Fortune -telling from the photo at home: description, instruction

Fortune -telling from the photo at home: description, instruction

You need to understand that fortune -telling from a photo, even at home, is a very serious matter. Therefore, when thinking about conducting this ritual, you need to know about some features, and be sure to take them into account.

So it happened to us that fortune -telling believe and often practice them. At the same time, it is worth saying that, perhaps, at least once in his life, everyone did it, especially when it comes to the fair sex. And this is absolutely not surprising, since fortune -telling in particular from the photo makes it possible to understand what a loved one feels to you, what your relationship with him will be.

Fortune telling from the photo at home: Features

  • For fortune telling from the photo It is necessary to use the real one printed photo. The picture on the phone, computer or any other medium will not work. At the same time, be sure choose a quality photoon which your loved one is clearly and clearly visible. It is also worth saying that a color picture needs to be preferred. You must realize that the better and more clearly the photo will be, the more accurately the prediction of it will be.
  • For the ritual, take the photo in which your loved one is alone, without animals, other people, even if these people are his relatives. Why? Because for accurate prediction We need to have a photo with the strong energy of the person we guess on. And strangers in the photograph will “dilute” such energy. As a result, we can get a completely inaccurate result.
  • The most suitable for fortune -telling from the photo at home will be the photo card on which your chosen one smiles and his gaze is directed precisely in the camera. As you know, eyes are the mirror of one's heart And by the view of your beloved you can understand a lot.
  • The most accurate result will be possible get from the photoOn which the face of a loved one has been removed closely, although a full -length photograph can also be used.

It is best to guess in the evening and night. It is also worth considering the phase of the moon - if you want to get a more accurate answer, guess the full moon or to the growing moon.

Is it true?
Is it true?
  • Another important point - the prescription of the photo. The peculiarity of fortune -telling from the photo lies in the fact that the photo tells about the feelings and experiences of the person who he had at the time of his capture. That is, if you take a photo card to which 5/10 years, then the prediction on it you most likely get incorrect. The maximum for such fortune telling you can use a photo of a year ago, but give preference costs completely fresh pictures.
  • Keep in mind that the prediction may be the way you are not ready. For example, as a result of fortune -telling, you can find out that your loved one does not experience mutual feelings for you. In this case, it is better to put up with the result and release a person without resorting to any magical actions and rituals.

Fortune -telling from the photo at home: how to prepare?

As already mentioned earlier, fortune -telling is not entertainment, This is a serious procedure. That is why you need to engage in fortune -telling only after careful preparation for it. At the same time, it is necessary to prepare not only the place and inventory for the ritual, but also morally.

It is important to prepare
It is important to prepare
  • You need to guess alone, because it is a very secret ritual. Many guess with friends, mothers, but this is wrong. Therefore, we recommend that you choose in advance the day on which you can retire and commit ritual alone.
  • It is also worth removing and turning off everything that can distract you from fortune telling. That is, the room should not have a working TV, laptop. It is important to turn off the phone or at least turn on the soundless mode so that no one can bother you and distract from the ritual. Animals can also interfere with you, so for a while fortune telling from the photo Take them out of the room, and close the windows so as not to hear extraneous sounds from the street.
  • The curls are recommended to dissolve before the fortune -telling, however, if you feel so not quite comfortable, it is better to miss this recommendation.
  • Do not forget to immediately prepare all the objects and attributes that you will need during fortune telling. Since different attributes are needed for different types of fortune telling, we will talk about them in detail a little later.
  • Now you need tune in to the process and prepare morally. Calm down, exhale and try to cope with excitement, if any. The excitement can negate all the fortune-telling, because because of this state you can not perceive and interpret what you see. Sit in silence and focus On the upcoming ritual. Think about your loved one and think in advance questions that you want to know the answers.

Please note that guessing for a joke, just to check whether it is all or not, is impossible. Firstly, such a fortune-telling will not be accurate. Secondly, due to improper handling magic in your life, serious problems may begin. It can be health problems, personal life, finances.

Fortune -telling from a photo with a ring at home

  • To guess from a photo with a ring You will need a certain inventory. Prepare a red thread, a candle, a ring and a picture of a person you will guess on.
  • At the same time, pay attention to the fact that it is better to use a new candle that has never been used before, but be sure to take your personal ring.

So, start the fortune -telling by photo:

  • A thread Pass the specified color through the decoration.
  • Put a photo card of a loved one on the center of the table. If the photo is small (let's say 3*4) the fortuneteller can take it in the hand. But then it is important that there was another person who can drive a thread with a ring over the photo.
  • Put it behind her lit candle.
  • Now pick up thread with a ring On it and place it over the photo.
  • The elbow of the hands should stand on the table and be in a fixed position, this immobilizes the hand as much as possible, and it will not additionally swing the ring.

When the ring stops completely, clearly ask him your question. The questions should be closed, that is, such that only “yes” or “no” can be answered. You need to formulate questions as accurately as possible.

  • Having asked your question, look at the ring and its movement. If the decoration began to move left and right, then the answer to your question is positive. If forward and forth is negative. Also, the ring can move in a circle - against and by watch. Such a movement is also an answer: clockwise - the answer “yes”, against - “no”.
By photo
By photo
  • It happens that the ring stands in place as if enchanted. In this case, there is no answer to your question yet. Perhaps in the near future there will be a series of events that will determine the future.
  • Please note that you can’t ask too many questions, a maximum of 3-5, since the answers may not be quite accurate further.

Fortune -telling from a photo with candles at home

With the help of such a fortune -telling from a photo, you can find out about what kind of relationship you have with your loved one at the moment, whether your beloved feelings for you and whether it is worth starting/continuing to build relationships.

From attributes will be needed:

  • A photo Yours and the chosen one.
  • Two new ones, previously not used candles.
  • Bulavochka or needle, preferably new.

We proceed:

  • Put the photo in the center of the table next to each other.
  • Put the candles behind them and light them.
  • Pass the needle or any item from the previously proposed three times over the fire of the candles.
  • Now this needle on one candle scratch your name (on the one that stands behind your photo), on the other with the name of the chosen one.
  • Further, the matter is small, you need to look at how your candles burn.
With candles
With candles

The values \u200b\u200bwill be as follows:

  • Both candles They burn with an even yellow flame, do not crack, do not cry, which means that your relationship with your loved one is trusting, they have no place for treason and quarrels. If this person is not your partner, but you would like to try to build relationships with him, dare, there is definitely a chance.
  • If a candles burn with a black flame, crack, cry, smoke - A bad sign. Most likely, the person who you like is not for whom he gives himself out.
  • If his candle has a low and dull flame, So, he does not experience strong feelings for you, or the feelings that he experiences, friendly.
  • If it the candle goes out, does not want to light up, then you should think. If you guess a husband, a guy, then most likely, in your relationship, not everything is so smooth and maybe you should think carefully about whether you need such a relationship. If you are guessing for your lover, but not your man, take this sign as a signal that this man certainly does not suit you.

Note, What sometimes candles can crack, smoke and cry with black wax due to non-quality. Therefore, the ritual can be re -conducted, for a more reliable result. But remember, it must be carried out a few days after the first and only once.

Fortune -telling from a photo with paper at home

Fortune -telling from a photo with paper at home will help you figure out whether your lover’s sincere feelings for you are and whether they are in principle.

Prepare the following attributes in advance:

  • Pure sheet of A4 format.
  • Photo of a loved one.
  • New candle.
  • Smak, plate.
  • Matches/lighter.

The process of fortune -telling from a photo with paper is as follows:

  • Take a photo card of a loved one and wrap it in a sheet of paper so that it lay like in an envelope.
  • Put in this form on the table.
  • Left hand (palm down) Spend three times above the picture. This is necessary so that it is charged with your energy.
  • Next, loudly and clearly utter the name and name of the person you guess on. In this case, you must only think about him.
  • Take out a picture of paper, put in front of you on the table. Complete the sheet with your left hand and put on a saucer.
  • Now the flame of the candle set fire to the paper and watch how it burns.
You need to watch how paper is on
You need to watch how paper is on
  • If a the paper will burn quickly, bright flame, This means that your relationship will be passionate, but fleeting and not the fact that they will lead to the creation of a family. If the family is already there, then such combustion means that feelings will quickly subside.
  • If the paper is on bright, but not very fast, and then also smolders, then your relationship doomed to success. They will last long and will be sincere and warm.
  • If the paper starts to wander, immediately smoldering, it means that relations with a lover will not develop.
  • Smoking but not burning paper He says that the person you are guessed on is confused or not confident in his feelings for you. In this case, do not despair, because everything is in your hands.

Fortune -telling from the photo at home at home

  • It is no secret to anyone that during a night holiday we often see prophetic dreams.
  • Also at this time, the sixth feeling is aggravated and the subconscious is actively working.
  • Therefore, this method of fortune telling is very popular.

For fortune -telling at the photo at night, you do not need special attributes, just stock up on the picture of a loved one and believe in what you are doing:

  • So, before going to bed, sit on the bed, relax and calm down.
  • Think about your beloved, remember how he looks, how he talks, etc.
  • Put it with your photo under your pillow.
  • Ask the Higher Forces, the universe in finding an answer to your question. Ask this question by formulating it as clearly as possible.
  • Go to bed immediately and try to fall asleep quickly.
  • In the morning, remember your dream. Sometimes it happens that a lover himself dreams, sometimes he is not in a dream, but this does not mean that a dream does not bear meaning. Remember all the details and look at the dream book.
Photo under the pillow
Photo under the pillow

If you are interested in the topic of fortune telling, we advise you to study the no less interesting articles in which you can guess for love, career and relations with other attributes:

Whether to get involved in magic and fortune -telling is everyone’s personal business, because we all have the right to make decisions on their own. Most importantly, to be able to take responsibility for your actions and words.

Video: What photos are not suitable for fortune telling?

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