Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: principles, rules, menu. Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: principles, rules, menu. Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

So that your sides and waist become perfect not only sport, but also the right diet. Learn more about the menu and exercises from the article.

Most people who are on a diet are difficult to cope with the hated volumes inareas of the waist and tummy. They go almost the very last. The waist increases and the tummy appears quickly enough if you put a fat cross in sports and PP.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: PRODUCTS

Stressful situations, constant experiences, as well as many other reasons can affect fat deposits in this area:

  • Stomach diseases.
  • At the female sex - after the birth of the baby.
  • In male - due to the use of a large amount of beer.

It is these reasons that should be guided in the process of choosing a diet. Also, the type of figure, weight to the diet, features of the body, also affect the result.

The stomach and sides are the problem areas of most people and you are unlikely to be able to cope in a short time with thisproblem. Extra centimeters go away with a decrease in food and fluids, But this will not help get rid of the annoying tummy completely. This process is quite long and involves not only proper nutrition, but also physical exercises, which will help to achieve a flat tummy.

We remove the sides
We remove the sides

The first thing to do is to find out the reason why the waist volume increases and weight is gaining:

  • If the reason lies in malnutrition and overeating, then you should radically change the diet.
  • If the reason was the lack of training and a long absence of movement, you need to start playing sports or at least walking to work.
  • If the reason is associated with diseases of the liver, then before sitting on a diet you need to consult a doctor and undergo a complete examination and start treating.
  • The cause of a large tummy became childbirth? Diet and special press exercises will help get rid of it.
  • Beer use is one of the reasons. It is worth completely abandoning this drink.

If your goal is a short -term result, which is needed exclusively for the celebration, then you should use the short diets for weight loss of the abdomen and sideswhich are designed for a couple of days. They are strict enough, there are many restrictions in them, and the result will please you for a short time. However, the result will delight you for a very long time if you maintain yourself in a sports state and switch exclusively to proper nutrition.

The rules that you should adhere to:

  • A couple of liters of water per day must be drunk. Early in the morning after lifting, be sure to drink a glass of water, and during the day before eating in 30 minutes.
  • Reduce to a minimum the amount of salt in dishes and refuse food, which negatively affects your figure.
  • For one meal, you must eat until 250 g.
  • Five -rated food. Breaks must be done every 3 hours.
  • Increase physical activity.

Reducing the abdomen involves fractional nutrition, which will allow you to eat often, but at the same time in small portions. So you will not feel hunger, reduce the size of the stomach and will subsequently be saturated from small portions.

Products that are not the cause of fat deposits on the stomach and sides:

  • Fillet chickens, cesard, veal, quail.
  • Fruit and vegetable mixes, berries (exception: potatoes, bananas, grapes).
  • Dry fruits, any nuts.
  • Porridge, legumes.
  • Gifts of the sea, fish.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Dairy products with low fat.
  • Olive oil.

It is completely necessary to exclude: fried, flour, smoked meats, fast food, sugar, sweets, carbonated drinks. It is these products that slow down the result of a diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.


You need to include in a diet:

  • Fresh ginger.
  • Cabbage.
  • Cucumbers, only fresh.
  • Dairy products.
  • Green tea, unsweetened.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Ground cinnamon.
  • Horseradish.

You can drink red dry wine - up to 100 ml per day. The guilt includes resetrol, which contributes to the breakdown of the fat layer.

To achieve a quick effect, it is important to combine nutrition with trips to the bathhouse, sauna, massages, wraps. The main thing is the choice of the most correct diet.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: principles, menu

The choice of the right diet is the main task, it will depend on it what results you will achieve. It is also worth considering not only the above reasons, but also other factors that may affect the result:

  • Features of the body and indicators of weight/height.
  • Health status.
  • The result you want to achieve.
  • Your ability to abandon this or that product for personal preferences.

If we take into account all the factors and reasons, you will easily choose a diet suitable for you. The simplest and most common diets for weight loss of the abdomen and sides will be buckwheat, kefir and rice.

Buckwheat diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

A diet that involves use only buckwheat will allow you to remove centimeters on the waist. It is short -term and gives a quick result. The menu is so limited in products that many cannot hold out on this diet for a long time. However, in the process of the diet you can clean the digestive tract, remove excess fluid, relieve swelling and, of course, lose weight.

The principles of the diet. Duration - about 5 days. It is necessary to eat buckwheat porridge not boiled, but steamed boiling water. Drink only spring water or unsweetened tea. Kefir up to 1.5 liters will help to cope with hunger.

The buckwheat-kefir diet is not so heavy, and does not cause such severe stress for the body as buckwheat, but also effective. Kefir helps to establish the digestive tract, normalizes the microflora. Such a diet will help to reduce the waist in 2 weeks.

On buckwheat
On buckwheat

Example menu.

If this is a mono -diet, then you need to eat exclusively porridge. The size of the portion does not matter. Drink up to 2.5 liters per day of water. All products are banned. The main thing is a way of cooking buckwheat. In the evening, porridge should be poured with boiling water in a thermos in a 1: 2 proportion.

The buckwheat-kefir diet is a little more diverse:

  • Kefir with porridge can be alternated throughout the day.
  • Porridge can be steamed with kefir.
  • Pour the porridge on the water with kefir.

With monodieta, any physical activity is prohibited, unlike kefir-heated diet, where you can play sports, but not very active. To accelerate the result, you need to combine a diet with exercises for the abdomen. If you follow all the requirements per day, you can lose about 1 kg of weight and reduce volumes by 0.5 cm. Each person will differ in each person.

Contraindications for diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides: problems with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as intolerance to the products mentioned. Also, using kefir, you can switch to a mono -diet and drink only kefir during the day.

Kefir diet for weight loss of abdomen and sides

Kefir is a number one product that will make your waist beautiful. It also helps the work of the intestines, triggers metabolism, affects the condition of the skin, helps to cope with bloating, constipation. Together with kefir, beneficial bacteria enter the body that protect the intestinal microflora. There are diets on kefir, as well as separate fasting days. The duration of such diets can be from several days to several months.

Kefir needs to be chosen correctly:

  • If a person suffers from high acidity, then kefir should be fresh, open no more than one day.
  • If a person suffers from bloating, you should drink kefir, which is more than three days.

The essence of the diet and the rules that must be followed. This diet is very strict and involves the use of only kefir. However, the result is enormous.

You should not immediately sit on this diet, as this is a huge stress for the body, you should try your hand at fasting days. So the body will gradually get used to the use of only kefir.

If a person suffers from gastritis or an ulcer, then the kefir diet is contraindicated. The duration of such a diet is 3 days, and do not neglect this rule. The complete absence of carbohydrate food can lead to problems with the chair. However, by introducing useful products into the diet that will help remove extra centimeters, you can sit on the diet longer.

On kefir
On kefir

Example menu.

If you decide to try your hand with the help of an unloading day, you should use:

  • Fatfound kefir - about 2 liters per day.
  • The water is spring, tea on herbs - about 1, 5 liters.

The amount can be divided into 6 equal parts.

Rice diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

Extra centimeters are removed due to the purification of the body from toxins and harmful substances that are present in the body. It is also an excessive amount of fluid in the tissues. The best possible to cope with this rice. That is why the effect of the rice diet is striking, especially speaking of purification. The diet involves the use of rice without salt.

The essence of the diet and recommendations.Rice helps to remove and clean the intestinal walls of toxins, harmful salts, and mucus. Before you start cooking, you need to prepare the cereal, soaking it in a special way.

After eating rice, the body does not feel hunger and is saturated with proteins, vitamins and useful minerals. The main thing to adhere to is to drink a lot of water up to 2.5 liters. So you will speed up the purification process.

There are many ways to lose weight in rice. These are fasting days, and very strict diets for 3 days.

Fasting day

Such days should be carried out at least once a week, so you can remove the sides and stomach. After the desired result is achieved, you can resort to fasting rice days only once a month.

In the evening, you need to soak 250 g of rice in water, without adding either salt or oil, but boil in the morning. Divide the whole amount of rice into equal portions and eat all day. During the day, you can drink spring water, green tea without sugar.

In rice
In rice

Three -day

This strict diet involves a quick result. The basis of the diet is rice porridge. Before cooking, porridge must be soaked for 12 hours.

Example menu

In the beginning, in addition to daily use of 100 g of rice, you should also use

  1. Light vegetable soup - 200 ml, salad seasoned with olive oil.

The next day, rice consumption increases to 150 g, as well as:

  1. Ugular yogurt 1 cup, 1 citrus.
  2. Light broth with rice - 200 ml, vegetables seasoned with oil.
  3. Vegetables for a couple of 100 g.

The third day we use rice in the same amount, and also:

  1. A small grapefruit.
  2. Stewed champignons - 100 g, a glass of tomato juice without salt.
  3. Light vegetable salad.

Diet for losing weight and sides of Elena Malysheva

A well -known nutritionist who has developed a lot of diets helping to cope with excess centimeters at the waist and remove the stomach. They are particularly popular with a female.

The principles of the diet.Duration - 7 days. You will lose up to 4 cm during this time and lose up to 6 kg of excess weight.

In order for the diet to bring the result should strictly follow the following rules:

  • Portations should be small so that after eating you do not feel heaviness in the stomach.
  • All dairy and dairy products should have low fat content.
  • The meat is only lean, avoid sweet, flour products.
  • Drink water regularly up to 1.5 liters.

Breakfast should consist of protein food. The last meal 4 hours before going to bed.

Tasty, healthy
Tasty, healthy

Example menu

1st day

  1. Chicken egg, a small piece of whole-grain bread.
  2. Light vegetable soup.
  3. Low -fat cottage cheese.
  4. Chicken fillet boiled, fresh vegetables.

2nd day

  1. Ugular yogurt glass, 1 citrus.
  2. Fresh vegetables, chicken egg.
  3. Small orange.
  4. Chicken egg, legumes, fresh cucumber.

3rd day

  1. Red sweet pepper, two small pieces of low -fat hard cheese.
  2. Soup with a piece of beef, light salad.
  3. Raspberry.
  4. Lenten beef cooked with vegetables.

4th day

  1. Green apple, low -fat cottage cheese.
  2. Steamed fish.
  3. Red sweet pepper, natural yogurt - 150 ml.
  4. Potato in the uniform.

5th day

  1. Oat porridge with fresh fruits or raisins.
  2. Files chicken with fresh vegetables.
  3. Apple.
  4. Seafood.

6th day

  1. A small apple, low -fat cottage cheese.
  2. Pieces of briskets with a light salad of sorrel and other greenery.
  3. The same salad as in lunch.
  4. Stewed veal, fresh tomato and cucumber.

7th day

  1. A glass of natural yogurt, a small orange.
  2. Light salad, boiled chicken egg.
  3. Orange.
  4. Fillet chickens with greens.

Although this diet belongs to the low -calorie, but everything is balanced in it. It will not bring much harm to the body, so you can sit on it for about two weeks.

Diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides of Vera Brezhneva

The popular performer Vera Brezhneva says that she never sat on diets to lose extra pounds, she simply eats correctly and adheres to certain rules that the nutritionist developed specially for her.

The principles of the diet.The diet should consist only of healthy foods and dishes that help cleanse the body and remove fat deposits. This diet delivers beneficial vitamins and trace elements to the body, and is not high -calorie.

As a result, extra pounds do not accumulate, and the body feels comfortable. This diet helps to cope with a sagging tummy after childbirth. Even if mom breastfeed, the baby will receive all the beneficial substances with the food she consumes.

Diet Rules:

  • Exclude sweet, pastries, potatoes and fatty dishes.
  • Eating is three -time. It includes porridge, cooked on water, fresh vegetables, fruits, seas, lean meat, low -fat fish, dairy products with low fat content, seasonings, spices.
  • Drink spring water up to 2 liters.
  • Reduce the volume of food, dividing 1 reception by 2 times.
  • Breakfast should consist of oat porridge, exclusively on the water.
  • If you want sweets, then only useful, before lunch.
  • Lunch is the main and largest meal.
  • Dinner should be easy and only 4 hours before going to bed.

Vera Brezhneva constantly adheres to such a diet, plays sports 4 times a week. As a result, such diets, for losing weight and sides, You can lose up to 7 kilograms and reduce the waist.


Example menu

This menu can be diversified by following the recommendations.

Day 1

  1. Oatmeal, coffee without sugar.
  2. A vegetable salad with boiled beans, a lean piece of meat, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Seas gifts, natural yogurt.

Day 2

  1. Oatmeal, natural coffee without sugar.
  2. Vegetable soup, low-fat fish, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Lenten meat, freshly squeezed juice from vegetables.

Day 3

  1. Oatmeal, tea without sugar.
  2. Light soup, a piece of meat, fruit salad.
  3. Seafood, natural yogurt.

Day 4

  1. Oatmeal, green tea without sugar.
  2. A salad of vegetables and green peas, lean fish, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Lenten meat boiled, natural yogurt.

Day 5

  1. Oatmeal, natural coffee without sugar.
  2. Light soup with shrimp and mussels and vegetables, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Fresh salad with pieces of meat, unsweetened yogurt.

Day 6

  1. Oatmeal, green tea without sugar.
  2. Light vegetable soup, lean meat, any fruit.
  3. Boiled seafood, freshly squeezed juice from vegetables.

Day 7

  1. Oatmeal, green tea without sugar.
  2. Stewed vegetables with meat, freshly squeezed juice.
  3. Fruit salad, natural yogurt.

If there is a feeling of hunger, you can drink juice in the intervals between meals, only freshly squeezed or dairy products with a low fat content. To achieve a better result, it is necessary to combine proper nutrition with physical exertion.

Diet for losing weight and sides in men

Now rarely when you meet a man without a stomach. This is the main sign of his laziness, the use of harmful products, not visiting the gym and what is the most basic, beer abuse. If you drink it in excess of the norm, it can expand the stomach and increase the calorie content of food. In men who love beer, testosterone is less produced. As a result, the stomach grows, the breast enlarges, the man becomes like a woman. To cope with all this, you need to choose an exclusively male diet.

The principles of the diet. The basis of the diet should be protein products. You will not feel hunger. It involves the use of meat, fish products, chicken eggs, sea gifts, dairy products. This is a long diet, the result will be noticeable after 1-2 months. As a result, you will get rid of 10 to 20 kg and at the same time significantly reduce volumes.

Be sure to use:

  • Fresh vegetables, as well as fruits.
  • Legumes, any nuts.
  • Grain cereals.

Refuse: From flour, sugar, confectionery, semi -finished products, sweet drinks and other harmful products.

The second thing to do is sign up for the gym or choose a sport that will suit you and help you lose weight faster.

From the tummy
From the tummy

Example menu. All of the listed recommendations will help to compose their diet. It should be borne in mind that no more than 2000 calories can be consumed per day. An example of a menu of one day.

  • Breakfast- Eggs, a fresh cabbage salad, a cup of kefir, you can unsweetened coffee/tea.
  • Dinner- Soup made of green peas, fillets boiled, freshly squeezed vegetable juice.
  • Afternoon snack - vegetables cooked in the oven under the cheese. For dessert cottage cheese is fat -free with fresh fruits.
  • Dinner - Lenten fish boiled, cottage cheese casserole, unsweetened tea.

It is worth remembering that getting rid of the beer tummy is quite a painstaking process, and it can take more than one month. Regular training will help to speed up the process. In order to maintain the result and at the same time not to harm health, it is necessary to leave any diet wisely.

How to get out of a diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides?

In order for the exit from the diet for losing weight and the sides to be correct, it is necessary to observe some rules that involve the addition to the diet with a diet of 1 or 2 products. These products should be healthy if you want to continue to adhere to a healthy diet and save the result.

Overflow can lead to a quick set of weight and a constant feeling of hunger, as a result of stretching the walls of the stomach. The metabolism will be broken. Without even sitting on a diet, you can remove extra centimeters on the waist and sides, only eating correctly and playing sports.

Exactive training are of great importance. If during the diet you began to perform a set of exercises, then the refusal of loads will also lead to the return of centimeters at the waist. Make sports your way of life.

Exercises for weight loss of the abdomen and sides

The reason for losing weight is not always only a diet, but also playing sports. Fat on the stomach is removed quite hard, since it is not just subcutaneous fat, but the investigation - stretching the walls of the stomach. Training will help to tighten and strengthen the muscles, and the diet will help reduce the size of the stomach and cleanse it from toxins, which so prevent the tummy from being flat.

Nowadays, there are a huge number of exercises that tighten the abdominal muscles and remove side deposits. The most common exercise "Bodybuilding Era", which is taken from yoga - "vacuum", which we will consider further.


This exercise For weight loss of the abdomen and sides It should be done on an empty stomach and better in the morning after waking up. The main task will learn to breathe correctly.

  • A deep breath, using the lungs through the mouth.
  • The stomach is completely drawn and try to glue it as much as possible to the spine.
  • At the same time, your hands can be put on your knees or lie on your back.
  • Duration of gymnastics 15 seconds. The muscles of the press should be constantly tense.
  • Gradually make slow exhalations.
  • Take a break and slowly inhale and exhale.
  • Do up to 5 times every day.

Breathing should reach 1 minute. As a result of such a simple exercise, your stomach will tighten, the posture will straighten.


Swing of the press

The most effective exercise to get a flat and strong press.


  • Place on the rug.
  • Bend the legs at the knees, but do not press much to the buttocks.
  • Keep your hands behind your head, do not cross and slowly rise, exhale. It’s not very high to rise so as not to turn on the lower back.

To begin with, 3 sets are enough, in an amount of 10 times and increasing each time.


Standing in the bar, you will use not only the press, but also the muscles of the hands, hips. The technique of the bar is of great importance.

  • Lie on the rug face down.
  • Now, on your hands bent at your elbows, raise your body to your socks. The elbow should be strictly under the shoulders.
  • The angle in the elbow is 90 degrees. The body should resemble a straight line.
  • Tighten the muscles of the whole body and fix it in this position. For beginners, 10 minutes will be enough for the first time, every day you need to increase time and bring to 3-4 minutes.

Exercises on the oblique muscles of the press will help remove side deposits at the waist.



Using this exercise, you will remove the side deposition and perform a cardio load.


  • Lie on a rug.
  • Remove your hands on the back of the head.
  • Bend the legs at the knees and lift it at an angle of 90 degrees and begin to gradually be removed from you, then one or the other leg you reach for the opposite hand. The lower you do this, the more the press will be involved.
  • It should be borne in mind that the lower back should be pressed into the floor so that there is no pain in the spine.
  • You can make 2 approaches 20 times, and each time increasing the number.

In this case, both the upper and lower press operates.

Oblique twisting

This exercise will help tighten not only sides, but also remove the tummy.


  • Lie on your back.
  • Bend one leg so that there is a small distance to the buttocks, and straighten the second and lay on the floor. Keep the opposite hand behind your head, and put the second on the floor.
  • Now, with the help of a straight hand, climb up, while attracting a straight leg, bending at the knee, to the opposite bent arm.
  • When raising, breathe in a breath when lowering. Make such 20 lifts.
  • The same amount must be done to the other side.

Tilts with dumbbells

Great exercise for weight loss of the abdomen and sides, And at the same time you can work out the oblique muscles of the press.


  • Take dumbbells of 2.5-3 kg in one hand.
  • Hang your legs slightly at the knees.
  • Take one hand behind your head.
  • Make tilts to the side.
  • 15 times in each direction will be sufficient for the first time.
  • Several approaches should be made, and gradually increasing them.

There are many exercises for the press and they will constantly improve. Regular their implementation will help maintain the result for a long time.

Video: Losing weight in the stomach and sides

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Comments K. article

  1. You won’t make a cool figure with carbohydrate monothytes, the stomach will remain large. I would advise you to revise the ratio of BJU, focus on proteins. Due to the new approach to nutrition and the intake of the Evalarov lipotropic factor, I decreased great in volumes.

  2. Usually, if I get better, then in my stomach and sides, this is right my pain. I am always losing weight in a comprehensive food + sport, you can’t get the desired effect in another way. To make the metabolism more quickly and easier, I drink fibraksin. With him, a feeling of hunger is also less, he helps to control it. With support, I easily enter a new rhythm and losing weight as efficiently as possible.

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