Fortune telling on the names and phrases of passers -by: 12 best ways

Fortune telling on the names and phrases of passers -by: 12 best ways

In different centuries, unmarried girls tried to find out the name of the narrowed with the help of folk magic, it was customary to conduct a ceremony of fortune telling on the groom on holidays. To do this, used various methods of tanks.

Nowadays, young girls also want to find out the name of the future spouse and use long -standing tested methods of fortune telling. These types of predictions can be carried out independently and find out what is destined for fate, what will be the groom and what to expect from marriage with him.

Fortune -telling in the name of the groom for passers -by

  • This method of fortune telling in the name is one of the most ancient predictions. It helps easily and quickly recognize the name of the narrowed. It is best to hold it on the eve of great holidays: Baptism, Savior, Christmas.
  • To find out the name of the future husband, you need to go outside early in the morning after waking up, ask the name of a man who met on the way.
  • It is believed that a similar name belongs to the future spouse. There is a modern version of this ancient fortune telling, in which it is not necessary to go out into the street.
  • However, it should also be carried out during the days of special holiday dates. For Vorozhba you will need telephone. You should call any unfamiliar number and as soon as you hear a male voice, ask the interlocutor. This will be the answer to your question about the groom.
Modern way
Modern way
  • There is another method that will help predict the name of the groom. If a passerby, the interlocutor in a telephone conversation refuses to talk about his real name, ask to name any male name of the future husband.

Fortune -telling on names with a boot

  • Many are familiar with this method fortune telling on names According to the poem of Zhukovsky. A rite was held on a baptismal night. Young girls went out into the street, standing near the gate removed one boot from their feet and threw it over the gate.
  • The first of men who raise the boot was supposed to name your name. For a girl, this meant that her soul mate would call her so much.

Fortune -telling in the name of the narrowed: call out a passerby

  • Such divinationit does not require additional efforts - it is easy to carry out even in a metropolis.
  • For Vorozha, it is enough to be on the street at midnight and ask the name of the first man oncoming man. It is advisable to call a passerby to look around. The name of the oncoming will indicate the future husband.
At the passerby
At the passerby
  • Here it is worth paying attention not only to the name of the passerby, everything is important: its appearance and status characteristics. For them you can understand what financial situation in society will occupy the future spouse and how beautiful it will be.
  • Some girls deliberately wait for wealthy passers -by to do it wealth and rich husband.
  • In ancient times, fortune -telling with the help of a passerby oxen was popular in the Yaroslavl province. Unmarried girls, laying a pancake on their heads, naked one of the men.
  • In other regions, it was customary to go out into the yard to guess with a piece of bread in the mouth. Only the ceremony itself has reached our times, the pancake of the head can no longer be put on the head and bread will also not affect the result of fortune telling.

Fortune telling on eavesdropping phrases of passers -by

  • This option is also suitable for gadaniy in the urban environment. It is necessary to go to a crowded place and following any passers-by, eavesdrop on their conversation.

It should be interpreted as follows: if the conversation is calm or cheerful, then your further fate will be as harmless, and if you hear a swearing or offensive words, it prophesies the disagreement in your life.

  • You can apply another method for this prediction. It is that the conversations are eavesdropping under the windows of a residential building. You will witness the scandal - wait for the same tense life, hear good conversations, children's laughter - it means that your family will have reasons for joy.
  • It is also worth remembering names, overheard in a conversation - people with such names will be the main ones in your fate. Clearly hear the male name - know, meet the groom with this name.

Fortune -telling in the name of transport

  • This fortune -telling helps to find out the predictions of family life, the future husband, how much the marriage will become harmonious and durable. It is necessary to proceed to prediction at night. Sit down by the open window and listen to the transport passing by.
  • In the old days, the girls listened to wagons and sleighs, the clatter of hooves, today these are cars and other vehicles. A car rushing at high speed, enlightes a successful marriage and a cheerful marital life.
  • Когда транспорт проехал еле слышно – символизирует poverty, dryness in family relationships with its soulmate, perhaps not a quick marriage.
  • Some sources say that the initial letter of the name of the car will tell about what letter it will the name of the spouse begins.
  • Modern girls pay attention to the external beauty of the car, in which direction he was driving, foreign or domestic production.
  • Many persistent girls stop the car and play the name of the narrowed by the driver. All these signs can give comprehensive answers for the fortuneteller.
Pay attention to the characteristics
Pay attention to the characteristics

Fortune telling in the name: treaty kutya

  • Fortune -telling is carried out in Christmas Eve. The girl steals a handful of festive Kuti from the table. Secretly goes outside, looking for the first oncoming man - it is necessary to feed him kutii, In return, he will name his own name.
  • The name that the girl will hear from a passerby will become the name of the groom.

Fortune -telling on the jamb of the front door

  • Like the previous methods of fortune telling, this option is also performed at night. A girl who wants to find out the name of the narrowed kisses the door jamb And he is waiting for the one who was the first to cross the threshold of her house.
  • A stranger should enter. If he is young, they are interested in his name. The groom will have such a name.

If the old man entered the house first - tells the name of the mother -in -law, and if the woman will say the name of the mother -in -law.

Fortune -telling in the holidays

On the great Thursday

  • Boil it first oatmeal jelly. They are typed in a spoonful of jelly and go out into the street. They look around saying: "Putted, go is jelly!"
  • The first man who caught his eye will tell you what name they will call her husband. A woman will meet - this name will be called mother -in -law.
Boil on Thursday
Boil on Thursday

Into Christmas Christmas

  • In the period before Christmas, porridge is prepared. Spoon of cooked porridge throw themselves in pocket And go outside. Who is the first of the men to meet, he will indicate the name of the spouse.
  • A similar fortune -telling with porridge is carried out on New Year's Day. The oncoming must guess from what kind of cereal the porridge is welded. If it calls it correctly, then there will be life in abundance, and not true - for the hungry year. Ask name guessing. It will be the same as your narrowed.


  • They sweep the entire IS in housing and collect garbage in the hem. They go out to the people who go from the service. They ask the first person hearing, they recognize the name that the groom should dignify.
  • During the Epiphany holidays, the most correct be guessed - The period is favorable for truthful omen.
  • A common Epiphany rite: the girl bakes pancakes, until the end of the lunch prayer goes out into the street, grabbing one pancake and sung from the hut into the hem.
  • On the street, oncoming man and a woman will indicate the names of future father -in -law and mother -in -law. And if one of the acquaintances meets, she throws out the grade and shares with him a meal of pancakes.
On pancakes
On pancakes

On Shrovetide by pancakes

  • On Shrovetide, you need to go out into the yard with the first pancake and look around: a woman will meet - to empty conversations and gossip.
  • But a man will pass - ask how to dignify him. This will be the name of the husband.

Fortune -telling on sheaves

  • For fortune telling you will need the sheaf of the hay From the last harvest. The girl carries the assembled sheaf to the hut. You can’t say hello, be distracted and talked along the way.
  • Following the road, the girl notices passing people: will be the first man - indicate the name of the narrowed, a woman - the wedding will not take place soon.
Ancient way
Ancient way

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Video: fortune -telling in the name of the narrowed

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