What does an eight of worms in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, deciphering a combination of maps in loving and relationships, career

What does an eight of worms in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, deciphering a combination of maps in loving and relationships, career

Bright eight worms portends many changes in the life of a guessing one with a deck of 36 cards. Let's look at the situation in more detail.

The main value of the eight of the worms in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards

Which is most characteristic of eight worms -This is a sudden turn of events, conversation or analysis of something.

Direct position of eight worms

  • Direct position of eight worms It is associated with a pleasant journey that will affect the emotional state of the fortuneteller. Describing a person who is guessing, the card says that he is friendly, attractive, is always ready to make contact.
  • Positive interpretation eight worms It is associated with the location of the moon and its cycles, which are both favorable and not. It takes on a negative value when it is paired with poor cards.
  • For example, with a hip ace - A person is inclined to rash acts, which is not at all characteristic of him.
  • With peak 7 - A meeting is expected and a new acquaintance.
  • With worm 7 - Get a message that will greatly delight you.
  • With a worm valet - You will talk sweetly with a pleasant person.
  • With worm 9 -You will meet one of the distant relatives.
  • With a hubborn 10 - A great inheritance will fall on you. Especially if the card falls close to the map denoting the fortune -telling.
  • With Trefova (Broke) 6 - A trip with a partner.

Inverted position of the worm eight

  • Inverted position of the worm eight associated with adverse changes, sadness or absence of any changes. Sometimes this card is associated with the fact that fortune turns away from the fortune -telling. But such a period does not last very long, and soon everything will change for the better.
  • Being nearby with a hip nine - gives advice to forget about excessive self -confidence in himself and remember the Lord God. After all, a person can not always cope with problems without his help.
  • Near Lady Tref (Cross) - warns about corruption or bad eye.
  • Beside with a peak 9 Indicates the bad news.
  • Two eights - A sign that stop doubting, act and you will achieve your goal.
  • Three eights - Waiting for imminent troubles, make sure that you have money for this period, work more.
  • Four eights “This is confusion in life, chaos.”

Eight worms - Love and Relationships: Combinations of maps

Direct card value

  • Direct position  eight worms - A symbol of meetings, conversations, pleasant emotions. If they guess a woman, she will be surrounded by the attention of a fair -haired person, if on a man, then on the contrary - a fair -haired girl. The card indicates pleasant moments that can soon happen. For example, about recognition of love. But this recognition will be made by a completely unexpected person.
  • If the question is related to some problem, then the card will indicate a person who will help to solve the problem and support in a difficult situation. It is this event that will give you peace of mind. Relations in the couple will go to the next stage.
  • If a 8 worms beside with a worm valet - The person who is guessed is a serious conversation.
  • With a trefoil (cross) seven -Someone prepares you a gift, or there will be an increase in the family.
  • With a worm six - Harmony is present in the relationship.
  • If the worm 8 lay between chervovoi 9 and worm 7, you will meet your soul mate and you will be all right and fold, just fine.
  • With 10 worms - A date with a romantic slope.

The reverse value of the card

  • Inverted position of the worm eight Shows the indifferent, inconsistent attitude of a loved one. There are people in your environment who are trying to influence your emotional state by all means for the best way. They give irregular tips that move you to move in the wrong direction.
  • If 8 worms next to the king of tref  (bapt) - Your partner is not monogamous.
  • With nine worms - The excessive obsession of the partner scares you.
  • With Valet Peak - A person lacks attention.

Eight worms - Career alignment: Combinations of maps

Direct card value

  • Direct position of eight worms Indicates the profession related to social activities. For example, management, teaching.
  • In the team, this card indicates the respect of employees, manager. Sometimes this card is associated with an unexpected visit, but how hard it will be to predict.
  • When eight worms It goes nearby with a hubborn 10 - It is worth expecting material profit.
  • With a peak 10 - In your career, something will happen that will coolly change your future.
  • With a trefoil (crusade) 10 - Everything that you previously thought will be successful.

The reverse value of the card

  • Inverted position of eight worms Associated with the troubles, the discontent of the duties put on you. In the team, someone is trying to deceive you and let you down.
  • Near Bublova 6 - The conversation that will take place in the near future will be useless.
  • With a trefoil (crusade) valet - All problems will be resolved.
  • With a worm ace - It is worth expecting financial losses.

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: worm eight in maps

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