Is it possible to eat fresh or baked apples in the evening, at night, if you lose weight: a nutritionist, reviews of losing weight

Is it possible to eat fresh or baked apples in the evening, at night, if you lose weight: a nutritionist, reviews of losing weight

What apples are better to eat at night? The opinion of nutritionists and losing weight about an apple diet.

Is it possible to eat fresh or baked apples in the evening?

There are fresh apples at night, this will not bring significant harm to health, but such a diet has some disadvantages. Our next article will tell you more about this.

Why are apples useful? On the question of whether it is possible to eat apples, if you lose weight, you need to look for a middle ground. Consider the most important advantages and advantages of apples over other foods.

  • Apples are very balanced in the content of fiber and contain about 80% of the names of vitamins and minerals that are necessary for a person.
Is it useful to eat apples for the night if you lose weight?
Is it useful to eat apples for the night if you lose weight?
  • Apples useful for activating digestion and metabolic processes. In fact, they allow you to reduce cholesterol, which means they prevent the development of atherosclerosis, help activate the process of blood circulation and metabolism in general. Some nutritionists compare them with a “broom” that helps to cleanse the body.
  • Thanks to the properties described in the previous paragraph, apples help to look better

Information for thought: If the Russian beauty spoke compliments, then her cheeks were compared with the bulk of the applemi. Excessive thinness in Ancient Russia was considered a sign of ill health, and the girls who, like on a chair, on the chest could fit a two -year -old child, caused admiration for men.

There are women in Russian villages with the calm importance of faces
The horse will stop the horse, will enter the burning hut! And does not think about whether it is possible to eat apples
  • Low calorie content of apples, allows you to call this fruit dietary. In a hundred grams of the product 44 kcal.
  • There is a theory that for a person the most useful is precisely those products that grow in its region. And the larger the distance that has overcome the fruit or vegetable to the consumer table, the less benefit in it. And Russia without apples is the same as Africa without bananas. Apples in winter and summer do not come out of the diet of the Slavs. Our ancestors ate them fresh for centuries, in a matured and dried form, and later in the form of jam.

What advantages do we have in the end:

  1. In apples contains a wide range of vitamins and trace elements.
  2. Apples contribute to the acceleration of metabolism And improve cellular metabolism.
  3. Apples positively affect the appearance And they give the skin a healthy blush.
  4. Absolutely apples the usual product for the Slavs Nutritions, and therefore, are easily absorbed.
In Russia, it was always believed that there are apples useful. Picture collective farm bazaar Fedot Sychkov
In Russia, it was always believed that there are apples useful. Picture "Collective farm Bazaar" Fedot Sychkov

Cons of apples - can you eat fresh or baked apples?

Cons of apples:

  • Apples are not so rich in vitamins. They really have a wide range of both vitamins and nutrients, but in them just a little. For example, vitamin C in 100 grams of apple from 4.5 to 10 mg. For comparison, the orange contains about 60 mg of vitamin C. In the case of apples, to satisfy the daily norm of this vitamin, they need to be eaten more than a kilogram. And such a dose may not affect the stomach in the best way.
  • Apples are sour And their use can be a real torture for those who have gastritis or peptic ulcer. Apple unloading days can provoke the development of gastritis.
  • Completely healthy person too do not eat apples at night. You can hardly fall asleep by having dinner on the empty stomach with fresh apples. Apples contribute to the activation of digestion, and the feeling of hunger after such dinner will only intensify.

If excess weight really threatens health or prevents you from arranging personal life, it makes sense in weight loss. Modern Russian beauties sit on diets to lose weight, and ask the question of whether it is possible to eat fresh or baked apples in the evening, at night, if you lose weight?

It can definitely be said that there are fresh apples for the night is not prohibited, it will not harm health, but it is better not to do this at night. It is easier to absorb by the body and digested by the gastrointestinal tract of a baked apple.

Is it possible to eat a baked apple for the night?
Is it possible to eat a baked apple for the night?

Is it possible to eat fresh or baked apples when losing weight: nutritional advice

There are baked apples at night is preferable than fresh. If the apples are sweet, before cooking, you can not add sugar in them.

The calorie content of baked and fresh apples is 59 and 44 kilocalories, respectively.

At first glance, it seems that for quick weight loss, the apple diet on fresh apples is more preferable than on baked apples. But, having eaten fresh apples at night, you will have to close your refrigerator onto the barn lock, and throw the key into the window. The desire to eat a piece of meat, fat or just bread will be so insurmountable.

Apple diet and refrigerator on the castle
Apple diet and refrigerator on the castle

According to the famous Ukrainian nutritionist, Svetlana Fus, there are no apples at night, because they will only strengthen the feeling of hunger. Having had a snack in the evening with an apple, you will only delay the dinner time. The same can be said about other fruits.

Nutritionists are advised not to use with a goal of losing weight with rigid diets, which are based on only one apples or another small -calorie product.

  • This method of losing weight will cause harm to health, and after reaching the usual diet, a return to the previous weight, and even a weight gain, will be inevitable.
  • Preference should be given to a diet in which there are all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body.
  • An irresistible desire to eat acidic foods or fish may arise from the fact that the body is in the lack of any minerals or vitamins. As a result, the feeling of hunger signals that this or that product needs to be eaten.

Sweet tooth may object that there are very few vitamins and minerals in the cakes, but it is these products that people use in very large quantities. This is because confectionery does not so much satisfy the need for proteins and carbohydrates, so much affect funny centers in the brain. The more sweet, the more pleasure from eating such products. Products that help to cheer the mood are dedicated to separate article of our site. There is a reflection of this idea in creativity Marina Tsvetaeva.

Is it harmful to eat fresh or baked apples at night?

The question of whether it is possible to eat baked apples at night when you lose weight is relevant only when a lot of other food was eaten before that. There are two extremes for those who are trying to lose weight with an apple diet. First, a person tortures his body with overeating, and then starvation.

Having received such stress, the brain begins to launch a program for laying fats “for a rainy day”. And as soon as the diet is finished, the deposition of fat “in reserve” begins with renewed vigor. Therefore, eat correctly, and then you can use apples at any time of the day.

Overflow can cause no less harm to health than a passion for alcohol or nicotine. After all, obesity arising from such a way of life can lead to complete disability.

Is there a way out of such a closed circle?Oddly enough, it is that a person refuses hungry diets, and eats as much as he wants, but in small portions. Sweet foods are somewhat modified. Instead of fat creams, creams based on low -fat yogurts are used.

Useful desserts from apples
Useful desserts from apples

Is it possible to eat fresh or baked apples in the evening, at night, if you lose weight: reviews of losing weight

Reviews of losing weight:

  • Tatyana 53 years old: I tried a bunch of diets and my weight only increased. I think that my job is to blame. I work from 10 am to 22 in the morning. There is no way to eat normally at work. These are mainly snacks of tea with tea. And coming home, I open the refrigerator and compensate for the daytime malnutrition. Attempts to lose weight before the vacation with the help of an apple diet were unsuccessful.
  • Elena 30 years: I really love sweets. I don't need soup or borsch. If the house does not have sweet cookies, I feel deeply unhappy. As a result, for a year I gained 10 kg. I had to sit on an apple diet. I used baked apples. The weight decreased well.
  • Marina 45 years old: My weight is stable for 10 years. I tried to sit on a low -calorie diet. I ate fresh apples for the night. It was difficult to fall asleep. All thoughts were only about food. Now I adhere to a rational nutrition system. The weight stabilized.

Video: Opinion of nutritionists about apple diet

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