Puff pastry: the easiest and fastest recipe. What to cook from puff pastry: open layers with an egg, a pie with meat and herbs, hachapuri with cheese, envelopes with berries, cherry pie, tube with cottage cheese cream-top 7 best recipes

Puff pastry: the easiest and fastest recipe. What to cook from puff pastry: open layers with an egg, a pie with meat and herbs, hachapuri with cheese, envelopes with berries, cherry pie, tube with cottage cheese cream-top 7 best recipes

From puff pastry you can make many dishes, and which ones - read in the article.

Puff pastry is a universal product that can be used for cooking, both sweet pastries and other hearty dishes. Having at your disposal even a small piece of such a test, you can please yourself and loved ones delicious food, thereby diversifying your menu.

Puff pastry: the easiest and fastest recipe

Since today we will talk about the goodies from puff pastry, we consider it appropriate to share its recipe. Despite the fact that usually puff pastry is quite difficult and this process is very time -consuming, with the help of this recipe you will cope with its cooking very quickly, and most importantly easily.

  • Water - 270 ml
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 500 g
  • Butter - 210 g
  • Salt
Puff pastry
Puff pastry
  • Take boiled cold water, drive an egg into it, salt the ingredients, stir. Water can be replaced with kefir or low -fat sour cream.
  • Pre -sifted flour in the liquid mixture in small portions.
  • Knead the dough, knead it for 10 minutes.
  • Cut the butter as thin as possible, dip from all sides to flour. You can replace the oil with high -quality margarine. However, you should not replace the oil with a spread, tasteless margarine, since the dough will not work.
  • Roll out the previously cooked dough, lay out pieces of oil (approximately 70 g) in the center.
  • Now wrap the dough layer with an envelope, be sure to pinch its edges.
  • Roll the dough again, however, do it extremely neatly and slowly. Put the same amount of oil on the center. Repeat the same action again.
  • When all the oil ends, roll the rolled dough into several layers, roll it out again, then turn again and cut it with suitable pieces. This procedure can be repeated several times, the dough from this will become even more tender and soft.
  • Ready -made pieces of dough can be used or wrapped in food film and stored in the freezer.

Using this recipe, you can prepare a delicious homemade puff pastry and please yourself and your own goodies from it.

Open layers of puff pastry with egg

Such a dish will serve as a delicious and hearty breakfast. The layers are delicate and airy. In cooking, the dish is very simple, even a child will cope with the process.

  • Puff pastry - 1 large layer
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Solid cheese - 80 g
  • Smoked chicken fillet - 80 g
  • Salt, spices
  • Previously, we told how to make a tasty and easy -to -cook homemade puff pastry. You can use this recipe and prepare the dough at home or buy a ready -made product in any supermarket. The purchased dough must first be removed from the freezer and defrost at room temperature.
  • Next, roll the dough a little and cut into 4 identical sheets. Of these, we get 4 layers.
  • On each piece of dough around the perimeter, make quite deep cuts. Thanks to such manipulations after baking on the layer, we form a side.
  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment, place pieces of dough on it.
  • Send the baking sheet to the warm-up oven for literally 7-12 minutes. As soon as you see that the dough has risen and browned, get it out of the oven.
  • Knock the inside of the dough with a spoon. The outer edges of the dough will serve as a side in this case.
  • Rub the cheese.
  • Grind chicken fillet in small pieces. You can replace this product with any sausage, ham, boiled meat or completely exclude it.
  • Now put a little meat in each layer, then gently drive the eggs into the center of the products, salt them, shake them with spices.
  • Send the layers to the oven for 5-7 minutes.
  • After sprinkle with grated cheese and bring to readiness.
  • Fragrant layers can be sprinkled with chopped herbs, decorated with pieces of tomatoes, olives or olives.

Puff pastry cake with meat and herbs

Puff dough with meat filling and herbs is very juicy and fragrant. Such a treat is suitable for tea, and it can also be served as the main dish.

  • Puff pastry - 2 layers
  • Chicken fillet - 270 g
  • Pork pulp - 230 g
  • Spinach - 450 g
  • Parsley - 1 bundle
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml
  • Salt, Oregano, Provencal herbs
With minced meat and herbs
With minced meat and herbs
  • Do it yourself or buy a finished dough. Roll up both layers
  • Rinse chicken and pork meat, dry. Grind with a knife or pass through a meat grinder. In the first case, the pie will be with chopped meat, in the second - with minced meat.
  • Rinse the spinach, chop finely. At first glance, it will seem that there is a lot of spinach, but in the process of frying it will become much less, so it is not necessary to reduce its number. Get with parsley exactly the same.
  • Peel the onion, cut into small cubes or rub on a fine grater.
  • Peel the garlic, rub on a grater or pass through the press.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan, add butter here. Fry the onion in oil.
  • Then add spinach to the onion, simmer the contents for 5 minutes, until the spinach decreases.
  • Next, put the meat in the container, shave the ingredients with salt and spices, add garlic here. Cook another 10 minutes.
  • Now add parsley to the pan, cook another 5-7 minutes.
  • Take the container in which you will bake the pie, grease it with butter.
  • Place the first layer of the dough in the shape, smooth out.
  • Put the filling on the dough.
  • Put the second dough layer on top, pinch the edges of the layers. Do it carefully so that the dough does not break.
  • Place the shape with the product in a warmed oven.
  • As soon as the dough acquires a golden color, get out the product.
  • This process will take no more than 30-45 minutes.

Khachapuri with puff dough cheese

Khachapuri is a popular Georgian dish that is being prepared today not only in Georgia, but also in our country. Products are distinguished by its taste and aroma. Such a dish is perfect as a snack.

  • Puff pastry - 1 layer
  • Suluguni cheese - 400 g
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Spices
  • As you can see, the number of ingredients that we will need to prepare such a treat is minimal.
  • You can prepare puff pastry according to the recipe that was described earlier or use the already ready -made purchased dough. In the latter case, you will need to defrost the product.
  • Roll out the dough, divide it into the same medium -sized squares. The larger the square will be, the more the finished product will be.
  • Grind the cheese in any way convenient for you. You can also use cottage cheese, solid varieties of cheese or combine these ingredients.
  • Add 3 pcs to the cheese. Eggs, spices at will, mix the mass. 1 egg we will need to lubricate the dough.
  • Put the filling for each square in the center. It should not be too much so that Khachapuri does not burst in the process of baking.
  • Now connect the edges of the dough so that you get a triangle. Pin the edges well, otherwise the filling will fall out. In several places, make punctures with a toothpick.
  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, so that then it is easier to remove the products.
  • Transfer khachapuri to a baking sheet, grease them with a beaten egg.
  • Put a baking sheet in a warm -up oven, bake.
  • This process will take about 15-25 minutes.

Puff pastry converters with berries

From puff pastry you can prepare not only basic dishes. No less tasty is obtained from such a dough, sweet pastries. From puff pastry you can cook, perhaps, everything that your imagination is enough for - puff pies, layers, tubes, pies, cakes, etc.

We offer to get acquainted with sweet pastries from such a test from a recipe for delicious puff envelopes with juicy berries.

  • Puff pastry - 2 layers
  • Raspberry - 200 g
  • Currant - 200
  • Cinnamon
  • Kurin egg - 1 pc.
Berry envelopes
Berry envelopes
  • You can use both independently prepared homemade puff pastry and a purchased product.
  • Take pieces of dough, defrost them as necessary, roll them out, cut into the same squares in size. Keep in mind that the larger the square, the more fillings it will be required for it. The time for making goodies also depends on the size of the envelopes.
  • As for the berries, you can use both fresh and frozen. It is not necessary to use raspberries and currants. You can replace them with blueberries, cherries, mulberries, etc. Frozen berries. Pre -defrost, rinse, wait until the juice drains them, drain it, it will not come in handy for cooking, but you can cook compote, etc. If the berries are acidic, add a little sugar to them, but make sure that in them to be in them to There was no sole juice.
  • Put a little berries without juice in the center for each square in the center. If you put a lot of berries, the layers will spread or break during baking.
  • Sprinkle the berries with cinnamon, so the baking will turn out even more fragrant.
  • Now pinch the edges of the dough. This can be done in different ways: having formed a triangle from the dough, collecting all the edges together in the center, etc.
  • Beat the egg, lubricate the layers with them.
  • Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, place envelopes on it
  • Put the products in a warm-up oven for 15-25 minutes.
  • For the filling, you can also use other fruits, cottage cheese, cottage cheese, chocolate, etc.

Puff pie with cherries

Such a pie is very juicy and aromatic, because for its preparation, delicate puff pastry and sweet delicious cherries are used. Such a treat is in no way inferior to the purchased cake, pies.

  • Puff pastry - 2 layers
  • Cherries - 600 g
  • Home sour cream - 250 ml
  • Sugar - 270 g
  • Kurin egg - 4 pcs.
  • Cinnamon
  • Butter - 30 g
  • Starch - 15 g
  • The dough, if necessary, defrost. After you need to roll it in such a way that one layer is larger and the second is smaller. The part that will be larger will serve as the basis of the pie, the one that is smaller will cover the base with the filling.
  • Cherry, wash, wash, dry, remove the seeds from them. If the cherries are frozen - defrost them, drain the juice. Add starch to the berries, a little cinnamon as desired.
  • Pre -cool sour cream, otherwise it will not be in the right way. For the same reason, we recommend using a home product, not a purchased store.
  • Beat sour cream with sugar and eggs until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. Sugar can be added a little more or less, depending on your preferences.
  • Lubricate the form in which you will bake the pie.
  • Put most of the dough in the shape, form high sides.
  • Put the cherry filling on the dough, evenly distribute it.
  • Now gently pour the sour cream mass into the filling, also distribute it.
  • Cover the cake with the second layer of dough, tightly pinch the edges of the layers with each other so that the filling during the baking of the product does not tear the dough and does not fall out.
  • Put the pie in a warm-up oven for 35-45 minutes.
  • For filling, you can use any other berries, fruits. If desired, you can not cover the product with a second piece of dough, in which case you will get a puff pastry cake.

Puff dough tubes with cottage cheese cream

Such tubes will like all sweet tooth, especially children. Products are airy with the most delicate curd cream. With such a treat, you can safely replace holiday cakes and sweets.

  • Puff pastry - 2 layers
  • Home cottage cheese - 200 g
  • Butter - 85 g
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Cinnamon
  • Orange zest
  • Thaw, roll out, roll it out, roll it out. Cut the dough layers with the same non -wide stripes.
  • Preteen the butter from the refrigerator. Beat it with sugar with a mixer or blender and an appropriate nozzle.
  • Add cinnamon and a little zest of oranges to the resulting mass.
  • Cottage cheese is better to use homemade, as it is tastier and the cream from it is much tastier. Using a fork, remember the cottage cheese or cross with a blender.
  • Combine cottage cheese and oil.
  • Now it is necessary to form tubes from the dough. To do this, you will need confectionery cones.
  • Take one strip of dough and wind it on the cone. Do the same with the remaining dough.
  • Cover the baking sheet of parchment paper.
  • Place the dough on it on the cones.
  • Place the baking sheet in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. As soon as the dough is incurred, get out the products from the oven. Remove the cones from the tubes, they are extracted very easily.
  • Now the tubes need to be cooled.
  • As soon as the tubes cooled, fill them with cream.
  • If desired, the cream can be done by any other. You can add a few bananas, condenses, etc. to the curd filling.

Napoleon cake from puff pastry

Of course, it was impossible not to recall such a delicious delicacy as this cake. It turns out he is very delicate, air, literally melts in his mouth.

  • Puff pastry - 6 layers
  • Butter - 230 g
  • Kurin egg - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 180 g
  • Milk - 130 ml
  • The dough, if necessary, defrost. Next, each layer subtly roll out and form in the form in which you will bake it.
  • Lubricate the baking sheet with a small amount of butter.
  • Place 1 layer of rolled dough on it.
  • Send the baking sheet to a warm -up oven, bake for about 15 minutes. His color will indicate the readiness of the cake, it should become golden and appearance, the cake will rise, become airy and high.
  • Similarly, bake all the remaining dough, then leave it to cool.
  • At this time, take care of cream. Preteen the oil from the refrigerator and wait until it softens.
  • Pull the eggs into the saucepan, add sugar here. Mix the resulting mass well with a fork, until a white foam is formed.
  • Now pour milk into the egg mass.
  • Turn on the most quiet fire under the container, constantly stirring, cook the mass until all the sugar dissolves, but do not bring it to a boil.
  • Cool the mass.
  • Now connect the oil with a cooled mass in portions, beat the ingredients with a fork.
  • It remains only to collect the cake and give it time to soak.
  • Lubricate each cake with cream, the last one, including.
  • Decorate the sweetness with almond flakes. You can also use crushed walnuts, pieces of puff pastry, fresh mint leaves, pieces of fruit, chocolate crumb, etc.
  • Let the cake be saturated for 10-12 hours. To do this, put it in the refrigerator.

As you can see, puff pastry can really be called a universal product from which you can cook a variety of dishes. Do not be afraid to experiment with such a test, in which case you will definitely get what you want.

Video: 14 types of layers: the best recipes

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