Spermin in protection against diabetes and heart diseases: what is it, what is the benefit, what products are contained in?

Spermin in protection against diabetes and heart diseases: what is it, what is the benefit, what products are contained in?

Spermine is a substance that helps to rejuvenate the body. Contained in many foods.

People since ancient times have been looking for methods of rejuvenation. Various anti -aging agents are being created, the effect of products on the aging process is investigated, the cellular composition of the body is carefully studied for the search for cells that contribute to rejuvenation.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Acidification of the body". You will find out what the essence is, what is dangerous and useful, whether diets are needed.

One of the aging agents is spermin. This tiny molecule is contained in some products and is artificially introduced into pharmaceuticals. More details what it is and whether such a substance helps in some pathologies and in protection against aging is described in the article below. Read further.

Spermin, sperm: what is it, what smell?

Spermin, sperm is polyamins
Spermin, sperm is polyamins

Sperminand sperm - These are biological active molecules, which are included in the structure of animal cells, plants, humans. They are located in the cage core.

  • Spermine is directly involved in the metabolism, as well as in the process of cell division.

Scientists conducted various experiments proving the importance of spermine and spermidine. Studies have shown that spermin cleans tissues of harmful life products. Due to which the body cells are renewed and rejuvenated. Spermine contributes to the process of autophagy - the rejuvenation of cells due to the destruction of old elements and the creation of new ones.

The older the body, the less spermine in it. In the course of laboratory studies, it was proved that its number affects life expectancy, memory, concentration, motor activity. Since spermin is the smallest molecule, its taste and smell are not felt in the composition of products.

Physiological functions of spermidine

Spermin In the body performs many different physiological functions. It is vital for the survival of cells.

  • Spermin is the ancestor of other polyamins. For example, such as sperm.
  • This substance allows different biological processes to proceed simultaneously. Due to which the membrane potential of the body is maintained, the desired level of cell acidity and its volume are maintained.
  • The influence of spermidine on longevity is actively examined. In addition, studies have shown that spermin reduces inflammatory processes, promotes lipid metabolism, affects cell growth.
  • Spermine affects the process of plant growth. And contributes to their resistance to salting and drought, being a predecessor of a sperm, which is directly involved in the process of stability.

The properties of spermidine were examined to assess its effects on hair growth. It was found that it strengthen the work of keratins responsible for the growth of the hairline.

What is the benefit of spermidine?

Regular use spermidine It is capable of having a great positive effect on the body. Spermine is contained in various products, pharmaceutical additives, the use of which will make the body stronger and more resilient.

The benefits of this polyamine are as follows:

  • Improves heart function. Prevents the occurrence of heart and blood disease. Reduces risks of increasing pressure. Such positive effects of spermidine were proved during a scientific experiment. It was attended by 800 inhabitants of the Italian city of Bruniko. They regularly consumed products with spermidine. Many have noted a decrease in the risks of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Rejuvenation of the body.Spermine directly affects the process of cell rejuvenation. As a result of this process, cells get rid of harmful toxins. And the damaged components are subject to processing. Such a process is natural for a living organism. But over the years, its activity is gradually decreasing. The use of spermidine will help maintain the process of rejuvenation of cells at the proper level.
  • Improves sleep. Spermine helps to establish the correct cyclic between sleep and rest.
  • Fighting food allergies and diabetes.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Improves memory in adulthood. This property was proved during the test on old mice. One group of mice was constantly given spermin, and the other was not. Six months later, the mice, taking polyamine, remembered new information faster and better oriented themselves in space.

The positive properties of spermidine were studied on different animals and insects. And scientists received similar results. As a result, conclusions were drawn about the positive properties of spermin and its benefits for the body, including the human body.

Does spermin help in protection against diabetes and heart disease?

Because the spermin It affects the activity of autophagy, then it is a means that reduces the risks of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes. This substance protects the body from different pathologies.

The studies have shown that autophagy has a positive effect on the work of the heart. The use of spermidine will be an excellent prevention from heart disorders in adulthood. It also improves the "breathing" of cells. Since when taking spermidine, the amount of mitochondria in the cells of the heart increases.

Autophagy also reduces the amount of harmful white adipose tissue and promotes fat oxidation. Such processes prevent the development of diabetes and overweight.

What products contain spermide: List

Spermin is contained in many foods
Spermin is contained in many foods

Benefit spermidine Significant. Therefore, with a decrease in its quantity in the body, you can “get” this substance from food sources. There are drugs of replenishing polyamine. But biological additives can not always be beneficial. Sometimes they are simply empty pills that have no positive effect. What products contain spermide?

To replenish this substance, you need to use such products - a list:

  • Wheat seeds in the bud
  • Mango
  • Black Fig
  • Green peppers
  • Walnuts
  • Pumpkin
  • Marinades, which include enzymes
  • Eid liver
  • Salmon caviar or cod caviar
  • Chicken
  • Pork
  • Beef
  • Mushrooms
  • Soy
  • Green tea or orange sheets
  • Sustained cheeses
  • Turkey
  • Beans
  • Cabbage is colored or broccoli
  • Potato fruits
  • Peas

These products can be introduced into the diet gradually, replacing some others. And the strengthening, rejuvenation of the body will become not only a useful, but also a delicious procedure.

It is very important to observe the correct diet. And do not overeat one product to the detriment of another. Before the introduction of a spermidine diet, it is better to consult a doctor or nutritionist. Then food will bring only benefits, not additional diseases.

Spermine is an integral component of the polyamine of the cell. He responds to several processes at once. And a decrease in its concentration leads to irreversible changes in the human body. It is extremely difficult to return the previous function of organs, so it is important to replenish this substance in time. The "rejuvenating" function of the spermidine many people like. Therefore, the trend in the use of this substance using products is gaining more and more popular.

The amount of spermine can increase during the natural physiological processes of the body. So, it rises:

  • During the active phase of growth
  • During the fetal gestation
  • After serious physical exertion
  • In the process of restoring red blood cells with anemia or after hemorrhage
  • When at a high -height

The concentration of spermine can increase during some diseases (joints, liver, and so on). And this substance is reduced in the process of aging of the body.

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  1. In addition to food products, what dietary supplements or drugs will you advise? Specific names? So that you can purchase

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