How to formulate and make a desire to fulfill it to be fulfilled? How to make a desire for New Year, Christmas, birthday, so that it is fulfilled?

How to formulate and make a desire to fulfill it to be fulfilled? How to make a desire for New Year, Christmas, birthday, so that it is fulfilled?

Each of us has our own innermost desires. But not all of them come true. Why? Look for answers in the article.

How to formulate a desire to fulfill it to be fulfilled?

Dreams of the weak - flight from reality,
Strong dreams form reality
Jozef Bester

Our thought can become omnipotent. It has real materialization. So, our most cherished dreams can be fulfilled.

But in what ways can our innermost desires can be realized?
What needs to be done so that the desired becomes possible?

1. We ourselves understand what we want. Surprisingly, most people do not know what exactly they want. However, they know for sure that they have completely not what they need. Why is this happening?

Everything is simple: if there is no goal, problems are being embodied, because a holy place is not empty!

And desire " I don't want to be poor and sick"It does not mean that you want to be rich and healthy.

IMPORTANT: Take out of your thoughts “not”, “no”. Even if you think about poverty with the prefix “not”, the main word and image that you materialize remains “poverty”.

2. When formulating a desire, it is better not to use the word "want" as a basis. You run the risk of getting stuck in a state of "want."
The realization of a dream is an action, a movement, a path that you personally have to go.

Important: The best day for starting actions to realize the dreams are the 1st lunar day. On the 7th lunar day, any thought expressed sincerely and desire acquire power and embody in reality.

3. The desire should be only one and slightly different from the desire below.

Important: Completely, the dream should cause a state of happiness or satisfaction, and not produce new desires

For example, wealth. Why do you need it? How can a large amount of money bring happiness? Correctly break the term wealth into components.

  • Can you buy an apartment?
  • To arrange children in good schools?
  • Send sick parents to a good clinic?
  • Go to rest?
  • Buy a handbag from Valentino? Or an expensive car?

Important: work with each desire separately, and only then they are realized! Wish small, but often.

4. You need to ask only for yourself, respectively, the priority pronoun "I":

If your request concerns family members or loved ones, then the wording will be this:

  • I am proud of my successful husband
  • I help my mother/father restore health
  • I rest in the sea cruise with my family
  • I have a handbag / car

Important: It is worth talking about your dream in the present tense

5. Your dreams should make the world better! It is stupid and hopeless to wish for something “for evil” to Masha’s neighbor or neighbor Misha. Even worse, to desire to realize the dream only through negative events in the life of others:

  • I meet with Petya because Katya knocked down a car
  • I have a million because my American uncle died
  • I am going to increase because my boss was thrown by my wife, and he became an alcoholic

Important: Think positively! Thoughts can return to those who sent them!

6. Write down your desires! The recorded desire is already tangible and real.

Violetkaipa how to visualize a dream

The color of the fulfillment of desires, dreams

Important: Strengthen the dream of “colored” hesitation.

Color therapists strongly recommend choosing their own color of paper for each dream:

  • Red The color of the paper is suitable for recording wishes related to health, love, other bodily desires in general.
  • Blue or green He will strengthen his vibrations with dreams regarding work and career.

  • Pink paper Suitable for delicate amorous, rather girlish, wishes
  • Yellow paper corresponds to the energy of wishes, the purpose of which is to help you in personal growth, study, self -improvement.

Important: In a letter or notes in a notebook, a phrase-concern must be present: "" Let it or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me, and everyone who concerns this desire»

A successful date for recording desires is 11 lunar days.

7. And now the most difficult: the desire to be able to let go. Having focused on the performance of one only dream, you risk missing many opportunities for its implementation. A vivid illustration of this situation is the parable “On the drowning”.

Box of fulfillment of desires, dreams

8. You realized, formulated, recorded, released your dream. What else?

  • Put a note with a desire in a special box (box, jar)
  • From time to time you look through the contents of your "Wish box"
  • Relume your desires
    • If you are Aries, Sagittarius or Leo do it in the light of a candle, because your element is fire. After fulfilling the desire, burn the sheet on which it was written.
    • Water signs - fish, crayfish, scorpions - concentrate on your cherished dreams in the near ponds, and get rid of old desires with the help of paper boats.
    • Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, which the Earth patronizes, must from time to time to contact their elements. If you don’t want to weave the garden, and you are not at all interested in decorative plants, take a note with wishes and bury under the roots of a strong branched tree. And yet - always keep a non -changing coin with you, because money also attracts good luck to the signs of the Earth.
    • Aquarius, Libra and Gemini are good to make wishes, contemplating clouds or releasing Chinese lanterns into the sky.
  • Analyze what steps you have already made to realize a dream.

And remember: "If the desire has not come true, then it has not yet been paid."

What words to pronounce in order to fulfill the desire?

Numerologists have their own magical algorithm, which allows you to know exactly what words to pronounce so that the desire is fulfilled.

  • But at first an interesting fact: the foundations of numerology were laid by the ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras.
  • Pythagoras believed that vowels in the name of a person contain a certain code for space.
  • Accordingly, if you want to reach the dream, the vibration of mental desires should coincide with the code in the name.

How to find your code to fulfill desire?

The fictional character Sidorov Petr Ivanovich dreams of buying a house.

1. We highlight vowels in the name: Sidorov Petr Ivanovich
2. Each vowel has its own digital meaning:

3. Now the name looks like this: -1-7-7- -7--1-1-7-1-
4. Silent 1+7+7+7+1+1+7+1 \u003d 32
5. We lead to an unambiguous number 3+2 \u003d 5
6. We learn the value of the result in the table below
7. Learning to designate the desire

8. Think about your desire when you feel inspiration.

What is the conspiracy that the desire is fulfilled?

Magic rites and rituals are best carried out in non -residential premises. When conducting rituals, it is recommended to take into account the influence of the lunar calendar.

The easiest and most affordable conspiracy for the fulfillment of desire is a plot on a handkerchief.

Important: The thing should be personally yours and not new.

  • Pick up a scarf
  • Concentrate on your desire
  • Repeat the following words three times

A plot on a scarf

  • Tie a scarf with a knot
  • Constantly carry it with you: in your pocket, in bag
  • After fulfilling the desire, burn the scarf without untying the knot
  • Give the ashes to the wind
  • Be sure to read the thanksgiving prayers

What prayer should be read so that the desire is fulfilled?

  • Among the Orthodox saints, the most beloved and revered is Nikolai the Wonderworker. It is to him, most often, that believers turn with a prayer for the fulfillment of desire
  • Prayer to the Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ will also bring the fulfillment of desire
  • To fulfill the desire, you can pray and the blessed old man Matron of Moscow, who had a gift of miracles during his lifetime
  • It is important to remember that church appeals are limited by a certain framework. Analyze your innermost dream! Do not allow sinfulness in thoughts
  • To create prayer, it is necessary to purchase 12 church candles. Create to choose the color of candles very seriously

Take into account:

  • White candle Cleans, heals, protects.
  • Yellow - Suitable for prayers for travel, trips, negotiations, will help to strengthen dreams related to communication and creativity.
  • Orange - It will support prayers for a career, success, luck, self -expression.
  • Red candle corresponds to the desires of victory, passionate love.
  • Pink candles They will contribute to reconciliation and are suitable for creating prayers for weddings.
  • Blue They will support prayers for health, rest, development.
  • Green candles You should put if you pray for a new job, money.

In addition to candles, icons are needed:


  • Jesus Christ
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker
  • Blessed old man of Matrona of Moscow

1. Set candles (12 pcs.) In a row and light. If you use candlesticks, they must be new.
2. Place the icons nearby.
3. Pray thoughtfully.
4. Carry yourself with a sign of a sign of a leisure.

Prayer to be fulfilled

Prayer to the Lord God for the fulfillment of desire.

Prayer 1

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for the fulfillment of desire

Prayer 2

Prayer for the fulfillment of the desire to Matron of Moscow

Prayer 3

How and when to make a desire to fulfill it on New Year's Eve?

Why are there wishes made up on key dates: New Year, Christmas, Birthday? The whole secret in the unification of many energy fields into one strong positive charge aimed at obtaining happiness, good luck, health and other blessings.

Rite for money with a broom for the new year

  • If your desire is associated with improving the financial component of your life - buy a new broom! It's not a joke. For centuries, a broom has been and remains a very strong magical amulet.
  • Tie the blue and green ribbons under your chimes to your chimes and say a magic formula: "Broy, broom, score money into the house."
  • A broom wen must be stored in warmth, kindness and purity.

Important: Put a broom with a handle down.

How to write a desire and hang on a Christmas tree?

And another New Year's way to make desires.

1. Make a box for your cherished desire. Of course, you can take any box, but your dream deserves a package made by your hands? During the creation of the box, think about your desire.
2. Write the desire on the leaf, fold the leaf four times.
3. Pack the note in the box and hang on the Christmas tree.

Important: no one should touch the box, open it, read a note!

4. A few minutes before the New Year, touch your box with your left hand.
5. Slowly say: "The desire is secretly, but it will become real."
6. Remove your box and celebrate the New Year with her in your hands.
7. Let your desire after the New Year: throw the note into the window.
8. Return the box where it hung.

How to make a desire and what to do for Christmas, so that the desire is fulfilled?

The easiest and most effective way to make a desire for Christmas is to entrust him with a paper angel.

  • On the night of January 6 to 7, cut an angel out of paper.
  • Write your desire on it.
  • Draw one eye on the back.


  • Put the figure under your pillow.
  • The next day, transfer the paper angel to a reliable place or carry it with you.
  • You will draw a second eye to your angel when the desire begins to come true.
  • After fulfilling the desire of the angel, burn.
  • Give the ashes to the wind.
  • Be sure to thank the angel for the happiness that he brought to you.

Angel template

How to make a desire to fulfill it on a birthday?

Birthday is an amazing day, regardless of whether we love this holiday or not. Our ancestors believed that on his birthday, the line between the two worlds for the birthday man is thinner and all his desires would be heard. Everything that close people wish for him will also be heard.

Candles on the cake are not just a decoration. And their function is not at all in the demonstration of our age.

For the first time, the ancient Germans began to decorate the birthday cake with candles. For them, candles symbolized the glow of the universe. In addition, it was believed that the smoke that rises from the candles obscured by the birthday, will quickly deliver his desire to heaven.

Advice: There must be a cake with candles on the birthday of birth!

Regardless of what way to convey your dream to the Higher Forces you choose, remember: the universe has only your hands to bring it to life!

Video: parable about the materiality of thought

Video: how to make a desire correctly

Video: How to make a desire to come true?

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