Korzhi for Cake Napoleon: 5 best recipes

Korzhi for Cake Napoleon: 5 best recipes

Recipes for cooking cakes for the Napoleon cake.

Cake Napoleon is one of the most beloved by experienced housewives. Many women do not want to prepare this dessert due to long-term cooking cakes. And semi -finished products can be purchased in any store, but a cake prepared by your own hands is much tastier and more nutritious. In this article, we will tell you how to cook cakes for Cake Napoleon. 

Puff cakes for cake Napoleon

The main recipe includes only five ingredients. It is noteworthy that there is no sweetener in the composition, therefore, sweet, nutritious creams are usually prepared for such a dessert. 


  • One large chicken egg 
  • 650 g of flour 
  • 240 ml of water 
  • a pinch of salt 
  • 240 g of cream margarine 

Recipe for puff cakes for the Napoleon cake: 

  • Put the fat in a plate at room temperature in advance. It is necessary that it becomes completely soft. Fold the margarine chopped into pieces and rub thoroughly between the palms, until the crumb is obtained. 
  • After that, the mixture is added with a pinch of salt and grind again in the hands. It is necessary that the baby becomes small and homogeneous, and large particles are not found in the mixture. It is necessary to knock out the egg in the jar and add 250 ml of cold water.
  • Everything is thoroughly interfered with a fork so that the layer of the egg is not visible in the liquid. Pour the liquid into flour crumbs and knead a homogeneous dough. To make it easy to work with him, he is wrapped in a food film, placed in the refrigerator.
  • The cooling time is 30-50 minutes. After that, they are divided into 6 or 8 identical pieces and roll out. The fact is that the cake sticks to the surface, due to the fact that oil or margarine is constantly stimulating. It is best to roll it directly on parchment paper, having previously sprinkled with a small amount of flour.
  • The last cake can turn out to be small, but you should not be upset, most often it is used to decorate the dessert, rubbed into a crumb. The resulting cakes are placed in the oven for about 5 minutes.
  • The average cooking temperature is 180-190 degrees. However, before placing the cake in the oven, it is necessary to make several punctures with a toothpick or fork. So your cakes do not swell. 

Napoleon cake dough

You can prepare cakes for the cake Napoleon using strong alcohol, such as cognac or vodka. These components give additional fragility and dryness the resulting cakes. In addition, the cakes are puff, with a large number of voids, this is the perfect option for liquidcream.  


  • 40 ml of strong alcohol, it can be cognac or vodka 
  • One large chicken egg 
  • 150 ml of water 
  • A pinch of salt 
  • A teaspoon of vinegar 
  • 260 g of margarine 
  • About 600 g of flour 

Recipe tsTO for cake cake Napoleon:

  • From all this amount, about a kilogram of dough is obtained. It is necessary to add all the flour to the blender and add pre -marked fat. Cover tightly with a lid and work out with the blades until the crumb is obtained.
  • Drive into the glass, pour strong alcohol, vinegar and add to the edges with water. The total amount of fluid should be 250-270 ml. Further, with a thin stream, it is necessary to pour it all into the oil crumb and work again with a blender. Thus, you do not have to get your hands dirty. As a result, you will get a rather dense dough, which must be wrapped in a food film and left in the cold for about 2 hours.
  • Previously, make notes with a knife on the film that will equal each piece. On average, 12-15 cakes are obtained from such a large piece. Many housewives note that it is inconvenient to roll the dough on parchment, as it slides.
  • We are offering to youlifehack. It is necessary to cut a sheet of parchment of the desired size, grease with a silicone brush moistened with water the back, and glue it to the countertop. Thus, the parchment will be motionless during the rolling of the cake.
  • Now it is necessary to sprinkle the paper with flour, lay out a lump of dough and roll out in different directions. Take a large lid from the pan with sharp edges and attach to the resulting layer. You do not need to remove trimming.
  • You need to bake with them. These scraps are necessary while decorating the finished dessert. Bake such cakes for 4-6 minutes. In general, they turn out to be airy, very thin, and are easily impregnated with cream. Do not forget to make holes in the cakes with a fork or toothpick before diving. Thus, the cakes do not burst. If possible, you can immerse several disgusting cakes into the oven at once, which will accelerate the time of preparing dessert. 

Korzhi for Cake Napoleon in a pan

You can cook cakes for Napoleon’s cake in a pan. This greatly simplifies and accelerates the cooking time, because pieces of dough are fried very quickly, so the dessert is created in just a fewminutes.  

For the preparation of cakes, you will need: 

  • Bank of condensed milk with sugar 
  • Three glasses of flour 
  • 1 egg 
  • Soda 
  • Pinchsalt 

Napoleon cake recipe in a pan:

  • To do this, you need to mix condensed milk with an egg, banged soda and a pinch of salt. All this flows into the flour and is thoroughly mixed. Please note that before preparing cakes, it is advisable to place the dough in the cold for about 120 minutes.
  • After it rests in the cold, you can do cooking. To do this, divide the lump into 10 identical parts and roll out. Please note that it is better to use the pan with thick walls, it is best cast iron.
  • Teflon is suitable, but it is necessary that the bottom be thick enough, and the pan to hold the heat for a long time, while the dough is not buried, not overheated. In order to roll out the dough, you can use foil. 
  • The cake is transferred to the pan and fried over medium heat. The surface is pre -lubricated with a piece of butter. Eachcake on one side It is fried for about one or two minutes. You will spend about half an hour on all 10 cakes.
  • Do not leave the cakes in a pan for a long time, as they burn very quickly. This option can be used for sweet custard with nuts. After frying, everyone needs to remove the crumbs of the previous one. Since they burn very quickly and can give Napoleon the gloom of Gary. 
In a pan
In a pan

Napoleon cakes on beer

For the preparation of cakes for Napoleon, you can use the beer method. Few people know that alcohol increasescrunching The resulting dough, and gives a pleasant aroma, a bread flavor. You can use these cakes as a snack option. 

Ingredients for cakes: 

  • 240 g of margarine or butter 
  • 3 glasses of flour 
  • 270 ml of beer 

Napoleon's cake recipe on beer: 

  • Grind the butter to small pieces, which must first be put in a warm place. You can just scare with a knife to make a thin chip. This chip is mixed with flour, which can be done with a blender or any other kitchen technique, then beer flows. 
  • For these purposes, it is best to use light beer, but non -refilled. White is perfect, it will give the dough a pleasant, unusual aroma. After poured beer, it is necessary to knead a very soft dough.
  • It is put in the refrigerator for about two hours. After that, it is necessary to divide the mixture into 12 circles and roll out of each layer. Moreover, it is best to do this on baking paper, so that the dough does not stick. Please note that it is not necessary to sprinkle the baking sheet, lubricating with oil is also not necessary. 
  • The main advantage of this cake is that it has a neutral taste and can be used in the preparation of a snack cake with salted fillings, conservatives. 

Napoleon snack cakes

From the cakes for Napoleon, you can cook delicious snack cakes. That is, not necessarily as a layer, chocolate, or condensed milk -based creams should be used.


  • 40 g of sour cream
  • 150 g of butter
  • 400 g of flour
  • A teaspoon of soda
  • One egg

Napoleon snack cake recipe:

  • To prepare cakes, it is necessary to mix sour cream with soda to get a foam on top. After that, add softened oil. Mix everything thoroughly, enter the egg. Pour into the flour into the mixture and stir thoroughly. The result is a rather tight dough.
  • It needs to be divided into 7-8 parts and formed tortillas. They are fried in a frying pan slightly lubricated on both sides.
  • This is a very quick recipe for cooking cakes that can be impregnated with ingredients such as canned fish, fried mushrooms, eggs. Operational cakes will be an excellent replacement for sandwiches and liver cake. This is a kind of new option that your guests will appreciate.

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Video: cakes for cake Napoleon

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