How to cook dough for cheburs on beer, milk, sour cream, water, oil, vodka? Recipes for the best tasty dough for Cheburs

How to cook dough for cheburs on beer, milk, sour cream, water, oil, vodka? Recipes for the best tasty dough for Cheburs

Crispy, tasty, thin, dense and soft - a mandatory requirement for the test for the preparation of Cheburs. A variety of recipes proposed in this article give a wide range of choice, taking into account these conditions.

  • A variety of dough recipes for the manufacture of cheburs, gives a huge opportunity to change the taste of this dish
  • The finished product can be bubble or even, crisp or soft, thin or thick, elastic or fragile. All these qualities are acquired depending on the composition and method of preparation

How to make a tasty dough on Chebureks - a simple recipe?

The dough for Cheburs
  • Mix half a kilogram of flour with a pinch of salt
  • We dilute a glass of boiling water with the addition of two tablespoons of vegetable oil
  • Mix
  • Leave 15 minutes for cooling
  • We finally knead the dough, sprinkling with flour and thoroughly dying, to a dense consistency
  • Leave the dough covered with cotton towel for 1.5-2 hours
  • The dough should turn out smooth, elastic and not stick to the hands
  • Then we proceed to the formation of cheburs
The dough for Cheburs

Video: Cheburek at home from A to Z

How to prepare dough for cheburships in milk?


  • Flour-500-600 grams
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • The egg is one
  • Vegetable oil-50-60 ml
  • Salt incomplete teaspoon
  1. Beat an egg, salt, vegetable oil, milk in a volumetric bowl
  2. Add flour a little, knead in the bowl to a thick mass
  3. Lays on the table
  4. We continue to knead the dough, if necessary, flavoring flour
  5. The dough is ready when it practically does not stick to the hands
  6. Let the dough get out 50-60 minutes

Video: Cheburek (in milk)

Puff pastry for Cheburs, recipe with photo

Most often, for the preparation of puff pastry for Cheburs, it means custard dough. So, as thanks to this recipe, the finished product resembles the appearance and taste of puff.

We will consider the recipe for custard dough a little later. And if, after all, there is a desire to cook Cheburek from puff pastry, we cook products:

  • Half a kilogram of flour
  • 250 grams of butter
  • Half a glass of cold water
  • A little salt and sugar

We start cooking:

      Cut the oil into small squares.
Puff pastry dough
      Sprinkle with flour, mix until the oil is completely dissolved
  • We make a funnel in the test
  • Gently pour water with salt and sugar
  • Sprinkle with flour, mix until the oil is completely dissolved
  • We make a funnel in the test
  • Gently pour water with salt and sugar
Puff pastry dough
        Mix gently, if necessary, shake with flour.
Puff pastry dough
  • The finished dough should be elastic and not soft
  • We cover with a damp towel made of natural fabric
Puff pastry dough
  • Leaves in the refrigerator for several hours
  • Then we roll the dough
Puff pastry dough

We put in an envelope.

Puff pastry dough

Roll out again.

Puff pastry dough

And again we turn off.

Puff pastry dough
  • Does this three, four times
    The dough is ready for further use
  • Or can be removed in the freezer, using as necessary
Puff pastry dough

Oil chebes dough, recipe

Oil chebum dough
A small highlight of this recipe gives the finished product such a beloved, delicious crust with pouted bubbles. Which so pleasantly dissolve in the mouth.

Namely, the oil for cooking is added, practically boiling.

So, we proceed:

  • Mix two incomplete glasses of flour with a glass of water, salt and sugar
  • Knead the batter
  • The consistency should be slightly thick
  • Pour 100 grams of boiling fat or vegetable oil
  • We quickly knead the dough, pouring the flour as necessary
  • The resulting smooth, elastic dough is covered
  • We leave it to stand
  • After half an hour the dough is ready

Cesucurls on sour cream, recipe

Sourbage Cheburs
A very original composition with sour cream that does not require much time. It turns out a very peculiar look and taste. The dough is formed soft, crispy. Saves its taste for a long time. It does not dry for a long time.

We begin to cook:

  • A glass of sour cream, one egg, a pinch of salt and a glass of flour mix.
  • The dough is obtained like pancakes

Brack features:

  • First, a spoonful of dough into a pan with heated butter
  • On top, we put a layer of minced meat a little evenly
  • Pour the dough with a spoon again
  • Thus fill the entire surface of the pan
  • Fry to readiness
  • If you still want to get a real form of leggers, add more flour to the batter. And already from the thick mass, we sculpt the standard shape

Custard dough for boiling water, recipe

Cathedral dough for dumplings.

A very popular dough for cheburships of homemade cooks is a custard. There are many cooking options. Consider one of them.


  • Flour - 0.7 kg
  • Sugar and salt on a pinch
  • Boiling water - one glass
  • Vegetable oil - tremas


  • In the flour of a sifted slide, we make a deepening
  • Pour boiling water, with salt added to it, sugar, vegetable refined oil
  • Knead the dough well
  • Leave for a quarter of an hour

How to cook dough on beer for Cheburs?

Dough for Cheburs on beer

Beer as part of a bat for Cheburs gives him a magnificent and a crust with a pleasant crunch.

Easily and promptly prepared:

  • A glass of beer, egg, a little salt, the best quality of flour is about a kilogram mix
  • Met the batter until it stops sticking to our hands
  • You can sculpt Chebureks at once, or you can wait ten minutes. Then the dough will slightly disperse and become more obedient in modeling

Video: Cheburek on beer

How to cook the dough on mineral water for Cheburs?

Mineral water
On mineral water, the dough is softer, not crispy.

Recipe for lovers of this test:

  • We combine a kilogram of the highest grade of flour with a glass of mineral soda water, one egg, a small amount of sugar and salt
  • Knead the steep dough
  • Leave for half an hour
  • Soft, flexible kneading is ready

Video: Crushing Chebureks. Juicy Chebureks.

Lims for leggings test

  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • The egg is one
  • Sugar at will
  • Vegetable oil - a little more than half a glass
  • Flour - about a kilogram, but no more
  • There are few salts
  • Vodka or alcohol - 1/3 cup
  1. In one bowl, brew a glass of sifted flour with boiling water and mix
  2. Beat the remaining products in another bowl, except flour
  3. We connect two kneels after cooling the first
  4. Periodically flavor the remains of flour
  5. Knead a thick batter
  6. We send to rest for a while

Video: Dough for Cheburs Puff (on vodka)

Different methods of preparation, depending on the taste of each housewife, give the right to choose:

  1. Beer, vodka, custard - the dough has many bubbles and a crust that is appetizing
  2. With butter, mineral water, sour cream and not custard - the dough is softer, not very crunch, but retains freshness longer
  3. Sugar - adds, golden and beautiful views of the CHECURCES. But not everyone likes taste, even a small amount of sugar
  • We take into account all these subtleties when choosing a recipe.
  • We find the best, most suitable option.
  • Or simply, each time we cook according to a new recipe, depending on mood and situation

Video: Dough for Cheburs (on kefir)

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