Asso dough for buns on yeast, the most delicious and tender: the secrets of cooking buns, how to cook spar, non -pair, custard and puff methods

Asso dough for buns on yeast, the most delicious and tender: the secrets of cooking buns, how to cook spar, non -pair, custard and puff methods

From this article you will learn how to cook butter yeast buns in different ways.

A bobbin test in cooking is called the dough involved in milk with the addition of eggs, vegetable or butter, sour cream and sugar. A bobbin dough for buns is mainly knead on the yeast in firm and non -pair methods, but there is a custard, puff pastry on yeast. How to learn how to bake butter buns? We find out in this article.

Secrets of cooking a butter on yeast

Each housewife has its own secrets of preparing a butt dough on yeast

In order for buns from a butt dough on yeast to be tasty and soft, there are secrets that are desirable to observe:

  • The yeast dough can be kneaded on fresh milk, kefir, serum diluted with water sour cream, and their taste will not change much.
  • The temperature of all products that we will add to the yeast dough should be observed within 24-34̊c.
  • The splendor of the finished buns depends on the flour: it should be of the highest grade, before connecting with the rest of the products, sift it.
  • The butter in the dough is added melted, and cooled, or let the oil stand at room temperature until it softens.
  • Instead of cream, lean oil or both oils in half can add to the dough.
  • For tests on yeast, drafts are unacceptable - it may not rise.
  • Bake the approached buns at a temperature of 160-180̊c, from 25 to 50 minutes, depending on the size of the products, or until the top is browned.
  • If you turn on a strong fire in the oven, the top of the buns is browned, and in the middle they may not bake, and be raw.
  • It is best to bake the buns in the middle part of the oven, if you put it on the very bottom, the buns can be burned from below, if on the very top - from above.
  • The first 10-15 minutes, after they put the buns in a hot oven, you can’t open the door of the oven-the buns can be settled.
Axy bunches from yeast dough

How to cook a butter for jackpot rolls according to a steam method?

Opra on yeast to knead the butt dough for buns

For a butt dough on yeast in a paired way, you need to take the following products:

  • 1 cup of fresh milk, serum or kefir
  • 25-30 g of fresh bakery yeast
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of butter oil (spread and margarine is undesirable - they are almost completely consist of cheap palm oil)
  • 1 tbsp. l. lean oil
  • Approximately 3 cups of flour (perhaps more or less)
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanil - Open

We begin to cook:

  1. We make dough. Pour sifted flour into a large vessel. In the recess, in flour, stir the yeast with 1 tbsp. l. Sugar, dilute with a warm liquid, and leave the dough to rise. When many bubbles are formed (15-30 minutes), and Opara will begin to settle-it is ready.
  2. Knead the butt dough. We mix the eggs, the remaining sugar, salt with lean oil and melted cream separately in the dishes, pour it into the approaching dough, and knitted with your hands, if the dough is still liquid - add more flour. The dough is tied for about 15 minutes - stop being kneaded if the dough is behind.
  3. We put the dough to fit. We cover a bowl of dough with a towel and hold in a warm place without drafts, close to 1 hour until it doubles.
  4. We make buns. When the dough came up, knead it again, and cut it into small koloboks.
  5. We roll the balls into cakes, put a thick filling (raisins, a steamed poppy of sugar, thick jam, fruits with sugar), connect the edges above the filling, pinch them, roll round buns with our hands. We spread them in a lubricated oil (vegetable) wide shape to suit 10-15 minutes.
  6. Bake buns. We come up to the buns settled on medium heat for 30-40 minutes.
  7. After 15 minutes, we take out the buns from the oven, lubricate the yolk with sugar diluted with 1 teaspoon of water, and put it in the oven again until they are browned.
Acake bunches on yeast according to the steam method

How to cook a butter for jackpot rolls according to an unspoiled method?

Acactive buns on the yeast by an unspoorid method

Bunches on yeast can be prepared in an in -pairing way, but then less compass than with a steam method. And to make the buns tasty - they put more fillings in them.

For jacks on yeast, an unexpected way will be needed:

  • About 4 glasses of flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 60 g of cream or 4 tbsp. l. lean oil
  • 1 egg
  • 20 g of fresh bakery yeast
  • 1 cup of milk, you can kefir or serum
  • A pinch of salt

Start Cooking:

  1. We dilute the yeast in warm milk, pour 1 tbsp. l. Sugars and flour, leave a liquid mass for 10 minutes, if the yeast began to rise, then you can add other products and knead the dough. The dough on the yeast is kneading for about 15 minutes until it starts to lag behind.
  2. We put the finished dough covered with a tolete in a warm place, and let it increase by 2-3 times. The most suitable temperature for a good raising of yeast dough is 30̊c.
  3. The rising dough is mixed and rolled out of it with filling buns. This dough is also suitable for ugly buns with meat, mushroom or fish filling.

How to prepare a butter custard on yeast for buns?

Acactive custard buns on yeast

Bunks involved and baked in this way, soft, tasty and fluffy.

For custard dough on yeast you will need:

  • 4-6 glasses of flour
  • 50 g of fresh bakery yeast
  • 3 tbsp. l. lean oil
  • 1 cup of water (boiling water) and milk heated to a warm state
  • 2-4 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 2 yolks
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanilin at will

We begin to cook:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp. l. flour and lean oil. Pour 1 cup of boiling water here, mix, let cool to a warm state.
  2. To the cooled mass, we interfere with yeast, yolks, sugar, salt, vanillin dissolved in warm milk.
  3. We pour gradually sifted flour until the dough is thick, knead it, put it for about 1 hour, doubled until the increase.
  4. We mix the dough over again, make small balls, roll them out, fill them with or without filling, let us come and bake in the oven over medium heat.

How to cook a butter puff pastry for jacks?

Acactive puff buns on yeast

From puff pastry, very tasty buns, cookies and cakes are obtained, but everyone knows that there is a lot of trouble with it. We will prepare delicious buns from puff yeast dough according to a simplified option.

For puff yeast dough, you need:

  • About 2 glasses of flour
  • 30 g of butter
  • 2 tbsp. l. lean oil
  • 1 tsp. yeast (dry)
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 cup of milk diluted with water
  • A pinch of salt
  • 1 yolk - to lubricate buns

For sprinkle, you need:

  • 70 g of frozen oil (butter)
  • 4 tbsp. l. flour
  • 100 g of sugar

We begin to cook:

  1. Dough. We dilute the yeast in warm water with milk, adding sugar here. Let the mass rise for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. We add salt to the mixture, liquid butter and lean oil, egg, shake everything, and gradually add the flour until the dough is thick. When the dough became thick - we rush him with our hands.
  3. We cover the dough with a towel, and in a warm place we give it to rise to an increase of 2-3 times (about 2 hours).
  4. Sprinking. We rub the flour with sugar and butter into small crumbs, and put it, until it is needed, in the refrigerator.
  5. We make buns. We move the approaching dough, roll it into a large layer with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm, sprinkle evenly crumbs, fold the layer in half so that the baby is inside, and roll out a little rocking with a rolling pin.
  6. Sprinkle the resulting layer again with crumbs, cover with half the dough, and again roll a little.
  7. For the third time, sprinkle the layer again with crumbs, fold it in half - we got a long strip, cut it into squares.
  8. Square corners are wrapped in the middle. We put the resulting buns on a metal sheet lubricated with vegetable oil or parchment, let them rise for about 10 minutes.
  9. Lubricate the approaching buns with a yolk mixed with water, sprinkle with sprinkle.
  10. Bake buns In the oven, heated to 180̊C for 25-30 minutes, or until they are browned.

So, we learned to bake delicious butter buns.

Video: homemade puff buns, simple recipe

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