Fortune -telling for love at home. How to guess on a loved one on cards, matches, beans, beans, sticks, candle, paper with a pen?

Fortune -telling for love at home. How to guess on a loved one on cards, matches, beans, beans, sticks, candle, paper with a pen?

People are divided into groups not only based on ethnic or cultural differences. We are also shared by the degree of distrust of various methods of predicting the future. But love is also a rather irrational feeling that cannot be found any logical explanation. We behave irrationally and learn to guess for love.

Before starting this lesson, carefully read the words of the cult writer Paulo Coelho, in which there is a proportion of truth.


Fortune telling for love at home

Very often we lack a guide, especially in a relationship. We really want to protect ourselves from possible losses and problems, from pain and disappointment.

Starting to fortune telling, remember: do not ask a question that you cannot accept a negative answer. Perhaps you should let go of the situation and not try to raise the mysterious veil of the future, not to rush.

General rules for conducting magical rituals and fortune -telling

  1. You shouldn't interfere with you (relatives, mobile phone, TV)
  2. You must be extremely collected and concentrated on the question that you are going to ask
  3. It’s better to guess on an empty stomach
  4. Do not guess in the morning. The best time to get answers is the second half of the day, evening, night
  5. Do not turn to magic during the period of large church holidays

The exception is fortune -telling

  • holy
  • new Year
  • epiphany
  • shrovetide
  • kupala
  1. The question can be asked only once. You should not guess the same question again, even if the answer did not suit you
  2. Traditionally, you should guess with loose hair. Hair is the best conductor between the universe and man. In addition, women's hair has been considered a strong magical tool from ancient times
  3. The moon is your faithful assistant. Focus on the lunar calendar, going to find out the future

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Fortune telling - whether the beloved will return: on playing cards

36 or 54 playing cards will answer this and other questions.

Standard deck of 54 cards
Standard deck of 54 cards
  • The only condition: the deck should be new. In the future, this deck should only be used for fortune telling
  • In addition, only you can work with the deck, so the deck will get used to your energy, and you will receive more accurate answers to your questions
  • For “rest”, hide the deck in a secluded place away from curious eyes, wrapping in red or green fabric

General rules for mixing a fortune

  1. Mix the deck well. If the deck slipped out of the hands and crumbled, stop the ritual: the cards do not want to "speak"
  2. Small the cards, mentally concentrate on the question, the answer to which you are looking for
  3. Take a shredded deck in the left hand. Cards should lie in the palm of the “shirt” upward
  4. Remove part of the maps with the movement “On yourself” by the little finger of the right hand
  5. Place the removed part under the deck

Layer "on one card"

  1. Shuffle the deck in accordance with the tips given above
  2. Remove the top card and read the answer. How to read cards, see below

Layer "for seven cards"

  1. Shuffle the deck in accordance with the tips given above
  2. Without turning the cards, remove the first card and put in the center. On the diagram - card 1. This is a map of your chosen one. She will talk about those secret thoughts, which, perhaps, he himself does not know
  3. Near the left lay out the following three cards and three more on the right
  • maps on the left mean: 2 - thoughts, 3 - feelings, 4 - desires of the chosen one
  • maps on the right: 5 - its goals, 6 - an attitude towards you, 7 - the reason for your discord
The scheme of the alignment
The scheme of the alignment "for seven cards"

How to read cards when fortune -telling: Card value

To read the answers, of course, intuition is needed. But cards quickly get used to your hands, and you will quickly learn to feel them. Well, for now, use the tips

Maps can suggest the alleged time period of the event. Below are the values \u200b\u200bof the stability and the period to which they can indicate. As well as a possible event that can happen during this period

The value and time interval of the event for aces of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for aces of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for doubles of all stripes, etc.
The value and time period of the event for doubles of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the triples of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the triples of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the fours of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the fours of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for five stripes
The value and time period of the event for five stripes
The value and time period of the event for six stripes of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for six stripes of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the seven of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the seven of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for eights of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for eights of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for nine of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for nine of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for a dozen all stripes
The value and time period of the event for a dozen all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the valves of all stripes
The value and time interval of the event for the valves of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for ladies all stripes
The value and time period of the event for ladies all stripes
The value and time period of the event for the kings of all stripes
The value and time period of the event for the kings of all stripes

Fortune -telling for a beloved man on feelings on playing cards: does a loved one loves?

The next alignment is more complex, but you can get more answers. This alignment can answer all the questions that you ask. And these questions can relate not only to amorous matters

In addition to the general rules for mixing cards, try to determine the "mood" of your deck

  1. Having carefully shuffled the cards, start laying three cards from top to bottom until you find your card. Cards are located "face" up
  2. Read the cards that have fallen with your
  3. If they meet current reality, the deck is set to work

How to determine your card or card of the person you guess?

The most reliable way is the zodiac sign

  • King / Lady Tref correspond to the constellations of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • King / lady Buben correspond to the constellations of the body, virgin, Capricorn
  • King / lady of worms correspond to the constellations of twins, weights, Aquarius
  • King / Lady Peak corresponds to constellations of cancer, scorpion, fish

Layer "Russian"

For this scenario, an incomplete deck consisting of 36 cards is required: from six to aunts.

Jokers, deuce, triples, four and five - put aside aside

  1. Find your person’s card or card on whom you guess and put in the center
  2. Grin the deck thoroughly
  3. Pull any card from the deck and put, without opening, on the central card
  4. Put, without opening, two random cards at the legs of the central card, in the head, left and right
Alignment at the first stage of fortune telling
Alignment at the first stage of fortune telling
  1. Drop the three upper cards, and put the fourth on the central card
  2. Repeat the reception 4 times
Alignment before interpretation
Alignment before interpretation
  1. After you read all the values, collect the cards from the layout and mix thoroughly again
  2. Lay the cards three, moving from top to bottom. This will allow you to once again see the predictions regarding
  • what awaits the most guessing or the person who guesses
  • what is on the threshold of his house
  • what will happen in his near future
  • what will happen
  • than his heart will calm down
  1. Having viewed and interpreting the map cards, remove paired mutually exclusive cards
  2. Antipodic cards are considered mutually exclusive: “tambourines”, “worms-peaks” of the same value, for example, a tubercular seven and a trefoil seven.
  3. Read the remaining few cards. This is what will happen inevitably

Fortune -telling on sticks on sticks

If the card fortune -telling seems to you too complicated, try the English fortune -telling "Queen". Predictions with the help of wooden sticks-the legacy of magic magicians, which were once sheltered by the foggy Albion

Perhaps the fortune -telling druid sticks were taken from trees with a certain energy, but the inhabitants of megacities have lost this knowledge. There are horoscopes of the druids, and you can look for sticks from "your trees"

Druid horoscope
Druid horoscope

Or go through the least resistance and use wooden skewers. For fortune telling you will need

  • 4 wooden sticks 9-10 cm long
  • 3 sticks 6-7 cm long
  • 1 relatively massive stick, which will be a "queen"

How to guess

  1. Stand in the middle of the room or any other free space
  2. Place a tsaritsa stick at your feet
  3. Take 7 sticks with your left hand
  4. Close your eyes and mentally say an important question for you
  5. Try to mix the sticks in your hands without opening your eyes
  6. Put the sticks to your right hand
  7. With your left hand, slowly pull out one stick, and sprinkle the rest to the floor
  8. See how the sticks are located, and what stick remained in your hands

You pulled out

  • a long wand is a good sign or a positive answer to the question
  • a short wand is a bad sign and a negative answer to the question
  • the sticks scattered, but at least one of them is in contact with the tsaritsa stick-all your undertakings will have a positive result
  • the sticks scattered far from the "queen", but directed in her direction - you have the strength to solve all your problems
  • the sticks scattered and two of them crossed - the achievement of a favorable result will be associated with many problems

Fortune -telling for love with a pen

You can also recall a simple school fortune -telling, which many girls still use. If we take into account that our grandmothers wondered in this way and, most likely, our granddaughters will guess, probably there is something in this!

You will need

  • paper
  • a pen

How to guess:

  1. On a blank sheet of paper, draw an arbitrary number of dashes, placing them in one row. Do not count the dashes in advance. Trust your inner voice. As soon as he says: “Stop” stop the work. Drawing dashes, think about your beloved
  2. Repeat drawing three more times. You should get four rows consisting of a different number of dashes
Fortune -telling on sticks with a pen and paper
Fortune -telling on sticks with a pen and paper
  1. At the next stage, cross out three sticks, forming the so -called “triples”. If extra sticks are left in the row, write down a number that corresponds to their number
  1. As a result, you should get four digits that make up the digit-code. Find the number-code in the table below and read the answer to your question
Deciphering the digit-code

Fortune -telling on beans or fortune -telling on beans

Fortune -telling on beans is found in many cultures. Beans were revered in the whole ancient world and naturally, they could not help but become a powerful magical tool

For fortune telling, large white beans are used that do not have flaws

Simplified score on beans

  1. Buy beans in the market or in the store, and distribute the change from the purchase to the needy
  2. Take up 31 grain
  3. Mentally formulate a question or desire
  4. Lay the beans into three identical heaps without counting the grain. Mentally say your question by laying out the beans
  5. From the first main pile, select the grains according to the 3-2-1 scheme and arrange them from top to bottom, forming new derivatives


  1. From the second main bean heap, select the grains according to the 3-2-1 scheme, but arrange them from the bottom up, complementing derivatives. As a result, you should get an equal amount of grains in each of the three derivatives


  1. Take the beans from the third pile according to the same “3-2-1” scheme. This time, put three bobs in the second derivative, two beans - in the first, and one bob - in the third


  1. The meaning of heaps:
  • 1 - hand - finances
  • 2 - Heart - Love
  • 3 - head - luck

Think about which heap your question belongs to, count the number of beans in it



  1. If the number of beans is even, you will be accompanied by luck, the answer to the question is positive. An odd number of seeds prophesies difficulties. If there is no bean left in the heap, the answer to the question is not defined

Fortune -telling on matches

Amazing fortune telling - an echo of ancient appeals to the elements

You will need

  • candle
  • boxes with matches

How to guess

  1. Light a candle and focus on it for a while, mentally imagining the image of a person you are interested in. Formulate your question
  2. Install two matches in the gaps of the box, as shown in the figure
  3. Bather matches from a candle, put the boxes on a flat surface and observe the “behavior” of burning matches


  • If the matches are drawn to each other - everything is good between you and the dedicated person
  • If you turn away, the disagreement is inevitable

Fortune telling on a candle

Another fortune -telling connected by the elements. Small secrets of fortune -telling for love using candles are presented in the video “Fortune -telling on candles: how right?”

Video: Fortune -telling on candles: how right?

Video: fortune -telling on wax and wax figures

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Comments K. article

  1. Good afternoon. The last few years have been huge problems in life, especially in personal. Although at work, unexpected problems often arise, too, and with relatives. I thought everything, there was no more chance to fix something, I thought to live as I would receive and that’s it. The desire to try almost disappeared.

  2. I do not know a single white magician who really helps people.

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