True fortune -telling for a monthly for a girl, women - 2 options: folk signs. Fortune -telling on the day of the beginning of menstruation for love, marriage, beloved man, guy

True fortune -telling for a monthly for a girl, women - 2 options: folk signs. Fortune -telling on the day of the beginning of menstruation for love, marriage, beloved man, guy

In this article, we will talk about the way of fortune telling, which any girl will cope with - about fortune -telling on menstruation.

In ancient times, people looked more closely at both the world around him and what was happening in the body itself. "Everything from the gods!" - so they reasoned. A monthly sex is also looking at the monthly sex, carefully comparing the time of their appearance with the events that took place in life. Maybe you should use their experience?

Fortune -telling by month in time of day

The first thing to pay attention to is at what time of day the periods began:

Monthly, which began early in the morning, are the most favorable sign.

Early morning - during the period until 11.00. Such menstruation will be the best harbinger - a harbinger of love, conflict resolution. At the same time, it is not necessarily meaning romantic relationship - Maybe you will find Harmony with relatives or friends.

Energy beating over the edge and successful solutions will be satellites in the near future.

Important: there are times when a few drops of blood appear first, and only then complete menstruation go. In this case, pay attention to the first “signals”.

Day - during the period from 11.00 to 13.00. Another time that predicts extremely good events. Especially often they will occur in work sphere. Success, pleasant surprises, inspiration - expect all this.

Half - from 13.00 to 17.00. Perhaps you it is worth showing caution. It is necessary to rely solely on yourself, and it is better to avoid cases that can turn into troubles. The probability of failure Especially high.

Evening - from 17.00 to 21.00. This option is more favorable than the previous one, but you will not have to enjoy particularly. But test the longing - Yes. It is possible feeling of uselessness and loneliness.

Night - from 21.00 until dawn. This period has always been especially unloved by our ancestors. Perhaps because he portends separation, suffering. Perhaps your friends or loved one will be overly busy or leave somewhere.

Important: perhaps deceptions or even betrayal await you. Try to be on the alert.

Fortune -telling by monthly by day, weeks, on the first day of the start of menstruation for love

Monday - The day is heavy, which we all remember. And in the case of this fortune -telling, this statement justified itself - troubles and strong excitement They will become faithful companions of a woman. They will probably appear when an attempt is made to settle troubles.

But you should not despair - it is quite possible that you get an extremely valuable gift from a loved one.

Tuesday - life changes. Perhaps fate has prepared meeting with a certain personwho will become very important after a while. And perhaps, a meeting with a good friend or even with a friend, with whom you have not seen for a rather long time, is coming.

By the way, if you have long been going to spirit in order to make some important decision - Feel free to take a step in this direction. And perhaps the meeting can help.

Monthly, which began on Tuesday, also promise a meeting with old friends.

Wednesday -unfavorable time. Troubles that will have to worry a lot over, will make themselves felt. Check less trust To others.

But you should not worry much: the periods that began on this day of the week, as it were, say that you must continue to fight. Only in the case of an effort, the result will be favorable.

Important: keep in mind that all predicted will be relevant for a month exactly before the next critical days. This means that a long series of troubles should not be expected.

Thursday - predicts guests or invitation to visit. Perhaps guests will come to you. And perhaps it is you who will receive an invitation to any celebration or just for friendly gatherings. If they find themselves new people, take a closer look To them - perhaps these are your future good friends.

Keep in mind that such an event can bring both a lot of joy and troubles. Just try to show a little more accuracy than usual.

Friday - Mostly this is a favorable time. You probably will suddenly get such news that will change something for the better. However, for such changes you have to attach a lot of effort.

Important: but do not rush to relax - troubles are also likely. Friday can be a contradictory day.

Saturday is an extremely good day. He portends harmony, a variety of benefits. What is commonly called "semolina from heaven" will become quite real! Maybe, a secret desire will come true, a troubles will be eliminated As if by themselves.

There is a great probability of getting Recognition of love, start a new relationship. Our ancestors considered the beginning of menstruation on Saturday a sign for the upcoming engagement or wedding.

Monthly, which began on Saturday, predict a possible recognition of love
Monthly, which began on Saturday, predict a possible recognition of love

Sunday - Great mood. It is not for nothing that it is considered time fun and joy. Even if some troubles on the personal front appear, they will disappear very quickly and without consequences very quickly. Nothing will be able to spoil your mood. Or maybe you will be able to go to the long -awaited vacation!

Fortune -telling by monthly numbers for girls and adolescents for a guy, a loved one, for marriage

Now let's look at the options that depend on the number:

1 - luck and feeling of happinesswho will give some euphoria. It is worth noting that such an euphoria will not blind, but will give an incentive for upcoming achievements.

Important: get ready to accept positive changes in life. Do not neglect the meetings - they are useful.

2 -Probably someone from well -known people will disappoint or even begin to call contempt. Just as likely and the negative attitude of others towards you. However, it may well happen that the rejection will not cause a person, but a certain event.

3 - Pretend the conflict. It is recommended to stay away from all kinds of conflicts. Argument, which you easily fall into the next month, may be forgotten, but it may become protracted. It all depends on your actions. Recommended get worried about your health.

4 - happinessassociated with the embodiment of the most cherished wish. Refuse at this time from experiences on trifles - enjoy joy in full!

5 - A loved one can present you a pleasant gift. If you do not have a loved one yet, menstruation is portended on this day successful shopping camping or another favorable investment.

6 - intrigues behind your back, slander Or quite tangible Obstacles From enemies. Be on the alert and try not to gossip yourself.

7 - The harbinger mutual love. Take a closer look at those men who surround you - maybe your fate is among them? If a loved one is already there, Relations will strengthen or you will make peace.

Important: but do not rely exclusively on providence - you will have to make efforts yourself.

8 - promises jealousy. Perhaps it is worth stocking up with soothing means, as it is coming a period of jealousy. Try not to give a reason for your man to worry. If you are prone to this feeling, try not to commit rash acts.

9 -Still keep the sedative nearby, but this time they will have to treat their nerves thanks to enemies. Gossip, slander, attempts to destroy your plans - Here, without confidence and a clear head, can not cope. They will probably try bring the trouble to your personal life.

10 - portends yours love In someone. If you already have a lucky one, wait strengthening relations. But if you parted with a man, it may well happen and renaissance relations.

11 - Try to keep in your head that your loved one should trust. The fact is that outbreaks of jealousy In the coming month, they are very likely, and this will lead to serious consequences.

12 - It is likely to appear on the horizon new fan. However take it a wary of it, because nothing serious of your relationship will eventually grow.

Important: it is possible that this person uses not the best means to attract your sympathy ..

13 - Do not portend the best period, it is not for nothing that this number is considered unlucky. The luck in the coming month will be a guest not frequent for you.

14 - happy news Already on the threshold! They will certainly cheer up.

15beloved man or girlfriend They will present to you problems. Or, as an option, they will experience problems themselves. However, all this is temporary.

16 - refrain from gossip In the coming month. It is likely that you can suffer from them, and it is noticeable. However, you have to resist and comments and commentswho probably wound others.

17 - separation from a loved one. It can be either long or short. Refrain from quarrels And then reunion will not have to wait long.

18 - New serious phase in personal relationships. For unmarried young ladies, she will bring the long -awaited hand and heart proposals, and the married ones will receive new round family relationships.

19beware of a man who fascinates. It may seem that he is sincere and in love, but in fact there is only a dry calculation.

Important: do not allow passion for this person.
If you do not listen to the monthly, which began on the 19th, you will remain with a broken heart.

20 - and again Unrequited loveb for unmarried young ladies. Or small With a person who is far not indifferent. It is also possible lies from relatives. It is possible that it will be a "lie for the benefit."

21 - Show carriage in everything. Follow both your things and the surrounding people who can deceive. Do not conclude transactions. Take more time to the family, because it can collapse.

22 - financial well -being You are provided! It can be anything - an unexpected prize, a large gain in the lottery, tangible earnings. By the way, if you have been looking for a long time work or part -time job, in the next month there is a huge probability of finding what you want.

23 - The month will pass under the sign of happiness. A series of happy eventsthat will become important and give a lot of joy. Perhaps they have every chance of becoming turning in life.

24 - A noisy and joyful holiday at your house. Start preparing for i will receive guests. The guests will be pleasant and numerous, and the reason will be joyful. Most likely, some kind of holiday is coming.

25 - The circle of your communication will expand. maybe the appearance of a person with whom the novel will be tied. It is possible that this will happen during some travels.

Important: pay attention to dating in this period - they can become fateful.

26 - gain a reliable friend. Or old friends and relatives will put their shoulder. The month will pass under the sign stability.

27 - the desire will be fulfilled. Moreover, help regarding its embodiment will come unexpectedly. It is possible that along with a sudden man.

28 - They promise successes in work, and personal life will remain at the same level. In terms of work, you can expect a tangible breakthrough. Including improvement will also affect the material component.

29 - unfortunately, Tears and grief It will be frequent during this period. Expect reliable shoulder from loved ones “They will certainly help to cope with grief.”

30 - Relations with a previously unfamiliar man. Free young ladies will receive a partner for long bright relationships, and married seduction. In the latter case, flirting is not excluded, but without negative consequences.

31 - You can safely anticipate adventure! And there are no surprises - a new acquaintance, a journey, the appearance of a hobby.

Important: there is a probability of you commit some unseemly acts in a fit of feelings. Be careful!

General fortune -telling for a woman on lunar days

The girl should pay attention to the lunar day on which menstruation began. There are certain lunar days in which seek the interpretation of fate is useless - It will not give true answers. it 1, 12-14, 19, 23, 26, 29 days.

Generation on the monthly feng Shui

Even ancient fans of Feng Shui treated monthly as the process that cleanses the body. It was believed that it was thanks to this process of updating women that they live on average longer than men.

Even in ancient times, it was noted that those women who have been communicating with each other for a long time and tightly are synchronized. This made it possible to conclude that critical days are a very subtle process, which is influenced by various changes from the outside.

Important: we wrote about how this process can be interpreted-surprisingly, but Feng Shui followers gave the same interpretations as other observers.

Representatives of Feng Shui have long noticed that menstruation can predict successes, for example, in love

It was believed that famine Similar to the elements of nature - wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Wherein:

  • water is bloodwhich cleanses
  • earth is ovulation, during which a new life is born and emerges
  • metal is a barren phase. In the body after ovulation, like on metal, nothing takes root

Fortune -telling according to the monthly, like any other, should not be perceived as truth in the last instance. Take the information received, analyze, carefully look at the world - perhaps this approach will help you out. However, remember that a lot depends on ourselves.

Video: menstruation - Women's topic

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