The perfect dough for homemade pizza is thin, soft and fast: 7 wonderful recipes

The perfect dough for homemade pizza is thin, soft and fast: 7 wonderful recipes

In this article you will find 7 recipes for the perfect dough for homemade pizza - thin, soft and fast.

Pizza on our table is a popular dish. She adores both adults and kids. In particular, such a dish “flies away” instantly from the table, if the test workpiece is thin and soft. In this case, you can get true pleasure from a combination of tastes of different products and delicate texture of fried baking.

But is it possible to ensure that pizza always turns out to be soft and thin? In addition, I don’t want to do a flour workpiece for a long time. How to make it fast and tasty? Answers to these questions, look below. Read further.

How to prepare the perfect dough for homemade pizza, thin, soft and fast in olive oil: recipe

Pizza dough thin, soft and fast in olive oil
Pizza dough thin, soft and fast in olive oil

Making a thin, soft and fast dough is simple. You will need a minimum of products and a little time. Here is a wonderful recipe for how to cook the perfect yeast dough for home pizza in olive oil:

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Now we start cooking:

  1. Heat the water to forty degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, then you can determine the desired temperature with your hand. When you lower your fingers into the water, the hand should be comfortable. If you burn, then it is worth cooling, cold water, you will also feel.
  2. Add salt to warm water and stir.
  3. Pour the yeast and stir again. Set aside the mixture to the side, let it stand during 15 minutes.
  4. Now pour olive oil, stir. It will help the test be soft and elastic.
  5. Pour flour, constantly stirring. Thickened mass, lay out on the table and well fueled with your hands.
  6. So that the dough is not linked to your hands, add flour. Knead until it sticks. Form a ball and put the dough in a container. Leave it in a warm place for a couple of hours.
  7. Now you can make a dish. Of these components, you will 800 grams dough. This amount is enough for pizza diameter 30-40 cm.

If you need a layer of a larger diameter dough, or more pizza in quantity, then it is worth increasing the number of ingredients.

Video: Secrets of delicious pizza

Pizza dough is thin and soft without yeast on kefir: Recipe

On kefir, any pastries are air, soft and tender, but if you do it right. Below you will find a description of the recipe for dough for thin and soft pizza without yeast.

Here are what products will be needed:

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Cook the dough like this:

  1. Kefir should be at room temperature. Dissolve soda or baking powder in it. You should see bubbles - this means that there is a reaction.
  2. Put salt and vegetable oil - mix.
  3. Separate the proteins from the yolks in eggs. Beat the proteins well to foam.
  4. Send the yolks to the dough - stir. Then gently lay out the proteins and also slightly stir.
  5. Add flour and mix the resulting mass. When it becomes dense, put it on the table and knead with your hands. The dough should be dense, but not too much, so that it would not be difficult for the hands to knead it. Otherwise, the pizza will not work soft.
  6. Everything is ready. You can start laying the filling and baking.

Important: Be sure to beat the squirrels of eggs before putting them in the dough. If this is not done, then the workpiece will not turn out soft, but will be dense. As a result, the pastries will be stiff, as the eggs are “planted” with the dough.

Video: The fastest, tasty, thin pizza on kefir!

Pizza dough is thin and soft Italian, like in a pizzeria: recipe

The most famous pizza on the Italian recipe - "Margarita" With thin and delicate dough. Italians do Margarita with Mozarella cheese. The cheese can be replaced by another look, it will not become worse from this. And, of course, the most important thing in this pizza is a thin dough that melts in the mouth. Here is his Italian recipe for the thin and delicate pizza "Margarita", as in the pizzeria.

You will need such ingredients:

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Italian chefs are preparing this way:

  1. Heat the water so that the fingers, if you lower them there, be comfortable (the temperature of the water is no higher 40 degrees).
  2. Dissolve yeast, salt and sugar in it. Set aside to 10-15 minutes.
  3. Add vegetable oil, flour - mix. Knead the dough into a round shape and put in a warm place on 1 hour. Ready.

After an hour, you can work with the workpiece, roll out, lay out the ingredients and bake.

Video: Home pizza. Tasty recipe!

Thin crisp dough for pizza: recipe

Crushing pizza is a special pleasure. It can be compared with cookies, chips, waffles, dryers, bread and other similar products that we love so much. But at the same time, the pizza is more nutritious and tasty. Below you will find a recipe that will help make a delicious, thin and crispy pizza dough.

The following products will be needed:

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Cook pizza at these stages:

  1. In carbonated water, dissolve the yeast and put sugar - stir.
  2. Add olive oil and salt - mix again.
  3. In flour, make a recess and begin to pour a liquid mixture with a thin stream, stirring with your hands.
  4. Knock the dough round in shape.
  5. Lubricate its surface with olive oil and leave in a warm place to fit during 30 minutes.
  6. The dough can be considered ready and start cooking pizza.

It is worth knowing: To make the dough more crispy, lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil. It is also important when baking pizza, set a high temperature immediately - 200-220 degrees  for 10 minutesand then reduce up to 180 degrees And bake until cooked.

Video: pizza with thin and crispy dough

Subtle pizza dough in milk: recipe

Subtle pizza dough in milk
Subtle pizza dough in milk

It often happens that there is no time to wait until the dough is suitable. I would like to enjoy heartcraft faster. In this case, a recipe for non -free -free thin pizza dough in milk is suitable. It is called "five -minute." So, we are starting.


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Cook your pizza like this:

  1. Beat egg whites separately to foam. Then mix them with yolks.
  2. Add warm milk and salt. Mix.
  3. Put vegetable oil and flour.
  4. Kneam the dough in a dense consistency. Ready.

Roll out a thin layer, lay the filling and bake. Pizza will turn out to be delicate, crispy and tasty.

Video: Very thin non -freezing pizza dough. - I am a trowel!

Subtle pizza dough on sour cream: recipes

Subtle pizza dough on sour cream
Subtle pizza dough on sour cream

Fat sour cream makes the dough elastic and delicate. You will need a minimum of products, but at the same time, a pizza blank will turn out to be such a texture, thanks to which you can bake thin pizza. Here is a recipe for sour cream dough:

Prepare the following products:

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Stages of cooking:

  1. As in the recipes above, whip the proteins into the foam separately in the eggs and connect them to the yolks and salt.
  2. Melt the butter, cool a little and pour in the eggs with salt. Add sugar.
  3. Put sour cream - mix.
  4. Now mix the flour and make a dense mass with your hands or with a mixer.
  5. Put in a bowl and let the “rest” for half an hour.

Advice: To make the dough softer, you can put sour cream and mayonnaise in it. It is much fatter and will make the workpiece more elastic. In this case, you will need 4 tbsp. tablespoons sour cream and the same amount of mayonnaise. You can add more a pinch of baking soda. All other ingredients remain unchanged.

If you put soda in the dough, then it will need to be extinguished in a teaspoon of vinegar.

Video: Pizza dough on sour cream

Pizza dough is thin nonsense on water: Recipe

Pizza dough is thin nonsense on the water
Pizza dough is thin nonsense on the water

It often happens that there is no milk, no kefir, or other ingredients for the basement of the test, but I want to make pizza. In this case, a recipe for non -free -legged dough on the water is suitable. At the same time, it will turn out to be thin and tender. Here is the prescription:


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Stages of cooking:

  1. Mix sifted flour with salt.
  2. Pour cold water into the flour made in flour (you do not need to heat it, you need warm need only for yeast dough).
  3. Beat the egg proteins separately and combine with the dough. Put the yolks, continue to interfere.
  4. Add vegetable oil and stir.
  5. Place the resulting homogeneous mass on the table and begin to form pizza.

So you can simply make the dough on the water without yeast. Below you will see a video in which the cook makes it with yeast. At the same time, the workpiece is also quickly, and it tastes after baking - soft and delicate.

Video: Rapid pizza dough recipe

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