What to do if I went too far with soda in baking, pancakes: how to neutralize the taste of soda in the dough? How to remove the smell and taste of soda from finished baking: tips

What to do if I went too far with soda in baking, pancakes: how to neutralize the taste of soda in the dough? How to remove the smell and taste of soda from finished baking: tips

If you overdo it with soda in baking, then you can correct the situation. The main thing is to follow the advice and follow important rules.

Lush, soft and aromatic pastries - the dream of every mistress. And it’s no secret to anyone that the correct adding soda or baking powder to the dough helps to achieve this goal. But everything is good in moderation.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: “How to replace soda? What to do if there are no soda for pancakes? ". You will learn how to replace soda in baking, in a honey, pancakes, pancakes. Can you replace soda with yeast?

Sometimes it happens that by inattention or inexperience, housewives are overdoing with these ingredients. The price of such a mistake is a spoiled dish. Can this be fixed? How to recognize your mistake? What is the difference between baking powder and soda? You will find answers to these questions in this article. Read further.

Why do you need soda in baking?

Baking soda is needed
Baking soda is needed

Experienced housewives of the 20th century know firsthand about the beneficial properties of baking soda. She became a faithful assistant in the kitchen. Not a single pastries did without this ingredient. What effect can be achieved thanks to the soda? Why is it needed in baking? Here's the answer:

  • The structure of the test will become more porous.
  • The texture of the product “at the output” will turn out to be lush, loose and tender, but baked at the same time.
  • Thanks to the soda, freshly prepared buns appears appetizing, light golden color.
  • When preparing yeast dough, soda, thanks to its properties, “pulls” the sourness, which is possessed by yeast.
  • When mixing a heavy butter, adding soda helps to improve gluten elasticity. This greatly facilitates the processing process.
  • Baking from a butter dough, thanks to the soda, becomes even more air.

What is the principle of operation of this amazing product? Read more:

  • Even in school years, in the chemistry lessons, each of us set small experiments using soda.
  • Its other name Nahco3 (bicarbonate sodium).
  • From the course of chemistry, we know that when they react with the acidic environment, food soda breaks up, forming three substances: salt, water and carbon dioxide. That's just the last element and helps our baking to become lush and porous.

You can perform soda dumping with any acid:

  • Lemon
  • Vinegar
  • Dairy

In addition, ordinary hot water will help to cope with this task. The temperature at which soda is extinguished starts from 60 °. When adding sodium baking, it is important to observe the proportions indicated in the recipe, otherwise you can ruin the taste of the dish.

What to do if you went too far with soda in baking?

I went too far with soda in baking
I went too far with soda in baking

If the error was made, and you overdo it with soda in baking, you do not need to despair. You can try any situation. There are several ways that will help if the baking has not yet managed to put in the oven:

  • The first method is an elementary increase in ingredients. So the mass of finished pastries will be larger and the unpleasant taste and smell of bastard soda will go away.
  • For the second method, you will need any baking acid. Excellent lemon or vinegar. You can also add any acidic juice. Just a few drops are enough to save the situation.
  • The third method is similar to the second, only 2% pharmacy hydrochloric acid is used here. The principle of adding is the same: only a couple of drops and the dish are saved.

The proposed methods will greatly help in the preparation of pies, cakes for a cake, various buns and cupcakes.

What to do if I went too far with soda in pancakes: how to neutralize the taste of soda in the test?

The pancake dough differs from others with its consistency. Soda in pancakes is the same necessary ingredient as flour or liquid base. Sodium bicarbonate makes baking light, openwork, gives splendor and (subject to proportions) is not felt at all in the finished dish. What to do if I went too far with soda in pancakes? How to neutralize the taste of soda in the test?

If it so happened that you added too much soda to the liquid dough for pancakes, you should not despair either:

  • To correct the situation is perfect - doubling of other ingredients. This will increase the amount of dough and make the best added portion of soda initially.
  • You can also try to add a little lemon juice for additional extinguishing an excess of sodium bicarbonate.

But it is important not only to know what to do in one case or another, but to remember about the rules that must be observed so as not to spoil the baking. Read further.

Video: It turns out I incorrectly extinguished soda vinegar. I no longer buy baking powder

Rules so as not to spoil the pastries and do not shift soda

In order to avoid the situations described above and not spoil the pastries, do not shift soda, you need to follow some rules:

  • Cook strictly according to the recipe. Especially if you are faced with him for the first time. No experiments are needed, because the taste and quality of the dish depends on it.
  • If there is a fear of overdoing, it is better to reduce a portion of soda to 1/2 teaspoon. Agree that it is easier to add the missing amount later than to suffer later with doubling proportions.
  • For a more accurate calculation of soda, it is better to use a separate small container and make extinguishing there. Later, you can take from this bowl the required amount of finished substance, and just throw the rest.

If it was decided to cook pancakes, then the amount of soda is reduced to 1/4 tsp. This amount will be quite enough to give splendor and softness the finished dish.

Why shift the baking powder not as scary as soda?

It is also important not to shift the baking powder
It is also important not to shift the baking powder

Today on the shelves of the store you can find small bags with the inscription "Substitter of the dough". In fact, this is the same bastling soda, prepared in industrial conditions and on special equipment. Brokenpers in bags that are found in any grocery store have a rich composition.

  • In addition to soda, there are taste-aromatic additives and various dyes.
  • Wheat flour is also found in the composition. Sometimes it is replaced by starch.
  • Safran is often added, which gives the dough a golden hue and improves taste.
  • But if you are preparing a confectionery product according to a specific recipe, it is better to buy a baking powder for dough or baking powder without a flavor to maintain the original intention of a culinary dish.

The composition of the product is perfectly balanced, so in finished baking (subject to proportions) it is not felt. The preparation algorithm in which it is supposed to be added to the baking powder is extremely simple: pour out the contents of the bag into a container with dough and mix. It is very important to comply with the proportions indicated in the instructions, because looser from different manufacturers can differ in their properties.

But why is it not as scary to shift the baking powder as soda? Although everything is not entirely true. Read more:

  • You can also overdo it with baking powder. In this case, the baking will become too loose, it may not bake in the middle, or even deform. The dish will just stop looking presentable.
  • In contrast to the bastard soda in this case, you will not get an unpleasant odor and a pronounced taste, but the appearance will be hopelessly spoiled.

To correct the situation, you need to follow the same instructions as in the case of soda: increase the total amount of dough.

It's important to know: Baking powder (dough baking powder) can harm the human body due to the fact that some unscrupulous manufacturers add harmful additives like stabilizers, dyes and flavorings to it.

In the worst case, you can find additives containing genetically modified substances, which also makes the dough baking powder potentially dangerous for the body. That is why when buying a bakery powder, you need to focus not on the price and number of grams, but on the composition.

How to remove the smell and taste of soda from finished baking: tips

If suddenly it happened that the finished dish smells of soda and has a characteristic “soapy” taste, then most likely, unfortunately, it cannot be saved. But there are times when you can try to “rehabilitate” pastries.

  • The next advice will only help for cake cakes. Since this dish is prefabricated and most often smeared with cream, you can try to put an orange or kiwi slices between the cakes. The sour fresh taste of fruits should replace the bitterness of soda. You can also soak cakes with fruit syrup with the addition of rum and cognac. This will eliminate the unpleasant odor and give the dish a unique aroma.
  • With other types of baking, such as pies and cupcakes, these methods will not work. You should not try these dishes. Firstly, a strong smell of soda and a bitter unpleasant taste will spoil the impression of pastries. Secondly, such a dish is not useful for the body.
  • Excessive soda content will negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract, as this substance has alkaline properties. If due to an excess of soda the cookies were spoiled, then they can be chopped and used in the future to decorate in other dishes.

The most important advice: do not be discouraged if something suddenly went wrong. The skill comes with experience and the next time it will definitely turn out what was originally intended. We hope that the tips from this article will help to avoid the main mistakes in adding soda (baking powder) and, perhaps, will save more than one recipe.

Video: Why will an experienced confectioner never extinguish soda vinegar for baking? The answer will surprise you!

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