Fortune -telling on tea - how to do this: basic concepts, interpretation of characters in the drink not drunk and drunk with a drink

Fortune -telling on tea - how to do this: basic concepts, interpretation of characters in the drink not drunk and drunk with a drink

They began to guess on tea many centuries ago and today the whole art reached us. Let's get acquainted with him in more detail.

Initially, in China, tea was used as a means of traditional medicine. But during the reign of the Tan dynasty in the V-I century BC, a culture of drinking tea was formed as a tonic drink.

At this time, the first attempts appeared fortune -telling on tea, since the seagots about the time took place in bizarre patterns and people, with their characteristic interest in the future began to associate them with him. They saw certain images in the figures from the teasers and a whole system lined up on this, which has survived to this day in various variations.

How to guess on tea?

Guess on tea Not only alone, but also in a circle of mischievous girlfriends, so many believe that this Vorozhba is just a amusement. Nevertheless, its results are quite accurate, especially if you observe simple rules, which are only two.

Get out of China
Get out of China

To fortune -telling on tea It was accurate, and you received from a wonderful drink not only a charge of vigor, but the answers to the questions you are interested in you need to do the following:

  1. Bring tea in a cup, not in a bug.
  2. The cup should not be with vertical walls, but gradually revealed from the bottom to the edge.
  3. Tea must be good, large -leaf.
  4. While tea is brewed - think about the problem or question that interests you.

To do this, you need to put a teaspoon of tea leaves in a cup and pour boiling water. In order for tea to infuse and acquires his wonderful taste for about 15 minutes. Cover the cup with a lid or saucer and wait. When the tea was brewed - remove the lid and look.

Guess on tea Asians in two ways - on the still not drunk and at the drunk.

  • In the first fortune -telling, it is important how many teas on the surface, how much on the bottom and in what figures they build.
  • In the second - the place of "landing" of the seas, and, of course, figures from them. You can combine them by guessing at first on the just brewed drink, and then, after you empty the cup, already on the pattern of the teas.
For teas
For teas

An excellent position for the cup is in which you put it initially. If you do not remember how she stood before, make the pen to be directed at you. Some prefer to split the seagulls with a spoon before interpreting the meaning of emerging teas. In this case, you need to make three circles with a spoon with your left hand. And some will simply twist the cup clockwise. But you can not do all this - do as you feel at the moment.

Fortune -telling on tea: basic concepts

First, consider basic concepts fortune -telling on tea.

  • The space of the cup has both temporary and, in fact, spatial significance. So, the walls of the cup from the bottom to the edge are time.
  • If the symbol that you saw next to the bottom is a distant future, if in the middle of the cup is closer and near the edge - today or tomorrow, on the nose.
  • The cup handle symbolizes you and is the key to determining the spatial value of the cup. If the symbol that you see is located close to the pen, then the event will occur next to you.
  • Directions of figures at guading on tea In relation to the handle, they are also very important - those that are directed to the handle mean arrival, increase, profit. And those that are directed from the handle - on the contrary.
We guess
We guess

The number of characters talking about good or bad is also important - it will help you imagine a general picture from which you can push off. For example, one bad news against the background of a huge number of positive omen, of course, will not spoil the happy period in general.

Fortune -telling on tea: interpretation of characters in a drink not drunk

If you guessing for not drinking tea, then put the cup so that the handle is directed at you - the location of the characters on the right and left of the handle is important. On the right is the future, on the left is the past.

Chinese books by gadia on tea They talk about more than sixty positions of tea and interpretation. In our article we will talk about several.

Correctly interpret
Correctly interpret
  1. One teas on the left, two on the right. In general, a very happy period awaits you - money, love and luck will literally keep up with you. But luck in finance will have to wait a whole year. Do not give anyone in the near future.
  2. If on the surface on different sides of the handle, one leaf of tea swims - This is not a very good sign. You will find quarrels with your loved one, due to a lack of attention on your part. A successful strip in business will also be replaced by problems at work and in finances - up to the point that you will have to borrow money. Try not to express your dissatisfaction with the situations in the family and at work for at least the next two days to avoid trouble.
  3. If a two leaves surfaced on the right side of the cup And they were connected by the tips, and two wide leaves are freely swim on the left - your affairs are relatively bad. Everything is fine only in the love sphere - you will find a long -awaited meeting. At work or in business, a series of failures and failures awaits you, as a result of which you will lose faith in your own strength and complete stagnation will come. You will have to make a lot of effort so as not to become a regulars of gambling clubs.
  4. If a most of the teas lies at the bottom and only two are trying to break away from it - It's time to prepare for good changes and bad. In love affairs, you will find luck and prosperity, but at work everything is not at all smooth. You will not be given the opportunity to realize yourself and this will bring you completely confusing. Material receipts do not shine at you, unless you win the lottery. If all these vicissitudes lead you to change your place of residence, be careful, you may wait for ruin.
  5. All leaflets on the surface (or most) is a very bad sign when guading on tea. Of course, this also means that you are impatient. But on the other hand, this is a sign that you should not wait for good luck. And especially in love. At work, your haste will let you down too. The opportunities that fate will literally leave you will leave through the fingers because of it. With money, you should not wait for good luck either. And do not dare to take over the gambling - you will lose the latter.
  6. If all the seagulls who surfaced gathered on the left “Both bad and good are waiting for you.” It all depends on the question you asked.
  7. In case l the edges did not rise to the surface, but do not lie at the bottom, but swim somewhere in the middle of the cup - You will find overwhelming luck. In love, you will know passion, tenderness and fidelity. The career will fly up the mountain and everything you dream about will come true.

Fortune -telling on tea: what can you see by drinking a drink?

  • Drum - It does not bode well. You are waiting for quarrels, gossip, a very loud and unpleasant clarification of relationships.
  • Butterfly - If she floats in a circle of dots, this promises material losses. One butterfly is a pleasure without guilt.
  • Wineglass - This symbol indicates the integrity of the personality that wonders.
  • Beads or necklace. The whole - a huge number of fans will spin around you. If the decoration has exploded, the planned wedding or expected love may not take place.
  • Bottle - You should be more careful and attentive to your health.
  • Scales - The symbol of the goddess of the justice of Themis. This means that a lawsuit or proceedings is possible in an easier form. If the scales are uniform - the solution will be fair. If you swing in one of the sides, no.
  • Gates - This is to the house, complete guests or to the fact that you will return to you - it does not matter whether it is a person or property.
  • Nail at  guading on tea-someone's embittered attacks and injustice towards you and your loved ones.
  • Garland - says that you will find luck and respect from others in any business.
Various symbols
Various symbols
  • Eye - If you see the image of the eye in your drink - you need to be very careful in all your business.
  • The mountains at  guading on tea- This image is ambiguous. In general, this is a symbol of your huge ambitions. If the peaks are clearly drawn, you will get everything conceived and you will be successful.
  • Mushroom - A symbol of growth and expansion. If it is located near the handle, you will purchase a house in a village or a suburbs.
  • Pear - symbolizes prosperity, comfortable life and a lot of joy.
  • Tree - execution of the planned, justified ambitions.
  • House - safety. If you plan to start a new business, the time, the situation is safe and favorable. If the symbol of the house is next to the pen and look unclear, the meaning changes. So at home disease or grief awaits you.
  • Arc - the image of the deterioration of health, difficulties in work processes or changes in the plans. There is a chance to get chagrin or accident. Refuse for the time of the plan.
  • Christmas tree - This is a symbol of recognition for creative people. The higher the tree, the greater the chances of recognition.
  • Acorn - Just a wonderful image. However, its value depends on its position in the cup. Close to the edge - to financial well -being and arrived. Everywhere in the middle of the walls-you and your family will have good health. Near the bottom - a change in health and financial situation for the better.
  • Woman at  guading on tea It is dual. One woman symbolizes various kinds of pleasures and joy. Two or more women do not promise anything good - only quarrels and gossip.
  • Fence or fence - All your plans, desires and actions are under restriction.
  • Lock - This is not only an obstacle on the doors before entering the house. This is an image of an obstacle to the fulfillment of your desires.
It is important to brew correctly
It is important to brew correctly
  • Hare at  guading on tea - The image of an unnecessary, excessive modesty.
  • Six faces - Welfare awaits you in the future.
  • Star with eight faces - On the contrary, bad omen - failures, misfortunes and accidents await you.
  • Snake It means that someone is fraught with hatred, weaves hostile conspiracies and slander you.
  • Head of cabbage “You are too jealous, you should get rid of this unpleasant feeling.”
  • Dagger “You are too hasty in your decisions.” Another option is that enemies prepare a very dangerous trap against you.
  • Key - Analyze the information that fell into your hands, you will open up new opportunities. If you saw a double key in the cup or it is located at the bottom, you can be robbed.
  • Book - Not a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, as we usually consider it. In the fortune -telling on teas, if you see the book open, this is to litigation, and if closed, your searches are difficult.
  • Bell - a symbol whose value depends on many factors. If it is close to the edge, you will find a promotion, if close to the bottom - sad events, two bells - great joys await you.
  • Column -depending on the circumstances and places of education-luck, also indicates pitfalls due to the pride shown.
  • Ring at  guading on tea - an image of independence, satisfaction of desires, a calm and long life. The ring next to the edge of the cup - you will soon get married, in the center of the walls - you will be called to marry, at the bottom - you will be engaged for a long time. If there are two rings nearby - your plans will begin to profit, and projects will be realized.
  • Ship - The image of good news and all kinds of successes.
  • Basket - A very happy image. Located at the handle - you will soon have a baby, close to the top - your financial income will grow significantly, a basket with flowers - you will find sparkling prosperity, stunning luck in society and many interesting meetings. Surrounded by a basket of a basket - you will find financial profit, you will probably get an unexpected profit.
Bizarre forms of teas
Bizarre forms of teas
  • Crown - Truly royal luck. If the drawing is clear - unexpected profit.
  • Flame of the fire - You make decisions too often in anger. Avoid this.
  • Wallet - If the image manifested itself in any part of the cup, except for the bottom, it promises benefits. At the bottom of the cup - a loss that you do not expect.
  • A cat It is an image of a conspiracy that is being prepared against you or a negligent friend.
  • Cross - The image of suffering, self -sacrifice and troubles. If the seagulls have developed in two crosses, wait for a serious illness or trouble.
  • A circle - Everything that you would not make will end with joy.
  • Straightened wings at  guading on tea They mean that you should wait for news.
  • Swan - A symbol of fidelity means a calm life in complete harmony with a loved one.
  • King of beasts - An influential environment will bring you luck.
  • Forest - The image of the betrayal of neighbors or lover. A blow that you do not expect awaits you. If the trees are separated by the river or it is located next to the pen-someone's insidious plans for you will not be successful.
  • Ladder - An increase in a career thanks to your hard work.
  • Bat mouse - People who seek your friendship will weave a conspiracy against you.
  • Leaflet - To the news. A bouquet of leaves - fortunately and a bright future.
  • Boat  at  guading on tea - You will have to run in very difficult circumstances.
  • A horse racing with a gallop - Excellent news from a loved one. Horse head - you will have a lover.
  • The full disk of the moon - You will have a love novel. The moon in the first quarter promises new ideas and successful projects, in the latter - the decline in your activity in the future. If the drawing is not clearly expressed - you risk falling into depression, and surrounded by points - you will marry by calculation.
  • Meado with a herd on it - prosperity, abundance, performance of the desired and all kinds of joys. Trees in the meadow are obstacles that will subsequently benefit you, subject to your prudence.
  • Frog He says that you clearly overestimate yourself and this can attract grief.
  • bear - The image of unreasonable solutions that will attract danger and entail great grief. The bear, which turned away from the pen, speaks of the long journey that you have to.
What do you see in a cup
What do you see in a cup
  • Mill at  guading on teait promises great luck if you work tirelessly. Some of your abilities will not help.
  • Panicle - You will take great grief from yourself.
  • A hammer - hints at your possible predisposition to cruelty and resistance in overcoming troubles.
  • Bridge - There are great chances to quickly achieve incredible success.
  • Ant - Such persistent people like you are always rewarded.
  • Fly at  guading on tea- Supreme and anxiety. The image of the troubles that embodies the fly concern mostly household chores. The more flies, the more intense the situation.
  • Knife - Separation, a contract that will not be completed and the termination of friendly relations. If you see a knife drawing at the handle - to divorce. If the knives are crossed, a strong quarrel awaits you.
  • If you saw in a cup scissors, You are facing separation. If they draw at the pen - a big scandal of the house.
  • A monkey -Someone from loved ones or trying to approach you people wants to deceive you. Take a closer look at those who flatter you and be careful.
  • Clouds - You are gnawing doubts around you and problems gather around you. The degree of trouble depends on the severity of the clouds.
  • Deer Symbolizes the road that you will soon have, like a wide straight line.
For tea
  • The blossomed tail peacock - You will find the acquisition of real estate, a bird surrounded by points - a life full of luxury and joy. If the bird has formed at the edge of the vessel, a rich marriage awaits you.
  • Fern leaves When wondering on tea - There are great chances that your beloved is not true to you.
  • Spider Symbolizes the determination and perseverance of the fortuneteller, multiplied by insidiousness and cunning.
  • Feather - The image of instability and the absence of the necessary level of concentration on the target of the fortuneteller.
  • Saw - You need to be vigilant - a stranger threatens your family hearth.
  • Pistol - A deadly threat hung over you from the unknown side.
  • Bed. It has two values. A clearly designated drawing is a cloudless life. Intermitted fuzzy lines - confusion, which will lead to trouble.
  • Birds when guessing on tea. It is especially good when two birds and more are visible in the figure. Feathered in flight - good news sitting on a branch - your journey will be successful.
  • Bee. This hardworking insect embodies luck in society, money, news that will please you and (if next to the pen) - a meeting with close friends. Roy is a successful performance.
  • Pentagon - Your mind and soul are in a state of calm.
  • Line, which is bifurcated, you need to finally decide and make a decision. Your luck depends on the images around the line.
  • Child - The number of small problems that are waiting for you is difficult to count. Another option is the appearance of a child.
  • Gun. The drawing of the pen - your prosperity will try to destroy. Near the bottom are health problems.
  • Mermaid when wondering on teameans  the temptation, which should beware.
  • Fish when guessing on tea - Probably the most positive of the images is luck and prosperity await you in all areas of your life.
  • Elephant -you have the strength and wisdom that are necessary to achieve a strong position in life. Luck will not come quickly - be patient.
  • Dog - Friends are always ready to become your support. The position of the drawing and the pose of the animal can say a lot - so, a dog that runs promises you wonderful news and good meetings. It is calm - you should not slander your friends. At the bottom - a close friend has trouble.
  • Owl - This bird symbolizes many unpleasant events - new undertakings will fail, anxiety, illness and financial losses will come to your house.
  • Falcon - The sudden threat of your life.
  • Table - Festivities, pleasant meetings and joy. If there are many points around - a meeting on monetary issues.
  • Arrow He will bring unpleasant news.
  • Chair - Your position in all areas will improve. If there are dots around it, only the financial sector will improve.
  • Bag warns you about a possible trap. If it is closed, you are lucky and you will avoid trouble.
  • Box Your hopes will be justified and a pleasant impression awaits you.
  • Points - If one, strengthening the nearest image. If a lot, get a large amount of money.
  • Fruit - Symbols of fortunetelling of the fortuneteller. If you saw the image of a seasonal fruit that coincides with the season, your luck will not leave you.
  • Hill - If you have a goal, then on the way to its achievement of the goal you will find obstacles.
  • Flower - Everything desired will come true.
  • Watch when guessing on tea You should not hesitate and delay. At the bottom - your time on this earth is running out.

Video: Tea fortune telling

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