What does the peak of a dozen in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, deciphering a combination of cards in Love and Relationships, career

What does the peak of a dozen in playing cards (36 cards) mean: description, interpretation, deciphering a combination of cards in Love and Relationships, career

A dark map with sharp designations often scares the fortune -telling. But is it so scary, this peak dozenWe will figure out the article.

The main value of the peak dozens in playing cards when fortune -telling with a deck of 36 cards

Peak dozen In most cases, when wondering (36 cards) acts as a negative card. These points include restrictions that are associated with the physical and spiritual order, not the implementation of the plan, the failure of all plans, illness.

But do not be so categorical. The positive moments that give a chance to think about what is happening are also associated with this card.

Direct position of the peak dozens

  • Direct position of the peak dozens means interest in something, whether it is a person or a trip. From any even the most difficult situation, you can find a way out if you certainly want it. It is worth just taking advantage of your intellect. It can even help simple luck. Quite easy situations may arise, but it is simply difficult for a person to come out of them, as he has lost faith in himself.
  • If a 10 peak beside with a hip seven - He speaks of a sentence that will become unexpected for you.
  • With a trefoil (cross) ten - talks about the moment that will become a turning point during illness.
  • With the Diamond King - He will indicate what will be the reason for solving problems.

Inverted position

  • Inverted position. In this case, there is no unequivocal opinion. Some diviners unanimously repeat the aggravation of the problem and warning about changes to the worst. They are not even able to see any gaps and improvements. Others - that the peak of the crisis is already behind and now the problem will decline. These failures will pass fleeting. But in order to more accurately explain the card, you need to look at neighboring cards.
  • If a 10 peak beside with a hip ace, Indicates unpleasant news.
  • With a peak eight - Own actions will lead to even greater problems.
  • With a peak valet - A person will be able to overcome all the difficulties associated with the disease.
  • Near the seven peak - This is just the changes for the worst.
  • With a hube 7 - An unexpected solution to the issue that is significant for you is proposed, or a significant proposal.
  • If they lay nearby two 10 (any suit), This means in life the one that is guessed on will face significant problems. However, friends will come to the rescue.
  • Three 10 nearby They talk about serious life changes.
  • Four 10 They broadcast that in front of a strip of success in any endeavors.

Peak dozen - alignment of love and relationship: Combinations of maps

Direct position of the peak dozens He speaks of a person capable of unpredictable actions. It is these actions that will affect the relationship between partners and not for the better.

  • Beside With the king of worms The map gives advice to recall and try to return to the place where they were both incredibly happy.
  • With the king of the club  (crusad) - Friends will help to cope with family problems.
  • With any ace - Everything that excited you, possibly a previously received unpleasant message, will turn out to be a lie.

Inverted position of the peak dozens Talks about a difficult period for a loving couple, which is associated with the beginning of a relationship or their transition to a new stage.

  • If the couple has problems, then the card will indicate partners' parties and predict the beginning of a new relationship. The more accurate answer will give six worms. It will be a confirmation of new relationships.
  • 10 peak beside with a dozen tambourines - speaks of the anger experienced by the partner.
  • With any cross card (Tref) It means badly.
  • With any worm card - Family discord.
  • With any 8 - Everything that excited you, possibly a previously received unpleasant message, will be true.

Peak dozen in the situation in career: Combinations of cards

Direct position of the peak dozens in the professional field Indicates the balance between the situation and that nothing to influence the state, and solve it. In this case, there are two ways: “die” and lose everything or go out the winner. What kind of path a person chooses depends only on his abilities, which should not be very overestimated.

  • Beside with a peak ace  10 peak It will show that the problem will be solved and at the same time will bring material profit.
  • With 10 worms  peak dozen predicts a great future for the fortuneteller, great things await him.
  • Paired with with a peak 9 warns to stop and slow down a step, which will lead to financial success.
  • With a worm ten - Money will come to you.
  • With a worm seven - You will receive a profitable offer.

Inverted position of the peak dozens warns of impending danger. The prediction will come true if you do not listen and do not draw conclusions, because the consequences otherwise will be irreversible.

  • If she is next to Trefova (Cross) 9 Failures will be associated with material losses.
  • Near Trefova (Krestovaya) lady - In your environment there are traitors who are waiting for you to make a mistake. But if you think sensibly and not go about the ill -wishers, everything will cost and success awaits you. In this case, this will be an excellent experience that you can share.
  • With 9 Tref (baptism) - Difficulties in finance.
  • With any tubercle cards - Difficulties and problems at work.

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: Value 10 Peak

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