How to make delicious filling and pizza sauce like in a pizzeria? Pizza sauce is white, Italian, creamy, tomato

How to make delicious filling and pizza sauce like in a pizzeria? Pizza sauce is white, Italian, creamy, tomato

You dream of learning to cook pizza as in a pizzeria, but do not know where to start. Our article will introduce you to recipes for the most delicious fillings and sauces that will help make homemade pizza perfect.

  • It is believed that such a dish, like pizza, Italians came up with, so they can cook it perfectly. The first pizza was made in the city of Naples and, by our standards, was quite simple, because only tomatoes, fresh basil and cheese used it for its filling.
  • Over time, the chef began to add other ingredients to the filling and after some time it was transformed into a more familiar option for us. Modern pizza can be completely different. If you wish, you can make meat, mushroom, cheese, lean and even vegetarian
  • But do not forget that in addition to the filling in the pizza, there must be a sauce. If you like classic combinations, then add acute tomato sauce to the dish, and if you are not afraid to experiment, try to surprise your household with a mustard or delicate creamy sauce. For those who are going to make pizza for the first time, we offer information about how fillings and sauce are prepared as in a real pizzeria

Tasty pizza filling with sausage, damp tomatoes

Pizza filling from sausage, cheese and tomato
  • It is not clear for what reasons, but we have the most popular filling is a combination of sausage, cheese and tomatoes. It is these ingredients that are most often used by housewives to make homemade pizza
  • But in order for these components to make friends with each other, they must be pre -prepared first
  • If this is not done, then an ingredient such as a tomato (if you use it in raw form) can give its juices to the dough on time, and because of this it will not turn out to be crispy
  • Of course, if you make a thick cake, then the tomatoes will only need to be shielded and remove the skin from them. But if you want to make thin and delicate pizza, then it will be better if you give this vegetable heat treatment

• First, take care of tomatoes, lower them for 1 minute in boiling water, and then transfer them to the liquid with ice
• When you see that the skin began to fold, take a thin knife and remove it
• Cut the tomatoes into slices and bake them either on the grill or in the oven
• While they are preparing to cut into thin slices of sausage (ideally it should be damp) and rub hard cheese on a fine grater
• After the tomatoes have cooled a little, it will be possible to form pizza

Pizza filling with chicken

Pizza with chicken filling
  • Some people do not really like chicken as they consider it tasteless and dry. But it is this neutral taste that allows you to make quite interesting variations for the filling from this product
  • Most often, breast is used to make pizza. But if you do not have it, then calmly use other parts of the chicken
  • Only before starting to cook meat, be sure to remove all the bones from it as accurately as possible. This will allow you to get the perfect pieces of meat, which in the future can be correctly chopped
  • Also, do not forget to completely remove the skin from chicken. This component is strictly forbidden to use for cooking pizza as it will spoil both the appearance and the taste of the finished dish

Preparation of chicken filling:
• Take chicken breast, rinse it with clean water and dry it a little
• Cut it into small pieces (preferably that they be the same size and shape)
• Warm up a frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it
• Gently, in one layer, put the chicken breast and fry it on both sides
• During frying, pepper, salt the meat and, if desired, add, for example, Italian herbs
• Put the finished filling on a paper cloth and let it cool a little
• If you want to reduce the calorie content of pizza, then just boil the chicken breast in salt water

Pizza fillings with salted cucumbers

Salted pizza cucumbers

• Pizza with salty cucumbers will appeal to those who do not like to bother for a long time. In this case, you may not need to prepare something first. But first, remember, to prepare the right dish, it is best to use small cucumbers, for example, rods. They have some particularly piquant taste and crispy, which remains even after baking

• If you decide to use more cucumbers, then cut them as thin as possible and remove the core if possible. And since the filling cannot consist of only cucumbers alone, you need to choose some other components for them. If you think that this canned vegetable is practically nothing to combine, then you are deeply mistaken

• You can quite calmly add eggs to cucumbers, pickled or salted fish, ham and even meat. Only in this case it is better not to use tomato sauce as it can spoil the taste of pizza a little. You can try to replace it with cream or garlic. How to cook them correctly, we will figure it out a little below

Pizza filling with mushrooms

Pizza pizza made of fried champignons

Pizza with mushrooms - It is always simple, tasty and fast. Since mushrooms are not afraid of frost, you can well make blanks, freeze them and pamper your household with a delicious dish at least every day. The most important advantage of this filling is what you can use for its preparation both fresh, frozen, and salted products.

• But, as in all previous variations of the filling, here you also need to be able to create the right combinations. If you plan to use fresh or frozen mushrooms, then they must be pre -frying with the addition of onions. Pickling the product can be used without additional thermal processing simply chopping it.

• If you make pizza exclusively with mushrooms, pay special attention to the choice of cheese. In this case, it is best to abandon the use of the classic version and replace it, for example, with Fet. It will give the finished dish additional piquancy and barely noticeable bitterness.

Mushrooms that can be used to prepare the filling:
• Champignons
• White
• Lychiks
• oil
• raw

Simple pizza filling

Simple pizza filling

If you do not really like exotic combinations and prefer to eat products more familiar to our region, then prepare pizza with a simple filling. To prepare it, you can use any vegetables, eggs and cheese. Absolutely different variations are possible here.

Eggs can be used boiled or mixed with cheese, stew, cook, fry or bake vegetables. Everyone can choose for himself the option that is closer to his taste addictions. The originality of such a filling can add capers, olives or anchovies.

Pizza recipe with simple filling:
• Prepare the dough according to the classic recipe
• Roll it subtly and stole it with a fork
• spread the basis of your favorite sauce
• Drinkly sprinkle the workpiece with hard cheese
• Make the thinnest ribbons from Tsukkini and evenly spread them on the surface of the pizza
• Make 5-7 recesses and break the quail eggs into them
• Gently sprinkle the pizza with any vegetable oil and sprinkle with parsley and basil

Pizza pizza

Cheese pizza filling

• Pizza terrible has long been international food. This dish is very popular in almost all corners of the globe. But if pizza with meat or sausage is more familiar to us, then, for example, in France they love cheese pizza very much. It was invented specifically for raw foodists who do not imagine a single meal for this purge

• But in order for such a filling to be delicious in it should be at least two different varieties. The best option is a combination of four different types at once. Moreover, in this case, you can safely mix varieties of different hardness with each other. The main thing is that they correctly complement each other and create a good taste combination

• Add fresh notes such a pizza can help fresh basil or arugula. But remember, greens should never be baked in the oven, it will be tastier if you put it on a completely finished dish

Cheeses that can be used for filling:
• Parmesan
• Gorgonzoll
• Ricotta
• Mozarella
• Brynza
• Dor Blue
• Tilsiter
• Pecorina
• Cheederr

How to make a tomato sauce for pizza muti?

Tomato muti sauce for pizza

Italians are very fond of their tomato sauce of turbidity and believe that only with it you can cook real pizza. But it is clear that not everyone can afford to buy this piquant sauce. What to do in this case to people who dream of cooking pizza according to the Italian recipe?

Of course, try to cook it at home. After all, the muti sauce is nothing more than a more familiar ketchup, just with a special set of spices. Therefore, if you know the recipe, then it can be prepared at home.

The recipe for tomato sauce muti:
• Grind onions and garlic (there should be quite a lot of them) and give them a little in olive oil
• When they become transparently add to them pre -chopped and cleaned tomatoes
• boil sauce until the tomatoes turn into a gruel
• At the very end, add basil and oregano to the tomato mixture (you can use both fresh and dried form)
• boil the sauce for another 5 minutes and turn off the stove
• grind the resulting mass through a small sieve and add chopped olives to it
• If you plan to store the sauce for some time, then be sure to boil it again

Italian pizza sauce

Italian tomato pizza sauce

To bake the right and tasty pizza, only high -quality and fresh ingredients should be chosen. After all, if you want to cook for your relatives is not easy, as well as a healthy dish, then, if possible, abandon the use of finished food industry products.

It will be better if even tomato sauce you cook with your own hands. Moreover, on the shelves of supermarkets, you are unlikely to find a delicious Italian pizza sauce.

• We blanch the tomatoes, remove the skin from them and chop them fine enough
• We transfer them to a saucepan and volume on low heat until the liquid evaporates completely
• At the very end, add salt and pepper to taste
• Wipe the mass through a sieve, add lemon juice, dried basil and marjoram
• sauce is ready to use

Cheese sauce for pizza

Cheese sauce for pizza

Fans of cheese know that cheese sauce is able to turn the simplest and most fresh dish into a real culinary masterpiece. But the most pleasant thing is that it can be used not only for cooking pizza, but also to lubricate sandwiches. It is prepared almost as well as the famous Behamel sauce, only at the end of cooking cheese is added to it.

If we talk about this component, it is worth noting that more expensive hard varieties of cheese are most suitable for sauce. They have a pronounced acute taste and never turn in hot sauce. Therefore, if you do not want to translate the products, then do not save on cheese in any case.

Recipe for cheese sauce:
• We take a deep stewpan with a thick bottom and put it on the stove
• Fry the flour in it until golden
• Salt flour, pepper, add chopped garlic and nutmeg
• Next, we begin to pour heated milk into a stew
• Bring the mass to a boil and wipe it even hot through a sieve
• Leave the milk mixture of the string and begin to heat the butter in the pan
• While it drowns rubbish sire and beat one eggs well
• Using a blender, mix all the components to a thick homogeneous mass

Pizza white sauce

White pizza sauce with the addition of fresh greens

White sauce, like tomato, is considered basic for pizza. This is due to the fact that it goes well with almost any filling. Therefore, you can safely use it to make meat, mushroom, fish and even vegetable pizza.

• Prepare milk or meat broth in advance (it can be prepared from any type of meat)
• Melt the butter add flour to it and save it
• Without ceasing to stir the cream mixture, we begin to introduce milk or broth into it
• At the end we add our favorite spices, salt, pepper and turn off the plate

Cream sauce for pizza

Cream for pizza made of farm cream

This sauce is prepared almost in the same way as the two previous ones, only as a liquid component in this version is the cream used. It is they who make the sauce more tender and soft.

If you have the opportunity, then find real farm cream with maximum fat content. Although such a sauce will turn out a little fat, this small drawback can compensate for its divine taste.

Creamy sauce recipe:
• See the flour through a sieve and put it on a hot frying pan
• Stir it with low heat until it becomes golden
• Melt the oil in a separate pan and add it to the flour
• Mix oil thoroughly and begin to introduce cream into them
• At the end, add salt, pepper, nutmeg and basil and turn off the plate

Video: How to cook pizza sauce? (Three cooking secrets)

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