Fortune -telling for baptism - a boot, chicken prediction, desire, on other people's conversations: Description

Fortune -telling for baptism - a boot, chicken prediction, desire, on other people's conversations: Description

Fortune -telling for baptism

Fortune -telling for baptism

So a person is arranged, but at any age he wants to know what awaits him in the future. The baptism of the Lord is the most optimal day to find out what is waiting ahead.


For this fortune -telling, you will need boots that you most often wear. Take the left boot and throw it through the gate. If you live in a multi -storey building, then throw it out of the window. Then go and see how it lies. If you are with a torture to your home, then the next year you will spend in this house. If he shows in the opposite direction, then with a high probability we can say that you will get married very soon.

Chicken prediction

To start, pour a small amount of grain on the floor in the house. It must be laid out throughout the room, small foci not far from each other. Then run the chicken into the house (you can rooster) and see how she will behave. If she immediately starts to walk around the room and peck grains, then you can not worry, the year comes to bring you prosperity and luck. If the chicken just walk and watch, then this is not a very good sign. It is likely that troubles and failures await you ahead.

Fortune -telling for desire

So, the first thing you should do is go to the forest and cut small spruce or pine branches. In the evening, put the mirror outside into the Christmas Eve and leave it there for an hour or two. After that, add it to the house and write your desire on it. Put the mirror under your bed so that the inscription is turned to you. Put it over previously prepared twigs and go to bed. If the inscription disappears until the morning, then the desire will come true.

Fortune -telling on other people's conversations

Go to the window or door of the alien house and listen to what is happening there. If you hear screams and abuse, then until the next baptism you can’t see you calm. If you hear funny songs, music or just a conversation behind the wall, you can be calm, all the best awaits you ahead.

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