How to guess on a narrow-minded: methods. When can you guess on the narrowed and how to do it right?

How to guess on a narrow-minded: methods. When can you guess on the narrowed and how to do it right?

Fortune-telling on a narrow-and-rod is very popular among young girls. In our article we will tell you what the methods and rules of conducting such rites exist.

We all want to know our future, because it is very interesting. Young girls most often want to find a narrowed and resort to the help of magic. How to find out who your chosen one is? How to find it? When will you meet him? These questions always excite and I want to know at least something so as not to pass by. To do this, you can use simple fortune -telling on the narrowed, and we will tell you about them.

When is the best way to guess on the narrowed one?

When to guess on the narrowed one?
When to guess on a narrowed one?

It is generally accepted that the best time for such a fortune -telling is the night before Christmas. Many magicians say that you can guess in this way throughout all the saints. They last to baptism, that is, January 19. Esoterics argue that just at that time the world of spirits and reality touch each other, and therefore you can look into the future and learn a lot of interesting things. By tradition, all fortune -telling is carried out at night.

You can also guess on the night of Ivan Kupala. This is the night from July 6 to 7.

If you want to try fortune telling regardless of the holidays, then the best night is from Thursday to Friday. However, you must understand that then the result can be obtained not entirely real. This is due to the fact that everyday life is always filled with different things and therefore people do not perceive signs so well. So it is likely that the result will not come true. So it’s better to guess only when you have enough strength to distract from all material.

How to properly conduct fortune telling on a narrowed one: features, rules

Gadia rules
Gadia rules

Undoubtedly, each specific fortune -telling should be carried out taking into account certain recommendations. At the same time, there are some rules that need to adhere to the correct data.

  • First of all, provide silence in the room where you decided to conduct the rite. You should not interfere with anything. So remove all home appliances and turn off all the devices.
  • Relax before the ritual and take care of a good mood. Any, even the slightest voltage can become an obstacle. Do not cross your legs and arms, because it can become an obstacle to energy and the connection with the mystical world will not be so good.
  • Before starting to guess, remove all the cosmetics from your face and dissolve your hair. Put on free and bright clothes. Also remove all the belts. If you wear jewelry, then remove them too.
  • To see the narrowed, guess alone. Moreover, you must observe the sacrament. If we talk easier, then no one should know about this. Otherwise, the result is unlikely to be true.
  • Completely focus on the ritual and you will definitely see your narrowed. So get ready mentally in advance so as not to get scared. The main thing is that you can get the result only with the help of sincere faith and magic.

How to guess on a narrow-and-rod: methods, popular fortune-telling, list

Fortune -telling on the narrowed
Fortune -telling on the narrowed

Sleep on the future husband

An interesting method is a fortune -telling with a scallop. It is not necessary to prepare for it especially, just place it under the pillow. When you get to bed, say:

Fortune -telling with a crest
Fortune -telling with a crest

There is another way. Type of salt and water, and then eat all this before bedtime. When you will already be directly staged, then say:

Fortune -telling with salt
Fortune -telling with salt

You can still put playing kings from any deck of cards. Say above them:

Fortune -telling with cards
Fortune -telling with cards

Each king has its own meaning. So, the peak indicates a jealous groom or at an older age, the Chervonny predicts a rich marriage, the crusade indicates the bridegroom of the military or entrepreneur, but the Diamond is the one you wish.

Fortune -telling in the name of the narrowed

If you want to guess what your narrowed name is, then write different names of the alleged grooms on several pieces of paper. Place it all in a hat or bag and mix. It remains only to get one of the pieces of paper and the name that will be written on it and indicates your narrowed.

Fortune -telling on a narrowed rice grain

Fortune -telling in rice
Fortune -telling in rice

Take a jar of rice and hold your left hand over it. Drop all thoughts and think only about what is important to you, and then ask the question out loud. Further with your hand, sprinkle the cereal on the napkin or even into the cup for convenience. Prepare it in advance. Risinki count. If there are even number, then the answer will be positive and vice versa.

Fortune -telling

Write the names on the bulbs and put each in the water to germinate. The one whose sprouts will appear before everyone else is the winner. Here the principle of pieces of paper is triggered - what name will be on the bulb, he will be your husband.

Fortune -telling

Prepare a glass of water, a spoonful of salt and paper with a handle. You also need a church candle. So, write on the sheet the name of your husband and the alleged mistress. After that, start burning the sheet, stir the salt and say the following words:

Fortune -telling for the married
Fortune -telling for the married

If the salt has time to dissolve, while the leaf burns, then the husband will not leave you.

Fortune -minded fortune


Bring a firewood home to the eve of the new year and count. If they are in even quantity, then then a marriage awaits you next year. If there are an odd number of them, then no changes are expected.

Fortune -telling

Each member of the family needs to fill the spoon with water and take it to the cold. If suddenly the water begins to freeze and a recess appears, then this is to death. If a tubercle appears, then this indicates happiness and luck.

Fortune -telling on a narrowing window

Such a fortune -telling should be carried out at the window. Wait until the apartment becomes quiet and everyone will sleep, turn off the light and sit down near the window. After that, say in a whisper:

Fortune telling by the window
Fortune telling by the window

If after that, maybe not immediately, a noisy company will pass or someone will scream or whistle, then this means that your fiancé will be a profitable party, because he has a lot of money, and silence will talk about poverty.

Fortune -telling with a ring

Fortune -telling with a ring
Fortune -telling with a ring

This fortune -telling requires a very good concentration. It will take a glass with a flat bottom. In addition, it should not have images or faces.

Fill the glass on a third of water and put a ring in it, but before that, clean it. After that, look at the water for a long time and in the center of the ring try to make out the face of your narrowed.

Christmas fortune -telling

Already by the name it is clear that you can guess in this way for Christmas. It is necessary to prepare two spruce branches and mirror in advance. Immediately before bedtime on the mirror, you need to write the name of a man or desire. In the morning you can study the result.

If the signature is gone, then success awaits you. Your desire will definitely come true, or you will get married. If everything is in place, then nothing will work out. Names are better not to write on the mirror, as this is considered a bad sign for this person. So think, maybe it is better to limit yourself to desire?

Fortune -telling

It is believed that on the Intercession day, which falls on October 14, the marriage union acquires the greatest power. In ancient times, the girls went to church in the morning and put candles. For them it was possible to guess. The one who puts the candle faster than everyone and will get married first.

The fortune -telling itself on the candle is quite simple. You just need to look at the flame. If it is quiet, then no special events and bad things will happen. A bright flame promises an interesting life, and if you can hear crackling, then life promises to be fun and rich in events.

The dull flame will lead to sadness and not durability, and the red color speaks of the imminent mountain.

Video: fortune telling: how to see the groom in a dream

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