Decoration of the cake figures of sugar and mastic: schemes, examples. How to glue sugar paper to the cake?

Decoration of the cake figures of sugar and mastic: schemes, examples. How to glue sugar paper to the cake?

Making figures from sugar or mastic is simple. You need to have special equipment and follow the tips.

A real cake should be not only tasty, but also beautiful! A few years ago, a typical baking decoration was the creation of curbs, ornaments and flowers from oil or protein cream. However, over time, this traditional decor added modeling techniques from mastic and edible prints.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to calculate the weight and size of the cake for the number of guests?". You will find calculation methods, tips.

From this article you will learn how to make figures from sugar paper And mastic and how to glue sugar paper to the cake. Read further.

How to make figures from sugar and mastic: schemes, examples

Figures from mastic
Figures from mastic

If you loved to sculpt from plasticine in childhood, jewelry from mastic will seem to you a light and fascinating occupation. How to make figures from mastic? Here is an example:

Figure execution scheme from mastic
Figure execution scheme from mastic
  • The principle of action is the same as the modeling of plasticine.
  • You have a soft, plastic substance from which you can make anything.
  • Strengthen complex figures with a wooden base.
  • To do this, it is best to use skewers, toothpicks or matches. In the case of using the last option, it is necessary to first remove the sulfur head.

Remember: Details of figures are difficult to attach to each other. Gently lubricate the contour and thus carry out fastening. In this case, it is necessary to “plant” the details on small wooden skewers.

Complex figures from mastic
Complex figures from mastic

Another important nuance: the basis for mastic. The softest is obtained from condensed milk. It “goes” perfectly to the coating since it does not harden, but remains soft and plastic, but at the same time it is not suitable for sculpting figures - the details are deformed. The mastic is well stained with a homogeneous color with food dyes with both liquid and loose. Cursing can “steal” color, so the colors and shades are soft and muffled.
The dense mastic from Marshmallow. Details keep their shape well, but the figures have the property of stone - become too hard.

It is impossible to perform an edible photo print without additional equipment. To perform decoration, the printout is made on waffle or sugar paper. In workshops, you can choose existing templates. Many of them work on individual orders. You can provide images in JPEG format, and the master will perform the print of your picture of the necessary format.

Food printer for sugar paper
Food printer for sugar paper

If you want to make such jewelry yourself, it is simple. You will need a special printer and sweet paper. How to work with photo printing on sugar paper? Here is the scheme and examples:

Schemes of the image from sugar paper
Schemes of the image from sugar paper
  • Print.
  • Then make the basis from dense mastic, for example, from marshmallow.
  • Glue the sugar pattern on it.
  • Cut the resulting image. You can cut the image in different ways. The basis of the picture is very fragile, so you need to act neatly with a small image of a small size is easy to do with scissors.
  • If the picture is voluminous or the base is too fragile deleting the excess is performed with special stacks or a sharp knife.
Sugar paper figures
Sugar paper figures

How to glue sugar paper to the cake?

Cakes with the entire upper plane are quite popular. But how to glue sugar paper to the cake? Here's the instruction:

Sugar paper
Sugar paper
  • It is permissible to place a layer of sugar paper on any cream.
  • However, in order to avoid unforeseen situations, for example, the formation of bubbles around the perimeter of the image is recommended to make a layer of mastic.
  • It is better to give preference to the basis from Marshmello. It turns out dry and prevents the sugar base of moisture on the sugar.

We continue:

  • To fix the image, after the full assembly of the cake, align the upper layer with the help of the cream.
  • Then place a layer of mastic.
  • On it evenly, a confectionery brush, apply food glue. It can be replaced with butter mixed with powdered sugar.
  • Carefully lay out the picture on top. The color of the mastic is best chosen in the tone of the image. If there are too many flowers, preference should be given to light shades of white or beige.

You can act in another way:

  • If you place the jewelry directly on the cake, you must first compact the overall structure with a layer, and then fix it on the surface of the upper layer.
  • It should be noted that the layer of mastic should be as thin as possible, not to have intransigents, irregularities and lumps. An uneven structure can cause deformation of sugar, its stratification or the formation of cracks on the surface.

Remember: The absence of a layer can also negatively affect the general form of the cake. If sugar paper pulls moisture, the image will change colors. If there was too much moisture, white blots in the picture will appear. The shape of the sugar sheet may also change - it will go in waves.

Drill glue for leaf fixation is best used to use transparent consistency. It must be well shared over the entire surface with the thinnest layer. For application, it is best to use a tool with a silicone base - this will protect from the appearance of villi on the surface.

How to attach edible figures from sugar and mastic on the cake?

Edible figures from sugar and mastic
Edible figures from sugar and mastic

You can decorate cakes not only with a full coating of the plane, but also with partial application of the image.
Sugar paper is quite thin material. How to attach edible figures from sugar and mastic on the cake?

If the cake decor involves the vertical fixation of the picture, it is recommended to strengthen it or make a dense basis:

  • Most often, mastic is used for this purpose.
  • The plastic substance should be very dense, well keep in shape and not deform under its own weight.
  • The decor formation procedure is not much different from the full coating: roll out the mastic with a thin layer, apply glue.
  • On the resulting basis, place a pre -cut pattern and leave for several minutes to dry.
  • Then attach the resulting decor to a wooden skewer.

The procedure can be performed using food glue, chocolate or, as mentioned above, butter with sah. powder. If chocolate is used as glue:

  • Pick it to the main color of the picture - white or black.
  • After melt several pieces in a water bath until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  • Then make a wooden skewer in chocolate and apply to a mastic basis.
  • After complete drying, the chocolate adhes well with mastic.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

How to work with photo printing on sugar paper?

Sugar paper is a very fragile material. How to work with photo printing on sugar paper? Here's what you should remember:

  • Printed prints are very susceptible to physical indicators: moisture, temperature.
  • Low temperatures increase the fragility of the material.
  • It is unacceptable to transport photo pictures on sugar paper at minus temperature. At the same time, there is a cracking of the picture and a complete loss of its integrity.
  • High temperatures are no better: A sharp increase can cause breakdown into small pieces.
  • Moisture acts destructively on the quality of the picture - The picture changes colors and shades, irregularities appear. She is the main enemy of the printed drawings, so you should be careful about the working surface. In order to avoid getting fluid to the pattern, it is recommended to sprinkle the working rug with corn starch. He will be able to absorb excess humidity and, at the same time, do not change the overall color of the picture.

Drawings on sugar paper have a long shelf life. Under proper conditions, the picture does not lose its aesthetic and organoleptic properties for 3 years. But it is very difficult to ensure full -fledged storage conditions, therefore it is not recommended to print a lot of pictures at a time. It is best to perform a printout in small quantities.

We summarize, the decoration of baking using a photo sprint or figures made of mastic, greatly simplifies the decor procedure and saves time. Simplicity and accessibility are one of the most important qualities for beginners-confectioners. You can no longer worry about the fact that the roses will float and turn into cabbage, and beautiful shells will be a blossom. To decorate the cake with toppers, you need to carefully cut the image, and fix it on the surface of the pastries.

Video: Figure made of sugar. Jewelry for the cake

Video: How to stick a edible picture on the cake? How to glue waffle and sugar pictures on the cake?

Video: Toppers on the cake. How to make a topper? Topper with your own hands

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