What does the Six Tref (Broat) mean in playing cards (36 cards) when guessing: description, interpretation, decryption of direct and inverted position, combination with other cards in alignment for love and relationships, career

What does the Six Tref (Broat) mean in playing cards (36 cards) when guessing: description, interpretation, decryption of direct and inverted position, combination with other cards in alignment for love and relationships, career

Often, during fortune -telling, simple playing cards are used. In this article we will talk about the meaning six Tref In fortune -telling.

One of the not very simple stripes in gadal deck 36 cards —  six Tref (baptism). If she is in the most part in the situation, this means that a person expects news and trips, most likely related to a business trip.

The main value of the Six Tref (Bross) in playing cards when fortune -telling with a deck of 36 cards

The position of the card during fortune -telling will clearly reveal the essence of the issue and its interpretation. It also matters how exactly the card will lie.

Direct position of the Six Tref (Broke)

In playing cards (deck 36 cards) Direct position 6 Tref (baptism) says that at the moment, the state of rest will be the best action.

  • Nothing can influence your happiness and spiritual state. This period does not portend new meetings that could somehow change fate for the worse. It is worth expecting very minor changes that will not affect your life in any way.
  • Now do not do rash acts and succumb to emotions, show hostility. Do not succumb to conflict situations, it is better to keep silent so that the quarrel does not go too far.
  • To weaken your ardor and calm down, the best remedy will do active sports, a vacation in the forest, closer to nature. Spend more time with friends, relax, go to the theater, cinema.
  • So that you are not taken by surprise, it is worth carefully preparing for the upcoming meeting or the event that should happen.

6 Tref (Cross), along with other cards in the direct position:

  • Valet  with a trefoil (cross) six - You can get pleasant lime, which will be useful to you in the future.
  • 9 worm Nearby - communicate more with friends, they need your help. A friend who is far away will help you cope with the experiences and change the annoying environment. Go on a trip.

Changes in life may not be quite joyful. 6 Tref (baptism) gives recommendations: let everything go on as usual so as not to worsen the state of affairs even more. Be vigilant in this situation, patient.

  • With 8 tambourines - Everything that was bad will soon leave you
  • With 8 worms -You will go somewhere with a like-minded person.
  • With 7 worms “Call you by chance some secret, secret.”
  • With a lady of tref (baptism) - a trip is expected on a long journey.

Inverted position of the Six Tref (Broke)

The inverted position 6 of the club (cross) in playing cards symbolizes the inhibition of what is happening. That any actions may be barren, meetings are postponed, trips to unsuccessful.

  • This is subordination and pressure from the side.
  • This card indicates that at the moment the situation cannot budge.
  • Neither you nor circumstances can influence it.
  • If there are 10 trefuits nearby (cross) - You are waiting for a long road that will not be planned.
  • With 7 worms - It is worth taking care of your health.
  • With a peak ace - This means a negative on the expected action, plan.
  • With 6 worms means a postponed meeting with an employee, a colleague.

Six Tref (baptism) - alignment for love and relationships: Combinations of maps

Direct card value

Direct position of the six  (bapt) In playing cards, it symbolizes an unexpected meeting in a crowded place or a new acquaintance, which so far has an indefinite meaning. This can also mean relationships between people, but love has not yet broken out in them.

  • If a six Tref  (bapt) will fall with figure, and with her will lie down next chervoy Ace, then wait for the early date, possibly in the morning, with bubnaya ace - At noon, on the evening date ( figure) invite s cross (Trefov) aceand a night date, if the combination of cards will be with a peak ace.

The opposite value of the card

Inverted position of the six  (bapt) Playing cards mean temptations that can provoke parties with the current partner.

  • If next to it worm jack - soon parting awaits you;
  • Lady Tref  (Cross) “Someone wants you to part.”
  • For a lonely person, such a card indicates problems in his personal life, he is hard for him to cope with the experiences.

Six Tref (Bross) - Carecase: Combinations of Cards

Direct value

Direct position of the six  (baptism) In playing cards, it means that you will soon be sent on a business trip, but she will not bring the result. But there is a high probability of adding trouble.

  • If the trip is associated with the launch of a grandiose project, it is worth postponing and postponing it for an indefinite time. So that the project does not turn into a complete collapse, switch to something else, relax, find new companions, new resources.
  • But if together with 6 Tref (baptism) I fell nearby 8 tambourine, then everything will return to normal after a while.

Opposite meaning

Inverted position of the Six Tref (Broke) In playing cards, it means that your plans for the future are not yet defined, you are tormented by workdays, they do not allow you to move on. You work for wear, but you will not receive any results or remuneration to the proper extent.

  • Do not speak too much, warns 10 peakwhich is located next to six Tref (baptism).

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: The meaning of the six when fortune -telling

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