Fortune -telling on ink spots: rules, instructions, spots and description of the results

Fortune -telling on ink spots: rules, instructions, spots and description of the results

There are a lot of fortune -telling methods. One option is a fortune -telling in ink spots.

This method bastard Available for everyone who wants to open the veil over his future. You will need only a feathers, ink (preferably black or red), a completely clean thick sheet of paper (without marking or other drawings on it) and a regular sheet of paper in order to accurately formulate and write a question. It is thanks to the unpretentiousness of objects that are used in the process, bastardLike fortune -telling on tea or coffee grounds, it is very widespread.

Graduation rules on ink spots

The result of any fortune -telling is the answer to the question of the fortune -telling, interpreted through the prism of the experience of fortunetellers and its intuition. But if you guess yourself, it all depends on you. First of all, you need to learn how to ask questions correctly. Well, of course, connect intuition. Before starting bastard Be sure to tune in and select those questions that really excite you. It is desirable that you were alone in the room and there are no distracting factors.


Each type of fortune -telling has its own stages and rules. To correctly implement bastard Follow our instructions:

  1. Remember that throughout the process you must remember your question and keep it in your head without being distracted by other thoughts.
  2. A sheet of paper must be folded twice along a longer side. After that, expand the sheet and put on the right and left marks indicating the upper and lower parts of the sheet.
  3. Place a sheet of paper so that the fold is in a horizontal position, and the mark indicating the top of the sheet is to the left of you.
  4. Take the second sheet of paper and, having previously seriously considered the question that you have to write on it. Write a question on a leaflet.
  5. Next, you have to make four blots on the sheet after dipping the feathery handle in the ink. You need to make blots in the middle of the sheet - that is, not on the right or left, but in the middle, starting at the upper edge of the sheet and gradually moving to the lower one.
  6. Repeat the action by putting four ink blots on the right side of the sheet. Try not to contact them with the spots that you have already done in the center.
  7. Now you have to put blotes on the left side of those that you have already done in the middle of the sheet and on the right.
  8. Make prints of one side of the sheet on the other by bending it along the bend and pressing it tightly.
  9. Expand the sheet and wait until the ink dries.
From ink
From ink

You should get 12 spots.

How to interpret the drawing in the fortune -telling in ink spots?

To get a reliable result bastard You need to put a sheet of paper in front of you so that the “top” mark is at the top.

From ink
From ink

You have to poet out three sheet zones in stages:

  1. At the bottom of the sheet, all the moments of your life are collected that make you worry, as well as everything that is an obstacle to your development, whether career growth or mental development.
  2. The very center of the sheet contains the essence of your question, your state of mind at the moment and the experiences with which you have the situation in which you are, your perception of it.
  3. The upper part of the sheet suggests what awaits you in the future - possible options for solving situations and what you have to do to solve it.

All spots are interpreted in a dense relationship with the figures that you will see on the sheet.

The value of geometric shapes on paper in bastard on ink spots

Bastard Gives the reptile a lot of tips and keys to the future. The main semantic load is carried by figures that were formed on paper.

  • Triangle. If the triangle is directed upward up - this means that success awaits you. But, as for everything in this life, you will have to work hard for this. Willpower, determination and determination are your reliable partners in this. The same figure directed by the top down is also a good factor, but a speaker that you need to show other qualities. To succeed, you need to become softer, more empathize with the people around you, and also be patient.
  • Square. This figure warns that you are waiting for a long way full of obstacles. In order for everything to turn out exactly as you want, you need to turn off emotions, stop complaining and whining. Turn on logic, show perseverance and determination - and everything will work out. It is especially difficult for you if the square manifested itself in the upper part of the sheet.
  • Rectangle.If you see a rectangle on paper - you do not trust yourself and are not objective enough in relation to yourself. You need to look at the situation wider. Try to read something new about the question you are interested in or look for more information from different sources.
  • Rhombus.Your unwillingness to accept future changes and change your life, in accordance with them, constantly leads you to problems. Perhaps it's time to gain courage and accept an inevitable future?
  • A circle - The figure is ambiguous. Located in the lower part of the sheet - you will have to make a duress choice, in the middle of the sheet - you yourself will make the necessary decision. If you saw a circle at the top of the sheet, this is a hint to the fact that you will soon receive a profitable offer. The circle is also a sign that you are under the care of divine forces.
A circle
A circle
  • Two circles or oval - You are waiting for quarrels and parting. If the figures are connected by a line, there is still a chance of reconciliation. If one of the circles is in the upper part of the sheet, you will definitely make peace.
  • Crooked lines and stupid corners- They indicate that you are in a very unstable situation. At the same time, inside you are uncertainty, you are unbalanced and inadequately assess the situation, which is why your relationship with people around you is spoiling. If the lines are located in the middle of the sheet, you need to calm down, do not make decisions in a comb. If in the upper part, focus and try to ensure that your actions are as accurate as possible.  

Video: The value of ink spots

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