Fortune -telling on glasses, glasses - sugar, salt, ring, bread, money, water: value, instructions

Fortune -telling on glasses, glasses - sugar, salt, ring, bread, money, water: value, instructions

Instructions for fortune -telling on glasses and decryption.

With the approach of the New Year and Christmas holidays, many girls strive to find out about the future that awaits them. That is why fortune -telling and various witchcrafts are popular during Christmas. There are many options to find out the future. Below we will talk about how to guess on glasses.

Fortune -telling on glasses, glasses - sugar, salt, ring, bread, money, water: value, instructions

There are several options for fortune -telling on glasses or glasses. It depends on the volume of cups and their quantity.

Fortune -telling

It is most often held on New Year's Eve, although this is not fundamentally. Allows you to roughly find out what nature events expect the one who wonders. In order to carry out manipulation, you will need an assistant. It can be a girlfriend. The most interesting thing is that in this way you can carry out fortune -telling in turn.

Fortune -telling
Fortune -telling


  • Take 6 containers and fill them with different contents
  • Pour the water first and pour 15 g of sugar, in the second container - salted water
  • In the third glass, put the ring, and preferably the girl who wonders
  • A slice of bread or a piece of dough is invested in the fourth container
  • In the fifth container, put a coin of any denomination
  • And in the sixth-ordinary tap water
  • Now ask for a girl who will guess, hold all the glasses in her hands
  • Tail her eyes and mix the cups
  • Without opening eyes, ask the girl to choose any cup
Fortune -telling
Fortune -telling


  • Salted solution - to difficulties
  • Sweet water - to surprises and good events
  • Ring - to gifts and possible marriage
  • Bread or dough - for the birth of a baby
  • Ordinary water - by the good year
  • Coin - to money and material enrichment
Fortune -telling
Fortune -telling

Fortune-telling 7-10 cups

In principle, manipulation is carried out as in the first case. The difference lies in an additional cup. It all depends on your imagination. Most often, I put peps, pepper, a piece of newspaper, an eraser in extra cups.


  • Puppet - to the baby
  • Newspaper - to enter the institute
  • Pepper - to grief and disorders
  • Lastik - to correct errors
Fortune-telling 7-10 cups
Fortune-telling 7-10 cups

Unusual options for fortune -telling on glasses

There are other ways of fortune telling. To do this, you can take any number of containers. On a piece of paper, write what you want to get in the new year. It can be a car, work, marriage, housing. Mix a few empty cups and somewhat filled with scraps with inscriptions. Mix and allow you to choose the one who wonders. Previously, it stands a person who wants to know the future, blindfold.


  • Any glass with a piece of paper promises what is written on it
  • If you got an empty glass, then your life in the new year will be filled with new events and what you do not expect
Unusual options for fortune -telling on glasses
Unusual options for fortune -telling on glasses

Fortune -telling on glasses is an easy way to know your future for the next year.

Video: fortune -telling on glasses

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