Male name Roman, Roma: Variants of the name. What can you call Roma, Roma differently?

Male name Roman, Roma: Variants of the name. What can you call Roma, Roma differently?

The male name Roman is a melodic and beautiful name. He has interesting derivatives.

In the life of any person, the name is his hallmark. It is given at birth and for life. There are no cases when people change the name, realizing that it does not suit them when they feel uncomfortable. But not only it affects its owner, each owner is characterized by its own set of affectionate and short forms. It is unlikely that you will want to name a serious businessman in the years by the name who is usually called children.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The name for the boy in the patronymic". You will find a list of consonant names.

From this article you will find out what forms the name has Novel. We will also tell you what its meaning and origin is. Read further.

Name Roman, Roma: meaning, origin

Name Roman, Roma: meaning
Name Roman, Roma: meaning

In 2015-2019, the name Novel occupied 15th line in popularity in Moscow. More than 6.5 thousand newborn boys were registered under this name. In later years, boys began to be called so much less often, more often they used more exotic names.

There are two versions of the origin of the name.

  • The first, most popular, says that the name Novel It is a derivative on behalf of Romulus. That was the name of one of the twin brothers, according to legend, founded by Rome.
  • The second version adheres to the Greek origin of the name. And translated means "strong".

In Russian speech came from Byzantium during the adoption of Christianity. Further, it became the popular name of the Russian rulers of the 12th century. It is believed that the name endows the owner with independence, sociability. They make acquaintances easier and are more prone to noisy companies. Novels always have their opinion and a clear life position, rarely lend themselves to other people's influence. They do not forgive offense and are waiting for sincerity from their environment. Children are more often restless at school, study is difficult to study. Included to missing classes.

Name Roman, Roma: What will be the full name?

Novel - Full form of the name. There is a female version of the name - Roman. It is rarely used currently. Forms the middle names of Romanovna for girls and Romanovich for boys. Continuated male options are found orally Romych and Romanch. The last two are never used in official appeals.

Name Roman, Roma-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

The name itself is quite beautiful. To give the tragic and romance of the interlocutor you can call RomeoAs the protagonist of the famous play by W. Shakespeare. As an option, consonant with Italian names - Romello. However, in Italy the name Novel does not change.

What else can be called differently? Here are other beautiful forms of the name:

  • Romanus
  • Romano
  • Raman

There are other options. Read further.

Name Roman, Roma: Brief form of the name

In a close and informal circle, complete forms of names are rarely used. You can reduce the name to Roma and Romych. Roma - The most popular and universal reduction. Here are still brief options:

  • Romasy
  • Romulus
  • Romanka
  • Romakh
  • Romasha
  • Romania
  • Roy
  • RO

You can call your own person named Novel and affectionate form. Read further.

Name Roman, Roma: The affectionate form

I want to call a loved one affectionately and gently. What are the options here? The most diverse, the main thing is that the sound is soft. Romochka, Romushka, Romulus, Romeshechka And other options that only human imagination are capable of. Here are more affectionate options:

  • Romulis
  • Romik
  • Romusha
  • Romasha
  • Romachik
  • Chamomile
  • Romantic
  • Romasy
  • Romaska
  • Romer
  • Romeo
  • Romulenka
  • Romushka
  • Romushechka
  • Romoshulechka
  • Romantic
  • Romashulenka
  • Romasikusik
  • Romonka
  • Romasik

So you can call your loved one or a soul mate. You can come up with your own option. He will be the sweetest and most special for you.

Name Roman, Roma: Squeezing

The diminutive form is more characteristic to call children so. Rather, younger age. Romasha, Romania, Romka, Romik, Romchik - Here are the best options. You can use the following forms:

  • Masik
  • Romanch
  • Romulka
  • Romulus
  • Romusya
  • Romulus
  • Romaine
  • Romashonok
  • Romario

No less interesting and bewitching sounds in different languages. Read further.

Name Roman, Roma: Form of the name in Latin

Despite the fact that Latin does not belong to spoken languages \u200b\u200band its practical application is not particularly wide, the sound of words in this language has its own unique charm. Moreover, to know how the name is written in the language of the place of origin is a big plus to the horizons and education. Romanus, sounds like it is written - "Romanus", translated from Latin, means "Roman", "Roman".

How to write the name Roman, Roma in Ukrainian?

The Ukrainian language belongs to the same language group as the Russian language. Both are in the eastern group of Slavic languages \u200b\u200bof the Indo -European family. This substantiates a similar spelling and sounding of names. Novel - identical in both versions. You can hear an option in colloquial speech Roman In Ukrainian. The stress in this case is placed on the second syllable.

How to write the name Roman, Roma in Japanese?

The Japanese language is radically distinguished by writing and pronunciation from languages \u200b\u200busing Cyrillic and Latin. This is how the name written in Japanese looks:

Name Roman in Japanese
Name Roman in Japanese

This is almost the only Russian name that in Japanese sounds the same as in the native language, without undergoing any changes. Novel - The constant version of the pronunciation.

How to write the name Roman, Roma in French?

The spelling of Latin letters is used again. Romainfrench  pronounced as "Romain". Stress on the last syllable with an almost audible letter "H".

How to write the name Roman, Roma in English?

English, the Western group of Germanic languages, the option is also not distinguished among other languages. Except for Japanese of course. Roman, Roma - This is what the name in English looks like. Pronounced in the same way as it is written.

How to write the name Roman, Roma in German?

Since German belongs to the same group as English - the German branch, the spelling corresponds to the English version. Roman, Roman, Romanus- Three writing options. The latter is used infrequently.

Abbreviated, affectionate, or other change - name Novel It does not have a variety of spelling and pronunciations in different languages. Almost any country remains Roma. For yourself, you can choose absolutely any form of the name, change it as the imagination allows. The main thing is that a person is pleased. Therefore, it is better to first ask whether it is possible to call it so or carefully observe the reaction to the sound of the name.

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