Numerology of sleep: when a dream comes true depending on the day of the week, the number of the month, lunar days? What does it mean if you dreamed of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0?

Numerology of sleep: when a dream comes true depending on the day of the week, the number of the month, lunar days? What does it mean if you dreamed of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0?

Dreams we saw are not just any event. This is a harbinger of changes, especially if the dream is associated with numbers.

To interpret the meaning of sleep, we traditionally turn to the dream book. The decoding of a dream depends not only on the images seen. Calendar numerology of sleep It helps to determine what dreams come true and which do not carry important information.

Numerology of sleep: when will a dream come true?

Depending on the day of the week, the same dream can have different meanings. Astrologers were bred by a pattern according to which a certain planet of the solar system patronizes each day of the week. Decoding dreams using sleep numerology Allows partially predicting the development of future events.

The meaning of sleep from Sunday to Monday

  • Monday The day is difficult - the beginning of the work and new worries. The impact on this day is the planet Luna.
  • Dreams from the Resurrection on Monday reflect your feelings, mood, experiences. Pictures are often associated with family relationships and home concerns.
  • The shorter such a dream, the less worries you expect. Emotional background of the dream sets your mood for a new week. Distrust of loved ones in a dream can be projected into real life.
  • Perhaps behind your back weave intrigues. Long dreams should be remembered and try to analyze. Do not rush to tell bad dreams.

Monday sleep comes true on Thursday.

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday: meaning

  • Tuesday Located the fiery planet Mars. The warlike temper of the patron saint makes dreams a prerequisite for future conflict situations.
  • Bright stories seen in a dream encourage decisive actions and actions. Dreams filled with enthusiasm and energy will help to overcome obstacles in reality. The lack of dynamics in a dream indicates a lack of strength and energy in the dreamer.
  • The main purpose of dreams from Monday Tuesday - Prepare a person for possible difficulties, find ways to solve possible problems. The space influence of the planet will help to make the right decisions.

Dreams on Tuesday come true on Friday, but not very often.

By days
By days

Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday: Value

  • Wednesday Located by Mercury. This day is characterized by dreams with speed stories. Actions reflect your relationship with society.
  • If you are surrounded in a dream careful sincere friends, then in life you are a sociable sociable person. If in a dream you are engaged in finding out relationships and creating conflict situations, then you should reconsider your communication style in life.
  • Boring passive dreams speak of insufficient number of bright events around you.
  • Dreams in which you travel or take an active part in various events indicate interesting changes in the near future.

Dreams on Wednesday come true on Saturday.

Sleep from Wednesday to Thursday: meaning

  • Thursday falls under the influence of Mercury. Dreams on this day are reflected by events related to work, career, well -being. Symbolic signs in a dream should become a kind of signal about possible solutions to the upcoming issues.
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday Reflect your internal energy. Gray boring dreams emphasize your low potential and lack of resources in your environment.
  • If you are an active participant in the dreaming events, then you should expect positive changes in professional activities. Dreams that are remembered to the smallest detail have more chances to come true.
  • If you have not remembered anything, then important changes will not happen in the near future.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are very realistic. According to numerology, the plots materialize on Sunday.

Do dreams come true from Thursday to Friday?

  • Friday It occupies a special place in the interpretation of dreams. This day is controlled by the planet Venus. Cosmic influence helps to plunge into heart and spiritual experiences. Dreams on this day are very closely intertwined with personal life, reveal our inner desires.
  • Material values \u200b\u200bin a dream from Thursday to Friday promise to improve your well -being in the near future. Bright episodes in which you receive the desired gifts predict the fulfillment of your desires in reality.
  • Losses of loved ones, waste and misses should alert the dreamer. A difficult period awaits you ahead.
  • In the interpretation of dreams on Friday, the emotional background and the color of what is seen are important, the pictures do not always correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof the dream book.

If the dream was in the morning, then it will come true in the near future. Dreams that occur on the deep night can materialize throughout the year.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday: meaning

  • Saturday falls under the protection of Saturn. Saturday dreams help predict the further development of fateful decisions. Do not rush to connect predictions with your life, it is a high probability that they concern your environment.
  • The influence of the planet Saturn helps to make a wise decision, protect from incorrect decisions, and gain useful life experience. For example, a painful condition in a dream is a warning. Think about your health and review the daily routine for the coming days.
  • Saturday sleep comes true in the near future. This is especially true for those who celebrate their name days on this day. So that a bad dream does not come true, do not tell it until lunchtime, but it is better to throw it out of your head.

The meaning of dreams from Saturday to Sunday

  • Sunday filled with energy of the sun. On this day, dreams are filled with bright energy. On weekends, a person is configured to rest, so in a dream our aspirations and dreams most often pop up.
  • Bright dreams emphasize your positive mood. Dynamic subjects predict new acquaintances and pleasant events. Calm and dull dreams are not an concern.
  • Most likely the next week will be held in the usual mode. Dreams with nightmares are most likely the discharge of the body after a hard labor week.
  • Household plots in Sunday dreams predict your closest family events. Whether dreams come true for Sunday, rather not. Do not treat them as serious visions.

Numerology of sleep: What does it mean to see numbers in a dream?

Sometimes in a dream we see numerical characters. Figures can be dreamed of as an independent object or as a serial number of a particular subject.

The numbers in a dream can indicate:

  • The date of an important event, the upcoming event, the planned meeting.
  • The age of an important person for you, the date of birth, the date of death.
  • Numbers tied to individual events of a person.
  • A numerical reminder of the past event, memories of the events of the last week.
  • A happy number that performs the role of a talisman or a hint before making important decisions.
  • The number of objects or days associated with events in your life.

It is believed that odd numbers are more aggressive signs. Antaens on the contrary, saturated with positive energy. If you saw a large number, for example, double or triple, then it is worth considering the value of each digit separately. Numerology of sleep Takes into account the sum of several numbers.

The value of numbers
The value of numbers

The appearance of numbers in a dream is associated with changes in the near future.

  • Number 0 in a dream symbolizes infinity, continuation of life. This sign can act as a confirmation of the fullness of events in your life or, on the contrary, emphasize uncertainty in your own abilities.

For single women, a circular number 0 may mean a lack of sexual contact.

  • Number 1 in a dream emphasizes the individuality and autonomy of the dreamer. The symbol may indicate the beginning of a new victorious path. It is worth considering, it is possible to begin to develop your creative potential, to begin new interesting things.

On the eve of the trip, the figure alone can become a symbol of loneliness.

  • Number 2 in a dreamacts as a symbol of equality, balance. This symbol is associated with life goals, purpose in society.
  • The deuce in relations with the opposite sex symbolizes harmony, dedication, equality. The number 2 is a binder between a man and a woman, between a brother and a sister, between comrades.

The sequence of doubles in a dream means new prospects. Perhaps you should be patient in anticipation of the desired result.

  • Number 3 in a dreamsymbolizes the harmonious existence of reason, soul and body. The three indicates high performance and abundance. Your undertakings are held under the auspices of the Higher Forces.
  • Number 3 in the numerology of sleep Reflects your interest and motivation, enthusiasm in various undertakings. It is worth thinking about your innermost desires and goals, start moving in the right direction.

The sequence of triples indicates a new source of assistance, a successful completion of efforts.

Numbers in a dream
Numbers in a dream
  • Number 4 in a dreamhe is a guide to action, encourages to realize thoughts into practice. The four symbolizes support and reliable people among your environment.

The sequence of four predicts a stable and comfortable life. Trust your abilities. Review the expediency of your own restrictions.

  • Number 5 in a dreamsymbolizes energy and impulsiveness. Five accompanies spontaneous actions, important events, adventures
  • Symbol 5 accompanies dreams in which you overcome life obstacles. Confirms the correctness of your thoughts and actions, expands freedom of action.

The number 5 can emphasize your increased attention to material things.

  • Number 6 in a dreamaccompanies well -being in the family, in relations, in everyday life and household. The six acts as a symbol of the unification of the inner and external sensation of herself, emphasizes the harmony of the spiritual world. Six in dreams can predict the beginning of new love.
  • In professional terms, the number 6 symbolizes a successful partnership and cooperation. In some dreams, symbol 6 reflects the impossible of your desires.

The sequence of six in a dream emphasizes the lack of balance between material and emotional needs.

  • Number 7 in a dreamit is a reflection of human wisdom, spiritual knowledge and developed intuition. The seven predicts a favorable future, the achievement of the goals. Symbol 7 carries positive energy, indicates a correctly selected life path.

The appearance of the seven in a dream predicts the end of the trouble. The sequence of seven in a dream symbolizes the successful completion of the work done.

  • Number 8 in a dreamit is a symbol of financial well -being and material prosperity. Abundance can come to your life in the form of happiness and love. The eight in a dream calls to listen to the call of his heart, to trust his intuition.

The number 8 appears in dreams during the period of financial and spiritual fullness. The sequence of eights calls for control of their finances, to increased responsibility for their own actions.

Interpretation of numbers
Interpretation of numbers
  • Number 9 in a dreamacts as a humanitarian symbol. This symbol reflects leadership, service for the good of society. Nine can become a symbol of the completion of one of the stages of life and the beginning of another. If you are worried about your future, then the number 9 is the key to your well -being.

The sequence of nine in a dream indicates the perfection of the events and spiritual personality growth.

Numerology of sleep: when will a dream come true depending on the lunar day?

  • Depending on the phase of the moon, you can determine what period of life your dream belongs. Dreams with a growing moon need to be associated with future events.
  • Night stories that fall out for the period of descending the moon will most likely remain in the past. For example, bad dreams indicate that troubles will remain in the past. To see a person from his environment in a dream - to the cessation of close communication with him.
  • Dreams falling on the full moon period, display the most important moments of our lives. For example, clarification of relations in a dream speaks of the lack of mutual understanding between people in real life.
On the moon
On the moon
  • The loss of work in a dream suggests that you are too fixed at your own fear and are afraid of changes. Instead of winding yourself, it is better to engage in an increase in your professional level.
  • The dream in the new moon fills new events, transferred to the future. Plots with your participation display an internal emotional state. Analyze your actions, perhaps you do not express your feelings and feelings enough, giving preference to pragmatic actions.

Numerology of sleep: Do dreams come true by numbers of the month?

To determine what dreams come true, calendar numbers help. The plot of dreams with your participation is more likely to be reality in the near future. The meaning of prophetic dreams must be interpreted using a dream book.

  • 1 and 26 The number is a high probability of a real repetition of the plot of what was seen in a dream.
  • 3, 10, 20 and 17 - The dream awaits quick performance.
  • 2 and 29 - These dates often visit empty dreams.
  • 5, 15, 18, 24 - In these dates, only positive dreams are destined to come true.
  • 12, 16 - Dreams attributable to these dates are best decrypted with the dream book.
By the number
By the number

On the rest of the dates in the interpretation of sleep, it is worth being guided by your own sensations and intuition. The numerology of dreams by numbers of the month is more a hint than the iron rule.

When do you dream of prophetic dreams?

  • Prophetic dreams are filled with special meaning. In such dreams, we are often presented to us dead relatives or images of saints. The episodes seen can predict further fate, and sometimes carry false information.
  • When do you dream of prophetic dreams? According to numerology of sleep There is a high probability of embodiment into the reality of a prophetic dream that falls on the winter week of holy holidays - from 7 to 19 January. It is generally accepted that on church holidays there are prophetic dreams. If they are destined, then in the near future. Unpleasant dreams are better to throw out of your head faster and not to hide on them.
  • Jesus was crucified on a passionate Friday, so dreams from Thursday to Friday are considered fateful and predict the nearest events.
Prophetic dreams dream on certain days
Prophetic dreams dream on certain days

Particular importance must be given to the dream that fell on the nominal Friday:

  • Friday in the first week of Great Lent
  • Friday before the holiday Annunciation
  • Friday dreams on the eve of the Palm Week
  • Dreams for Friday preceding the Trinity or the Ascension of Christ
  • Friday on the eve of the Nativity of Christ
  • Friday before the holiday of the Assumption
  • Friday before the day of the Archangel Michael
  • Friday before the day of the saints Kuzma and Demyan

If the same episode visits you in dreams several times, then the dream is definitely considered a prophetic. Any dream should be treated as a warning. Bad dreams are better to immediately delete from memory and tune into positive events.

Video: How to understand messages through the numerology of sleep?

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