Biscuit cakes for the cake: 5 best recipes, secrets of cooking, reviews

Biscuit cakes for the cake: 5 best recipes, secrets of cooking, reviews

Recipes for cooking biscuit cakes for a cake.

Biscuit cake is considered one of the most delicious and universal. The fact is that using biscuit cakes can be prepared both chocolate cakes and impregnated with various liquid syrup. This makes it possible to prepare completely different desserts that differ in their taste, composition, although the constituent in them is the same. In this article, we will provide some of the most successful biscuits recipes.

The simplest biscuit cakes: recipe

Many housewives are trying to avoid the preparation of a biscuit, as it is quite capricious. This is due to the fact that the biscuit is very sensitive to fluctuations in temperature, air, as well as to the quality of products. In addition, the probability that the biscuit will fall in the process of cooking is very high, especially if the cooking process proceeds in the gas oven, where there may be air flows and not the same temperature throughout the baking process. Wewe will reveal A few secrets that will help you bake a successful biscuit.  

This recipe is very simple, and includes only three products. These are sugar, chicken eggs and wheat flour. There are no more ingredients in the composition, but there are several subtleties of cooking to make the cake high, magnificent and porous. 


  • 5 large chicken eggs 
  • A glass of flour with a slide 
  • A glass of sugar 

The simplest biscuit cakes, recipe:

  • There is no need to separate anything from each other. Many housewives refuse to prepare for the reason that it is necessary to beat the proteins separately, then slowly introduce the yolks. All this significantly increases the time of preparation of dessert.
  • This is not very convenient if you have a large family, you need to prepare a biscuit for a decent number of people. All eggs must be driven into a bowl, take a powerful mixer for 5 minutes.
  • If you do not have powerful equipment, then whipping time will have to be increased to 7-10 minutes. After the mass becomes homogeneous, add sugar and continue to whip. As a result, it is necessary that the mass in consistency is similar to home cream.
  • After that, pour the flour and mix in one direction with a silicone shoulder blade. In no case should not be kneaded very quickly or in a chaotic manner, sincebubbles, The eggs obtained during whipping can burst and then the cake simply will not rise.
  • Please note that the dessert will be more magnificent if you use sifted flour. Some housewives only prepare a biscuit with exclusively sifted flour. When the mass becomes lush and homogeneous, it is necessary to gently shift into the shape and be sure to cover with foil on top.
  • This will prevent temperature fluctuations when baking. The likelihood that the cake will settle is reduced to zero. Be sure to warm the oven in advance. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees. 
  • The baking time is 30 minutes, then it is necessary to reduce the heating up to 150 degrees and leave the dessert in the furnace for another half an hour. In no case do not immediately take out the biscuit from the oven, immediately turn off the heating and let the pastries be cool inside. In no case do not need to cut it immediately, leave until completely cooled. 

This is a cold way that is mainly suitable for the manufacture of rolls. If you plan to cook cakes, then it is best to use a hot method. 


Viennese biscuit cakes - how to cook?

Vienna Biscuit is popular among hostesses due to high density. He does not fall apart in time impregnation with a liquor or tea.

For cooking, the following products are needed:

  • 8 eggs
  • 170 g of sugar
  • 80 g of flour
  • 80 g starch
  • Vanilla
  • Butter
  • 80 g
  • The zest of half the lemon

Viennese biscuit cakes - how to cook:

  • It is necessary to sift starch with flour so that the mass is airy. The zest is introduced into this mixture and mixed again. Separately, it is necessary to beat the yolks with sugar, until the air mass is obtained. You must add vanilla and flour powder to the mass.
  • Now it is necessary to beat separately proteins with the remaining sugar. In turn, it is necessary to carefully mix the mass with yolks along with proteins. The oil is poured last. It must be pre -melted in the microwave, until the liquid is obtained.
  • The finished mixture is poured into the shape and baked for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. Readiness is determined by a skewer, or toothpick. Please note that if the cake is not baked, it is necessary to reduce heating to about 150 degrees and bake until cooked.

Dense biscuit for a cake: recipe

This option is used if it is planned to prepare a chocolate, dense cake, with a large amount of impregnation and oily cream. The fact is that such a cake is dense and stable, and the bubbles are strong. That is, when impacting impregnation, the cake will not get wet after impregnation and will not turn into porridge. 


  • 180 g of flour 
  • 5 large eggs 
  • 200 g of sugar 

Dense biscuit for a cake, recipe:

  • It is worth taking two pots of different sizes. In a smaller container, you need to add eggs and place in a pan with a large diameter. A little water flows into it and is placed on a small fire.
  • You need to turn on the mixer and beat the mass for 7 minutes over low heat. It is necessary that the mass in a small pan with yolks becomes slightly warm. On average, the temperature should be approximately 40 degrees. When the mass increases slightly in size, it is necessary to remove from the heat, and pour sugar with a thin stream without turning off the mixer.
  • Beat beforewhitewashing and acquisition of a mass consistency of thick sour cream. Now it is necessary to turn off the mixer and pour the flour in small portions, carefully kneading it from the bottom up. No need to chat in a circle and in different directions, an intensively averaging mixture. This may cause the biscuit to settle, and the bubbles will burst. Next, pour the mixture into a greased shape and bake for 30 minutes.
  • Please note that during the preparation of this dessert, in no case should you open the cabinet door. The cake cools in the oven after it is turned off. After extracting the cake from the furnace, it is necessary to place the shape on wet fabric, and then turn the dessert on the grate and let cool on it. 
Lush cakes
Lush cakes

How to cook magnificent biscuit cakes for cocoa cake?

Very often they prepare a chocolate biscuit, but few people know that it is necessary to take the amount of cocoa powder from flour. You need to use a smaller amount of flour, otherwise the dough will become very thick, it will be poorly rise. 


  • 5 large chicken eggs 
  • 220 g of sugar 
  • 150 g of flour 
  • 30 g cocoa 

How to cook magnificent biscuit cakes for cocoa cocoa:

  • It is necessary to mix the sifted flour with cocoa in the vessel. It is best to do it several times. It is necessary that there are no lumps and grains in the mixture. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with sugar until persistent peaks.
  • There is no need to divide the egg into protein and yolk. To whip the eggs very well, it is best to set them at room temperature for heating. When the mass becomes white and similar to cream, it is necessary to interfere with small portions of the flour with cocoa.
  • It should be kneaded from the bottom up, until a viscous mass is obtained. It must be poured into a detachable form with parchment at the bottom and put in a preheated oven, to a temperature of 180 degrees. The mass is baked for 40 minutes. 

Tender biscuit for a cake

A delicate biscuit is obtained with mixing flour with starch. In this case, the cake is crumbly, soft, ideal for creamy or some kind of fat cream. This option of cakes is not the best if you need to impregnate. It will soak, which is why it is better to use dense and fat cream.


  • 2 medium -sized eggs
  • 90 g of sugar
  • 80 g of flour
  • 20 g starch
  • Vanilla
  • A pinch of salt

Delicate biscuit for a cake:

  • It is necessary to sift flour with starch and vanilla so that they are saturated with air. In a separate vessel, it is necessary to drive eggs, put on a very small fire. It is best if there is a divider.
  • Stiring thoroughly, it is necessary to heat the mass to a temperature of 40-42 degrees. Maximum is a temperature of 45 degrees. When the mixture after rubbing, heating will become dense, it is necessary to put it on the table and beat it with a mixer, gradually adding sugar.
  • This technique helps to make proteins with yolks very dense, and reduce the likelihood of biscuit falling. When everything is mixed, it is necessary to lubricate the form with oil, not forgetting to lay out parchment. Bake at a temperature of 180 degrees.
Delicate cake
Delicate cake

Biscuit cakes for cake: Cooking secrets

The biscuits are very capricious, but only if you ignore the cooking rules. Usually the biscuit turns out low or sits down if you slam the door in the oven, often check how it has risen. Korzh does not like air fluctuations, maybe from this sit down. 

Biscuit cakes for cake, cooking secrets:

  • It is best to cover the top with foil, or to do baking in the oven with an electric launcher. In this case, air fluctuations are reduced to zero. Please note that beat the proteins separately from the yolks in a perfectly clean bowl.
  • It is best to rinse the vessel before whipping the eggs with boiling water. Even a small amount of fat can cause a biscuit falling. If the eggs are poorly beaten, it does not turn out lush, beautiful foam, you should not be upset.
  • A pinch of citric acid, citric juice or salt will help to alleviate the process of whipping. Add one of these ingredients to the eggs and continue to whip. The process will go much faster. If the biscuit contains vegetable oil, then it is necessary to interfere with it not in the finished dough. In order to prepare such a biscuit, it is necessary to completely mix all the ingredients, knead the mass, but do not add oil.
  • After that, part of the test is selected from the main container, it is in it that oil intervenes. The mass with oil is found in the main amount of dough. If you immediately pour the oil into the finished dough, it will mix very slowly, as a result, the biscuit is falling.
  • All bulk ingredients, such as cocoa, lemon zest,, if necessary, baking powder, mix with flour. In no case should they be introduced into the finished biscuit, since they will cause damage to the bubbles. As a result of this, the cake will not turn out to be lush, very quickly will settle in the process of cooking.
  • In order for the biscuit to keep the shape well, it is necessary to properly lubricate the cakes. Therefore, in no case should you immediately after preparing to impregnate liquid ingredients. If you mean impregnation with a liquor, or sweet tea, then it is best to allow a biscuit 12-24 hours to stand. That is, he must dry a little. When only from the furnace, it is soft, the bubbles burst quickly, glue, gets a viscous slurry. 

Which biscuit is better for the cake: reviews

Biscuit is one of the most capricious options for cakes, but also the most universal. To decide on the recipe, we offer below the reviews of the housewives.

Which biscuit is better for a cake, reviews:

Milan, 28 years old. I like to cook, often something bake for home, but I was not given a biscuit for a long time. Constantly settled, turned out to be very dry or burned. Until I found a recipe with heating. I often now cook a biscuit only according to this recipe when the eggs whip in a water bath. Due to heating, the foam is very magnificent and thick, so it does not fall in the process of baking. 

Angela, 40 years old. I am engaged in cakes, baking them to order, so the biscuit is one of the most common cakes for the preparation of various cakes. I cook according to a classic recipe, I never add baking powder, oil and additional ingredients. Only three products: eggs sugar and flour. I have a powerful mixer, I mandatory sift sugar and flour individually. It takes only a few minutes, but the biscuit is 100% rises and will not sit in the process of cooking. Often I use a detachable shape at the bottom of which the steel is a biscuit. I leave to cool in a hot oven with an open door. He does not sit down after extracting from the furnace. 

Veronica, 45 years old. I like to cook pastries, I do not purchase anything in a store from confectionery. I cook a biscuit according to the simplest recipe with baking powder and vegetable oil. It always turns out well and never falls. Although I heard that a natural biscuit in its classic performance is prepared without baking powder and oil additives. But I do not know how to cook according to this recipe, it turns out badly, most often it sits down and becomes dense.

Chocolate biscuit
Chocolate biscuit

Video: biscuit cakes

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