Perfect curd dough for delicious baking: the best step -by -step recipes

Perfect curd dough for delicious baking: the best step -by -step recipes

If you want to bake something, make a curd dough for this. You will find recipes for its preparation in this article. Such a workpiece always turns out to be delicate, soft, and the dish is airy and appetizing

Curd dough is easy to prepare. To make it, you do not need to specially cool or, conversely, heat the products. It is enough to buy what is necessary, mix and you can start baking.

Absolutely any pastries will turn out of the curd dough delicious, since the texture of this sweet and milk product in whipped or even just in a mixed state, it will make the dough delicate, tasty and appetizing. Below you will find several recipes for cottage cheese dough for the preparation of various baking. Read further.

Curd dough: preparation tips

Curd dough cookies
Curd dough cookies

Each dish has its own cooking secrets. If they do not know them, then it may not turn out to be the same as expected. There are such secrets in the preparation of cottage cheese dough. Here are some tips that will help make the perfect test workpiece - tasty, soft, with a delicious crust:

  • Do not make the dough too tight. Excessive flour can ruin the workpiece. Therefore, the dough should be elastic, but not to stick to your hands, otherwise you will not be able to make the product.
  • Excess sugar In the workpiece, they can lead to burning the finished product. Therefore, put this ingredient strictly according to the recipe.
  • If there is a lot of serum in cottage cheeseThen put it in a gauze section and hang it over a bowl. After a couple of hours, the liquid is draining, and the cottage cheese will become dry. The dry this product, the better the result.
  • So that the dough from cottage cheese turns out lush and soft, put it in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.
  • Big plus such baking The fact that you can use cottage cheese, which has already lie down from 3 to 7 days. If you have this product in the refrigerator, feel free to take it and prepare the cottage cheese dough. Even if it is a little sour, to the taste of the product from the cottage cheese dough, this will not affect.
  • If you are embarrassed that the cottage cheese is sour. Soak it in milk for several hours, and then throw it in a colander covered with gauze. When the excess fluid is draining, the cottage cheese will be as just prepared.

If you follow all these recommendations, then baking of cottage cheese, you will be very tasty.

Hornings, pies, mourners from cottage cheese dough in the oven: the best step -by -step recipe with a photo with cottage cheese filling, with a jam

Crylics from cottage cheese dough in the oven
Crylics from cottage cheese dough in the oven

Pies and buns are simple. You need to make the dough, roll the “sausage”, cut into small parts, form cakes. Then, in each cake, the filling should be put, pinch and can be sent to the oven.

Credphouses should be done using another technology, but also simple. Below we published a recipe for cottage cheese dough for baking these products. You will also learn how to make sanglics with cottage cheese filling or jam, with sprinkling of sugar or coconut. Here is the best step -by -step recipe with photo:

Grocery list:

List of products for cuckolds from cottage cheese dough in the oven
List of products for cuckolds from cottage cheese dough in the oven
  • You will also need an egg for lubricating the pants before baking.

Cook like this:

  • Remember cottage cheese and soft butter with a fork. Mix well until a homogeneous texture.
  • Combine almost all the flour with salt and baking powder and mix.
  • Combine the flour and cottage cheese mixture. Mix well. Knead an elastic test workpiece.
  • Put it in a film or in a p/e package and leave to relax on the table for half an hour.
  • Then divide the dough lump into 1/2. Put one half aside.
  • Roll the second part on the table into a round layer thick 3 mm.
Roll up the cottage cheese dough into a layer and divide into 16 parts
Roll up the cottage cheese dough into a layer and divide into 16 parts
  • Sprinkle it with sprinkling of coconut, a small amount of ordinary and vanilla sugar.
  • Slide with a rolling pin so that sprinkling is well distributed on the surface and does not sprinkle when you twist the bagels.
  • Now cut the circle into 16 parts. It will turn out products of small size. If you want to make large slingshots, then divide the layer into 8 parts.
  • Now begin to turn off the slings from the wide part to the narrow.
  • Now shake the egg, pour a little sugar into another bowl. Dip the top of the finished, twisted cuckle first into the egg, and then into sugar. Do this with each "cake".
  • Fold the products on the baking sheet and bake to rosy color.

If you want to make sills with a jam or cottage cheese filling, then it fits in a small amount at the end, on a wide part of the “cutting”, and the pungent turns as well as without filling. For curd filling you will need:

  • Cottage cheese - 200 grams
  • Sugar-1-2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Advice: If the cottage cheese is wet, then do not add sour cream.

Do the cottage cheese dough for pies and buns according to the same recipe, as for ridds. From such a test, you can even bake cookies.

Video: cottage cheese pants as in childhood. A step -by -step recipe. Curd cookies

Curricular sand dough: the best and simple recipe for sand and fifty dough for cookies, apples cake, roll with photos

Cottage cheese sand dough for apples pie
Cottage cheese sand dough for apples pie

Curd sand dough goes well with berries, fruits and dried fruits. From such a workpiece, you can bake cookies, pie or roll. Here is the best and simple recipe for sand-tone dough with a photo:

Grocery list:

List of products for cooking cottage cheese sand dough for apples pie
List of products for cooking cottage cheese sand dough for apples pie

Cook like this:

  • Melt the butter in a water bath. Cool so that it is not hot, but remains liquid.
  • Combine the sah. Sand, molten oil, egg and vanillin.
Combine cottage cheese and other components of the recipe
Combine cottage cheese and other components of the recipe
  • Put your soda in lemon juice, and mix this mixture with oil mass.
  • Rub the lemon zest on a fine grater and add to the rest of the ingredients.
  • Get the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix with other components.
  • Put the sifted flour, mix and continue to add, knead the dough.
  • Form a ball and take it into the refrigerator, after previously wrapped in a film, for half an hour.
Wrap the cottage cheese dough in the p/e film and put in the refrigerator
Wrap the cottage cheese dough in the p/e film and put in the refrigerator

Thanks to cottage cheese, the dough becomes very plastic and soft. Now form cookies and bake until golden. You can divide into two parts and make a closed pie with filling, or twist the roll, for example, with jam or jam.

Video: fast cherry roll from a very tasty and simple cottage cheese dough

Curd puff pastry: a simple photo receptor of baking

Baking from cottage cheese puff pastry
Baking from cottage cheese puff pastry

Cottage cheese puff pastry is very delicate and airy. Baking from it will melt in the mouth. Therefore, immediately make a double portion of the dough to bake more delicious and appetizing products. Here is a simple photo receptor of baking from cottage cheese puff pastry:

Grocery list:

List of baking products from curd puff pastry
List of baking products from curd puff pastry

Cook like this:

  • Transfer the required amount of sifted flour into a large bowl.
  • Put cottage cheese from the refrigerator and chilled oil.
Mix components for cottage cheese dough in a bowl
Mix components for cottage cheese dough in a bowl
  • Chop everything into the baby. If the kitchen has a high air temperature, then you need to ventilate to cool it.
  • The oil should not melt while you chop it with cottage cheese and flour.
  • Beat the egg with a fork and, little by little into the dough. It happens that there is a lot of eggs, so introduce in parts.
  • The dough should gather in the ball, but at the same time falling apart a little.
  • If you are not sure that put the eggs as much as you need, then instead of it, add a little ordinary water.
Wash the ball of cottage cheese dough in the p/e film
Wash the ball of cottage cheese dough in the p/e film
  • Bake a ball of dough in a film and put in a refrigerator for a couple of hours.

When time passes and the dough cools, you can get it and sculpt products.

Remember: You need to work with such a workpiece quickly so that it does not heat up in the hands. Otherwise, the product will turn out not to puff, but ordinary.

The best step-by-step recipe for cottage cheese and thyroid dough: cheese dough cheesecake

Cheese dough
Cheese dough

Checking cheese is the favorite treat of every person from childhood. Our grandmothers used to bake cheese and other different doughs before. But these most delicious these products are obtained from cottage cheese and thyroid workpiece. Here is the best step -by -step recipe:

Grocery list:

List of cheap cheese dough products
List of cheap cheese dough products

Cook like this:

  • Make dough: mix sah. sand, heated milk, yeast and 2 tablespoons flour. Let it stand warm for 20 minutes.
  • Drain. Heat the oil in a water bath and mix with eggs.
  • Put cottage cheese, salt and vanilla. Combine all components until smooth.
  • Pour the dug into this mixture and mix well.
  • Add flour, kneading the dough. When it gets into a lump, put it in a bowl and put it in heat for an hour.
  • Now you can form cakes for cheesecakes with recesses in the center.
  • The filling for these products is simple: cottage cheese, a little sour cream, sugar and egg. Mix everything and spread the cakes in the center, leaving with a spoon.
  • Bake in the oven 30 minutes at a temperature 180 degrees. Ready.

Video: cottage cheese-gesture for cakes and sweet pastries

Curd dough for pizza: step -by -step recipe

Pizza from cottage cheese dough
Pizza from cottage cheese dough

Everyone knows that for pizza the most important thing is the dough. It should be thin, soft and tender. Such a workpiece is simply done with the addition of cottage cheese. It should be pasty, without excess serum. Here is a step -by -step recipe for cottage cheese dough for pizza:

Grocery list:

List of pizza products from cottage cheese dough
List of pizza products from cottage cheese dough

You need to cook like this:

  • In a separate pan, put the cottage cheese, drive the egg, add sour cream, sugar and salt. Mix everything well until a homogeneous state.
  • Put all the flour, after sifting it. Add soda by extinguishing it with vinegar.
  • Knead the dough. It should be soft and convenient for further work with it. Leave on the table, let him lie down.
  • During this time, make the filling.

Now you can form pizza and bake it. Be sure, you will get a delicious dish that everyone will like without exception.

Video: pizza on cottage cheese test. Fast!

Cottage cheese dough in a pan: delicious step -by -step recipe

Curd dough in a pan
Curd dough in a pan

Curd dough for frying in a pan is very universal. It can be done with both salty and sweet filling. You can even fry like an independent dish - it will still be delicious. You won’t believe it, but you will need only 2 products - cottage cheese and flour, and nothing else needs to be added. Neither salt, nor sugar, nor other seasonings will be needed. And so, we proceed. Tasty step -by -step recipe - Stages of cooking:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with flour.
  2. Knock the elastic dough. It should not be too dense. Ready.

Now you can form cookies, or make pies, layers, rolls with filling.

Curd dough roses: delicious, step -by -step recipe

Curd dough roses
Curd dough roses

Our mothers also baked roses from cottage cheese dough. Their recipe was published in various Soviet magazines. Among the main ingredients was a cottage cheese with vanilla. If you find these now, then it is excellent, if not, then you can replace these products with cottage cheese with the addition of vanilla and a pair of tablespoons of sah. Sand. All other components of the recipe are in every house. Here is a simple, tasty and step -by -step recipe for preparing such products:

Grocery list:

List of products for pinks from cottage cheese dough
List of products for pinks from cottage cheese dough

Cook like this:

  • Put a soft drain to the cheese or cottage cheese with sugar. Oil and baking powder. Mix.
  • Add flour and knead the dough.
  • Remove the workpiece in a cold place, and at this time beat sugar with egg proteins.
Twist the curd dough into a roll
Twist the curd dough into a roll

When the dough, after the refrigerator, roll it into the layer, grease the meringue. Turn into a tube and cut into "roses". It remains to bake in the oven ( 25 minutes at 180 degrees) and can be served to the table.

Video: curd cookies with meringue "rose"

A delicious recipe for puff pastry with cottage cheese, cottage cheese filling: for pie

Puff dough with cottage cheese, cottage cheese filling
Puff dough with cottage cheese, cottage cheese filling

The dough with cheese is very tasty. Its delicate texture will emphasize the taste of any filling. Many housewives make layers from cottage cheese dough precisely with the filling of the same ingredient. But this is wrong, since such a workpiece is combined with absolutely any “minced meat” in the middle.

Delicious puff dough recipes with cottage cheese, curd and other filling for a pie or other product, you will find in another article on our website. Try to make all the products that are in this article. They are all tasty and the best, as they are popular with our households and guests, and are eaten instantly after serving on the table.

Cottage cheese casserole in the dough: delicious and best recipe

Cottage cheese casserole in the test
Cottage cheese casserole in the test

Cottage cheese casserole is a familiar dish from childhood. Many do not love her, since earlier in kindergartens, such baked cottage cheese gave almost every day for breakfast. And if your households refuse to eat an ordinary curd casserole, make it in a chocolate test. Be sure, she will leave the table in a matter of minutes. Here is a delicious and best recipe for making this dish:

List of products for cottage cheese casserole in the test
List of products for cottage cheese casserole in the test

First we make the pink casserole itself:

  • Beat eggs with sah. sand.
  • Add semolina, mix so that there are no lumps.
  • Bright the cottage cheese through a sieve. Put on the egg mixture.

Chocolate dough:

  • Beat the eggs with the sah. sand.
  • Put sour cream, soda and melted oil. Mix.
  • Add cocoa and flour. Mix.

To bake the casserole, first in the shape lubricated With oil, pour most of the dough, and then lay out the filling. Pour over the remnants of the dough again on top.

Advice: Do not level the filling and the upper layer of the dough with a spoon, they will be distributed during baking.

Such a casserole is so tasty that households eat it not only for breakfast, but also ask to bake as a dessert, for example, for a festive dinner.

Video: Universal cottage cheese dough. Just a wand for a help!

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  1. clever. Thanks

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