Diet AD: The essence, prohibited products, menu, consequences

Diet AD: The essence, prohibited products, menu, consequences

A very dangerous and long diet. Read the rules carefully and think well before using it.

The most stringent and merciless diet that will help to quickly throw off excess weight is the AD diet. In this case, the struggle does not go with unnecessary kilograms, but with the human body. Of course, you will reduce volumes, but you will have to pay too expensive.

The essence of the diet is AD

AD - means Anorexic Diet. In this case, the English language does not even need to decipher the meaning of this diet - “anorexia”. Loss of excess weight is achieved by acquiring many diseases. The consequences of which will be deplorable. This is the best thing that could happen on this diet, the worst is death. Even if at the initial stage a person feels a deterioration in health and consults a doctor, then he will have to fight overweight all his life. Even from small -calorie foods, the weight will increase, since during the diet it consumed even less. This diet makes a hostage out of a person.

Important: the principle that should be followed during the AD diet is not to exceed the permissible calorie content per day. The duration of the diet is 3 months.

During diets AD It is worth observing certain rules. There are days where 450 calories are allowed, and there are 50 calories. Nutrition should be fractional, that is, food in the body should come in equal parts. You need to drink water in an amount of 1.5 liters per day. The last meal 3 hours before going to bed. You can take relaxing baths, massages and wraps. You can drink freshly squeezed juices, not strong tea, natural coffee.

During diets AD You should adhere to strict requirements and not use products that affect weight. Such prohibitions include:

  • Remove alcohol in general, even a minimum amount can add weight.
  • Fast carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, pastries, porridge - rice and semolina).
  • Strong coffee and tea. If you really want to, then only very weak.
  • Do not eat foods containing artificial dyes, flavors and other harmful chemicals.
  • Do not cheat chewing gum. It is contraindicated in the empty stomach.
  • Fat food and semi -finished products (sausages, smoked, sausages).
  • Packed juices, carbonated drinks with sugar.

Do not walk in high heels. Smoking is contraindicated as dizziness and even fainting may occur.

Many products are prohibited
Many products are prohibited

Such rules are spelled out in most diets they must follow in this diet.

Diet AD: menu

The duration of the diet is 3 months (if more precisely 90 days) is a period when the human body is constantly in a state of hunger. To make a menu you need to calculate the calorie content of all dishes to the gram. This will take a lot of time. It is necessary to print the calorie content table of all products in order to strictly follow it.

Calorie content
Calorie content
Number of calories per day
Number of calories per day

An example for the day:

  • Breakfast: white cabbage - 200 g, boiled shrimp - 60 g, low -fat kefir - 150 g.
  • Dinner: little pear, 180 g - sliced \u200b\u200bcubes of sweet pepper, tofu cheese - 70 g.
  • Dinner: small kiwi, fresh raspberries - 200 g, fillet fillet - 30 g.

In the process diets AD You should be guided by a detailed scheme that is painted for 90 days of diet. To make it easier to control and monitor the diet of food, you need to hang it in a prominent place, for example, on a refrigerator. Fast in the table means complete fasting.

Important: What to choose from products when you need to eat only 50 calories a day? This number of calories is contained in raw carrots - 200 g, a very small apple, pear. 1 tbsp. Honey contains this number of calories.

Based on this, we can conclude that on this day you will feel hunger constantly, even if you eat the required 50 kcal. According to doctors, such nutrition leads to serious complications and irreversible consequences for the body.

The consequences of the AD diet

The AD diet is starvation in other words. After 90 days, a person will not only drop weight, but also lose muscle mass, which will lead to muscle dystrophy. The consequence of this will be pain not only when walking, but also just when sitting in a chair. Serious health problems will appear, namely: with heart, kidneys, breathing, metabolism, pulse.

Now you are unlikely to meet people who, for the sake of a slender figure, will choose this diet. The result, of course, will please you, as extra pounds will simply leave before your eyes. In 3 months you will lose about 30 kg. Since people who used this diet are quite few, like few reviews.


But those that are, unanimously give such advice:

  • Drink a lot.
  • Lead an inactive lifestyle.
  • Do massage of the abdomen.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol.
  • Do not drink pills.
  • Take multivitamin complexes.

If your desire to lose weight is so large, then you should choose a diet that will not bring such tremendous harm to the body as Diet AD.

Video: Calorie content of products

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh no, my girlfriend has lost a loved one on such a diet for a month, so I fainted in the end when I climbed the stairs to the stairs to the 6th floor. It is better to adhere to a healthy diet and play sports. Health is more important! And if you really want to lose weight so much, combine cardio and power, do 4-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes. Before training, I advise you to try to drink l-carnitine, I ordered SportExpert in the bottle. This is to burn fat faster, it works fine. So in the end, in a couple of months you will have just a chic body, and not the same as from such diets

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