Fortune -telling according to the book of change on coins. How to guess the book of change? Hexagram and its meaning

Fortune -telling according to the book of change on coins. How to guess the book of change? Hexagram and its meaning

Fortune telling on a book of change is a way to find answers to exciting questions. This ritual came from antiquity and is still relevant because it has a huge percentage of truthfulness and probability. Fortune-telling is built on meditation and the correct interpretation of hexagram symbols.

How to guess on coins according to a book of change?

The book of changes is an ancient Chinese magic element. Everyone is able to discover the secret world of the layouts of coins and tell the secrets of the universe. Those who concern questions about the present and the future are addressing the book of change.

This fortune -telling embodies the dark and bright sides of everything around him. A person, as an active vital energy, is able to influence a combination of circumstances and make changes to what is happening.

Interpretation of fortune -telling using hexagrams
interpretation of fortune -telling using hexagrams

The interpretation in the book is due to hexagrams - small images consisting of even and intermittent lines. In total, 64 pictures can be distinguished, of which only eight are the most basic.

The names of the main hexagrams
the names of the main hexagrams
  • A complete hexagram that is able to answer you any question consists of six lines. The lines can be either even and intermittent. You can get a hexagram by tossing coins for fortune telling on the Chinese book of change
  • Coins are an obligatory attribute. It can be special coins, but if they are not, they can be replaced with standard everyday pennies. You just have to choose three coins of the same face value. Before you throw the coins, you need to tighten them tightly in your palms and shake, mentally asking an exciting question
  • Remember that the answer to your question should be mandatory: either “yes” or “no”. After you formulate it, throw all three coins on the table
  • Prepare a blank sheet of paper and pencil in order to clearly fix the information. Coin layouts will help you draw symbols
Chinese coins for fortune telling on a book of change
chinese coins for fortune telling on a book of change

Carefully pay attention to falling out. If you are guessing on a standard everyday little thing, remember the designations:

  • eagle - flat line
  • tails - intermittent

So, if you have three eagles - this is a clear flat line, if three tanks are intermittent. In other cases, when the coins fall out in a different side - focus on more quantities. If two eagles and one tails, the line is even, and if two tanks and one eagle are intermittent.

To obtain one hexagram, you need to throw coins exactly six times per one question.

It is advisable to distract from everything that happens around you during fortune telling and retire in a separate room. Remember that compliance with all the norms and rules of the procedure will allow you to get the most accurate answer to exciting questions.

Video: “Fortune telling on coins, the answer to any question. Book of change "

How often can you guess the book of change?

This fortune -telling has no restrictions, so everyone can turn to the book of changes for answers in any exciting life situation with any question. Often people use fortune -telling on coins to solve difficult situations and get the approval of the Higher Forces on certain actions.

Fortune -telling according to the book of changes requires complete concentration on the process, compliance with the rules of fortune telling and possessing their emotions. Only such a fortune-telling will give a really useful advice and a clear interpretation that can somehow affect your life.

Fortune -telling on coins according to the book of change
fortune -telling on coins according to the book of change

The rules that must be adhered to during fortune -telling on coins according to the book of change:

  • The book cannot be asked the same question several times, throwing coins. If the answer does not suit you, you need to either come to terms with it, or wait a while to set it again
  • A negative or not satisfying answer should not upset you and bring you into a state of emotional instability. You need to perceive any negative hints as experience and advice
  • Ask the book only “kind” questions that are not able to bring anything negative to people around them or you
  • Try to relax before wondering, take a bath or shower, pass meditation. Your soul should be completely calm and clean in order to correctly accept the interpretation
  • The book of changes does not tolerate its application for other purposes, so make sure that it is used only to give interpretations

Fortune -telling on coins according to the book of change can be divided into two types:

  • semi -classical (more modern)
  • ancient Chinese (original)

The method of fortune telling and interpretation each person chooses for himself, focusing on his intuition.

Video: "What is a book of change, how to understand it?"

Semi -classical fortune -telling on coins based on a book of change

In this type of fortune -telling, one goal is pursued on coins - to get a clear hexagram, which can be correctly interpreted. A semi -classical fortune -telling differs from the ancient Chinese only descriptions of interpretations, oriented to more modern ones.

For semi -classical fortune -telling, the coin should be thrown exactly six times. From each layout, its own line is obtained: intermittent or even. All lines are recorded from the bottom up. One hexagram is one answer to the question.

An example of a Chinese hexagram
an example of a Chinese hexagram

A semi -classical fortune -telling suggests that you visually divide the resulting hexagram of six lines into two parts. And using the table located in the book, calculate your number.

Each digit, a more simplified and understandable way of interpreting a six -line hexagram. So, you do not have to look for an accurate symbol in the book for a long time.

Fortune -telling table on three coins
fortune -telling table on three coins

Video: "How to guess from the book of change I-TSIN?"

Ancient Chinese fortune telling on coins based on a book of change

This method of fortune telling is also called "canonical." It is not quite like fortune -telling on coins, because to determine the hexagrams, the stems of yarrow were used here, which were thrown and mixed.

This method of fortune telling is suitable for those who are used to undergoing long -term meditation and for a long time to look for an answer in falling symbols.

Stems (wands of fate) for fortune telling on the book of change
stems (wands of fate) for fortune telling on the book of change

Only concentration and thoughtful symbols will be able to reveal and give correctly the interpretation of fortune -telling. Fortune -telling should be accompanied by sticks made of stems or wood, the most common - bamboo sticks. Their number should consist of 50 pieces.

Rules of canonical (ancient Chinese) fortune telling:

  • One of all sticks is deposited (any) and does not take part in fortune -telling
  • All sticks are divided into two bundles
  • One bundle tightly squeezes in the left hand, and the right hand takes one stick out of it and clamps on the left hand between the little finger and the ring finger
  • Then four sticks are also removed from the left beam with the right hand and distributed between the middle and indicative fingers of the left hand
  • These four stems are then deposited to the side and now the same manipulations are done with the left hand with the right beam

In total, five or nine stems in combinations can be between the fingers of the left hand: 1+1+3, 1+2+2, 1+3+1, 1+4+4

  • They should be put aside. All the remaining stalks are gathered together and the procedure is repeated again. Four silt eight stems are between the fingers of the left hand ( 1+1+2, 1+2+1, 1+3+4, 1+4+3)
  • Three dimensions will give bunches that will include 36, 32, 28 or 24 stems
  • From this amount, four stalks should be counted to get six, seven, eight or nine bundles. Each of the numbers will indicate the hexagram, which is recorded from the bottom-up

Book of change, fortune -telling on coins: interpretation of hexagrams

It is preferable to choose precisely a semi -classical style of fortune telling on coins in order to get a more accurate number.

Hexagrams table
hexagrams table
  • 1 - a kind, good sign, omening the favorable flow of things and good news
  • 2 - requires concentration, labor, perseverance and strength, which will eventually give a good result
  • 3 - Bad combination, anxiety and problems
  • 4 - demands to avoid dangerous situations and wait for time to be crowned with success
  • 5 - requires a long expectation to solve the problems by themselves
  • 6 - disharmony, conflicts, negativity
  • 7 - calls for solitude
  • 8 - says that the worst is left behind
  • 9 - portends good luck in the future
  • 10 - says that it was time to calm down and not take dangerous steps
  • 11 - calls not to forget about friends and loved ones
  • 12 - suggests that the situation will change soon
  • 13 - the desire will be fulfilled when you make efforts to this
  • 14 - a favorable time to accomplish affairs
  • 15 - Similar correction of affairs for the better
  • 16 - says that you need to do self -development
  • 17 - no need to sail against the current
  • 18 - carefully analyze events
  • 19 - success awaits you
  • 20 - Get ready for troubles
  • 21 - Do not despair and tune in to the positive
  • 22 - Do not hide your true face
  • 23 - big changes await you
  • 24 - it is necessary to solve the confusing situation
  • 25 - Your desires to be fulfilled on time
  • 26 - rest and take a break
  • 27 - look at yourself from the side
  • 28 - Do not offend your loved ones around you
  • 29 - Do not lose heart and find the strength to manage the situation
  • 30 - not everything is as good as it seems
  • 31 - you are accompanied by luck
  • 32 - Do not chase "two hares"
  • 33 - hold back your emotions
  • 34 - Do not be too assertive and confident
  • 35 - Your luck is very close
  • 36 - soon the situation will change dramatically
  • 37 - Your soul will give you an answer
  • 38 - Try to find harmony
  • 39 - negative hexagram, expect problems
  • 40 - the new period will be favorable
  • 41 - it is necessary to show generosity to people
  • 42 - correct your financial affairs
  • 43 - Be careful not to make a mistake
  • 44 - nothing will be favorable to you
  • 45 - good and good period in life
  • 46 - success in financial matters
  • 47 - your period of bad luck will end
  • 48 - favorable financial permits
  • 49 - Try to change your plans
  • 50 - fulfillment of a made desire
  • 51 - inevitable success and luck are approaching
  • 52 - Do not wait for success in business and undertakings
  • 53 - Be careful and attentive
  • 54 - income will exceed your expenses
  • 55 - symbol of a favorable crop, wait for profit
  • 56 - A minor unpleasant event
  • 57 - Do not let others dissolve rumors about you
  • 58 - luck is in a hurry to you and work soon to end with success
  • 59 - your failures will end soon
  • 60 - Do not try to harm others, take care of yourself
  • 61 - You are destined to experience good luck in business and career
  • 62 - Do not perceive all events tragic
  • 63 - Try to find help from loved ones
  • 64 - Your affairs will fail

Fortune -telling on health on the book of change

Foundation for health is addressed when medicine and doctors cannot find an answer and solutions to diseases. In such cases, questions and the essence of the problem are revealed to a person. The response to fortune -telling can carry several meanings and open the solutions:

  • do you have a serious disease
  • can you soon get rid of the disease
  • does the disease promise serious complications
  • how many waste will go to recovery
  • who to look for help to find health
Fortune -telling on coins will allow you to discover the secrets of health
fortune -telling on coins will allow you to discover the secrets of health

Fortune telling for the book of change

The most frequent issues that are addressed to fortune -telling are personal issues. People strive to get answers to those questions that excite their hearts. After all, only the Universe can know everything and help a person withstand and endure the situations.

Fortune -telling for love is a kind of way to plunge into the depths of your personal thoughts, experiences and correctly analyze the situation.

Fortune telling will give answers to all heart questions
fortune telling will give answers to all "heart" questions

Fortune -telling for the future according to the book of change

Only fortune -telling is able to discover all the secrets of the upcoming events, hint to the asking person about how to behave and what steps do not take. The correct interpretation of hexagrams will decipher the upcoming events and the outcome of any business, as well as relations.

Fortune -telling should definitely be done from time to time to immerse yourself in your own thoughts and clearly determine the desired for yourself.

Book of change
book of change

Fortune telling from the book of change at the fortuneteller: for and against

Of course, only a person who owns the art of fortune telling can be interpreted by the most correct and detailed result of fortune telling. To do this, you can contact a professional fortuneteller. It is not difficult to comprehend the art of fortune telling and interpretation if you have intuition and patience.

Most professionals need decades to remember all important symbols and meanings of hexagrams. To conduct the ritual, such people use only original attributes that carry positive energy of centuries.

Fortune telling and a professional
fortune telling and a professional

Fortune -telling according to the book of change: tips and reviews

Whatever the fortune -telling, it always depends on your emotional state and mood. Pass the ritual of cleansing the soul and body before the procedure is mandatory to achieve the best result and obtain a detailed interpretation.

Try to retire from everyone and exclude any possibility that you will be disturbed during fortune telling and playing from a meditative wave. Believe in fortune -telling and then events will begin to be scheduled.

Video: "Book of Changes"

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Comments K. article

  1. To interpret hexagrams, you should have magical power of the ability to solve encrypted natural signs and be able to read them. They become miraculous only with the help of a humanist.

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