What can not be eaten on New Year's Eve 2022-2023? What is undesirable to cook and serve on the New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat)? What to put on the table: ideas for the menu

What can not be eaten on New Year's Eve 2022-2023? What is undesirable to cook and serve on the New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat)? What to put on the table: ideas for the menu

The article describes that you can’t eat on New Year's Eve, and what can be put on the table in the year of the rabbit.

Fluffy symbol 2023 - RabbitHe eats plants. Therefore, the menu of the holiday should have light snacks and vegetable (fruit) salads. But hot dishes should be cooked with minimal use of fatty meat.

Read other articles on our website: "Simple New Year's dishes from available products in beautiful design". You will find recipes for snacks, salads, baked turkey with oranges.

From this article you will learn what cannot be eaten on New Year's Eve 2022-2023 and what should be prepared. Read further.

Festive New Year's menu: What should it be?

Festive New Year's menu
Festive New Year's menu

To please the black water rabbit, there should be a special menu on the festive feast and must certainly stand on the table:

  • Dishes in the form of carrots or with it in the composition
  • Plates with chopped fruit and vegetable fruits
  • A large amount of greenery

If you cook rabbit dishes, the patron of 2023 will be offended. Attention is paid not only to the ingredients of treats, but also to their compatibility. All food should be medium calorie and easily absorbed.

What can not be eaten on New Year's Eve 2022 - 2023?

Dietary and healthy rabbit meat should be left for the rest of the feast, and for the New Year 2023 to choose white fish (it is low -fat) or poultry meat. Experts in the study of oriental horoscopes are inclined to the conclusion that a vegetarian (or vegan) menu or fish dishes will be more appropriate on the table. However, those who are not ready to completely abandon their favorite meat should prepare from chicken, turkey, quail, ducks.

Since rabbits are selective in food, you should not use products with a pungent odor and sharp spices. Pork with beef is also undesirable on the festive table. So, what can not be eaten on New Year's Eve 2022-2023?

In order not to offend the rabbit, it is forbidden to include in the menu:

  • Courageous chicken
  • Steak
  • Rabbit and hare
  • Large fish
  • Red products (except for fruit fruits)
  • Canned stewed meat
  • Blood sausage
  • Buzhenin

High -calorie salads with a large amount of mayonnaise, meat and smoked meats should not be. It is better to remove them from the menu, and turn on vegetable and light snacks.

What is undesirable to cook and serve on the New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat)?

For this New Year it is undesirable to cook and serve a rabbit
For this New Year it is undesirable to cook and serve a rabbit

Forbidden products for New Year's Eve 2022-2023 are listed above. But in order not to get into trouble, it is better not to cook and do not serve a few more dishes and products. So, what is undesirable to cook and serve on the New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat)? Here is a list of these products:

  • Legumes - lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans when overeating cause deaths in rabbits. But they can cause discomfort and intestinal bloating to a person.
  • Rabbit meat - In the year of the rabbit, it is not acceptable to eat dishes prepared from his fellow tribe.
  • Gelatin - Since the product is made of cartilage and bone tissue of animals, it does not need to be used in New Year's dishes.
  • Paste, sausage and sausages with beef meat, meat offal - What does not like the "owner" of the next year.

The rabbit will not like high -calorie cakes with cream of oil, veal and ham. Large fish and poultry cannot be baked entirely, but these varieties of light meat are suitable for portioned form for cold or hot snacks.

What to put on the table?

Be sure to put vegetables on the table
Be sure to put vegetables on the table

Black rabbit wants to see at the festival a minimum of meat variations of dishes. An animal - for a healthy diet. The rabbit is favorable to the cereal side dishes, mashed potatoes and stewed vegetables. In large quantities there should be greens, as well as salads with any seafood or bird. So what to put on the table?

The festive table should be present:

  • The fruits of the berries
  • Spinach, branches of greenery
  • Cabbage (broccoli, white, color, Chinese)
  • Carrot
  • Any cereals, for example, corn in a salad
  • Apples

Since the rabbit loves sweets, desserts are prepared for the menu on the holiday. The most preferable cookies and cakes without calorie cream are considered.

Important: Black water rabbit Walks sausage, cheese and vegetable slices. He is not picky about the method of preparing dishes, so it is allowed to bake, fry, stew to cook and even smoke.

Ideas for the New Year menu: hot dishes

Pitting food occupies the key part of the festive table, since it saturates the body for a long time and warms. Rabbit is a real connoisseur of delicious food. He will like a grill pumpkin, baked potatoes, a vegan barbecue of mushrooms with vegetables. Here's what to cook for hot in the New Year 2023 - ideas for the menu:

Hot dish for the new year
Hot dish for the new year

Gorbusha in New Year's

The following products will be needed:

  • 500 g of fish
  • 2 Average carrots
  • 2 bulbs
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • 150 ml of sour cream
  • 1 small lemon fruit
  • 2 tbsp. l. oils
  • Spices


  1. Divide the fish fillet into portioned pieces.
  2. Sprinkle it with seasonings and salt, and then sprinkle with juice from half of the lemon.
  3. Cut the onion in the form of a half -eyed, rub the carrots.
  4. Cover the mold with oil and put the pink salmon in it.
  5. Put the vegetables on top, pour everything with sour cream and fill it with grated cheese.

Cook at t - 180 °C about 30 minutes.

Hot dish for the New Year - baked potatoes
Hot dish for the New Year - baked potatoes

Cheese crust

The following components will be needed:

  • 500 g of potatoes
  • 50 g Parmesan
  • 50 ml of sunflower oil
  • Salt, basil and pepper


  1. Wash the potatoes well and put it on a towel.
  2. While he dries, mix in the container of spices that will make refueling.
  3. Put the potatoes in a baking bag and pour a mixture of seasonings to it. Close it and shake it well.
  4. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil and put the potatoes on it, then sprinkle it with cheese.

Bake a dish at a temperature of 220 0C about 40 minutes.

Hot dish for the New Year-eggplant in Italian
Hot dish for the New Year-eggplant in Italian

Eggplant in Italian

The following components will be needed:

  • 3 eggplant
  • 150 g Parmesan
  • 100 g of Mozarella
  • 50 g olive oil
  • 1 b. tomatoes in their own juice
  • 3 Garlic tooths
  • Onions, oregano, basil, breading crackers, salt and pepper (to taste)


  1. Eggplants need to be cut into circles, no more than 0.5 cm thick, and lay out on a paper towel.
  2. Salt the workpiece, cover with towels and put for 40 minutes under the press.
  3. Cut the onions in half rings, crush the garlic through the press and fry them.
  4. Add tomatoes there and go for a fork.
  5. Add spices to the sauce and let it boil.
  6. Leave for another 15 minutes to prepare on a minimum heat.
  7. Mozarella should be cut into slices, and Parmesan should grate.
  8. Eggpieces dry well and fry in oil until golden brown.
  9. Prepare the form and put in it 3 tablespoons of sauce, and then in layers: vegetable, mozzarella, parmesan.
  10. Repeat the layout twice more, and cover with the sauce on top.

Bake the dish for 25 minutes at 200 0C.

Ideas for the New Year menu: salads

In any holiday menu there are salads. The future patron of 2023 loves a stylish feed, pickled and fresh fruit and vegetable fruits. The rabbit and guests of the feast will certainly delight unusual recipes. Here are ideas for the New Year menu:

Salad with shrimp for the new year
Salad with shrimp for the new year

"Dreams of Mermaid"

The following components will be needed:

  • 100 g of cherry tomatoes
  • 160 g of shrimp
  • 20 g of solid cheese
  • 100 g of salad leaves
  • 20 ml olive. oils
  • 10 ml of lemon juice
  • 40 g of basilica


  1. Wash the tomatoes and cut in halves.
  2. Pass the cheese through a small therot board, and tear the salad leaves with your hands.
  3. In a mortar, open the leaves of the basil with butter and lemon juice.
  4. Put in a dish alternately: salad, tomatoes, shrimp.
  5. Pour a gas station on top and sprinkle with cheese.
Olivier with red fish for the New Year
Olivier with red fish for the New Year

Olivier with red fish

The following products will be needed:

  • 1 b. canvy. peas
  • 300 g of red fish (slightly salted)
  • 300 g of salty cucumbers
  • 300 g of boiled potatoes ("in the uniform")
  • 20 g of red caviar
  • 5 eggs
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Peel the fish and remove the bones.
  2. Cut all the components with small slices, no more than pea.
  3. Season the salad with mayonnaise and put it through the ring.
  4. Garnish with caviar on top.

If desired, fresh greens can be laid out in a circle.

Ideas for the New Year menu: snacks

Thematic snacks in the form of carrots, rabbit, Christmas trees will bring good luck to the owners. The menu should have a canap with crooked meat, cheese and vegetables. Delicious tartlets and rolls will help supplement the festive menu. So, here are the ideas for the New Year menu:

Tartlets with salmon for the new year
Tartlets with salmon for the new year

Tartlets with salmon:

The following will need:

  • 200 g of cream cheese
  • 12 tartlets
  • 2 Dill branches
  • 150 g of slightly salted salmon
  • 1 Tooth of garlic


  1. Cut the third part of the fish in small cubes, chop the garlic with dill.
  2. Mix cream cheese with other prepared components.
  3. With the help of a culinary bag, put a layer in tartlets.
  4. Thinly cut the remaining salmon, turn the plates beautifully and put on the filling.
  5. Decorate the branches of greenery.
Canapes with shrimp for the New Year
Canapes with shrimp for the New Year

Canapes with shrimp

Prepare the following components:

  • 300 g of olives
  • 200 g of meat krill
  • 200 g of cottage cheese. cheese (or mayonnaise sauce)
  • 2 cucumbers
  • Bread


  1. Cut the bread crumb with squares or cut circles in shape.
  2. Cut the cucumber rings.
  3. Lubricate the bread with cottage cheese, put the cucumber on top.
  4. In the middle, pierce the canap with a skewer, on which a shrimp with an olive is planted.
Beetroot Christmas tree - Salad for the New Year
Beetroot Christmas tree - Salad for the New Year

"Beetroot" Christmas tree

The following will need:

  • 6 small beets
  • 150 g of any salty cheese (or feta cheese)
  • 2 Garlic tooths
  • 1 tsp lemon zest
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 spoon of sour cream
  • Salt, twigs of greenery and pepper

Cook like this:

  1. Boil the beets, clean and steal in circles with a thickness of up to 5 mm.
  2. Sprinkle the vegetable with pepper and salt.
  3. Mix the brine with lemon zest, pepper and garlic.
  4. Pepper and open the pulp with a fork with a fork.
  5. Put the beetroot circle on the dish, on top - the filling and also a slice of beets. Fixed with a skewer.
  6. Put the vegetable near the same principle, but use the Brynza for the filling.

It will turn out two types of original edible "Christmas trees". Decorate with herbs.

Ideas for the New Year menu: desserts and baking

A dessert on the New Year's table can be baked fruits, gingerbread, ice cream, pies, cinema or something else. You can file some of your branded pastries. In a sweet rabbit, there is no limit to a rabbit of a rabbit. You can prepare what you want. We offer to consider such ideas for the New Year menu:

Fruit jelly for the new year
Fruit jelly for the new year

Fruit jelly

The following components will be needed:

  • 210 g of powder
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 200 ml of coconut milk
  • 150 g of grapes without bones
  • 20 g agar-agar
  • 3 kiwi
  • 1 mango


  1. Mix water (1 liter) with coconut milk.
  2. Mix 150 g of powdered sugar with 15 g of agar-agar, and enter this mixture into milk.
  3. Heat the liquid to a boil and, stirring, cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture into a pre -prepared form, leave until hardened.
  5. Put the finished mass on a large plate, cut into portions.
  6. Put these white pieces in the form of chamomile in figure shape so that there is free space between them.
  7. To the remaining 500 ml of water, add 5 g of agar-agar and 60 g of powder. Bring to a boil, prepare 2 minutes.
  8. Pour the free places in the form with transparent jelly so that fruits are still being laid out on it.
  9. Cut off the cubes of mangoes and kiwi, and the grapes - put in quarters on the frozen layer and again pour transparent jelly.
  10. When the dessert froze well, turn the shape over and put it on a plate.
Banans in caramel for the New Year
Banans in caramel for the New Year

Bananas in caramel

The following products will be needed:

  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 banana
  • 100 g of ice cream
  • 20 g butter
  • Mint and chocolate for decor


  1. Cut the cleaned banana into circles.
  2. Melt the oil in a pan and add sugar to it to fry until caramel is formed (stir constantly).
  3. Put a banana in it and fry about 1 minute on both sides.
  4. Fold the bananas in creamy, and on top - ice cream balls.

Decorate with grated chocolate and mint twigs.

We decorate the New Year's table: Rabbit figures

Figures of a rabbit of sweet mastic
Figures of a rabbit of sweet mastic

The New Year's table differs not only with abundance for dishes, but also creatively decorated. The original decorative elements of the rabbit table will be:

  • Homemade compositions of cones and spruce branches
  • Thematic candles
  • Hay - favorite food of the patron of 2023
  • Figures of rabbits
  • Christmas trees
Figure of the rabbit of sweet mastic
Figure of the rabbit of sweet mastic

On New Year's Eve 2022-2023, you can use any traditional colors and even lemon, purple and orange. You can make a rabbit of sugar mastic. To sculpt from this confectionery material, as from plasticine.

It is not difficult to decorate the New Year's table in the year of the black water rabbit. Dishes are prepared from simple and tasty components of ingredients. The main thing is more green seasonings, fresh ingredients and less meat. All this will definitely like the patron saint of the future of 2023!

Video: What to cook for the new year of rabbit 2023? What is impossible and what can be served on the New Year's table 2023?

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Video: What can not be eaten for the New Year?

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