What to do on New Year's Eve with the family: ideas for conducting a new 2023 at home, New Year's entertainment at home for the whole family

What to do on New Year's Eve with the family: ideas for conducting a new 2023 at home, New Year's entertainment at home for the whole family

New Year's Eve with the family is always fun and remembered for a long time. The main thing is to plan the holiday correctly.

The aroma of tangerines cannot be confused with anything. And if in addition to the house a coniferous smell is spreading, a box with New Year's decorations is opened, then very soon the Kremlin chimes will pierce 12 times and come 2023. You can arrange a pajama night and meet the upcoming year with the whole family, watching a TV and pushing Olivier’s salad, sitting side by side, wrapping himself in fluffy blankets.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best games and contests for the children's holiday, birthday: description for conducting". You will learn how to spend fun children's holiday, birthday without an animator, at home.

New Year's Eve should be spent in such a way as to remember the whole year, looking at the photos. And plan something, inventing entertainment, games, unusual dishes to the table and soft drinks. How to spend New Year With the family, described in the article below. You will find some interesting ideas. Read further.

We decorate the room for New Year's entertainment at home for the whole family

We decorate the room for New Year's entertainment at home for the whole family
We decorate the room for New Year's entertainment at home for the whole family

One of the most important ones that need to be done before New Year - It is to create an atmosphere of the holiday and decorate the room. This will help to conduct New Year's entertainment more fun.

The decor of the house should be interesting for everyone - adults and children:

  • We hang up the garlands, install the Christmas tree, decorate the fluffy beauty.
  • If there is a free wall, you can create a panel on it.
  • Stylized Christmas tree made of small twigs, garlands in the form of applications (paper, balls, tinsel).
  • Add wreaths from spruce branches to the wall, decorate with ribbons, beads, sweets, bows, real or toy cones.
  • Snowflakes carved out of paper will also serve as an addition.

You can use the tradition that came from Catholic countries. The legend says:

  • It happened on Christmas Night.
  • Santa Klaus, moving through the air, hit the houses through the chimney.
  • Going down, he once dropped several gold coins into one of the socks that were drying over the fireplace.
  • Since then, the tradition has gone specially to hang socks in anticipation of a gift.
  • Of course, this is now not just a piece of clothing, but bright with jewelry and attributes signed by family members and guests. You can hang them not only by the fireplace, but also on the wall.

We create an elegant area for photography:

  • It is important to choose good lighting.
  • Here it will be possible to shoot videos with festive wishes from the party participants, take a collective photo.
  • There will also be an opportunity to hold a competition for the funniest picture.

So, the room is ready, you can move on and decorate the yard if you live in a private house. After that, you can safely begin to celebrate. Read further.

Video: Decorate the house for the New Year

What to do on New Year's Eve with the family?

If there is a country house or a cottage with a fluffy spruce in the yard, then it will be good to spend time in nature. Decorate the yard, cook a barbecue and arrange a feast on the street, if the weather allows. Disconnect phones and meet New Year In the family circle, not being distracted by gadgets.

ADVICE: If you want to organize a thematic party, then warn the guests. You will need to prepare, make or buy a suit.

As a topic:

  • Venice Carnival
  • Famous personalities
  • Fairy tale characters
  • Animals
  • Heroes of films, for example: "Pirates of the Caribbean"

And during the celebration, conduct a competition for the best suit. Come up with awards to the winners with the symbol of the coming year. It can be a small plush toy of a rabbit or cat.

Other entertainment:

  • In anticipation of the New Year, you can watch the whole family feature film, a fairy tale, a full -length cartoon.
  • Play desktop or games on a computer prefix.
  • Little nostalgia and watch video recordings of past meetings of the New Year.
  • After the battlefield, the whole family went out into the street and arrange a fireworks, observing all safety measures, only adults can launch it.
  • That night you can go for a walk, go to the main Christmas tree, look at the city sparkling with colorful festive lights, take part in festivities.

If you want to spend time at home and make funny contests, then prepare a list of games on separate paper leaflets. Fold in a box or bag, during the celebration, guests will take turns choosing the following entertainment. Everyone will have no time to get bored. Below you will find the ideas of interesting competitions. Read further.

Ideas for holding a new 2023 at home: competitions for the holiday

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Funny new 2022-2023 year with family". You will find funny ideas for holding a festive evening.

The most funny is contests. They are interesting to both adults and children. Such New Year It will be remembered for a long time, because you were not just sitting sadly at the table, but have fun as you could. Here are ideas for conducting New 2023 At home - examples of competitions for the holiday:

Pirate party for children in the New Year
Pirate party for children in the New Year

Pirates - finding a treasure:

  • Break guests into 2 teams.
  • Give each team a note on which the path to the treasure will be indicated.
  • At certain points are tips where to move on.
  • Whose team is the first to find all the tips and get to the treasure, will receive it.
  • Prepare a linen bag in advance, put chocolates in it in the form of coins or round -shaped cookies, wrapped in food foil (silver and gold).

Song competition:

  • Karaoke will need, but such a technique is now in every house.
  • Arrange a karaoke contest of New Year's songs.

Entertainment with predictions:

  • Conduct this exciting entertainment.
  • Write funny and good wishes on the leaflets in advance.
  • Fold them in a box and mix.
  • Each guest will take out his prediction.
  • You can write funny predictions, for example, in verses, if you can rhyme.
Snowflake game with the whole family
Snowflake game with the whole family

"Frosty breathing"

  • Both adults and children take part in it.
  • Everyone receives a small snowflake equally cut from paper. And spreads to the edge of the empty table.
  • On command, each of the participants begins to blow on his snowflake, pushing to the opposite side so that it falls from the table.
  • When all the snowflakes fell and only one remained, we suddenly finish the competition, declaring the winner of the one whose “frosty breath” somes up the snowflake to the table, preventing it from falling.

Entertainment with surprises:

  • Another entertainment with predictions and small surprises.
  • To do this, use multi -colored balloons.
  • Put it first in each - a small surprise and wish.
  • Use balls as decoration of the room.
  • Everyone will choose the color they like, bursting it, receive a present and prediction.
Figures for playing the New Year with the whole family
Figures for playing the New Year with the whole family

"Play numbers"

  • All participants on a separate leaf write any digit.
  • Then, the host of each participant asks a separate question. For example: “How many spoons of sugar do you put in tea?”, “Your age?”, “How many peppers can you eat?”, “How many times will the alarm clock before you late to school (to work)?”
  • The answer will be the figure on the sheet.

"Your hand is my hand"

  • Participants are divided into pairs.
  • It is better if an adult is paired with a child.
  • They become nearby and hug each other by the waist with one hand.
  • Free hands - one will hold a sheet of paper, and cut the other with scissors, for example, a Christmas tree.
  • Those who get better and quickly complete the task, that couple will win.

The main thing - do not forget about the prizes to the winners of the competitions.

What to cook the whole family for the new 2023 year on the table: ideas for the festive table on New Year's Eve

Each family has traditional dishes for this holiday. You can add several new and unusual. Or create a menu from dishes of a certain kitchen. Let the children help you do decor for them or just cook. If you want to please the owner of the coming year, then the recipes must have products, loved ones Rabbit (cat), after all 2023 His year.

Remember: All dishes on New Year's Eve should be tasty and light so that they do not interfere with fun all night.

Here are the ideas what to cook with the whole family on New 2023 On the festive table:

Fontau from cheese for the festive table for the whole family
Fontau from cheese for the festive table for the whole family

Fondu from cheese or chocolate:

  • Fondu is a traditional dish in Switzerland. It can be the main one.
  • Fondu recipe with simple cheese. Mixtures of several varieties of cheese with the addition of white wine, spices are prepared. You should melt the cheeses and pour into a special container.
  • Diping pieces of bread, sausages, meat, various vegetables in a hot dish.
  • If this is a dessert, then the fund is made of molten chocolate. Diping into it on skewers pieces of fruits, marshmallows, biscuit. It is also important melt the chocolate correctly.
  • This dish is eaten together from the same dishes.

They say that if you drink from someone else's glass, you can find out all the thoughts. Perhaps with Fonda so. Of course, this is a joke, just a joint meal unites people, strengthens the family.

Sandwiches for the festive table for the whole family
Sandwiches for the festive table for the whole family

Sands of grenades-stars with ham and cheese:

  • The new -coming year can be a sandwiches in the form of stars.
  • You will need a mold for baking cookies. From thinly chopped bread, cut out the stars and cook the croutons, frying them in butter, let it cool.
  • We prick one on a skewer, then a piece of finely chopped cheese, a piece of ham (you can replace the slices of red fish), folded with an accordion, a piece of lettuce and a second star.
  • We lay out on a dish, decorating the dill twigs between them, as if spruce.
Cutting for the festive table for the whole family
Cutting for the festive table for the whole family

You can cook Meat, cheese and fish plates:

  • Lay out for each in several varieties.
  • We decorate the plate with cheese, putting the grapes in the middle, put the sauce on the center of the meat and sprinkle the grenade with grains.
  • A fish plate can include little salted, salted, smoked fish.
  • We decorate with pickled onions, caviar and lemon slices.
Vegetable rolls for the festive table for the whole family
Vegetable rolls for the festive table for the whole family

Vegetable rolls:

  • Vegetable rolls are ideal as a snack.
  • Their preparation depends completely on the flight of the fantasy of the hostess.
  • You can do it tasty rolls or eggplant snacks.
Baked fish for the festive table for the whole family
Baked fish for the festive table for the whole family

You can be hot Bake fish or meat:

  • Serve for it portioned potato puree laid out with a confectionery bag in the form of a “meringue” and slightly sprinkled with finely chopped greens.

Here are more ideas:

Salads in tartlets for the festive table for the whole family
Salads in tartlets for the festive table for the whole family
  • Several cooked Salads laid out into tartlets.
Small sandwiches for the festive table for the whole family
Small sandwiches for the festive table for the whole family
  • You can do it Small sandwiches with cottage cheese, caviar or red fish, decorated with pieces of olives and herbs.

No New Year's table will do without drinks. Alcoholic or non -alcoholic cocktails, the choice is yours. Read further.

Drinks for the New Year's table: recipes for the whole family

Do alcohol drinks for the New Year's table based on:

  • Champagne
  • Liker
  • Roma
  • Gina
  • Martini
  • Cognac
Dairy cocktail with cognac for the festive table for the whole family
Dairy cocktail with cognac for the festive table for the whole family

Here, for example, the recipe "Dairy cocktail with cognac". He has a very pleasant and delicate taste. Suitable only for adults. Here is the prescription:

He needs:

  • 250 g of ice cream "Pimbir"
  • 130 ml of pasteurized milk
  • 1 mature sweet banana
  • 25 g of brandy

Do this:

  1. Beat ice cream with milk.
  2. Add finely chopped banana, pour cognac.
  3. Grind and beat until a homogeneous mass with a blender.
  4. We pour into a glass, decorate with a sliced \u200b\u200bkiwi or orange.
  5. If we decorate as a dessert, supplement with whipped cream on top and sprinkle with chocolate crumbs.

Make non -alcoholic drinks from juice of berries, fruits, vegetables. Given the coming year of the rabbit, the carrot drink will like it.

Carrot cocktail for the festive table for the whole family
Carrot cocktail for the festive table for the whole family

Yamaisky carrot cocktail:

Do this:

  1. Grate 1 kg of carrots on a fine grater and squeeze the juice.
  2. You can use the juicer.
  3. Drain the juice through a small sieve and get rid of the remaining pulp.
  4. Pour the condensed milk into it in 150-200 g.
  5. Stir well, add a little vanillin, serve strongly chilled, you can with ice cubes.
Iceberg cocktail for the festive table for the whole family
Iceberg cocktail for the festive table for the whole family

Iceberg cocktail:

Do this:

  1. In chilled pasteurized milk 150 ml, add 20 g of cherries, raspberries or strawberries and 2 tbsp. l. Cream ice cream, 1 raw egg yolk.
  2. Beat with a mixer before foam.
  3. We pour into a simple glass or for martini, carefully lower 80 g of creamy cream into it.
  4. Decorate with berries.

Advice: To get a beautiful, like a icy edge of a glass for drinks. Carefully lower the edge into the water, and then into sugar and let it dry. After that, pour drinks.

Dessert for New Year's Eve to celebrate the whole family: what to cook?

New Year's cake for the festive table for the whole family
New Year's cake for the festive table for the whole family

For dessert on New Year's Eve, to celebrate the whole family, you can serve a cake or bake a berry pie, decorating it with whipped cream.

You can also do:

The decision of the meeting 2023 For you, it will be in a family circle or a noisy company will gather. It is important that this magical and unique night be remembered by everyone, and there is a desire to repeat it again. Happy New Year! With new dreams and desires!

Video: TOP-5 ideas-what to do on New Year's Eve for any company!

Video: Do \u200b\u200bnot know what to occupy children on New Year's Eve

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