What does nine peaks mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation of a direct and inverted position, decoding a combination of maps in loving and relationships, career

What does nine peaks mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation of a direct and inverted position, decoding a combination of maps in loving and relationships, career

A complex card in many values \u200b\u200bwhen wondering with a deck of 36 cards. But it is important to understand the interpretation in time to be prepared for unexpected troubles.

The main value of the nine peaks in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards

Nine peak It means difficulties, and also says that they need to fight in every possible way so as not to lose a sense of stability. For the most part, this card can be characterized as negative with troubles, quarrels, diseases, and injuries. But there is the right of the last move behind the map, when it is possible to neutralize the unpleasant outcome of the case, making efforts.


Direct position of nine peaks

Direct position of nine peaks In playing cards, when wondering indicates diseases, disagreements, and even death. But not everything is so bad, and in every situation it is worth trying to fight even in the presence of diseases and quarrels.

Only the strength of the spirit and the right emotional attitude will help to survive all the troubles. As a result, fate will award you peace and peace.

If next to nine peaks falls out:

  • King of Worms- Then, if the persons of whom the person who guess are guessed, has a desire to change either the country or move to another city, then all desires will come true.
  • Nine tambourines - It is worth defending your point of view in discussion and not to follow others.
  • Nine Tref (baptism) He will open the right doors so that two people who were all going to meet finally meet, and this may be profitable for both sides.
  • With a ace of worms - speaks of a noisy party with friends and acquaintances.
  • Another card with a peak suit -This is a losing result during the trial or any conflict.

Inverted position of the peak nine

Negative importance is inverted peak nine - Tears, despair, disappointment. In this position, she predicts the death of a loved one or relative, or the end of friendship with your best friend. After a while, you have a not very pleasant, forced trip.

  • Pares with ace peak - A serious illness to the questioner.
  • With ace of tref (baptism) - betrayal, deception.
  • FROM  8 tambourine - All planned plans will be failure.
  • With 8 peaks -A relative disease or someone close, with high costs.
  • With 7 peak -Something bad related to relatives.
  • With 10 clubs (bapt) -The chagrin will come from a faithful and good friend who will offend you, or some grief will happen.
  • With other peaks - He says that the difficulties and troubles are temporary and soon everything will work out.
  • With worm cards - Family troubles associated with scandals.

Nine peaks in playing cards when wondering for love and relationships : combinations of cards

Direct position of nine peaks In playing cards with fortune telling - a symbol of conflicts, a black strip in a pair. This can even lead to a divorce. Someone from the couple will offer to live separately from each other to check the sincerity of feelings.

Sexual nine peak will reveal the unhealthy sexual desires of a partner, which will some extent become addiction. All problems can be solved without the participation of someone from the outside. One has only to find arguments that will help to establish relationships and switch a sexually active person to another object of lust. It can also indicate strong unrequited love. However, your happy family future depends only on you and your desire, since the card has the right of the last move.

9 Peak nearby:

  • With a worm ace - You are ready to compromise to establish relationships and get support from a person from your environment.
  • If a worm jack falls out, a lady or king -This is a prediction of the end of relations due to disappointment either in each other or one of the partners in another.
  • With a trefoil (cross) seven Indicates excessive gullibility to others. Such a trusting attitude can turn against you, which can lead to parting and quarrel.
  • With worm 10 - External factors will affect and change the situation for the better.
  • With a peak valet - To establish a relationship, you should go on a trip or a suburban trip with friends.
  • With a peak lady or peak king He speaks of fidelity, devotion and love.

Inverted position 9 peaks In playing cards with fortune telling, it means that all attempts to make peace, and return the old relations, or please the chosen one, will fail. Just for some time you should wait, let go of the situation, while everything is settled and not to do rash acts.

However, if you or your chosen one have a desire to change your life coolly and start everything from scratch, and even a new relationship, then 9 peak In this case, it predicts a gap.
If you are guessing for a friend, then nine peak It will not help you here, but on the contrary, will spoil friendly relations.

  • If she is near the ace of a tambourine, then indicate a trick, and even a deception from the side of the environment.
  • With a valet tambourine “Gossip is spreading around you, and they come from your friends.”
  • With a worm valet or lady - For those who are not in a relationship, a slight short -term novel that you will not remember. Who is already in the Union - misunderstandings that lead to a break, but if you stop and do not aggravate misunderstandings, it will end safely.
  • With another worm suit - A scandal that can fade quickly.
  •   With a peak jack or lady- Fast reanimation after betrayal.

Nine peak in playing cards when guessing in career: Combinations with other cards

Direct position of the peak nine In playing cards with fortune -telling, it symbolizes problems in business that can be corrected if you do not fall in spirit and connect all your skills in order to find allies and resources.

Also, this card, when wondering with money, symbolizes a good sign. Guessing at the moment when the monetary problem is already at its top, nine peak It prophesies a decline in a crisis and improving affairs in the future. In this case, it is better to put everything on its own and not succumb to provocations, and most importantly, do not rush.

If with 9 peak nearby:

  • A trefoil (crusade) of ace falls out- This indicates that you are walking along the right track, and now nothing can move you from him.
  • The worm six - The alignment says that only faith in the best is able to overcome all bad weather. A positive outcome of the case will be only if a person himself wants to achieve success and makes efforts.
  • Trefovaya (bapt) 10- This is interpreted as contradictions and disagreement between colleagues or business partners when distributing money.
  • On the other Trefova (cross) - means disagreements in matters with money between project participants.
  • With any tubercle of suit - Excitement about the lack of money.

Inverted position of nine peak He says that your career is on the verge or in a fairly shaky position, the slightest problem can destroy everything. Everything is so sad that you are not even able to think about some kind of improvement in matters. With such a map, it is better not to start a new business or financial process, but to temporarily stop the procedure until better times, to wait.

If the peak nine:

  • Near nine worms - Indicates the news, which will shit even more position.
  • With Trefova (bapt) 10 - The money that you counted at the moment will not arrive at the moment, or you will not be able to spend money this time on what you wanted. This may also indicate a scandal due to the inheritance.
  • Pares with ace of Tref (baptism) He says that it is worth asking for professional assistance from the outside, since you can’t get out of these problems yourself. However, one must be acute when choosing such an assistant, because he may turn out to be an ill -wisher.
  • With ace tambourine - This is a lawsuit.

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: completion map

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