What does a dozen worms in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, decoding of a combination with other maps in love and relationship, career

What does a dozen worms in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, decoding of a combination with other maps in love and relationship, career

To understand the signs that card layouts warn about, it is important to know their interpretation. In this article, consider the meaning Dozens of worms In a clear sense and in combination with other cards.

The main value of the dozens of worms in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards

The worm is a dozen - A symbol of hope, plans, anticipation, fulfillment of desires. All this is due to the events that should happen.

Direct position of the worm dozens

  • In the direct position The map characterizes a person as a breadwinner who is able to bring material wealth.
  • If the card does not give a direct answer, then it is worth knowing that it will always be positive.
  • If a 10 worms beside with a hube 6 - You will be invited to visit
  • FROM peak valet - The desired meeting.
  • FROM peak ace - Beautiful news.
  • With the king of worms - Waiting for a pleasant surprise.

Inverted position of the worm dozens

  • In an inverted position  the worm is a dozen Not related to negative moments in this position, it simply reduces positive.
  • You are waiting for light experiences, the desire to retreat back before the difficulties that have arisen.
  • You doubt the success of things that you have planned to do.
  • It will indicate to solve all problems the worm seven.
  • Being nearby with a threefold lady, in a situation where you are sick, 10 worms He will show who is a true friend from your environment and is always ready to help in a difficult situation.
  • With six tref warns about the danger from a person who has magical power.
  • If they lay nearby two 10 (any suit), This means in life the one that is guessed on will face significant problems. However, friends will come to the rescue.
  • Three 10 nearby They talk about serious life changes.
  • Four 10 They broadcast that in front of a strip of success in any endeavors.

The worm dozen is a alignment for love and relationship: Combinations of maps

In the direct position of 10 wormshe portends very great happiness and wedding ceremony. Another interpretation: strong marriage, long relationships, sensual interest.

  • If they guess a man, then Lady of any suit with 10 worms, indicate a faithful and loving woman. If a woman is guessing the other way around, then a man will be true.
  • Being paired with seven tref,  10 worms He will indicate that soon you will have a baby.
  • With eight worms “A loved one will tell you about your feelings on a date.”
  • With any king - This speaks of the devotion and love of a man if they guess a woman.
  • With any lady this speaks of a woman's devotion and love if they guess a man.
  • With nine worms - This is love forever.

In the inverted position of a dozen worms predicts that it is worth making sacrifices to bring happiness to another person. Or, that your partner is not a sincere person, you should not believe all his words.

  • A dozen worms paired with with 9 Tref (baptism) It means that your partner wants to make amends and give you a gift.
  • With a peak 8 - In your environment there is a person who weaves intrigues against you.
  • FROM worm lady - You will lose a person who was trusted and could always rely.

A dozen worms - a layout into a career: Camp combinations

In the direct position of the worm ten Indicates an ambulance, receiving money, success, which depends on colleagues working with you. You can count on them in a difficult situation.

  • 10 worms, being nearby with a hip 10, Talks about profit, which will be constant for a certain period and will lead to an increase in material wealth.
  • With the king of the peak predicts friendship with an authoritative person.
  • If a worm 10 Lied before King and lady worms- This is a success.
  • If a worm 10 Lied after King and ladies of worms- This is a loss, quarrel, damage.

In an inverted position The card warns that the works of a person will not be appreciated. As a result, he will not receive either money or compensation for the time spent.

  • Paired with with a worm six, a dozen worms It is a warning that in your team there are envious people who weave intrigues against you, and wait for you to make a mistake to take advantage of this.
  • With a walet of worms - gives advice to be attentive, since circumstances may affect the situation that are not for the better to change it.
  • With a worm nine “They will help you, but later.”
  • With a hip nine “You will find a difficult trip that will entail experiences.”

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: Success map

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