What does the gear of the peaks mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation, decoding of direct and inverted position, combination with other cards in lifting and relationships, career

What does the gear of the peaks mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation, decoding of direct and inverted position, combination with other cards in lifting and relationships, career

Peak six With fortune -telling (36 cards), tests and long -distance roads may mean. It is especially important to look at the cards with which it is adjacent.

The element of the peak is air, it is he who is responsible for rational thinking, the desire to occupy leadership positions and be the first everywhere.

The main interpretation of the gear of the peak in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards

The main value of this card - A long trip that you could know and plan for a long time, it can be unexpected and problematic. This card is also associated with the return of fateful debts.

Direct position of the gear peak in playing cards

Sometimes a trip is just connected with this card, which involves a departure in the dark. Sometimes 6 peak means obtaining news or indicates excellent well -being, good health and well -being.

  • 6 peaks with peak suits will bring fun on a trip.
  • With trefoers (cross) - failure, the revenge of the fortuneteller.
  • With worm - A date with people significant for you, perhaps on a trip.
  • With the Dincer - The time of household chores, routine affairs.
  • If she is with 10 tambourines, the journey will be connected with the working affairs, namely, with the financial acquisition.
  • Together with the king of worms - The trip will be good and will bring the result.
  • Near 6 Tref (bapt) - Expect problems, but not in material terms, possibly a boring road.
  • With 6 worms - An unexpected message will come during the trip outside the city.
  • With 8 worms - Wait for the guests.
  • Diamond jack nearby He will predict an urgent business trip related to finances.
  • Two sixes They will fall close - be kind to others and what you want to be fulfilled, difficulties will leave.
  • Three sixes - The troubles, what are waiting ahead, will not lead to anything. An influential patron will be able to correct the situation.
  • Four sixes - In the upcoming journey, you will receive a lot of positive emotions, but this will be followed by conversations behind your back and envy.

Inverted position of the gear of the peak

Inverted position of the gear of the peak In playing maps - a symbol of loss, experiences, bad road, parting, troubles. This is a kind of warning to prepare you for problems on the way, and if they overtake you, do not lose heart, you need to continue to go with your head highly raised.

  • Another meaning is everything that happens around you does not make any sense.
  • If such a card is coming next to 9 tambourines - Caution of small health problems.
  • Next to 10 clubs - The journey that you have been preparing for a long time will not take place.
  • Next to 8 tambourines- Ahead of time  routine affairs in ordinary life.

Six Peak - Love and Relationships: Combinations of Cards

Direct position of the six peaks In playing cards - you cannot decide. This is connected not only with you, but with relations with your partner.

  • Near 6 peak there are 9 worms - It is worth immediately thinking about the future and arrange all points in your relationship with a partner.
  • If 6 worms fall - In order to rethink the meaning of life, you should leave and be alone with your thoughts and experiences.

Inverted position of the gear of the peak In playing cards, it means that your hopes about a particular person will not be justified, they will come to a standstill, because in this period your relationship is not determined by fate. Perhaps everything will change in the future. It also means a break in your relationship, or forced separation.

Combination with other cards of peak six:

  • With ace of tref  (bapt)- Disagreements, the cause of which was the misunderstandings of each other, is not the ability to compromise, in this case it is better to part.
  • With 8 Tref (bapt) - Full gap.
  • With 6 tambourines - A dispute that should be settled and understand what each of you needs;
  • With a lady peak “You have a secret that your partner will not like, and he will soon find out about her.”

Six Peak - Career alignment: Combinations of maps

Direct  the position of the peak six

In playing cards, it means that you have no goals in life, and you do not know what you want professionally. This may be due to your family relationships, it is worthwhile to talk urgently in order to come to peace of mind, which will help to cope with professional problems.

If next to 6 peak:

  • 9 or 10 tambourines- The trip will be due to the receipt of money.
  • Also, 6 peak indicates a successful completeness, some business. As a result, you received a bonus. Now you should think about new plans for the future.
  • If you have not yet decided which way to follow, this card will tell you that it is worth starting a career in the creative field or medicine to help people.
  • Fell along with 8 clubs (baptism) - any problems that arise in your path can easily be overcome. You should not wait for help from the outside, rely solely on your strength.

Inverted position of the gear of the peak In playing cards.

For a long time you made plans and slowly went to their implementation, but now you will not like the result that you get. The blame will be external circumstances. Also indicate this 10 peakwhich will be paired with 6 peak.

  • The result may be financial losses, Permanent nervous experiences that will shake your health. To correct the situation, it will be necessary to make sacrifices and cancel the long -awaited vacation (if it fell out Lady of worms).
  • Six peak  has no serious negative coloring. This card indicates fate. It is your actions and decisions that you make that will affect this. Your willpower, optimism will help to cope with future problems and get out of them the winner.
  • Near 7 or  8 Buben 6 Peak will predict excitement about finances.
  • Near 9 tambourines - disappointment due to a trip related to money.

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: Value 6 Peak in fortune -telling

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