What does Valet Tref (baptism) mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation of a direct and inverted position, decoding a combination with other cards in Love and Relations, career

What does Valet Tref (baptism) mean in playing cards when wondering with a deck of 36 cards: description, interpretation of a direct and inverted position, decoding a combination with other cards in Love and Relations, career

Bright card Valet Tref  (bapt) Indicates significant changes in various fields. Let's find out in more detail the interpretation of this card during fortune -telling (36 cards).

The main value of the Crusade (Tref) in playing cards when fortune -telling with a deck of 36 cards

Valet Tref (bapt) Direct position

These are concerns, creative crisis, chaos, bad news. If in case with Valet Tref (bapt) fell out Ace and King Tref (baptism), then these worries will be huge. Also the appearance Valet Tref (Broke)in the situation, it suggests that the fortune -telling is true, correct.

Trefoil (crusade) jack - A dark -haired young guy. He is a companion, energetic, he is fond of many and is not afraid of change. He can be one of the relatives, just familiar, possibly at work, or a student, a student, can be a military, a soldier, a cadet.
Perhaps this person needs help.
If they guess a person to help, then in this case with trefov (Crusade) Valet Help will come to him.

  • If the jack of tref (bapt)will fall in the situation first among others Valetov of any suit - Everything you have planned will be fulfilled, what you will be guessed.
  • With a trefoil (crusade) 8 means happiness that will appear unexpectedly. This 8 indicates that this guy is a military man.
  • With worm 7 - The troubles that are associated with household chores.
  • Paired with cards worm suitValet Tref (bapt), will mean a friend who can be trusted.
  • If two jacks lay in the situation - Intrigues and gossip are waiting.
  • Three jacks - A conversation with a person who will affect your life.
  • Four jacks Close to each other - fun with friends.

Valet Tref (bapt) Inverted position

  • Near any card of worm means a person who will deceive love or friendship.
  • FROM  7 peak - Expect harm from enemies.
  • Between two valetes - Guessing excitement awaits ahead.
  • If with Valet Tref nearby King Peak and Lady Tref (Bross), this means that influential people are unkind to you.

Valet Tref in playing cards when guessing for love and relationships: Combinations of maps

Valet Tref (bapt) Direct position.

This card speaks of pleasant troubles. And also that your loved one needs your support and help. It is possible that it can be your friend. When a person who is guessing needs support, he will receive it.

Describing the character of a person, Valetov's jack (baptism)he speaks of sincerity and honesty.

But most often Valet Tref (bapt) Shows the emotional state of a person.

Pares with your beloved predicts a good future. Since everyone knows how to compromise and understand what a loved one lacks. Harmony always reigns in a pair and they are never bored together. A very comfortable alliance.

  • Near Chervova 10 “A pleasant surprise from your lover awaits you.”
  • With worm 8 - You will find a pleasant conversation with a pleasant person.
  • With ace tambourine - The pleasant news you get from your beloved.
  • FROM  Lady Tref  (bapt)- The guy has serious intentions for marriage and begins to act in this direction.
  • FROM  Lady tambourine- Nearby is an ill -owned woman who causes inconvenience and troubles to the young man.

Valet Tref (bapt) Inverted position.

In the character of a young man, a tendency to gossip and intrigues.

  • FROM Lady Tref  (bapt)- The guy will postpone serious intentions for marriage or relationships for an indefinite period.
  • FROM Lady tambourine-Nearby is an ill-owned woman who causes inconvenience and troubles to the young man, for some reason he consciously allows her to do this.
  • If a Valet Tref (bapt) Lie down between two ladies - The betrayal of his wife or a serious scandal between spouses or lover.
  • If a with several valetes - This is a partner's fluctuations regarding the continuation of your union.
  • Near 7 Tref (bapt) -The fortuneteller is full of experiences and doubts due to the situation.
  • With peak 7 - betrayal.

Valet Tref in playing cards when guessing in a career: Combinations with other cards

Valet Tref (bapt) Direct position.

A person who is guessed can be described as a business, ready to completely surrender to work, but extremely interesting. To achieve your goals, he is sometimes ready to hypocrite, promise, sacrifice his principles.

  • If it is guessed for a new business, then Valet Tref (bapt) Indicates that there will be problems in achieving goals. We'll have to worry a lot. The fault of all problems and experiences will be finances.
  • However Near Bublova 10,he says that these are fleeting problems that will be resolved in the near future and is waiting for monetary success ahead.
  • With Trefova (Broke) 8- predicts the appearance of the inheritance.
  • With a threeth ace - Material benefit. This also indicates that Valet Tref characterizes a person with great business experience, who is prone to teaching. He has intellectual abilities. He likes to study and he uses the acquired knowledge wisely.
  • If it falls nearby a map of any cross suit - This means that a guy with great potential and a successful future shines.
  • If it falls nearby a map of any towering suit - This means that the guy will do everything at work, as an employee. He will be executive and polite.
  • If it falls nearby a map of any peak suit - This means that a guy is most likely a faithful friend, an assistant, support in business.

Valet Tref (bapt) Inverted position.

  • If it falls nearby a map of any towering suit - This means that the guy is most likely to be deceived by a colleague, a subordinate at work.
  • If it falls nearby a map of any peak suit - This means that there will be misunderstandings, misunderstanding, troubles of the guy in the team, possibly at work, at the place of study.
  • With 8 or 9 peak - The guy expect serious unrest ahead.

Interpretation of other playing cards when wondering

Video: genius in the card of trefoil jack

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