A diet of 1200 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for 1,200 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight in a month on a diet of 1200 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

A diet of 1200 calories per day: an approximate menu for a week and for every day for weight loss. The correct diet and simple recipes for 1,200 calories for weight loss. How much you can lose weight in a month on a diet of 1200 calories per day: reviews and results of weighty

An approximate menu and a list of products on a diet of 1200 calories.

A diet of 1200 calories is considered one of the safest and balanced. It is quite easy to adhere to, there is no constant feeling of hunger, and the process of losing weight passes stably without the effects of the plateau and stops.

Fractional power plan for a balanced diet for 1200 calories per day

Tentatively on the day you should dial no more than 1200 calories. In this case, physical activity is welcome. There is no feeling of constant hunger on the diet, since the menu is balanced.

Power plan:

  • In total, you will have 5 meals a day. Of these, 3 main and 2 additional
  • Basic techniques of 300 calories, and two more snacks of 150 calories
  • Drink more than 2 liters of water, exclude sweet and carbonated drinks
  • Enter a lot of fruits and fresh vegetables
Tips on how to eat less food
Tips on how to eat less food

A set of low -calorie products for a diet of 1200 calories per day: List

So that the portions are large and hunger is not felt for a long time, eat low -calorie products.

List of food products:

  • Loof meat varieties
  • Dairy products with fat content up to 1%
  • Complex carbohydrates
  • Rough cereals
  • Fresh fruits
  • Eggs
  • Vegetable oils
I am approximately on a diet 1200 kcal
I am approximately on a diet 1200 kcal

What products cannot be eaten on a diet of 1200 calories per day: List

This nutrition technique is considered simple and balanced, so you can eat without a feeling of hunger. But there are products that should be excluded from the diet.

Forbidden food:

  • Confectionery
  • Normal sugar
  • Sausage
  • Fatty meat and lard
  • Fast food
  • Semi -finished products
  • Chips and crackers

The correct diet and the approximate menu for the week and for every day with the calculation of calories for weight loss on a diet of 1200 calories per day

You can eat quite a variety of hunger. Products allow you to do this at any time of the year.

Approximate diet:

  • Breakfast. Oat porridge on milk with fruit
  • Snack. 1 banana and 1 apple
  • Dinner. Vegetable soup and stewed cabbage with chicken breast
  • Snack. Kefira or yogurt glass
  • Dinner. Boiled fish with salad
The correct diet and the approximate menu for the week and for every day with the calculation of calories for weight loss on a diet of 1200 calories per day
The correct diet and the approximate menu for the week and for every day with the calculation of calories for weight loss on a diet of 1200 calories per day

What can be eaten for 1200 calories per day: List of dishes

The list of dishes is quite diverse for this methodology of weight loss.

An approximate list of products for 100 calories:

  • Egg with a spoon of sour cream
  • 1 potato boiled in the peel or baked
  • A portion of cabbage salad with carrots. Vinegar and drop of oil
  • 150 ml of chicken low -fat broth and 1 egg
  • Small banana
  • A glass of grapes berries
  • 2 apples
  • Low -fat cheesecake baked without sugar
  • Baked river fish
  • 150 g of chicken breast

Respectively, for a portion, that is, for one meal of 300 calories, you can eat the following products:

  • Baked fish and cabbage salad
  • Coarse cheesecake and chicken broth with egg
  • 3 baked apples with low -fat cottage cheese
  • Stewed cabbage with chicken breast
What can be eaten for 1200 calories per day: List of dishes
What can be eaten for 1200 calories per day: List of dishes

Simple recipes for 1,200 calories for weight loss

Of course, the main drawback of this diet is that everything needs to be prepared. That is, it is impossible to eat in restaurants, and fast food is prohibited.

Dietary cheesecakes

A simple recipe for making dessert.


  • 150 g of low -fat cottage cheese
  • Half of the raw egg
  • Teaspoon of sugar, you can use the substitute
  • Tablespoon of oat bran


  • Pull the cottage cheese in the blender and enter sugar or substitute
  • Pull the egg and pour the bran
  • Turn on the blender again
  • From the prepared mass, form cheesecakes and put vapor boards on a sieve
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories

Vegetable soup

Delicious and dietary soup from vegetables.


  • 1 potatoes
  • 1 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • A handful of champignons
  • A handful of cauliflower
  • Salt
  • Spices
  • 10 g of oil


  • Prepare vegetables and cut them with small slices
  • Download all vegetables into the pan and pour 1.5 liters of water
  • Turn on the heating and cook until the softness of the vegetables
  • Enter salt and spices. Pour in the oil
  • Before serving, you can enter a teaspoon of sour cream
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories

Vegetable stew

It is best to prepare a dish in a slow cooker, since there is a very small consumption of oil and fats.


  • 2 carrots
  • 2 eggplant
  • 2 Bulgarian peppers
  • 1 potatoes
  • 2 bulbs
  • Spices, salt
  • 1 spoon of oil


  • Peel the vegetables and rinse them under a stream of water
  • Cut everything with cubes and pour in a multicooker bowl
  • Pour water so that it does not cover the vegetables by 3 cm
  • Add salt, oil, spices
  • Turn on the device in the "extinguishing" mode for 45 minutes
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Recipes for dishes calculating kilocalories
Ingredients for salads on a diet 1200 kcal
Ingredients for salads on a diet 1200 kcal

Why can't you eat less than 1200 kcal per day?

Nutritionists do not recommend adhering to hard low -carb diets. This is fraught with consequences. It is the norm of 1200 calories that will not put the body into a stress state. Therefore, this diet is used for a short time to obtain a one -time result. Then you need to switch to a balanced diet.

Disadvantages of low -calorie diets:

  • Plateau effect. After a while, the metabolism slows down, and a person loses weight very slowly.
  • The body has a lack of nutrients, health problems may begin.
  • Lost weight can lead to a deceleration of metabolism and obesity.

How much can you lose weight in a month on a diet of 1200 calories per day?

The weight on such a diet goes slowly. But this is not bad. At the same time, stretch marks are not formed, the skin does not hang and looks elastic. On average, weight loss per month is 2-3 kg. This is of course a little, but safe.

Diet 1200 calories per day: reviews and results of losing weight

Reviews about this technique are positive reduction. Almost all the weighty are very satisfied, since there is no feeling of hunger and at the same time you can play sports, ordinary things.

Reviews of weighty:

  • Alina, Stavropol. I can’t say that I was the chips, but after the winter there were few extra pounds. Weighed 68 kg. A friend recommended this technique to me, which really liked it. The most important thing is that I do not want to eat. For 3 months I lost 7 kg and now my weight is 61 kg. I weighed so much before pregnancy. I feel good, I'm very pleased.
  • Svetlana, Moscow. Now it is very fashionable to be a vegan and all sorts of diets. After I changed my job, I began to recover rapidly. After all, work in the office is not related to physical exertion. Accordingly, my weight has increased. I sat on this diet and lost up to 70 in 2 months from 75 kg. Now I continue to sit on a diet. I'm already looking after new things.
  • Elena, Ufa. I am sitting permanent on all sorts of diets, since it is necessary to be in shape. I recently tried a diet of 1200 calories. The result impressed me. For 4 months minus 12 kg. There is no hunger, health is excellent. Now I will only choose this method of weight loss.
Diet 1200 calories per day: reviews and results of losing weight
Diet 1200 calories per day: reviews and results of losing weight

A diet of 1200 calories is perfectly tolerated and allows you to keep the weight that has been lifted for a long time.

Video: Diet 1200 calories per day

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Comments K. article

  1. Excellent article! Very useful and detailed. There are insignificant discrepancies in assessing the calorie content of certain products, but this is not fundamental. According to a similar technique, I reduced the weight by 32.5 kg during the year ... from 104.5 kg to 72.5 kg. I feel (in my 68 years old) excellent! This method does not “strain”. Not painful and acceptable. Thanks to the author for the useful "propaganda" of healthy weight loss.

  2. I like it, I want such a diet

  3. The diet is good, but too few calories - 1200 is the lower limit for a slender woman, or rather basal metabolism. Suitable only for a short time (2 months maximum) and when you need to drop 3-6 extra kg. Personally, I am losing weight from 55 to 50, now the weight is about 52 kg with a height of 165 cm (I have a narrow bone). This is the result for 1.5 months for 1500 kcal. At 1200 I would die from hunger. And people with a lot of weight are critically few calories.

  4. I have a similar diet, but usually I add another meal in the form of a cappuccino with a bar sport expert protein bar. I just love to sit in a coffee shop after work, this is a tradition))

  5. Damn, so much oil in a salad. This is the same fat, raises

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