Fortune -telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols and drawings of people, animals, birds, insects, fish, trees, plants, flowers, objects, mythological animals, landscapes, signs

Fortune -telling on coffee grounds: the meaning of symbols and drawings of people, animals, birds, insects, fish, trees, plants, flowers, objects, mythological animals, landscapes, signs

In the article you will find interpretations for the most common drawings when fortune -telling on coffee grounds.

Granding rules on coffee grounds

Fortune -telling on coffee grounds is an ancient practice that has gained not only popularity, but also the respect of mankind for the subtlety of flair, delicacy and accurate prophecies. It is believed that when drinking coffee, a person firmly connects this natural drink with his energy and small grains of custard grains are laid out in a certain pattern, foreshadowing something or pushing into thought.

Basic requirements and rules of fortune telling using coffee grounds:

  • Guess should be guessed exclusively on a hollow hammer coffee brewed in a Turk. Coffee in machines, filters and jackets does not fit, since it does not fall into the cup.
  • During the way you drink coffee, sugar should not be added to the drink, since this component not only “spoils” the taste of coffee, but is also able to influence the “deformation” of the pattern in the cup.
  • Correctly select the cup in which you are going to guess. She should be round, not too high, with a wide edge, without patterns and preferably white.
  • You should make your desire or ask an exciting question before you are sipping the first portion of the drink. Well, if you think about this topic throughout the pleasure of coffee.
  • After you drink all the coffee, there will be a buzzer, on which you should guess. You will definitely need a saucer or plate. Carefully, but quickly turn the cups upside down. Turn the cup three times clockwise. The liquid part of the grounds will flow out onto the dish, leaving the drawings on the walls of the cup.
Rules and recommendations for fortune telling
Rules and recommendations for fortune telling

The meaning of symbols and drawings of animals when wondering on coffee grounds

Very often those that make fortune -telling on thick coffee see animal images on the walls of the cups. Each drawing should be correctly interpreted to understand their prophecy or warning.

Interpretation for fortune telling:

  • Horse -the sign portends you a great job or an important thing that will have to spend a lot of effort and time.
  • Kangaroo -a good sign that tells you that you will be surrounded by love, warmth and care from a loved one.
  • Tiger -the sign of "approaching danger." Be careful, perhaps you will soon have problems in a financial or personal life.
  • Elk -a good omen that portends a happy life and a happy future.
  • Bat -a sign that says that you will have good health and a happy long life awaits you.
  • Crayfish -in the future, you will have a situation that will provoke you to stormy, emotional and excessive experiences.
  • Fox -a sign that portends you a catch, cunning and betrayal from a close or familiar person.
  • A lion -fortress of the family and the devoted love of a lover, good health.
  • Rabbit -you are awaiting troubles, worries and excessive "running" soon.
  • Lizard -a sign that advises you to be prepared (ready) for surprises and surprises.
  • A goat with horns -this drawing warns you against "unkind relatives" and conspiracies against you.
  • Rat -wait for betrayal from a loved one, friend or relative.
  • Camel -your endurance, strength and hard work will be useful to you soon.
  • Elephant -a sign that “warns you” that a very influential person will appear in your life, capable of changing a lot.
  • Bear -you will have to face ill -wishers.
  • Squirrel -to cope with your problems and overcome difficulties, you will have to show hard work and diligence.
  • A monkey -pay attention to his close friend, perhaps he deceives you or something is plotting against you.
  • A dog with a tail -help of a friend in a difficult life situation
  • Poodle -fun, jokes, holidays in the company of close people
  • Deer -the drawing promises you soon to face the situation in which you make the right decision, do well or win.
  • Hare -a quick change in events, quick decision -making and a change of plans.
  • Pig -the sign "speaks" that you have to survive a lot of experiences and unrest.
  • Bull -a good sign that portends you happiness and well -being.
  • Giraffe -doubts and experiences soon.
  • Hedgehog -the opportunity to show character in the near future.
  • Turtle -do not rush to make sudden decisions.
  • Wolf -in the near future you will need to show the willpower and be a more decisive person.
  • Cat -a sign that warns you about meanness, betrayal and troubles in the future.
  • Snake -wait for envy or catch from a colleague, friend
  • Frog -you will be too frivolous and careless that you can ruin your plans and things.
  • Crocodile -you should calm down and do not make decisions without relying on your emotional experiences.
  • Cow -a symbol of the fact that in the future you will be successful.
  • Hippopotamus -wait for troubles where you can expect them the least.
  • Sheep -warm and family comfort, health, joy of family holidays.
  • Crab -danger in unexpected places.
  • Mouse -hidden dangers and problems.
  • Rhino -troubles at work and the envy of colleagues.
  • Panther -facing problems and unexpected difficulties.
  • Polar bear -the two -faced of a friend or a loved one.
  • Leopard -you should commit a noble act in the near future.
  • Hamster -think about vacation, trip or travel in advance so that it does not break at the last moment.
  • A donkey -“Stupid” and selfish friends will demand help and attention from you.
  • Gorilla -in the future, you will have such a situation when you will have to belligerently defend your honor and the honor of the family.
  • Kitty -small troubles, experiences and difficulties that you can easily overcome.
  • Dog's face -a new friend or person will appear in your life, and perhaps just an old one will arise.
  • Barsuk -this is a bad sign that portends a person a betrayal and infidelity of a loved one, a lover.
  • Tushkanchik -stupid decisions, made hastily and in a burning.
  • Mitty -small "piles" from friends or loved ones.
What do you see in coffee grounds when wondering?
What do you see in coffee grounds when wondering?

The meaning of symbols and drawings of people when wondering on coffee grounds

Another frequent pattern in the coffee cup during fortune -telling is the outlines of a person. Pay attention to such a sign and correctly select the interpretation of this “sign”.


  • A man in a hat -secrets, conspiracies and secrecy from the person to whom you trust your most important secrets.
  • Two people -wait for a meeting with a person who will “fall in your heart” or a meeting with a good old friend.
  • Woman -the advice or help of a well -known woman will affect your outcome and significantly change the situation for the better.
  • Girl in a long dress -to see such a “sign” portends you to meet your chosen one or getting married.
  • A woman with a child -portends pregnancy or happy motherhood (paternity).
  • Pregnant woman -a successful conception and birth of a child.
  • Girl -acquaintance with a woman, a meeting with a beloved.
  • Man profile -an important conversation or a meeting with a man.
  • Child -you need to take care of the health of your child (or a child of loved ones).
  • Horseman on horseback -making a serious decision, business trip.
  • Bride -marriage, acquaintance with a woman, love.
  • Old woman -diseases and ailments, their severe course.
  • Ballerina -the resistance and strength that you are lucky to purchase soon.
  • Two children -you should take care of your child’s leisure and help him buy new acquaintances.
  • Dzhigit -someone envies you.
  • Embryo -any beginning of your affairs will have a successful outcome and success.
  • Monk -be careful in making important decisions.
Drawings on coffee grounds: how to read them correctly?
Drawings on coffee grounds: how to read them correctly?

The meaning of symbols and drawings of birds when wondering on coffee grounds

Birds - often appear as a foreshadowing “sign” in drawings from coffee grounds.


  • Rooster -cares, troubles, running around and home vanity.
  • Swan -the faithful and reverent love of a beloved man.
  • Pigeon -wait for messages, important or joyful news in the near future.
  • Peacock -excessive boasting, your envy of someone and empty experiences.
  • Bird -good and joyful changes in life, messages and conduct from afar, changes in life.
  • Flying bird -the favorable outcome of any business for which you will take.
  • Owl -correct decision -making.
  • Martin -wait for the addition in the family or the arrival of relatives in the house.
  • Parrot -empty conversations and gossip, gossip of friends and colleagues against you.
  • Goose -home comfort and small home concerns.
  • Chicken -caring for neighbors and pastime with the family.
  • Chick -a pleasant message, invitation to visit or for a holiday.
  • Ostrich -guests in the house from afar, unexpected guests, unwanted guests.
  • Penguin -caring for children, measured and leisurely.
  • Pelican -you need to take care of the future and accumulate a little money, otherwise in the near future you risk staying “on bobs”.
  • Stork -wait for the addition in the family or a prosperous conception.
  • Heron -caution in business and decision making will not hurt.
  • Chick -anxiety and vanity about children.
  • A flock of birds -negadated and unexpected guests can come to you.
Different symbols and drawings on coffee grounds
Different symbols and drawings on coffee grounds

The meaning of symbols and drawings of insects when wondering on coffee grounds

If you saw a drawing of an insect in a coffee cup, after you drank a drink, the interpretation of this sign will come in handy.


  • Butterfly -wait for carelessness, lightness and happy pastime.
  • Spider -the danger that awaits you "on every corner."
  • Snail -in making important decisions, it is best to be slow and careful.
  • Scorpion -betrayal by a loved one.
  • Ant -soon you will have to work hard to find the desired.
  • Streep -excessive fussiness will harm your plans.
  • Bug -a lot of work and great work (physical).
  • Caterpillar (worm) -you need to take rest and a break from work.

The value of the symbols and patterns of fish when wondering on coffee grounds

Fish are special “signs of fate”, and therefore, if you saw a similar drawing, rather rush to decipher it.


  • Som -if you want to safely solve your affairs, know that the time has not yet come to make important decisions.
  • Gold fish -you are very lucky literally in everything! Wait for prosperity, you are used to large incomes.
  • Kit -slowly but true, success will come to you
  • Dolphin -help of a friend in a difficult life situation
  • Sea Horse -good prospects and a prosperous future
Patterns on the walls of the cup that portend the future
Patterns on the walls of the cup that "portend" the future

The meaning of symbols and patterns of flowers, plants, trees when fortune -telling on coffee grounds

Flowers are not only a beautiful pattern from coffee grounds, but also “sign”, as it portends some events in life.


  • Flower -good changes in life, holidays, gifts and fun
  • Rose -attention sign from the opposite sex
  • Tulip -wait for betrayal and lies from a close friend
  • Lilia -female conspiracies and gossip
  • Mushroom -help of friends (financial or moral)
  • Christmas tree -your family is under reliable protection
  • Spruce -you will have a great and bright future
  • Topol -envy and jealousy from colleagues
  • Bouquet of flowers -wait for gifts and surprises

The meaning of symbols and drawings of mythological animals when wondering on coffee grounds

Even a mystical image that appeared in coffee grounds can predict you some changes in life.


  • Dinosaur -fear, anger, experiences and hatred on your part.
  • Mermaid -wait for a catch from a well -known woman.
  • Crap -you are in a serious danger.
  • Angel with wings -do not worry, you have reliable protection and you have only prosperous days and a happy, healthy, comfortable future.
  • Unicorn -a good sign that tells you that everything will be fine with you, both at work and in your personal life.
  • Pinocchio -be prepared for the holiday, guests and fun.
  • Hatomat in the hat -take care of the health of your loved ones.
  • Firebird -you chase too “big bird” and cannot hold the “tit in your hands”.
  • Kikimora -wait for slander and scandals with an elderly woman.
  • Witch on a broomstick -you have a rival (in a love relationship).
  • Pegasus -joy and favorable changes in life.
Fortune -telling on coffee grounds
Fortune -telling on coffee grounds

The value of symbols and patterns of landscapes when fortune -telling on coffee grounds

Landscapes and plant motifs are very often seen by those who are guessing on coffee grounds.


  • The mountains -you need to take care of your health and try to be a more calm, balanced and reasonable person.
  • City -a large amount of work, zeal and hard work (which will be rewarded).
  • Volcano -too emotional decisions, the adoption of which will harm your affairs.
  • Sun -a happy future and luck in all matters.
  • Cloud -lightness and carelessness, warm relations with others.
  • Forest -difficult and confusing solutions, doubts.
  • Wood -the proximity with the family, pleasant meetings and family holidays.
  • Sea -secrets and doubts, painful solutions.

The value of symbols and drawings of signs when guessing on the coffee grounds

If you saw a symbol in the thick, he must have his own interpretation in the dictionary.


  • Inverted heart -disappointment in love, betrayal or betrayal, the result of a romantic relationship.
  • Heart -meeting a loved one, finding a lover, a wedding.
  • Arrow -an important event in life that will change everything or the adoption of a vital decision.
  • Boot -travel, meetings, acquaintance with new cities and countries.
  • Bag -someone carefully hides something important from you.
  • Month -mysterious events, mysticism around you, unusual events.
  • Crown -luck in every business, success in any undertaking.
  • Cross -a successful outcome of affairs, ailments, bad luck, problems in all areas.
  • Double numbers -an increase in prosperity, financial good luck, acquisitions, purchases, profit.
  • House -the road home, traveling home, returning home.
  • Key -making an important decision.
  • Anchor -stagnation, both in personal life and in financial matters.
  • Boat -uncertainty in everything that can harm your life.
  • Eye -be careful and do not trust others, even very well -known people.
  • Lips -someone talks about you, too many and not always favorable things.
  • Horseshoe -you will be taken in everything, for whatever you take up.
  • Ship -a distant journey and changes in life, the return of an old friend.
  • Mask -many hide important information from you.
  • Dress -get ready for an important event or triumph.
  • Candle -a long way and waiting.
  • Kettle -pleasant home chores, fuss and care for loved ones.
  • Embryo -a new successful business that will give you big life changes.
  • Ring -the proposal of marriage, gaining a loved one.
  • Hand -the help of loved ones, a request for help.
  • Torch -the desire to achieve changes in life, which will be successful.
  • Nose -someone clearly wants to know everything about you and literally "sticks his nose in their own business."
  • Software -be prepared for the fact that you do not "have to sit still."
  • Apple -you should take care of your health and health of your loved ones.
  • The Infinity symbol -endless luck, luck, success and joy.
  • Road -get ready for a long and heavy road.
  • Glasses -you are so “blind” that you do not notice how a loved one deceives and betrays you.
  • Crescent -insufficient amount of information, secrets and intrigues.
  • Telephone -important message, news
  • Scull -illness, death, loss
  • Bell -important and joyful news
  • Watch -you will not have time to do something very important
  • Pine cone -this “sign” says that you will be successful in any business will surely be persecuted by prosperity.
  • Mirror -an insufficient amount of information will provoke an incorrect solution.
  • Nest -home and comfort
  • A nest with a chick -family finding a child
  • Umbrella -wait for troubles, gossip, gossip and vile conversations about you.
  • Kite -unfulfilled hopes
  • Chess rook -"One step" from an error
  • Geometric figure -firmness and self -confidence (remember these qualities).
  • Chess knight -a noble cause
  • Acorn -the hidden qualities and talents that you show completely unexpectedly.
  • Lightning -surprise and shock, bad consequences
  • Car -road, journey
  • Vase -holiday, event or celebration in the family
  • Snowman -a large amount of work and hard work
  • Basket -unexpected pleasant surprises, gifts and profits
  • Tower -conspiracies against you
  • Feather -good events in life
  • Airplane -long journey and business trip
  • Fire -the danger of you
  • Mustache -important and responsible solutions at work
  • Bant -celebration and holidays at work, fun, gifts and surprises
  • Ear -rumors and lies around you
  • Parallel lines -calm and measured life
  • Church -joyful and funny events in the family
  • Mettle -new in life, changes, purchases, news
  • The fountain -a favorable solution to the financial issue
  • Hat -secretity, secrets from you
  • Ark -the bad will soon be replaced by good
  • Trident -debts and financial "pit"
  • Hook -the chance to be interfered in someone else's quarrel
  • Semicircle -an unfinished business
  • Axe -threat and danger to you
  • Waterfall -big spending money, embezzlement
  • Clown -excessive fun and laughter, jokes
  • Skates -prosperous resolution of home problems
  • Box -improving the financial situation
  • Women's breasts -maternal care, childbearing
  • Flag -a distant journey
  • Horn -very impressive and bright event
  • Kuvshin -feast and joy in the circle of good people
  • Bridge -reconciliation with the old enemy
  • Points -improving the financial situation
  • Exclamation point -be careful and careful in everything
  • Question mark -your events and plans to change
  • Egg -conception, the appearance of a child, birth
  • Tank -confident desire for a goal and victory
  • Armchair -calm and dimensionality
  • Pyramid -a large amount of work, a lot of efforts
  • Spit -a confusing decision
  • Lighthouse -finding an answer to the question
  • Doll -falling under the influence of a stranger
  • Heel -new acquisition

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