How to find out: do you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate - signs, test, fortune telling. What to do if I like a guy, a man, but I don’t know: do he like me? What question can I ask a guy, a man to find out: do he like me?

How to find out: do you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate - signs, test, fortune telling. What to do if I like a guy, a man, but I don’t know: do he like me? What question can I ask a guy, a man to find out: do he like me?

Recognize the sympathy of the guy.

No wonder they say that a man with a woman, as if from different planets. Sometimes it is difficult for girls to catch signs of attention to themselves. Although, maybe the situation is that they have a very subtle meaning. And it happens that these signs are interpreted a little or completely wrong. But there are tricks and small signals that will definitely give out even the most hidden man.

Signs that the guy likes you: List

It's no secret that men can be bold and assertive enough to directly express their sympathy and achieve the goal. And there are also representatives who can walk in circles for a very long time. And the girl, at the same time, can also have mutual feelings. But she is afraid to express them for the simplest and most banal reason - she is not confident in the feelings of the chosen one.

  • Everyone knows the proverb that "men love their eyes." This is an absolutely correct statement. The guy will always look for you with a look and, under any pretext, will keep you in sight. Let the guy be “accidentally” to see you and meet with you under the banal or implausible excuses.
  • Now, in the era of the Internet, the task is greatly simplified. The guy, if he does not write, will at least put a heart under the photo or post. Even if a man is not a supporter of social networks. Believe me, behind the computer monitor, we all become bolder (yes, the girl is also no exception in this matter).
  • The guy in love begins to change in the presence of a pretty girl. Yes, he can be embarrassed, shy, blush, or, conversely, becomes too cheerful and talkative (even unnecessary). This is already manifested by each person individually. If, with your appearance, the guy begins to behave in a completely different way (sharply shuts up or vice versa, begins to amuse everyone with stories), that is, an occasion to think.
  • Men always protected and defended their beloved. This does not mean that he put on the armor of the knight (at least not in the literal sense of the word). But the guy will try to help in every way. Even if these will be small actions. To convey a portfolio to the house or spend late in the evening - this can already be attributed to a group of direct hints. And such banal things as opening doors in front of a girl, help in class on class or with a job report, also speak of a guy's sympathy.
A sign that you like the guy
A sign that you like the guy
  • It is also worth paying attention to if the guy stood up for you. Even if someone decided not to play a joke. A man will always speak for his passion.

By the way! Not all guys do this, but it happens that a man tries to resort to a feeling of jealousy in his direction. Yes, he begins to flirt with other girls to look at your reaction. Just do not confuse its polygamy with this method. Such behavior should also be accompanied by other signs.

  • In general, men by nature are very large owners (although many of them cannot be called monogamous personalities). Therefore, a pretty girl will always be jealous of other men. Even if the relationship is friendly or purely at work (or studying). This does not mean that a man will not let anyone in. But it will not encourage your communication with others either. Moreover, your attention will try to switch to yourself.
  • I better know this, and I will bring it faster (do), and I will lift it above you. No, he absolutely does not want to boast and look in your eyes a daffodil. It’s simply, so he wants to attract your attention (especially if there are also competitors). That is, you can only entrust any of your request to him alone.
  • Also, many stories about yourself and your biography are not always a signal of love for your personality. With this method, the guy is trying to interest the girl. Especially, it is worth paying attention to the similar interests and views that unexpectedly began to correspond to yours.
  • Oh yes! A loving man will try in every possible way to laugh a girl they like. Under any pretext, he wants to see her smile. And it doesn’t matter, he tells you jokes on the Internet or with live contact.

How to understand what you like, a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate?

Above, although a look was not mentioned as a sign of sympathy, but it has a big and important role. Sometimes one glance is enough to bring the guy to clean water. Men often glance at passers -by pretty girls. But! The gaze of a man in love cannot be confused with anything. After all, the eyes never lie.

  • If you often have a look. A man needs to see his beloved. It is possible to rush to her help if necessary. The guy will not only try to be next to you more often, but also closely observe. Especially, it is important for him to look into the eyes of the beloved girl. As if he wants to read her thoughts or look directly deep into his soul.
  • By the way, if the guy considers you for a long time, this also speaks of sympathy.
  • And it is worth paying attention to his pupils. Well, if you are at a sufficient distance. Extended pupils indicate not only sympathy, but also a desire to your address.

Interesting! If you are in one company and have fun, take a closer look. During laughter, a person involuntarily directs his gaze towards the most pretty personality. As if he wants to see if his passion is fun.

  • Also, it is worthwhile to be prepared for the fact that the guy, when crossing your views, will simply take his gaze sharply to the side. Of course, this indicates his shyness and some fear that he can be rejected. But there are more bold personalities who will continue to look boldly in the eyes (for a while). This already depends on the character.
  • By the way, another little secret. If the guy looks not only in the eyes, but also considers the girl completely, then this also speaks of sympathy. For example, if he looks his eyes to the lips, then he wants to kiss. If it falls below, to the neckline, then perhaps in his imagination he already undresses the girl.
When a look speaks of sympathy
When a look speaks of sympathy

There are several ways to find out how often the guy watches you and whether his gaze is really directed to you.

  • Of course, a friend will be the first assistant. Ask her to follow him. More precisely, I calculated whom the guy is so often stared.
  • You can do it yourself. To do this, you need to connect your lateral vision.
  • And also, if a look at yourself was noticed, you do not need to turn right away. Look somewhere into the distance, and then look sharply at the guy. This is where all the cards are open. The man in love in this case will have a bewildered and slightly embarrassed look. It was as if he was caught on something red-handed.
  • Also, it is worth resorting to your intuition. After all, we can all feel the view of another person on ourselves. And, probably, every girl had cases when, sharply turning around, you involuntarily catch someone's eyes.

How to understand by gestures that you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate?

If he can quickly take his eyes aside and pretend that he accidentally looked. Then gestures will certainly not be able to control. No matter how much he tried. And girls, by the way, also do not know how to completely control facial expressions and gestures.

  • Well, like us girls, guys are also trying to look good and make the best impression. If the guy began to dress much better, use cologne and follow his breath (regularly), then someone clearly hit him right in his heart. And if in your presence a man begins to correct the hair, collar or cuffs, and maybe for the third time he wipes the shoes in 10 minutes, then this lady of the heart is you.
  • Watching his posture. After all, then the man seems higher, the shoulders are wider, the chest is wheel and he looks much stronger and more reliable. And what other guy should become a defender for his beloved.
When gestures talk about sympathy
When gestures talk about sympathy
  • To a pretty girl, the guy never turns his back. Even if a large company.
  • The young man begins to copy the behavior of the girl. Yes, someone told a joke, but you are not funny. So, the guy will stop laughing too. If you changed your pose, he will also mechanically change it.
  • An uncertain and shy young man should feel a support nearby. And it will be an exhibited leg. And it will be directed in your direction. If he has any feelings.
  • And one more nuance - if the guy sits in his leg on the leg, the toe of the shoes will also be directed towards the pretty girl. He himself is not aware of this.
  • A shy guy will always fingering something in his hands-a button, pen or lighter.

How to understand by behavior that you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate?

Above, we have already touched on some aspects of the behavior of a guy who can give out his feelings. I only wanted to add some recommendations in this matter a little and summarize. What is worth paying attention to and what should be missed past your participation.

  • Of course, it has already been said that, if possible, the guy will substitute his shoulder of help. You can even conduct an experiment. But this is if you already communicate at least somehow. Dress in cool weather a light dress and see if he will offer his jacket (jacket or jacket).
  • If you enter the room or just appear on the horizon of his vision, then he will definitely have a smile on his face. So not only men, but also women are arranged. Agree that the smile itself appears involuntarily when I just saw a pretty person.

Important: there is an opinion that the breath of men is rapid (at the sight of the girl you like). In fact, this is the case. The fact is that at the sight of a beloved person, we begin to get nervous. Is it good I look good, but whether it smells good from me, and whether I am standing or rightly I say. Therefore, in the process of excitement, our breathing, of course, quickens.

  • If you already communicate closely, but there are still doubts about his love, then pay attention to the frequency of communication. If he writes and asks document every day (whether he was frozen this afternoon, and not got wet during the rain), then this is a direct confirmation of his sympathy.
  • Also, he will be in every possible way interested in all the details of your life. And most importantly, it will be able to remember everything to the smallest detail. Even when you don’t remember something. It is strange, why, after the wedding, they seem to disappear? But this is another conversation.
The behavior of a guy in love
The behavior of a guy in love
  • The man at the slightest opportunity (or perhaps, without realizing it), will try to touch, feel, or just touch his lover. The well -known method to remove the strand of hair, which accidentally fell out of the bundle and hung over the eyes. In romantic films, the man corrects him and begins to passionately kiss the girl. This is true! Well, or practically. In life, guys, unfortunately, are not so bold. But the strand he will definitely correct or raise the fallen pen, accidentally touching his hand.

Important: he will introduce you to his friends. Again, this is if you communicate. Even when you already have some kind of relationship. This is the most important condition for his love. He will not be shy to introduce you to his loved ones and friends. But, of course, this does not happen the next day.

Also, a small nuance - he is interested in your life. A friend whispered that he had asked more than once, so it is worth reflecting.

What to do if I like a guy, a man, but I don’t know: do he like me?

Well, the case depends on the character. There are such girls who will not wait long. And I will not pay attention to the signs either. More precisely, she saw the guy she liked and began to act herself. But, nevertheless, most young ladies are modestly waiting for the first step from a man. And if this man is also a conqueror of the heart, then the expectation of ignorance becomes tiring.

  • If the above signs did not give the slightest tips or gave a blurry picture, then it is worth resorting to a more sophisticated method. More precisely, it is worth gaining a little patience and wait a little.
  • Believe me, no man will walk in circles for a long time. If the girl already liked it, then he will certainly begin to attack her.
  • The first thing the guy will do is to enter your circle of communication (if you are from different companies). If you are completely unfamiliar, then soon it will definitely “accidentally” face you and the first acquaintance will be tied (and there is the first date).
  • A man begins to love what his passion is fond of. Yes, he will eat the same food. But do not wait for the meat -eater to become a vegetarian. Unless, if a man simply refrains from meat in the presence of the girl herself. Perhaps he will even love ugeling tea or refuse coffee.
  • A man in love just idolize his lady. If you hear many positive reviews and praise in your address, then this is a direct proof of his sympathy.
How to understand about a guy's love
How to understand about a guy's love
  • Compliments in this case are also no exception. Men are well aware that women melt from beautiful words. But do not confuse just experienced womanizer. The man in love becomes very tender and affectionate with his sympathy.
  • But he will also be happy to make fun. Not because he wants to somehow offend you. And due to the fact that he wants to make you laugh and cheer up (if necessary). If some jokes do not like or seem offensive, you must definitely say this. And right away. If you are really dear to a man, he will undoubtedly stop.
  • Flowers, small gifts and other small signs of attention from the guy are direct evidence that you are sympathetic to him.

What question can I ask a guy, a man to find out: do he like me?

If it’s really briefly, then you should ask the guy directly about his sympathy. But for this, not every girl will be able to gain enough courage. And not every guy (or rather, all) will not tell the truth, if you ask in the forehead about his feelings. In a conversation, you should pay attention to slightly different details.

  • It is worth noting right away that you should not perceive ordinary courtesy with sympathy or, moreover, love. If the guy is polite, then this does not mean at all that he likes you.
  • It is believed that at the sight of a lover, a man begins to raise his voice. But this opinion is erroneous. Since, on the contrary, his voice becomes more quiet and soft.
  • A very important nuance is such a manner of conversation only with you. That is, a minute ago he spoke with a loud bass, and sang with you a thin nightingale, then this clearly speaks of some feelings.

Important: there are men who are with many young ladies. Therefore, pay attention not only to how he communicates with you, but also with other female representatives.

  • During the conversation, the man will look into the eyes of his interlocutor, if she is not indifferent to him. No, he can look at other parts of the body. But, in no case, he will not look around and, moreover, to consider other women.
  • He shows great interest. To various aspects from personal life and to other little things. Even if the guy should not be interested in such things.
Learn about the guy's sympathy
Learn about the guy's sympathy
  • The guy’s question about personal life is also a good sign. No, maybe an old school friend or friend from the institute (or work colleague) asked such a question - this is a slightly different case. If a familiar person, by the way, decided to find out about his friend’s personal life, then this is not a reason to choose a wedding dress.
  • Although, if such a friend began to unnecessarily show interest in your person, and even in total with some of the above points (several enough), then this can also be a signal of love.

By the way! If the guy acts as a merry in the company and even uses obscene words, and in your presence turns into Tikhony with the most polite expressions, then this is not necessary to go to the fortuneteller - he definitely has feelings.

  • Men love to boast and adore praise. Therefore, if he talks a lot about his successes and merits, then, in this way, he tries to arouse interest. And if the guy is not indifferent to you, then add a little bright colors and add praise to the conversation.
  • There is also a version that guys cause jealousy. Even the conversations themselves. Just tell how many fans he has. Girls, by the way, also often resort to this method.

How to find out: do you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate - a test

Also, you can contact the help of tests. If suddenly the signs were not enough. Or maybe just a girl is not entirely sure. After all, we often doubt even obvious issues. And if you turn on your imagination and the manner of turning everything upside down, then the signs are interpreted and completely opposite.

It is worth answering several questions (only honestly). For each answer “yes” we put ourselves 2 points, for “no”, of course, nothing. The answer is “possible” or “sometimes” receives 1 point:

  1. When my appearance appears, does a smile appear on his face?
  2. Or maybe he is embarrassed at the intersection of views?
  3. Or maybe he writes messages on social networks or often comments on photos (just likes likes)?
  4. But does he have elementary signs of attention (hold the door, serve a coat)?
  5. Did you compliment me?
  6. Does his behavior differ from attitude to other female representatives?
Testing for feelings
Testing for feelings


  • If the number of points is from 7 to 10, then there can be no doubt. The guy really feels love.
  • If the result is included in the range of 3-6 points, then it has a faint interest. But you can’t call it a great sympathy. Most likely, he wants friendly relations more.
  • If the result showed from 0 to 2, then either the girl is completely uninteresting to the guy, or he is a crazy modest.

You can also resort to some tricks - tests:

  • For example, ask for help. The pencil broke or forgot to take the pen, or maybe dropped her earring - all this can serve as an occasion.
  • If it’s cool outside, then you should accidentally forget a warm blouse.
  • Also, a small experiment. If you crossed the guy with a look, look at the watch. And then, quickly look at the man again. If he also looked at the watch at the same time, then this is a sign of sympathy.
  • Also, you can provoke a man by causing him a sense of jealousy. That is, flirt with another guy. The main thing is not to overdo it!

How to find out: do you like a guy, a man, a boy, a classmate - fortune telling

I would like to immediately clarify that the same fortune -telling may differ a little. Their number cannot be counted, but consider the most popular.

  1. The oldest way is a fortune -telling on the chamomile:

You need to make the name of the boy. And even better - to present it well in your imagination. And start the countdown, tearing off the petal. And speak (you can):

  • loves
  • does not love
  • hug
  • kiss
  • it will press to the heart
  • to hell with

On what word the last petal remained, then speaks of the feelings of the guy.

  1. Another fortune -telling is Lournist. This is a fortune -telling for two!

Which means:

  • Loves
  • Respects
  • Jealous
  • Interested in
  • Suffers
  • Longing
Fortune -telling for a guy's sympathy
Fortune -telling for a guy's sympathy

And also added:

  • Wants to walk (x/x)
  • Will walk (x/b)
  • Will kiss (b/c)
  • There is another (e/d)
  1. Draw a table. In the upper row, a word is written (each letter in a separate cage) and other additions. And the left column indicates the names of four guys whom I would like to know about. Each name is in a separate line.
  2. Below, the number is written in a row in order of 1 to 60. And in the table itself the numbers are placed in random order.
  3. Further, each calls one number (in turn) and crosses out each girl at home. When one number remains in some column (opposite a certain letter), it is circled. Next is the new number again indicates the girl who indicated the crossed out. That is, not the one that entwined.
  4. This is done until the very end, until all numbers end. And then the results are compared about each guy. It happens that one guy has several values \u200b\u200bat once, and someone can do not.

Video: 7 signs that the guy likes you

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  1. Love Illusion of the Doors is behind which a kerpical wall ...

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