any change in nutrition does not affect health well and if you still decide on this, you should consult a doctor and undergo a complete medical examination to identify contraindications. Only a dietalologist should prescribe any diet. He will personally help you choose the diet that is suitable for you. All this applies to the hormonal diet.

The human body is so individual and each has a different reaction to a decrease in the energy value of food. Some may have stress, mental abnormalities. If you do not control your weight, a diet can lead to dystrophy, problems with the kidneys with the heart, metabolic disorders. The likelihood of deterioration of the skin condition, the occurrence of depression.

The most important stage is the first. It is during this period that hormones should be monitored, as well as how the body reacts to a diet. If even the most harmless symptoms occur, the diet must be urgently stopped.

Video: Hormonal diet

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