Fortune -telling on runes for love, work, business: the meaning of runes when fortune -telling

Fortune -telling on runes for love, work, business: the meaning of runes when fortune -telling

In this article, we will continue to present to your attention the most popular scores on the runes.

Scandinavian runes have long been recognized as one of the most accurate fortune -telling systems. And at the same time, it is not difficult to comprehend the subtle worlds with them. In this article, we will consider some of the most popular layouts.

Fortune telling on runes on thoughts, feelings, love of a man

In order to understand what a certain man thinks and feels towards you, intuitively get one rune. Then find it in the next list:

  • Feuhu - Looking benefit From your relationship.

Important: it may well be that this connection will end with losses for you.

  • Uruz is the physical side of the relationship attracts the partner most. Inverted - On the contrary, it says that the intimate side of the communication with you is already not interested.
  • Turisaz is a negative. A person does not cost anything to perceive any misunderstanding as an occasion to a quarrel. Less often this rune symbolizes Patient love Men to you.
  • Ansuz - A person is configured to long relations And probably on marriage. But inverted warn that a partner is capable of deception.
Direct rune of Ansuz, when guessing on a man, predicts his thoughts about marriage
Direct rune of Ansuz, when guessing on a man, predicts his thoughts about marriage
  • Raido - The person intends strengthen your relationship And bring positive to them. Inverted - does not recommend opening This man.
  • Kenaz - A person experiences a whole A whirlwind of emotions. And, despite the sometimes flickering in this whirlwind, he is happy. But inverted is a signal indifference.

Important: in the latter case, the relationship will probably end with a break.

  • Gebo - It is unlikely that a man considers you as a person with whom he wants to connect life. Rather, there is a perception of a woman as mistresses.
  • Wuno - woman described For a man, she brings him joy and happiness. Inverted - the interest of the man disappeared.
  • Hagalaz - Probably, the partner makes the idea stop your relationship.
  • Nautiz - a person depends on you. True, you can guess for a long time, depends on emotional terms or in material. Inverted - a partner does not see meaning in a relationship.
  • Isa is a chill And in thoughts and in the feelings of a man.
  • Yera - The person is quite configured Decisively. If a break was taken in the relationship, you can be sure that the man thinks about their renewal.
Runa Yera when guessing on a man can indicate that he wants to restore relations
Runa Yera when guessing on a man can indicate that he wants to restore relations
  • Eyvaz - constant fluctuations. The partner is often not sure what kind of decision should be made, since love or hatred is experiencing.

Important: the relationship will be under the sign of instability.

  • Perth - The person you are guessing for, not yours. And, most likely, he thinks the same way.
  • Algiz is reciprocity feelings and thoughts. Inverted - A man is most likely only allows yourself to love.
  • Soul - trust your feelings. The partner treats you exactly as you think.
  • Tayvaz - Attitude towards you purely Positive. Inverted - But this situation is a sign that the man has already accepted for himself the final decision And, unfortunately, it disappointing.
  • Berkana - A person is thinking over the transition to A new level of relations. Expect the proposal of the hand and heart. Inverted “You are only.” mistress. Or maybe a person hides Another connection.
  • Evaz - harmony And in general, great prospects, as a person dreams of a family. Inverted - the male he does not see the future with you.
  • Mannase - you are mainly treated as to a friend. Inverted - likely a quarrel Due to the inflection of the partner.
The inverted rune rune when guessing on a man portends a quarrel
The inverted rune rune when guessing on a man portends a quarrel
  • Laguz - They feel for you love. But inverted The rune indicates a completely opposite feelings.

Important: in the latter case, besides tears, it is hardly possible to achieve anything.

  • Inguz - A man can dream of children.
  • Otal - The man wants live with you together. Or, if you already live under one roof, seeks to bring to a relationship more harmony. But inverted The rune predicts parting or divorce.
  • Dagaz -The partner dreams of changing something in your relationship in a positive direction.
Dagaz rune when guessing for a man means that he seeks to give joy
Dagaz rune when guessing for a man means that he seeks to give joy

Fortune -telling on the runes for desire

For this fortune -telling, it should be pulled out of all runes intuitively one. Then look at what should be done in order for the desire to come true:

  • Fehu - the dream will come true if it is real. Relations, experience, money will help

IMPORTANT: Do not vit in the clouds - this will only complicate the embodiment of the desired.

  • Uruz - desire is worthy of execution, but take a good job have to
  • Turisaz - You go through a lane of luck. But how long it will last depends on sound reason, efficiency and skills
  • Ansuz - To achieve a dream, use your skills to convince others, make useful acquaintances
  • Raido - Be careful In promises, criticism. The determination in this case is better to modify
  • Kenaz - And here it will be important Vera. A positive attitude will give energy and determination
When guessing for the desire of the rune, Kenaz calls for a positive attitude
When guessing for the desire of the rune, Kenaz calls for a positive attitude
  • GEBO - trust fate
  • Wuno - you are on the right track. A small shift on the way to the fulfillment of desire has already taken place. Now you should be patient
  • Hagalaz - step aside. Oddly enough, but in this case, to achieve the goal, you need to do nothing

Important: otherwise, various problems may fall upon you.

  • Nautiz - Show patience. At the same time, do not lose vigor and take into account life lessons
  • Isa is not the best time for the fulfillment of desires
  • Yer - Turn on your full power of your hard work. Do not tune in to get everything at once
  • Eyvaz - They will help analysis, reasoning, balanced actions
  • Perth - Trust intuition
  • Algiz -you favors you luck. However, do not abuse this success and do not forget to resort to the mind
  • Soul - even strengthenes can come true. So dream boldly!
Runa Soul when wondering suggests that you can safely dream of anything
Runa Soul when wondering suggests that you can safely dream of anything
  • Tayvaz - Show purposefulness. Fate did not store special obstacles, but perseverance will come in handy

Important: do not forget about the healthy share of patience.

  • Berkana - Break your target into several small ones. By deciding them, you will gradually be able to fulfill your desire
  • Evaz - do not be afraid let into your life new. Even if you have to change inside, as a result, this will be for the better
  • Mannase - will help self improvement. However, leisurely, reasonable. Avoid unreasonable acts
  • Laguz - You can afford to go with the flow
  • Ingus - do not cling to the old. Feel free to agree to innovations, listen only yourself
  • Fucked - Do not forget about responsibility and their duties
  • Dagaz - believe in yourself, no matter what! If you adhere to this installation, the dynamics in motion to the target will appear very soon

Important: the problems with you are greatly exaggerated.

When guessing for the desire of the rune, Dagaz shows that you are excessively wind up yourself
When guessing for the desire of the rune, Dagaz shows that you are excessively wind up yourself
  • One - whatever means you use to achieve the goal, be prudent. Do not forget about responsibility.

Fortune -telling on runes to work, business, money

In order to find out how things are in the working and financial areas, mentally formulate the question and get out 4 runes:

  • 1 character Problems
  • 2 - reason its occurrence
  • 3 - A hint regarding what should be done In order to correct the situation or fundamentally change it
  • 4 - result. This rune will tell you exactly how the situation will change if you use the recommendation of the situation

Track of runes:

  • Feu is straight - Your career either has already gone, or in the very near future will go uphill. All changes in the career sphere will benefit exclusively. If the place of work is new, then you can be sure that you will like it. Investments and acquisitions will be successful.

Important: this rune also suggests that the business is completely legal.

Direct rune to Feu, when wondering in a career, suggests that everything in this area will be great in this area
Direct rune to Feu, when wondering in a career, suggests that everything in this area will be great in this area
  • Feu turned upturn - But in this case it will be required show caution. Things are undesirable as before, it is undesirable, for the circumstances are already different. There is a risk of getting into a certain adventure. Probably also financial difficulty.
  • Uruz is straight - portends the success of investments and career prospects, however, for the implementation of all this will have to be attached a lot effort. At the same time, even the heaviest burden can be a fortuneteller.
  • Uruz upturned - missing the event to realize ideas or lack of motivation for this. Try avoid any changes. But bring to a professional should.
  • Tourisaz is straight - Availability at work influential defender. However, you should not abuse it. Another interpretation is advice Reasoned Suitable for decision -making.
  • Tourisaz is inverted - You are in the role stubbornwho goes to his goal no matter what. Or you look at everything too idealistic.

Important: also such a sign can predict a person’s displacement by another employee.

The Bushases rune can be warned in a fortune -telling career that they will want to shift you at work
The Bushases rune can be warned in a fortune -telling career that they will want to shift you at work
  • Ansuz is straight - may indicate interview or check professional suitability. However, this should not be afraid. Perhaps you should think about mastering a new sphere of activity that will like.
  • Ansuz is invertedinsincerity of colleagues. Also possible misunderstandings with the authorities. Probably there discovery of theory with practice.
  • Raido is straightovercoming problems. If negotiations are coming, they will certainly end successfully. This work will probably begin to bring more profit.
  • Raido Inverted - problematic business trip or dangerous for a career for checking. Transactions, negotiations and plans have every chance to be upset.
  • Kenaz is straight - Successful embodiment of creativity, growth of professionalism. A person can realize your potential.
  • Kenaz inverted - a large number of problemswhich is almost impossible to fix. Attempts will only lead to aggravation.
Runa Kenaz, overwhelmed by guessing in a career, predicts incorrigible problems
Runa Kenaz, overwhelmed by guessing in a career, predicts incorrigible problems
  • Gebo is an effective partnership. Moreover, professionalism, intuition, and a favorable combination of circumstances are worth giving for this. Gebo promises and receiving the money, Thanks to which you can open your own business.

Important: Pay special attention to Gebo for the future-the rune in this case symbolizes the successful end of some business.

  • Wuno is straight - Work that brings pleasure. Often such a rune falls out to professionals. Maybe you will have the opportunity to strengthen your skill.
  • Wuno Inverted - Dissatisfaction conditions, duties of work. However, it is worth showing the initiative carefully, and with any doubt it is better to stop. Probably not the most successful intervention of colleagues or authorities.
  • Hagalaz - take a step back for a while. Take care of some other project, for example. Nothing fatal will happen if you avoid adventures.
  • Nautiz straight - think a hundred timesbefore starting a new project. Forces are better to save, but the advice should not be neglected.

IMPORTANT: If you are not satisfied with the salary, only one way out is to put a relationship with colleagues, show your superWe to your work.

The Nautiz rune is direct when wondering for a career advises to increase earnings to show interest in work
The Nautiz rune is direct when wondering for a career advises to increase earnings to show interest in work
  • Nautiz is upturnedmisunderstanding what the boss wants. Or responsibilities are too complicated for you. Exit in the following - do not turn a blind eye to problems. And falling near Yer predicts the business with the law.
  • Isa - period of suspension implementation of various projects. The attitude with partners or colleagues may even worsen. Look at neighboring runes - if they are positive, then the suspension is not critical.
  • Yer - calls K. hard work. All the concerns that are available now will certainly be rewarded, including a coin. In general, for a business layout, this rune is very good - it softer the pessimism of the problems.
  • Eyvaz is success. However, to achieve it, you will need to sacrifice something-finances or even health. But you should not be upset - these victims will be insignificant.
Runa Eyvaz, when guessing in a career, speaks of successes in it, despite the victims
Runa Eyvaz, when guessing in a career, speaks of successes in it, despite the victims
  • Perth is straight - an activity that is connected with the search. You may have to do any information to collect and analyze any information. This rune is also interpreted as a chance to earn "Easy Money, and successful.
  • Perth Inverted - obstacles, however, their nature is still unclear.

Important: as for finances, it is recommended to be careful in terms of manipulations with money.

  • Algiz straight - advanced training Or obtaining an additional education that will help in a career. Also promises successful projects. Runa of inspiration.
  • The Algiz is upside down - the claims are too high, and little efforts are made. The reason is naivety or greed.
  • Souls - powerwhich will change life. The period of workaholism has come, however, one should remember the rest. The financial side of the work will fully satisfy you.
  • Tayvaz straight - access to big money, power. At the same time, most likely, a person will be able to reasonably dispose of both of them. The ability to take risks.
Runa Tayvaz Direct, when laying in a career, promises monetary success
Runa Tayvaz Direct, when laying in a career, promises monetary success
  • Tayvaz inverted -a problem associated with competitors.
  • Berkana is straight - Great prospects for implementation new project. But at the same time, all the details should be considered well. The Runa promises to be implemented by the projects dynamics.
  • Berkan is inverted - All things are in frozen condition, Career growth is difficult. A person stands take a closer look at yourself - Perhaps he is excessively emotional and does not follow the speech.

Important: if you continue in the same spirit, you can lose earnings.

  • Evaz straight - inevitable changeswhich will occur gradually. It is only certainly necessary make efforts - And then success will not be long in coming. It is worth expecting new acquaintances, new useful methods At work.
  • Evas inverted - simple in businessbut temporary. Perhaps you should use the situation and how to relax?
  • Mannase straight - successful contacts With colleagues and partners, the opportunity to gain new useful knowledge. But at the same time you have to work a lot on yourself.
Runa Mannas, when fortune -telling in a career, directs successful contacts with partners and colleagues
Runa Mannas Direct, when guessing in a career, portends successful contacts with partners and colleagues
  • Mannas upturned - competitorswho can intervene in your affairs. Or maybe the problem lies in the person himself - shortsightedness, forgetfulness, ability to "go on the head."
  • Laguz is straight - All the makings for construction a successful career, opening your business. A person is attentive, well studied, has a good memory, knows how to realize everything to his benefit.
  • Laguz inverted - addiction. It can be a monetary debt or the need to ask someone more influential for someone.

Important: the risk in this case is not always justified.

  • Inguz is a new idea. Self -confidence, good results, the scale of projects. Most likely business trip, establishing new contacts.
  • I caught a straight line - Great prospect for family business or work that associated with finances.
The rune defeated the straight line when wondering in a career indicates a great perspective for family business
The rune defeated the straight line when wondering in a career indicates a great perspective for family business
  • The overwhelmed - difficulties. Also, this rune indicates a person who, when achieving the goal, does not think about the moral side of the issue.
  • Dagaz is an experienced personwhich can well be trusted. As for circumstances, then trust fate You can safely - even if you “go with the flow”, everything will turn out well.
  • One - What comes out outside of the possibilities man. The rune recommends abandoning arrogance and not making responsible decisions.

You can treat fortune telling differently. However, why not take advantage of the wisdom of the ancestors and start to listen to ancient signs? Who knows: perhaps they can help in different areas of life.

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Comments K. article

  1. In runic magic, you need to clearly formulate your desires and take into account all the nuances of working with runes. Runes are a fairly accurate and strong tool of magic. Without training, runic magic is better not to use, as you can make a mistake. In runic magic, you need to take into account a lot of nuances.

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