Planning pregnancy for a man. How can a man prepare for conception?

Planning pregnancy for a man. How can a man prepare for conception?

All about the preparation of a man for conception. Not only mom should prepare for pregnancy, but also dad

Competent pregnancy planning is the key to the birth of a strong and healthy baby. Both parents should plan pregnancy: mom and dad. A man needs to start preparation 3 months before the desired date of conception. Just during this time, sperm updates.

What doctor should a man need to contact when planning pregnancy?

Good health of parents plays one of the main roles when conception and birth of a child. Therefore, the first thing the man should go to the doctor. You can be examined in the state clinic and in private. In the state clinic, the process can last much longer than in a private clinic.

First, send the future dad to the urologist. Or better to the urologist-endrologist. Urology is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that prevent conception. Andrologist is responsible for the reproductive health of men. In addition to the urologist, you need to go to the therapist for a general survey of health.

Usually men are reluctant to see a doctor. This is due to psychological reasons. Fear of seeming inferior, insolvent greatly wounds the pride of men. If your man flatly refuses to go to the doctor, try to convince him of the correctness of this decision.

Remember When conception, there should be no scarce and painful conditions in the body of either a woman or a man.

Pregnancy planning for women and men
Pregnancy planning for women and men

Analyzes for men when planning pregnancy

Before conception, you need to take a number of tests. The following tests are mandatory when planning pregnancy:

Analysis for sexual infections (STD)

Important: sexual infections in men most often occur in a hidden form and do not appear in any way. However, these infections negatively affect conception.

But even if conception occurred with the available STD, pathogens of infectious diseases can harm the fetus.

It is imperative to conduct a study for the identification of pathogens of sexual infections (chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci, mycoplasmas, ureaplasma, gardnella). It is also necessary to be examined for the presence of oncogenic types of human papillomavirus.

There are several methods for passing tests for STDs:

  • PCR - a smear is taken from the urethra mucosa (the method is considered the most accurate)
  • ELISA - the presence of antibodies in the blood to infectious pathogens is determined
  • Bucks

Blood test for HIV, hepatitis C and B

Important: Doctors advise all people, regardless of pregnancy planning.

But if we are talking about planning a child with a man and woman, then blood donation for the detection of these diseases is extremely necessary. HIV and hepatitis C and in destructive not only for the fetus, but also for parents.

Blood tests for torch infection

Torch infections include:

  • rubella
  • cytomegalovirus
  • herpes
  • toxoplasmosis
  • chickenpox
  • HPV (human papilloma virus)

These infections are fraught with infection of the fetus in the womb of the mother, further damage to systems and organs.

General analysis of urine and blood

These analyzes reflect the general state of health of a man. Treatment of almost all diseases begins with the delivery of urine and blood.

These tests allow you to determine the presence of anemia or infection in the body.

Biochemical blood test, on the thyroid gland, vitamins B9, B12, D

The work of the liver, kidneys, spleen and other organs is determined. On the day of analysis, it is important to eat nothing before blood taking for about 12 hours.

These tests will tell you what deficits are in the body, which organs need to be corrected.

Examination of men when planning pregnancy

Important: if the couple does not manage to conceive a child as a result of long -term attempts, a man is recommended to undergo a more thorough examination.


This type of examination shows whether a man is able to conceive a child in a natural way. Sperm is examined under a microscope. Mobility, quantity, concentration of sperm are determined.

Study of the secretion of the prostate gland

Identification and treatment of inflammation in the prostate.

Blood test for hormones

The level of hormones important in conception is investigated: testosterone, also insulin and gonadotropic hormones.

Determining the blood type and Rh factor

Blood for belonging to the group and determining the Rh factor is not necessary if a man already knows this data. If you do not know, then you need to donate blood. Based on the results, you can establish what blood type the child will have.

Important: the Rh factor must be installed by the future mother of the child is negative. There is a possibility of Rh conflict of the mother and fetus, which can provoke a miscarriage.

If a man, like his chosen one, has a negative Rh factor-Rh conflict will not. In any case, the doctor should be aware and prepared.

Food for a man when planning pregnancy

For pregnancy planning, a man’s diet should be diverse and useful.

  1. Those who wish to become a father must give preference to meat, fish, herbs, fruits and vegetables, nuts
  2. It is better to refuse to refuse from sweet, flour products in large quantities, carbonated water, milk, fatty and sharp dishes

Full nutrition is a very important step towards continuing the genus. Together with products, a man receives useful substances that affect the quality of spermatozoa.

What vitamins to drink to a man when planning pregnancy?

Vitamins coming with food can not be enough. The main vitamins that have a beneficial effect on conception are:

  • Folic acid-vitamin B9 (Better in the complex of vitamins of group B, where there are, in addition to folic acid and other vitamins of group B). Folic acid not every person is absorbed and enters the cell. Therefore, choose a complex of B vitamins where folic acid is presented in the form of L-5-methyltetragidrofolates (so that there is the word "methyl") and there are other vitamins of group V.
  • Vitamin B12 In the form of methylcobalamin (also better in the complex). A good option of complex vitamin Group B See this link to Aigerb. Other complexes watch in the Aigerb catalog here.
  • Zinc, it is better, of course, to choose a complex of multivitamins for yourself, where all the necessary minerals and zinc ash. If you passed the analysis of hair and urine for mineral metabolism, then select a multivitamin based on your analysis needs. You can choose a multivitamin in catalog Aicherb, after this link. Please note that in cheap multivitamin complexes either few microelements or in9 in the form of folic acid, and we need a methyl group in the form of L-5-methyltetrahydrofolates and B12 can be in the form of cyanocobalamin, and we need in the form of methylcobalamin. Good complex at this link.
  • Selenium and iodine, manganese and copper Also, to be in multivitamins.
  • L-carnitine and Q10it is necessary for mitochondrial health, cell energy, so that sperm is strong, so that the cell meiosis occurs correctly when conception without chromosomal deviations. Carnitine is better to choose in the form Acetyl-L-carnitine, a   Q10 is better together with PQQ. However, if you are already about 40 years old or over 40, then add another Q10 to 400 mg per day. This rejuvenates your body.
  • Vitamins A, C and E, these are important vitamins that many healthy biochemical processes in the body launch. Are antioxidants and protect cells from free radicals that destroy them. Vitamin C better take two types of one liposomal (type of vitamin C, which is produced in the body of wild animals, so they do not catch a cold and they do not have heart attacks and strokes) and another) vitamin C with bioflavonoids And alternate their reception.
  • Vitamin D- A very important vitamin. Its disadvantage can be reflected very negatively on your health until the formation of oncology. And the health of the future dad should be excellent. This vitamin should be at the upper boundary in analyzes. It is better to take it in liquid form. Vitamin D3 is absorbed well with vitamin K2, so buy the drug immediately in this combination. AIcherb catalog see this link.
  • Omega-3. This vitamin will participate in the origin of the brain and vision in the unborn child. Therefore, it is necessary to take it when planning pregnancy. Choose for yourself Omega-3 in the Aicherb catalog, better with sea crime oil.
  • MIO-foreign (vitamin B8) Hormonally balances the body of a man and heals a reproductive system and sperm. Good option B8 by this link Or choose in the catalog is another option.
  • Likopin It is very important for the health of blood vessels, the hearts of not only men, but also the unborn child, normalizes insulin. Choose for yourself option in the catalog.
  • Vegetable enzymes. It is very necessary to improve digestion, which will make it possible to better digest food and the body get a variety of nutrients more. Good variants of enzymes see here or in the catalog of Aicherb.
  • Diet to maintain the liver. The liver is considered the main organ in our body. The work of the heart, brain and other body systems depends on its proper work. Therefore, the liver always requires support. When planning pregnancy, it is very important that the liver is healthy, so that the blood is cleaned well, remove all unnecessary toxins. Therefore, support it with an addition, choosing Aigerb in the catalog And the best option for this link.
  • Phosphatidylcholine (vitamin B4)
  • Magnesium

Vitamin E for men when planning pregnancy

  • Vitamin E affects the fertility of a man. The higher the fertility, the more chances to create offspring
  • Vitamin E improves the mobility and vitality of sperm.

Omega-3 for men when planning pregnancy

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids have a beneficial effect on sperm maturation. With a sufficient number of these substances, spermatozoa become elastic and mobile, which increases the chances of becoming pregnant.

Polyvitamins for men when planning pregnancy

There are polyvitamins for men who can help them become fathers. Here are the names of some of them:

  1. Spermactiv
  2. Spacone
  3. Ortomol
  4. Spermstrong

Important: for the choice of polyvitamins, you need to consult a Andrologist. This specialist dealt with the issues of the reproductive system of men. Only a specialist will be able to determine what dosage and what kind of vitamins the body of a man needs.

Specialon - a complex of polyvitamins for conception
Specialon - polyvitamins for conception

Can a man drink alcohol when planning pregnancy?

Often men are interested in the question - whether it is possible to drink alcohol when planning a child. The answer is categorical - alcohol no.

  • Some men are sure that it is worth abandoning only strong alcoholic beverages. However, even alcoholic drinks with a low percentage of alcohol (for example, beer) can adversely affect the health of the fetus
  • In the sperm of a non -native man there are about a quarter of damaged sperm. This is a lot, you think. But if a man consumes alcohol, the percentage of defective sperm increases. Hence there is a risk of conception of an unhealthy child
  • Smoking also affects the same negative way. It is better to abandon addictions, because the health of the future baby is at stake

Important: alcohol should be completely eliminated three months before the desired conception. It is during this time that spermatozoa is completely updated.

A competent approach to conception is an indicator of a person’s responsible attitude to the upcoming paternity. Such a man will be a loving and caring father. Support your man in an effort to continue a healthy family.

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Video: Preparation for the conception of a man

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Comments K. article

  1. good site

  2. Alcohol is not at all useful, and when it comes to the health of the unborn child, then at all the question of whether or not should be refused. We did not drink with my husband for 8 months at all, and during this time both were examined at the same time. The doctor recommended me to drink vitamins (especially folic acid - this is mandatory for everyone), and the husband ordered a sperm ware to the phytomarket of the ru, so that the mobility of spermatozoa was lifted. Do not ignore your own health, this also affects the child!

  3. When planning pregnancy, I personally prescribed the course of the drug Ovariamin. She said that at my age it does not interfere with supporting the body and push to help him become a mother again. And so it happened. I managed to get pregnant three months after I started drinking the drug.

  4. I began my planning with a trip to the gynecologist. It turned out to be a very right solution, because health problems were discovered, my ovaries did not work for full “power”. I was tuned in for a long and difficult treatment, but the problem was resolved in just a month. And all thanks to correctly selected treatment, I drank ovariamin, and my self -discipline. She took pills on time, ate a lot of vegetables and fruits, refused bad habits, led a calm measured lifestyle. As it turned out, it is not difficult to become a mother, the main thing is to have a great desire.

  5. Thanks for the useful tips! For some reason, many forget about it .... We, by their example, were convinced that if both are prepared, then it turns out much faster to get pregnant. My husband took a spermactin forte, by the way. There, the composition contains L-carnitine and other amino acids, which very positively affect the successful conception. Now I am already in the fifth month of pregnancy, everything goes smoothly))

  6. There is such a doctor andrologist, here he is just dealing with this issue. Now men are somehow simpler to do this, high statistics on male infertility, unfortunately. My immediately went to the doctor, and the message of treatment passed, for which I am grateful to him. I went to the massage, drank a spermaplander for three months, this drug improves sperm morphology. We ordered it at the phytomarket. He quit smoking, did not go to the bathhouse and did not steam in the bathroom.

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