Ducan's protein weight loss on Ducan's diet: menu for every day, products and cocktails for weight loss

Ducan's protein weight loss on Ducan's diet: menu for every day, products and cocktails for weight loss

An interesting article on weight loss methods based on the use of protein products.

Protein diets are very popular among bodybuilders. When eating only protein products, you can significantly lose weight and make the contours of your body perfect.

There are several interpretations protein diets for weight loss. Very popular short -term methods of weight loss, up to 1 month. During this time, you will be able to lose up to 10 kg of weight, it all depends on the initial weight of the body. If you want to lose weight quickly, sit on egg diet.

The egg diet is designed for 7-30 days. At this time, you will eat not only protein foods, but also fruits and vegetables.

IMPORTANT: Due to the deficiency of fat, the weight is rapidly reduced.

Protein menu for a week for weight loss

  • Monday. Breakfast consists of 2 eggs and orange. For lunch you have 0.5 kg of any fruit. For dinner, pamper yourself with a boiled chicken. Do not forget to remove the skin from her;
  • Tuesday. Breakfast, like Monday. At lunch, eat baked chicken. In the evening, have a bite of a vegetable salad;
  • Wednesday. Start the morning with eggs and citruses. For lunch you have 200 g of low -fat cottage cheese. Before going to bed, eat a piece of chicken;
  • Thursday. Breakfast, as usual, consists of eggs and orange. For lunch 500 g of any fruit (except for grapes and bananas). Dinner consists of boiled chicken with a vegetable salad;
  • Friday. Breakfast start with eggs and orange. Boiled vegetables for lunch. Before going to bed, eat boiled fish with a salad;
  • Saturday. Breakfast as usual. For lunch, any fruit. Dinner consists of meat and salad;
  • Sunday. Breakfast as usual. For dinner, chicken with boiled vegetables. For dinner, you have fresh vegetables.

The menu is simple and affordable. In a week you can lose 2-5 kg. Repeat a similar experiment on your body should not be earlier than 2-3 months.

Important: Pay attention, when returning to the usual menu, you can get better very quickly, so get out of the diet gradually.

Add 30 g of carbohydrates to the diet every 3 days. Constantly control the weight as soon as you see that you begin to gain mass, slightly reduce carbohydrate consumption.

Protein weight loss: Ducan's diet

This method of weight loss was developed by the French nutritionist Ducan. It is worth noting that, unlike most diets, he provided and accurately described a way out of the diet. This methodology for reducing and holding weight is ideal for people more than 10 kg.

Important: you will have to go through three stages, and follow the fourth stage until the end of your life.

At the heart diets Ducan Lies the consumption of certain food at different stages of weight loss.
The first phasethe "attack" is called, its duration is 3-10 days. At this time, you can eat exclusively protein foods. The number of fats and carbohydrates is reduced to zero. There are no restrictions on the number of food, you can have dinner even at 22.00.

Read a detailed description of Ducan's diet in the article:

Why is losing weight without reducing the amount of food on Ducan's diet?

The fact is that the splitting of protein requires about a third of the entire energy value of the product. That is, having eaten 210 g of skim cottage cheese, 60 calories per 100 g, you will receive only 88 calories.

The third part of the energy value will go to the work of the body. In addition, proteins do not turn into fat, but fatty and carbohydrate foods are necessary for some chemical reactions. That is why subcutaneous fat begins to “melt”.

Please note: during menstruation, water is delayed in the body, so do not be discouraged if the weight is in place.

Special instructions on Ducan's diet

  • Drink 2 liters of liquid daily.
  • Eat the bran every day.
  • Walk at least 30 minutes on a fresh vacation.
  • Cook salads without adding oil and salt.
  • Replace sugar with a sweetener.
  • Buy low-fat dairy products (0-0.5% fat content).

In the first 2-4 days from the start of weight loss, you can feel nausea, dizziness and noise in your ears. This is quite normal, after two days these unpleasant sensations will disappear.
Problems with stools are possible, this was provided by the author of the diet and entered the menu oat bran. In the first phase, they can be consumed 1.5 tablespoons per day. You can add them to kefir or cook pancakes.

The first phase "Attack" on Ducan's diet

On the first phase you can eat such slimming protein products:

  • Low -fat meat;
  • Chicken and beef liver;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Low -fat kefir, cottage cheese and milk.

Important: it is allowed to eat no more than 2 yolks per day. Belts can be 4-5 pieces.

  • You can cook eggs in any way
  • Frying in a dry pan is allowed. If you are going to lose weight by this technique, then purchase a pan with anti -stick coating
  • You can bake food and cook on the grill
  • The meat can be marinated in mineral water, kefir or tomato paste. The main thing is that there is no sugar, fat and starch in the marinade.

The second stage on the protein diet of Ducan

The second phase It is called "alternation", it lasts from several weeks to one year. The phase ends when you acquire the necessary harmony. During this period, you continue to dump extra pounds, not starchy vegetables are introduced into the protein menu. Give preference to cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, celery. You can eat carrots and beets, but not daily. Add salted cucumbers to salads.

You can not use legumes and potatoes.

At this time, you can add a little oil to salads. It is allowed to consume up to 1 teaspoon of vegetable fat per day. Do not use frying products. In the second phase, increase the amount of bran to 2 tablespoons per day. You can stew vegetables, bake or grill.

The third phase on Ducan's diet

The duration of the stage depends on the number of kilograms lost. 1 kg of discarded weight accounts for 10 days of “consolidation”. During this period, you introduce 2 slices of whole grain bread and 200 g of any fruits per day (there is impossible to eat banana). In addition, once a week you can arrange a "festival of the abdomen." At this time, you can organize a meal, which consists of three dishes, including dessert. Do not put the supplement in the plate. In addition, the festive meal every 7 days add one portion of starch -containing products. This is rice or potatoes. You can eat beans or peas.

Important: be sure to arrange once a week protein days for weight loss Like an attack. So you will not get better.

The fourth stage "Stabilization" of Ducan

This stage lasts all his life. Eat as in the third phase, only now starchy food can be eaten daily. There is no sugar and fat in the diet. You will have to forever say goodbye to sweets and confectionery. Twice a week you can arrange "holidays" when you can eat the first, second and third dishes.

Protein diet: Reviews about such a method of weight reduction are positive, since it allows you to adjust the figure in a short period of time, but the weight returns very quickly.

Protein cocktails for weight loss

Now doctors and nutritions proven that with the help protein cocktails for weight loss You can significantly reduce weight. Nevertheless, athletes and bodybuilders successfully use these compounds during drying to give the muscles of relief.

Types of protein cocktails

  • Containing 10 g of protein and pectin, contributing to a feeling of saturation. This drink can be replaced by one meal.
  • Containing 20 g of protein. Such protein cocktails There is no pectin, but the calorie content is minimal. They poorly quench the feeling of hunger, so only one meal can be replaced with a drink.
  • Homemade cocktails for weight loss based on egg protein and dairy products. Well -satisfied the feeling of hunger. This is a great way to eat at work without gaining extra pounds.
  • Cocktails based on plant components. This is usually soy protein.

Of course, if you decide not only to reduce weight, but also to improve the contours of your body, then it makes sense to purchase cocktails with a high protein content. This is an excellent building material for your muscles. But if you are not involved in the gym, you can cook protein cocktails yourself.

Recipes for cooking protein cocktails at home

Recipe No. 1: Energy protein cocktail. For its preparation, beat in a blender a glass of skim milk and a tablespoon of natural yogurt. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add 5 g of soluble coffee.

Recipe No. 2Nourishing cocktail. Beat 200 ml of milk and 100 g of cottage cheese in a blender. Add a banana, a spoonful of honey and a handful of oatmeal.

Recipe No. 3: Egg cocktail. Pour 200 ml of milk into the blender and drive one egg. Pour a teaspoon of sugar. Beat everything thoroughly until smooth.

Important: one of these cocktails needs to be replaced by meals. It is best if it is dinner. You can supplement the recipes with fruits and berries.

As you can see, protein diets and protein cocktails are quite effective when losing weight. But before you sit on a diet, consult a doctor, since protein methods of weight loss remove a lot of water and calcium from the body. This, in turn, can affect the work of the kidneys.

Video: approximate menu on a protein diet

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Comments K. article

  1. By the way, I not only dropped the fat on Ducan, but also the muscles were added ... I think this is thanks to the large number of protein. True, recently, only a sportexpert of a protein cocktail and cottage cheese in different variations ... So here's a life hack, if you can’t look at the meat))

  2. I tried Ducan’s diet somehow, the effectiveness was good, I then dropped normally. I want to repeat now, during the winter I got three kilograms (((I began to take Enterosgel from yesterday to remove slags and toxins from the body and then start a diet.

  3. I started with this diet, but since the metabolism was not very good, the result was not particularly. Therefore, now the doctor recommended me to take the forte, he would just establish the work of metabolism and my weight loss would go more fun.

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