The ancient fortuneteller "Cheska" by the days of the week: love signs. What is the right and left breasts, eyebrow, cheek, side of the priest, palm, elbow, knee, heel, foot, ankle on the right and left hand and leg, nose, eye, tongue, head, neck, shoulder stomach?

The ancient fortuneteller

In this article you will find the interpretation of any signs associated with itching on the body.

The right and left breasts are itching: sign

A person who trusts signs will certainly consider an accident that accidentally arose “sign of fate”, which will hint at certain events in life. Women can also pay attention to such a phenomenon as hanging chest.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left breast on Monday -to love and romantic adventures
  • On Tuesday -get to know an interesting man
  • On Wednesday -you will have a new admirer
  • On Thursday -wait for pleasant gifts and surprises
  • On Friday -your friendship can develop into love
  • On Saturday -wait for an invitation to a date
  • On Sunday -you will get a pleasant message soon
  • Right breast on Monday -wait for quarrels and disappointments
  • On Tuesday -you will have a rival (or has already appeared)
  • On Wednesday -wait for disappointments in love
  • On Thursday -you will have a scandal with your loved one
  • On Friday -perhaps your beloved is cheating on you
  • On Saturday -wait for parting with your beloved
  • On Sunday -expect unpleasant news from your beloved
The most detailed interpretations
The most detailed interpretations

The right and left eyebrow itch: sign

If you suddenly have The eyebrow was combedKnow this “sign” warns you about some events and messages.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left eyebrow on Monday -wait for unpleasant situations
  • On Tuesday -get ready to get bad news
  • On Wednesday -you will meet an unpleasant person
  • On Thursday -you quarrel with an dear person
  • On Friday -wait for unexpected guests
  • On Saturday -you will spend a lot of money in vain
  • On Sunday -to difficulties and problems soon
  • The right eyebrow on Monday -wait for the increase or bonuses
  • On Tuesday -a pleasant news will soon be happy with you
  • On Wednesday -good meetings with dear people
  • On Thursday -unexpected surprises and gifts
  • On Friday -romantic adventures and experiences
  • On Saturday -for holidays and fun
  • On Sunday -call or message from pleasant people
Signs about eyebrows
Signs about eyebrows

The right and left cheek are itching: sign

And you noticed how unexpectedly you start to burn or hove the cheek? Perhaps this is also a sign that predicts you events in the future.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left cheek on Monday -a bad person recalls you
  • On Tuesday -apparently, you are discussed at work
  • On Wednesday -wait for failures in professional terms
  • On Thursday -they say about you, and not the most pleasant things
  • On Friday -you have envious people
  • On Saturday -your work and merits cause not only admiration, but also anger among colleagues (employees).
  • On Sunday -wait for difficult and hard work
  • Right cheek on Monday -wait for pleasant messages or surprises
  • On Tuesday -great prospects at work are waiting for you
  • On Wednesday -you will meet a good and pleasant person
  • On Thursday -do not miss the opportunity and improve your financial condition.
  • On Friday -you have a trip ahead
  • On Saturday -to pleasant purchases and pastime
  • On Sunday -wait for the guests
Interpretation will accept
Interpretation will accept

The right and left armpits are itching: omen

How often do you scratch the armpits? This is a rather rare phenomenon, which can also be perceived as a sign.

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left armpit on Monday -you will meet an unpleasant person
  • On Tuesday -you are destined to meet a person "from the past"
  • On Wednesday -you have to survive unpleasant news
  • On Thursday -you will be surprised or shocking an unpleasant message
  • On Friday -you will have a series of failures
  • On Saturday -be careful, because you can spend a large amount of money in vain in vain.
  • On Sunday -you have a road ahead and adventure
  • The right armpit on Monday -get to know the new person
  • On Tuesday -you definitely have a fan or an admirer
  • On Wednesday -wait for admission to love
  • On Thursday -you have a romantic date ahead
  • On Friday -the made -up business will certainly be successful
  • On Saturday -you will have reasons to rejoice
  • On Sunday -funny meetings with pleasant people
Itching in the armpits is also a sign
Itching in the armpits is also a sign

The right and left side of the priest is scratching:

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left on Monday -to lies and deceit
  • On Tuesday- To betrayal
  • On Wednesday -to the breakdown of friendship and relationship
  • On Thursday -to an unpleasant bustle
  • On Friday -by sadness and longing
  • On Saturday -to debts and embezzlement
  • On Sunday -to an unpleasant meeting
  • Right on Monday -to a meeting with a "useful" person
  • On Tuesday -to laughter and fun
  • On Wednesday -to the holiday and guests
  • On Thursday -to an unexpected message
  • On Friday -someone talks a lot about you
  • On Saturday -wait for compliments and confessions
  • On Sunday -unexpected events
What is the priest itching for?
What is the priest itching for?

The palm and fingers on the right and left hand itch:

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left palm on Monday -wait for financial profit
  • On Tuesday -unexpected profit
  • On Wednesday -good and large salary, prize
  • On Thursday -wait for pleasant money expenses
  • On Friday -buying an important thing
  • On Saturday -gifts and surprises for you
  • On Sunday -to family meetings
  • Right hand on Monday -you will spend a lot of money in vain
  • On Tuesday -wait for debts and loans
  • On Wednesday -if you have taken money, they will not return it to you soon
  • On Thursday -wait for messages from afar
  • On Friday -you have fuss and care ahead
  • On Saturday -to unpleasant troubles
  • On Sunday -wait for a meeting with an unpleasant person
  • Thumb -conversation with parents
  • Forefinger -meeting with an old acquaintance
  • Middle finger -resentment and tears
  • Ring finger -date
  • Misian -hardly with children
Itching on the palms
Itching on the palms

The elbow is scratching on the right and left hand: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left elbow on Monday -to care at work
  • On Tuesday -to a large volume of work
  • On Wednesday -by sleepless night
  • On Thursday -to the disease
  • On Friday -to changes in life
  • On Saturday -to the news from afar
  • On Sunday -to unexpected guests
  • Right elbow on Monday -to unexpected surprises
  • On Tuesday -to fatigue and bad mood
  • On Wednesday -to financial spending
  • On Thursday -by sadness and disappointment
  • On Friday -to a romantic date
  • On Saturday -to an unexpected call
  • On Sunday -to a pleasant gift
Signs about the elbow
Signs about the elbow

The knee, ankle, a little one on the right and left leg are itchy: a sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • Left leg on Monday -to domestic troubles
  • On Tuesday -to an unexpected call or writing
  • On Wednesday -for a holiday or party
  • On Thursday -you will spend a lot of time in vain
  • On Friday -you will experience pleasant emotions
  • On Saturday -meet the one you have already forgotten
  • On Sunday -you will acquire the most welcome
  • Right leg on Monday -you need to take a break from hard work
  • On Tuesday -to a pleasant family evening
  • On Wednesday -to an unpleasant conversation
  • On Thursday -to quarrels and scandals
  • On Friday -to clarify the relationship
  • On Saturday -to travel and road
  • On Sunday -meetings with old acquaintances
The leg is it
The leg is it

The heel is scratching, the foot on the right and left and leg: sign

Interpretation will take pro hanging legs:

  • Left foot or heel on Monday -you finally succeed in buying something that you had not enough for so long
  • On Tuesday -you have to go through a long road
  • On Wednesday -your friends talk a lot about you and even bad
  • On Thursday -be sure that they envy you
  • On Friday -you will meet a former loved one
  • On Saturday -you will have a reason for jealousy
  • On Sunday -you will make a new acquaintance
  • Right foot or heel on Monday -you have a rival or rival
  • On Tuesday -do not plan anything serious on this day, everything will be in vain.
  • On Wednesday -in vain expenses and labor
  • On Thursday -wait for an unexpected and unpleasant conversation
  • On Friday -you will have to make excuses and explain yourself
  • On Saturday -you will lose something
  • On Sunday -sadness and experiences
Signs about heels
Signs about heels

Lips scratching: sign

Interpretation will take pro hanging lips:

  • Upper lip on Monday -to conversations
  • On Tuesday -to condemnation
  • On Wednesday -to troubles
  • On Thursday -you will talk badly about a familiar person
  • On Friday -to the kiss
  • On Saturday -to bad events
  • On Sunday -to experiences
  • Lower lip on Monday -to the phone call or message
  • On Tuesday -to problems in personal life
  • On Wednesday -to tears
  • On Thursday -to fun and laughter
  • On Friday -to the date
  • On Saturday -to sex
  • On Sunday -someone fell in love with you

Caughty nose: sign

Interpretation will take pro the nose that itches:

  • On Monday -to festivals and holidays
  • On Tuesday -to a meeting with pleasant people
  • On Wednesday -to drink wine
  • On Thursday -to the guests
  • On Friday -to gifts
  • On Saturday -to a date with your beloved
  • On Sunday -to meet a good person

The right and left eyes are itchy: omen

Interpretation will take pro hanging eyes:

  • Left on Monday -to doubt and incorrect decision
  • On Tuesday -to unpleasant words and offenses
  • On Wednesday -to travel
  • On Thursday -to tears
  • On Friday -to the guests
  • On Saturday -to pleasant purchases
  • On Sunday -to a small illness
  • Right on Monday -to forced spending
  • On Tuesday -opponent at work
  • On Wednesday -someone will surpass you
  • On Thursday -your person "by ear"
  • On Friday -you deserve a bad glory
  • On Saturday -you have a bad reputation
  • On Sunday -someone wants to offend you
Eyes itch
Eyes itch

The right and left ear is itching:

Interpretation will take pro hanging ears:

  • Left on Monday -they talk badly about you
  • On Tuesday -the former or former
  • On Wednesday -to gossip
  • On Thursday -to problems at work
  • On Friday -someone envies you
  • On Saturday -you have many envious people
  • On Sunday -tomorrow you will meet an unpleasant person
  • Right on Monday -someone praises you
  • On Tuesday -you deserve a good reputation
  • On Wednesday -you are so good that many admire you
  • On Thursday -at the moment someone is condemning you
  • On Friday -wait for a phone call or message
  • On Saturday -you offended someone
  • On Sunday -someone holds evil on you

Language is itching: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • On Monday -you said something bad about a good person.
  • On Tuesday -do not bother stupidity, otherwise you will regret
  • On Wednesday -you will have a reason to laugh and have fun
  • On Thursday -soon there will be fun and joy
  • On Friday -you will have problems with your family
  • On Saturday -do not make mistakes, they will much harm you in the future.
  • On Sunday -nice conversations

Head itches: sign

Interpretation will take pro head:

  • On Monday -to great and hard work
  • On Tuesday -to worries and troubles with children
  • On Wednesday -to travel
  • On Thursday -to a difficult decision
  • On Friday -to problems at work
  • On Saturday -to monetary spending
  • On Sunday -to love intrigues
The tongue itches
The tongue itches

The neck, shoulders are itching: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • The neck on Monday -to the nerves
  • On Tuesday -to overwork from work
  • On Wednesday -to the black strip in life
  • On Thursday -you will have trouble
  • On Friday -you yourself can solve your problems
  • On Saturday -wait for an unpleasant conversation
  • On Sunday -you will have a reason to seriously worry
  • Shoulder on Monday (left) -wait for envious glances
  • On Tuesday -you will have an unexpected meeting
  • On Wednesday -troubles in relations with colleagues or relatives
  • On Thursday -financial difficulties and debts
  • On Friday -emotional stress and disappointment
  • On Saturday -to a painful parting
  • On Sunday -to the losses
  • Shoulder on Monday (right) -to a bad letter or an unpleasant conversation.
  • On Tuesday -to the wrong decision
  • On Wednesday -someone will offend you
  • On Thursday -scandal at work
  • On Friday -to the news from afar
  • On Saturday -you quarrel with your loved one
  • On Sunday -you have a reason to be jealous

Helds are itching: sign

Interpretations will accept:

  • On Monday -to an unexpected journey
  • On Tuesday -to vivid impressions and funny events
  • On Wednesday -to easy earnings
  • On Thursday -to a pleasant date or meeting
  • On Friday -to disappointment and disorders
  • On Saturday -something bad is coming
  • On Sunday -to tears

Video: "Sign: What is itching for?"

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